Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

[X] [PARTY] The German Workers' Party
-[X] [ECON] Cooperativism
-[X] [CHURCH] Secularism
-[X] [DIPLO] Nationalism
-[X] [MIL] Defensive
-[X] [GOVT] Centralization
-[X] [PRO1] Public Officials
-[X] [PRO2] Educated Professionals
-[X] [PRO3] Agricultural Workers
-[X] [MISC] Nationalist, Anti-NPA

[X] The German Workers' Party
-[X] Reclaiming the Nation
--[X] Reestablish the German Republic and repeal the NPA laws. Bohemia and Moravia and Slovenia will be granted a territorial form of autonomy where the rights of Germans will be guaranteed but national leadership within the autonomous regions will be given to the Czechs and Slovenes.
--[X] Declare the day of the armistice in the Eastern War a national holiday as the Day of German Unification to celebrate the achievement of Greater Germany. Push this holiday as a celebration of German folk culture, high art, and national victory over monarchy and Russo-Habsburg oppression.
--[X] Push reforms that will strengthen the rights of small holders with 10 or less employees to run their businesses and farms without being forced to participate in state institutions.
--[X] Amend the law of mandatory service that those who enter the state civil service rather than the military will be exempted from military service and will gain the right of suffrage.
--[X] Open diplomatic channels to the Entente as well our other neighbors to secure peaceable and friendly relations.
--[X] Cut aid to foreign revolutionary forces, particularly outside Europe.
[X] Centrist Workers' Party
-[X] Plan: Common, Sensible Reconstruction
--[X] Plan and fund the rebuilding of cities and towns destroyed during the war according to the principles of the CER. Cities should have a rational, high density layout with abundant access to civic services, green space, public transit (including cut-and-cover subways), and workplaces, with the goal of removing the effect of class divisions on city life.
--[X] Establish a workplace safety administration consisting of a central certification, advisory, and regulation office, an investigative accident review board, and a reporting structure of workplace contacts to directly advise and address workers' concerns. Begin addressing safety issues and establishing best practices in key Central European industries.
--[X] Meet with Alliance planners to standardize on a pair of track gauges (for narrow and broad gauge), loading gauge, and other infrastructure standards for new construction and rebuilding, with the eventual goal of universal adoption within the Alliance. Begin surveying for a high-throughput rail network linking Germany, Poland, Italy, and Danubia using this gauge.
--[X] Construct a joint Italian-Central European seaport and naval base in the bordering cities of Trieste and Koper.
--[X] Form a military branch that will assist with instructing, coordinating, providing materiel and technical assistance to, and liaising with friendly militaries and armed movements. Immediately send them with the surplus materiel from the cancelled Russian offensive and our demobilizing military to the Constitutionalist faction in the Chinese Civil War, along with offers to loan items such as railway guns or warships.
--[X] Invite the Philippines to the Alliance.
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[X] [PARTY] The United Republican Party
-[X] [ECON] State Direction
-[X] [CHURCH] Pluralism
-[X] [DIPLO] Cooperation
-[X] [MIL] Opportunist
-[X] [GOVT] Centralization
-[X] [PRO1] Public Officials
-[X] [PRO2] Educated Professionals
-[X] [PRO3] Career Soldiers

