[X] [Reveal yourself as a Magus]

Well, Shirou is a pretty shit magus in every other respect, may as well be awful at keeping a secret too!
[X] [Reveal yourself as a Magus]
She kinda deserves to know. Besides if we lie to her and she finds out somehow later things will end very poorly. You know what they say, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

.... now picturing Medea dressing Ayako up as a magical girl.
I want this now. God imagine if Medea was able to do it to Mordred as well, that'd be pretty funny.
[X] [Reveal yourself as a Magus]

She's getting wrapped up in this no matter what. Best Ayako knows about the danger she's in.
[X] [Reveal yourself as a Magus]
This will put Ayako in danger. But it may ease her mind, well, it'll certainly confuse her. But it would also help explain some things to her.

Ayako Joins the Party!
[X] [Reveal yourself as a Magus]
Shirou can not lie. He even is terrible at keeping silent about stuff, even when he is threathened with a pig transformation.
[X] [Reveal yourself as a Magus]
This will put Ayako in danger. But it may ease her mind, well, it'll certainly confuse her. But it would also help explain some things to her.