[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
I suspect Vaul probably has them covered beyond anything we could manage in a reasonable time frame, but a crafting god *would* be a useful niche for us to fill. Maybe crafting/tech to help with teching up? Hm.
Exactly, dual purpose right there and Vaul...if he did, leaving aside GW forcing the issue like they did many of big E's worst choices, i think he might need help, at the very least a smith god or us making specific weapons with guidance from the tomb collective to be specifically designed to kill slaanesh could also help.
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)

fuck it, we ball
[X] Accept the offer (The quest, as it is, will conclude after this turn. There will be a series of votes to choose the planet, sector, etc of your starting point in the next arc. Any hanging plot threads will remain unresolved, and come to a conclusion independent of lizardmen interference. You are guaranteed a limited duration of time where the Eldar Dominion will ignore your existence in the next arc. The quest will continue in a new thread.)

I don't want to be anywhere near the Eldar Dominion due to them being the most likely party to cause a full game over anytime remotely soon.
[X] Accept the offer (The quest, as it is, will conclude after this turn. There will be a series of votes to choose the planet, sector, etc of your starting point in the next arc. Any hanging plot threads will remain unresolved, and come to a conclusion independent of lizardmen interference. You are guaranteed a limited duration of time where the Eldar Dominion will ignore your existence in the next arc. The quest will continue in a new thread.)

Easy choice when you think of the pros and cons of each decision.

Pro: Narrative potential concerning what's already going on and a small chance of effecting Slannesh's birth, with an even smaller chance of stopping it outright.
Con: Essentially give-up on ever attaining a high tier end for things like research/development/infrastructure and the like. And high probability of a weaker start in the next ark.

Pro: Guaranteed high tier end for things like research/development/infrastructure and the like, and a strong safe start for the next ark.
Con: Give up on effecting all narrative threads concerning the planet were on and the chance of effecting Slannesh.

If Slaanesh is no longer eventually going to be born, the storms may not just go away instantly, but it seems very unlikely that they'll hang around indefinitely.
No not indefinitely, but were working on timescales that can range from seconds, to millions of years.
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
No not indefinitely, but were working on timescales that can range from seconds, to millions of years.

I feel like you're retreating into a cloud of "who can possibly know, eh?"

It seems like a very counterintuitive claim that a series of warp storms that formed because Slaanesh was about to be born soon, within the next few millennia, would hang around for very long if Slaanesh wasn't about to be born anymore. Sure, anything's possible, but some things are a lot more plausible than others.
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)

Because, accounting for everything that could happen, it is the right thing to do. Sure, Dominion Eldar are scary buggers; that's fine, we will deal with that when it happens. We have one in our corner, and she is a scary bugger too.
Con: Essentially give-up on ever attaining a high tier end for things like research/development/infrastructure and the like. And high probability of a weaker start in the next ark.
Pro: Guaranteed high tier end for things like research/development/infrastructure and the like, and a strong safe start for the next ark.
Where has this been stated?
Though this decision has its flaws and puts us in danger. I still like it the best.

Plus keep this in mind: plenty of species in 40k had what Isendral is offering us (safety, room and time to expand), and still got wiped out.

We have some unique advantages as Lizardmen, but we need every possible unique advantage as well, and Isendral can act as a gateway to them.

[x] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
Where has this been stated?
Aye, I'll confirm that neither option affects your eventual tech tree development, and it's only if you mess up real hard after declining that next arc will be … not harder, but you'll end up in different circumstances. If you want a guaranteed safe start to your interstellar days and room to expand without the Dominion noticing you for the duration of the grace period (which will be a notable mechanic a la the psyker blooms from mouli's Keeping To The Dream quest), then I'd pick Accept.
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
Aye, I'll confirm that neither option affects your eventual tech tree development, and it's only if you mess up real hard after declining that next arc will be … not harder, but you'll end up in different circumstances. If you want a guaranteed safe start to your interstellar days and room to expand without the Dominion noticing you for the duration of the grace period (which will be a notable mechanic a la the psyker blooms from mouli's Keeping To The Dream quest), then I'd pick Accept.
Thank you for this, and I appreciate how active you are in the thread to confirm and elaborate on things.
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
oh mind elaborating on this please for those without knowledge on it?
Basically there'll be a meter, say 0/100 for example's sake. It's the Dominion Attention Meter, and it represents how much attention you've drawn from the Dominion at large. As you do stuff that draws attention or creates a notable fuss on an interstellar scale, it goes up. When it hits certain thresholds - say 20/40/60/80 for the sake of example - you start getting bored pre-Fall Eldar messing with you with increasing numbers, frequency, and severity. It can be made to go down by stuff like hiding, waiting until it goes down, or bribery. The intended result is that you have to balance expansionism and interfering in galactic events with the need to avoid drawing too much attention and having the Dominion decide you need to be put in your place.

You don't want the meter to max out.
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)

As much as I want to do space slann, I really want to see the plot stuff resolved
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)