[X] The United Republican Party
-[X] Plan: Republican Reconstruction
--[X] Emphasize the rebuilding and rationalization of transportation infrastructure within newly liberated territories to more effectively aid in reconstruction, with an emphasis on a robust, standardized rail system and a centrally coordinated system modeled on our mobilization practices for distributing food and medical aid to areas that require it.
--[X] Plan and execute exports of excess economic production to gradually ease ourselves off the war economy, and replenish our national trade surplus after the expenses of the Great Eastern War. Whatever can be used should be prioritized for Allies that need it, followed by our other preferred trade partners.
--[X] Form planning bureaus to equitably distribute any and all means nationalized with the dissolution of the Habsburg monarchy and aristocracy within the integrating and reconstructing territories.
--[X] Create a central forum and congress of equals for representatives from the Republic, Denmark, Poland, Danubia, and Ruthenia. We are a fraternity of equals, not a master and puppets, and that needs to be demonstrated to the states in question and the people of the world.
--[X] Replenish losses of trained servicepeople and materiel in all branches of service, and continue to update our equipment and doctrine, with a continued focus on the "young school" of the Marinewehr.
--[X] Fund the advancement of medical and (proto-)psychological sciences to better treat the casualties, both physical and mental, military and noncombatant, of our recent wars. New and innovative means of treatment are necessary to address the massive upheavals and violence that have been seen in the dawning of this new century.
[X] Cooperative Party
-[X] Plan: The Six Reconstructions: Economic, Proletarian, Social, International, Communal, and Military
--[X] Decrease military spending, investing more into supporting still-extant industries that have transformed into worker-owned enterprises, so as to prevent a loss of industry or expertise or a brain drain that would benefit the CER but impoverish our new friends and allies.
--[X] In order to stretch resources and against an eventual negative reaction to the overheating of the economy, promote both in the CER and in all other territories an expansion of the use and variety of Community Depots, thus allowing the budget and the economy to stretch towards aiding others in an efficient manner.
--[X] Education is the foundation of the future of all peoples. With so much of the Imperial education system broken, Danubia and other regions make fine places for the reconstruction of education along communist, anarchist, and cooperative lines, and not merely for children but offer programs for adults as well.
--[X] Invite the Second Philippine Republic to join the Republican Alliance and direct development aid towards building it a strong and prosperous economy in order to heal the wounds of colonialism. Provide it with CER-surplus arms to forward to revolutionaries in China and Korea, and encourage it to provide sanctuary and Red political education to same.
--[X] Encourage voluntary community-run programs to address and begin to overcome ethnic or racial tension in favor of finding common ground, even if that's "fuck landlords"... especially if it's "fuck landlords"
--[X] We have many veterans who have left service, having sacrificed themselves for another stage of the World Revolution. Pensions, adequate care, and greater research and examination into disability and the mental effects of war is necessary to make this vast and unimaginable sacrifice not in vain.
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[X] [PARTY] The German Workers' Party
-[X] [ECON] Cooperativism
-[X] [CHURCH] Secularism
-[X] [DIPLO] Nationalism
-[X] [MIL] Defensive
-[X] [GOVT] Centralization
-[X] [PRO1] Public Officials
-[X] [PRO2] Educated Professionals
-[X] [PRO3] Agricultural Workers
-[X] [MISC] Nationalist, Anti-NPA

[X] The German Workers' Party
-[X] Reclaiming the Nation
--[X] Reestablish the German Republic and repeal the NPA laws. Bohemia and Moravia and Slovenia will be granted a territorial form of autonomy where the rights of Germans will be guaranteed but national leadership within the autonomous regions will be given to the Czechs and Slovenes.
--[X] Declare the day of the armistice in the Eastern War a national holiday as the Day of German Unification to celebrate the achievement of Greater Germany. Push this holiday as a celebration of German folk culture, high art, and national victory over monarchy and Russo-Habsburg oppression.
--[X] Push reforms that will strengthen the rights of small holders with 10 or less employees to run their businesses and farms without being forced to participate in state institutions.
--[X] Amend the law of mandatory service that those who enter the state civil service rather than the military will be exempted from military service and will gain the right of suffrage.
--[X] Open diplomatic channels to the Entente as well our other neighbors to secure peaceable and friendly relations.
--[X] Cut aid to foreign revolutionary forces, particularly outside Europe.
[x] Communist Party
-[x] Plan: The Communist Party Program of 1901
--[x] Extend all "ongoing programs" to all lands annexed after the Great Eastern War (the "new territories"), without exception, and encourage and assist Denmark, Poland, Ruthenia, and Danubia (the "new Allied states") in adopting the "ongoing programs." For "reforms in progress," prioritize getting the new territories up to Republican standard.
--[x] In the new territories, nationalize, and institute self-management pursuant to the central plan of, all industrial enterprises, and public and ex-Imperial lands, but permit industrial enterprises to opt out only if a majority of their workers vote to collectivize instead. Encourage nationalization of the largest and most important industrial enterprises, and of water, power, transport, and credit by the new Allied states so they may participate as strong and equal partners in reconstruction.
--[x] Begin linking the Main and Danube with a modern Liebknecht Canal, and electrifying and where feasible re-gauging rail in the new territories and new Allied states to link with the existing CER and Italian rail. Preferentially employ labor from the new territories on a two-year expedited national service basis for these projects within the CER, and from the new Allied states in their territories.
--[x] Empower the CEI to centrally direct, with input from local and national planning bodies, reconstruction of old and new Allied states, including: rebuilding cities preferentially on the basis of damage; transferring technology and machinery to Allied industries; and integrating various industrial sectors. Ensure that local workers are involved in all levels.
--[x] Invite the Second Philippine Republic to join the Republican Alliance and direct CEI development aid towards building it a modern fleet and army. Provide it with CER-surplus arms to forward to revolutionaries in China and Korea, and encourage it to provide sanctuary and Red political education to same.
--[x] Provide the RSWP with CER-surplus arms, and propaganda, so that it may take advantage of the return of the POWs and the instability of the new government to agitate for Red revolution in Russia. Encourage it to promote the self-organization of affiliate parties in nations still subjugated by Russia.
[X] Federationist Party
-[X] Plan: NPA Reform & Allied Institutions
--[X] Rather than having discretionary budget for cultural policies, the role of cultural councils voted in by self-identifying electorate will be oversight of & advocacy about local councils' cultural policies. Disagreements between them are to be mediated by local or national assemblies.
--[X] Create an Alliance Central Bank to lay the groundwork for a unified economic policy to shoulder the cost of reconstruction. Turn the IDB into the official foreign aid arm of the Alliance.
--[X] Create the International Volunteers Group as the Alliance's war volunteering arm. Send it as part of aid to the Constitutional Empire - which we'll recognize as China's legitimate government - to provide training, advice, & direct military support.
--[X] Propose a Public Works Consortium to pool CER's PLA & its counterparts, as well as coops & SOEs in the construction industry. PWC is to be the Alliance's organization for post-disaster & post-war reconstruction along with execution of pan-Alliance & international megaprojects.
--[X] Compete for the Constantinople-Baghdad Railway tender with the PWC while employing mostly local labor. Use the project as vehicle to foster local social-and-radical movements, & channel remaining profit after compensation of labor to the Alliance's ongoing reconstruction program.
--[X] Begin building a network of agents in the non-occupied parts of the former League by recruiting returning prisoners of war. Use those agents to gain intelligence, build connections with the revolutionary underground, and to serve as vectors for the spread of revolutionary ideologies.
[x] Communist Party
-[x] Plan: The Communist Party Program of 1901
--[x] Extend all "ongoing programs" to all lands annexed after the Great Eastern War (the "new territories"), without exception, and encourage and assist Denmark, Poland, Ruthenia, and Danubia (the "new Allied states") in adopting the "ongoing programs." For "reforms in progress," prioritize getting the new territories up to Republican standard.
--[x] In the new territories, nationalize, and institute self-management pursuant to the central plan of, all industrial enterprises, and public and ex-Imperial lands, but permit industrial enterprises to opt out only if a majority of their workers vote to collectivize instead. Encourage nationalization of the largest and most important industrial enterprises, and of water, power, transport, and credit by the new Allied states so they may participate as strong and equal partners in reconstruction.
--[x] Begin linking the Main and Danube with a modern Liebknecht Canal, and electrifying and where feasible re-gauging rail in the new territories and new Allied states to link with the existing CER and Italian rail. Preferentially employ labor from the new territories on a two-year expedited national service basis for these projects within the CER, and from the new Allied states in their territories.
--[x] Empower the CEI to centrally direct, with input from local and national planning bodies, reconstruction of old and new Allied states, including: rebuilding cities preferentially on the basis of damage; transferring technology and machinery to Allied industries; and integrating various industrial sectors. Ensure that local workers are involved in all levels.
--[x] Invite the Second Philippine Republic to join the Republican Alliance and direct CEI development aid towards building it a modern fleet and army. Provide it with CER-surplus arms to forward to revolutionaries in China and Korea, and encourage it to provide sanctuary and Red political education to same.
--[x] Provide the RSWP with CER-surplus arms, and propaganda, so that it may take advantage of the return of the POWs and the instability of the new government to agitate for Red revolution in Russia. Encourage it to promote the self-organization of affiliate parties in nations still subjugated by Russia.
[X] Centrist Workers' Party
-[X] Plan: Common, Sensible Reconstruction
--[X] Establish a workplace safety administration consisting of a central certification, advisory, and regulation office, an investigative accident review board, and a reporting structure of workplace contacts to directly advise and address workers' concerns. Begin addressing safety issues and establishing best practices in key Central European industries.
--[X] Plan and fund the rebuilding of cities and towns destroyed during the war according to the principles of the CER. Cities should have a rational, high density layout with abundant access to civic services, green space, public transit (including cut-and-cover subways), and workplaces, with the goal of removing the effect of class divisions on city life and allowing future growth.
--[X] Meet with Alliance planners to standardize on a pair of track gauges (for narrow and broad gauge), loading gauge, and other infrastructure standards for new construction and rebuilding, with the eventual goal of universal adoption within the Alliance. Begin surveying for a high-throughput rail network linking Germany, Poland, Italy, and Danubia using this gauge.
--[X] Construct a joint Italian-Central European seaport and naval base in the bordering cities of Trieste and Koper.
--[X] Form a military branch that will assist with instructing, coordinating, providing materiel and technical assistance to, and liaising with friendly militaries and armed movements. Immediately send them with the surplus materiel from the cancelled Russian offensive and our demobilizing military to the Constitutionalist faction in the Chinese Civil War, along with offers to loan items such as railway guns or warships.
--[X] Begin talks to invite the Philippines into the Alliance.
[x] [PARTY] The War's End Party
- [x] [ECON] Cooperativism
- [x] [CHURCH] Secularism
- [x] [DIPLO] Cooperation
- [x] [MIL] Defensive
- [x] [GOVT] Localism
- [x] [PRO1] Service Workers
- [x] [PRO2] Manual Laborers
- [x] [PRO3] Agricultural Workers

[x] [PARTY] The War's End Party
- [x] War Trauma Minimization
-- [x] Expand the Republic's medical system to better see to the long term physical and mental care for the millions of soldiers coming back permanently disabled or unable to do more than light work. Programs providing assistance for veterans who should otherwise be able to return to civilian life but are still having trouble transitioning back should also be set up.
-- [x] Fund research into advancements in physical and mental healthcare with the goal of providing improved treatment to veterans and non-veterans alike. Funding should also be allocated to developing improved artificial limbs and mobility devices to help those who require them regain increased control over their own lives.
-- [x] Conduct an investigation into the weapons and technologies that saw use during the Great Eastern War to determine if any of them are excessively harmful or traumatizing. Also look to identify any that are simply not effective enough at whatever role they are intended for to warrant the harm they inflict.
-- [x] Push for an international convention to ban or limit the use in conflict of the weapons and technologies identified.
-- [x] Conduct surveys of the past fronts to try to locate and mark off minefields and areas with high amounts of unexploded ordnance to prevent people accidentally wandering into them and harming themselves or others. Print pamphlets in all languages spoken within the Republic detailing how to recognize mines and unexploded shells at level understandable by children.
-- [x] Restrict the Republic's ability to manufacture false pretexts for war.
Reminder to War's End voters that the ship actually blew up and our sailors actually died. Even if trumped-up, it wasn't a manufactured false pretext.
Reminder to War's End voters that the ship actually blew up and our sailors actually died. Even if trumped-up, it wasn't a manufactured false pretext.

Not a manufactured one, but it was absolutely a pretext. We had no interest in figuring out whether it was an attack or an accident, we just wanted an excuse for war. Which was fine, but I feel like there should be some blowback for a war that had over a million dead.
[x] Communist Party
-[x] Plan: The Communist Party Program of 1901
--[x] Extend all "ongoing programs" to all lands annexed after the Great Eastern War (the "new territories"), without exception, and encourage and assist Denmark, Poland, Ruthenia, and Danubia (the "new Allied states") in adopting the "ongoing programs." For "reforms in progress," prioritize getting the new territories up to Republican standard.
--[x] In the new territories, nationalize, and institute self-management pursuant to the central plan of, all industrial enterprises, and public and ex-Imperial lands, but permit industrial enterprises to opt out only if a majority of their workers vote to collectivize instead. Encourage nationalization of the largest and most important industrial enterprises, and of water, power, transport, and credit by the new Allied states so they may participate as strong and equal partners in reconstruction.
--[x] Begin linking the Main and Danube with a modern Liebknecht Canal, and electrifying and where feasible re-gauging rail in the new territories and new Allied states to link with the existing CER and Italian rail. Preferentially employ labor from the new territories on a two-year expedited national service basis for these projects within the CER, and from the new Allied states in their territories.
--[x] Empower the CEI to centrally direct, with input from local and national planning bodies, reconstruction of old and new Allied states, including: rebuilding cities preferentially on the basis of damage; transferring technology and machinery to Allied industries; and integrating various industrial sectors. Ensure that local workers are involved in all levels.
--[x] Invite the Second Philippine Republic to join the Republican Alliance and direct CEI development aid towards building it a modern fleet and army. Provide it with CER-surplus arms to forward to revolutionaries in China and Korea, and encourage it to provide sanctuary and Red political education to same.
--[x] Provide the RSWP with CER-surplus arms, and propaganda, so that it may take advantage of the return of the POWs and the instability of the new government to agitate for Red revolution in Russia. Encourage it to promote the self-organization of affiliate parties in nations still subjugated by Russia.
[x] Communist Party
- [x] Plan: The Communist Party Program of 1901
-- [x] Extend all "ongoing programs" to all lands annexed after the Great Eastern War (the "new territories"), without exception, and encourage and assist Denmark, Poland, Ruthenia, and Danubia (the "new Allied states") in adopting the "ongoing programs." For "reforms in progress," prioritize getting the new territories up to Republican standard.
-- [x] In the new territories, nationalize, and institute self-management pursuant to the central plan of, all industrial enterprises, and public and ex-Imperial lands, but permit industrial enterprises to opt out only if a majority of their workers vote to collectivize instead. Encourage nationalization of the largest and most important industrial enterprises, and of water, power, transport, and credit by the new Allied states so they may participate as strong and equal partners in reconstruction.
-- [x] Begin linking the Main and Danube with a modern Liebknecht Canal, and electrifying and where feasible re-gauging rail in the new territories and new Allied states to link with the existing CER and Italian rail. Preferentially employ labor from the new territories on a two-year expedited national service basis for these projects within the CER, and from the new Allied states in their territories.
-- [x] Empower the CEI to centrally direct, with input from local and national planning bodies, reconstruction of old and new Allied states, including: rebuilding cities preferentially on the basis of damage; transferring technology and machinery to Allied industries; and integrating various industrial sectors. Ensure that local workers are involved in all levels.
-- [x] Invite the Second Philippine Republic to join the Republican Alliance and direct CEI development aid towards building it a modern fleet and army. Provide it with CER-surplus arms to forward to revolutionaries in China and Korea, and encourage it to provide sanctuary and Red political education to same.
-- [x] Provide the RSWP with CER-surplus arms, and propaganda, so that it may take advantage of the return of the POWs and the instability of the new government to agitate for Red revolution in Russia. Encourage it to promote the self-organization of affiliate parties in nations still subjugated by Russia.
[x] Communist Party
- [x] Plan: The Communist Party Program of 1901
-- [x] Extend all "ongoing programs" to all lands annexed after the Great Eastern War (the "new territories"), without exception, and encourage and assist Denmark, Poland, Ruthenia, and Danubia (the "new Allied states") in adopting the "ongoing programs." For "reforms in progress," prioritize getting the new territories up to Republican standard.
-- [x] In the new territories, nationalize, and institute self-management pursuant to the central plan of, all industrial enterprises, and public and ex-Imperial lands, but permit industrial enterprises to opt out only if a majority of their workers vote to collectivize instead. Encourage nationalization of the largest and most important industrial enterprises, and of water, power, transport, and credit by the new Allied states so they may participate as strong and equal partners in reconstruction.
-- [x] Begin linking the Main and Danube with a modern Liebknecht Canal, and electrifying and where feasible re-gauging rail in the new territories and new Allied states to link with the existing CER and Italian rail. Preferentially employ labor from the new territories on a two-year expedited national service basis for these projects within the CER, and from the new Allied states in their territories.
-- [x] Empower the CEI to centrally direct, with input from local and national planning bodies, reconstruction of old and new Allied states, including: rebuilding cities preferentially on the basis of damage; transferring technology and machinery to Allied industries; and integrating various industrial sectors. Ensure that local workers are involved in all levels.
-- [x] Invite the Second Philippine Republic to join the Republican Alliance and direct CEI development aid towards building it a modern fleet and army. Provide it with CER-surplus arms to forward to revolutionaries in China and Korea, and encourage it to provide sanctuary and Red political education to same.
-- [x] Provide the RSWP with CER-surplus arms, and propaganda, so that it may take advantage of the return of the POWs and the instability of the new government to agitate for Red revolution in Russia. Encourage it to promote the self-organization of affiliate parties in nations still subjugated by Russia.
German Nationalists are living in a bygone era! Stop living in the past, boomer! Embrace progressive Pan-European Nationalism instead!

[X] The Pan-European Party
-[X] Plan: The Red Pan-European Tendency
--[X] Propose to our allies to deepen our integration by expanding it into the political sphere, and form several higher-level political organs to lay the foundation for eventually merging into a united European state! European Nationalism will be a short-term goal on our Internationalist agenda that is both progressive and liberatory in nature!
--[X] Nationalize all industries and formerly public and noble-held lands in the new territories. Where we do not have the political support for nationalization, we will instead push for setting up joint state-coop structures.
--[X] Modernize the Landwehr's military equipment. Give old cast-off and surplus arms to our new allies to aid them in building their own armies, and to revolutionaries in Eastern Europe.
--[X] Organize several festivals celebrating the various cultures of the CER and Alliance. Not festivals for each specific culture but ones celebrating a mix of various cultures, using these to bridge cultural gaps by emphasizing the shared beliefs and heritage of our people and to eventually create a Pan-European cultural identity!
--[X] Provide the Philippine Republic with economic and military aid to help it industrialize and build a modern fleet and army. Furthermore, use the Phillipines as a stop and depot from where we can support other revolutionaries in East and South-East Asia.
--[X] Form a scientific committee to construct an artificial language, with an integral sign and braille component, incorporating only features shared in common across language groups and cultures from around the world. The goal is to create an international auxilliary language that can break through linguistic differences, a truly universal language!
Please also vote for the party in addition to our turn plan.

Like this:
[X][PARTY] The Pan-European Party
-[x][ECON] State Direction
-[x][CHURCH] Atheism
-[x][DIPLO] Nationalism
-[x][MIL] Belligerent
-[x][GOVT] Centralization
-[x][PRO1] Educated Professionals
-[x][PRO2] Career Soldiers
-[x][PRO3] Industrial Workers
-[x][MISC] Pan-European Nationalism

[X] The Pan-European Party
-[x] Plan: The Red Pan-European Tendency
--[x] Propose to our allies to deepen our integration by expanding it into the political sphere, and form several higher-level political organs to lay the foundation for eventually merging into a united European state! European Nationalism will be a short-term goal on our Internationalist agenda that is both progressive and liberatory in nature!
--[x] Nationalize all industries and formerly public and noble-held lands in the new territories. Where we do not have the political support for nationalization, we will instead push for setting up joint state-coop structures.
--[x] Modernize the Landwehr's military equipment. Give old cast-off and surplus arms to our new allies to aid them in building their own armies, and to revolutionaries in Eastern Europe.
--[x] Organize several festivals celebrating the various cultures of the CER and Alliance. Not festivals for each specific culture but ones celebrating a mix of various cultures, using these to bridge cultural gaps by emphasizing the shared beliefs and heritage of our people and to eventually create a Pan-European cultural identity!
--[x] Provide the Philippine Republic with economic and military aid to help it industrialize and build a modern fleet and army. Furthermore, use the Phillipines as a stop and depot from where we can support other revolutionaries in East and South-East Asia.
--[x] Form a scientific committee to construct an artificial language, with an integral sign and braille component, incorporating only features shared in common across language groups and cultures from around the world. The goal is to create an international auxilliary language that can break through linguistic differences, a truly universal language!
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[X] Cooperative Party
-[X] Plan: The Six Reconstructions: Economic, Proletarian, Social, International, Communal, and Military
--[X] Decrease military spending, investing more into supporting still-extant industries that have transformed into worker-owned enterprises, so as to prevent a loss of industry or expertise or a brain drain that would benefit the CER but impoverish our new friends and allies.
--[X] In order to stretch resources and against an eventual negative reaction to the overheating of the economy, promote both in the CER and in all other territories an expansion of the use and variety of Community Depots, thus allowing the budget and the economy to stretch towards aiding others in an efficient manner.
--[X] Education is the foundation of the future of all peoples. With so much of the Imperial education system broken, Danubia and other regions make fine places for the reconstruction of education along communist, anarchist, and cooperative lines, and not merely for children but offer programs for adults as well.
--[X] Invite the Second Philippine Republic to join the Republican Alliance and direct development aid towards building it a strong and prosperous economy in order to heal the wounds of colonialism. Provide it with CER-surplus arms to forward to revolutionaries in China and Korea, and encourage it to provide sanctuary and Red political education to same.
--[X] Encourage voluntary community-run programs to address and begin to overcome ethnic or racial tension in favor of finding common ground, even if that's "fuck landlords"... especially if it's "fuck landlords"
--[X] We have many veterans who have left service, having sacrificed themselves for another stage of the World Revolution. Pensions, adequate care, and greater research and examination into disability and the mental effects of war is necessary to make this vast and unimaginable sacrifice not in vain.

more in line with what i want
German Nationalists are living in a bygone era! Stop living in the past, boomer! Embrace progressive Pan-European Nationalism instead!
(imagine this in the donald trump voice because it sounded really funny in my head)

Bro man dude man bro, while i would love to form a greater European state ASAP i however also believe that we need to think bigger and greater and bigger, What if massive world republic faster in exchange for pan-european republic slower?

things will be bigly like that.
[][PARTY] The Syndicalist Workers Party
-[][ECON] State Direction
-[] [CHURCH] Secularism
-[] [DIPLO] Cooperation
-[] [MIL] Opportunist
-[] [GOVT] Localism
-[][PRO1] Industrial Workers
-[][PRO2] Manual Laborers
-[][PRO3] Agricultural Workers
[X] Cooperative Party
-[X] Plan: The Six Reconstructions: Economic, Proletarian, Social, International, Communal, and Military
--[X] Decrease military spending, investing more into supporting still-extant industries that have transformed into worker-owned enterprises, so as to prevent a loss of industry or expertise or a brain drain that would benefit the CER but impoverish our new friends and allies.
--[X] In order to stretch resources and against an eventual negative reaction to the overheating of the economy, promote both in the CER and in all other territories an expansion of the use and variety of Community Depots, thus allowing the budget and the economy to stretch towards aiding others in an efficient manner.
--[X] Education is the foundation of the future of all peoples. With so much of the Imperial education system broken, Danubia and other regions make fine places for the reconstruction of education along communist, anarchist, and cooperative lines, and not merely for children but offer programs for adults as well.
--[X] Invite the Second Philippine Republic to join the Republican Alliance and direct development aid towards building it a strong and prosperous economy in order to heal the wounds of colonialism. Provide it with CER-surplus arms to forward to revolutionaries in China and Korea, and encourage it to provide sanctuary and Red political education to same.
--[X] Encourage voluntary community-run programs to address and begin to overcome ethnic or racial tension in favor of finding common ground, even if that's "fuck landlords"... especially if it's "fuck landlords"
--[X] We have many veterans who have left service, having sacrificed themselves for another stage of the World Revolution. Pensions, adequate care, and greater research and examination into disability and the mental effects of war is necessary to make this vast and unimaginable sacrifice not in vain.

Hard choosing between this and the communist party plan.