Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
We have two skilled Visual-Witchsight Enchanters on hand, and a practical established use case for it. Get this one done now, then hire an Auditory-Witchsight Enchanter from the Lights as a consultant for the Auditory version later.

[X] [RIDER] Mounted Wraiths
Strong first preference

[X] [RIDER] Mathilde on a Shadowsteed
Mild secondary preference. I'd be less enthused about codifying this version, but that's a ways away and it works fine as the personal spell we'll be using it for for several years.
I don't think I like the 'Shoddy' bit, as I feel it would diminsh the depiction's panach. Anyway:

[ ] [RIDER] A man who could look like a depiction of Ranald, though there a lot of ambiguity about it due to the smoke drifitng around him partially obscuring his face at all times, in a knight costume, wielding swords, riding a horse-sized housecat.

This... may be blasphemy.

It's only blasphemy if Ranald doesn't find it hilarious.

That was what I meant.

Well now I am back to Wolves Boney. You people are yoyoing me something fierce.
[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Conventional Empire (Mathilde's Heraldry)

[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Conventional Empire (Mathilde's Heraldry w/Wolf mount)

[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Conventional Empire (Mathilde's Heraldry w/Giant Cat mount)

[X] [RIDER] Mist-shrouded Grey Wizard on a Shadowsteed


[X] [RIDER] A man who could look like a depiction of Ranald, though there's a lot of ambiguity about it due to the smoke drifitng around him partially obscuring his face at all times, in a knight costume, wielding swords, riding a horse-sized housecat.

[X] [RIDER] Great Cat Knight

This is gonna be such a disaster of a vote

Note, I updated my vote from 'there' to 'there's' to correct a typo
Edit: @Valmond , I fixed a typo in my vote

Oh no
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[X] [RIDER] Mounted Wraiths.
[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Demigryph Knight
[X] [RIDER] Mist-shrouded Grey Wizard on a Shadowsteed

I don't want Mathildes Heraldy. That is just cringe but also might cause blow back as knight on her heraldy goes to miscast rampages in hands of other wizards.

Nothing stopping that heraldy being Grey Collage. That at least make sense
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[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Demigryph Knight

[X] [RIDER] Misty Wraith on top of a Demigryph

[X] [RIDER] Misty Wraith on top of a Giant Wolf

[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Conventional Empire (Mathilde's Heraldry w/Ice Bear mount)

[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Conventional Empire (Mathilde's Heraldry w/Wolf mount)

[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Conventional Empire (Mathilde's Heraldry)

[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Conventional Empire (Mathilde's Heraldry w/Demigryph mount)

[X] [RIDER] Great Cat Knight

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Eh, I doubt it would take Kragg centuries to use the Auditory scope to figure things out. Maybe a few years, if he wanted to be really sure, but he's got decent experience with his own vague sensory thing already and is really good at his job. But yes, visual is better.

[X] [RIDER] A man who could look like a depiction of Ranald, though there a lot of ambiguity about it due to the smoke drifitng around him partially obscuring his face at all times, in a knight costume, wielding swords, riding a horse-sized housecat.
[ ] [RIDER] A man who could look like a depiction of Ranald, though there a lot of ambiguity about it due to the smoke drifitng around him partially obscuring his face at all times, in a knight costume, wielding swords, riding a horse-sized housecat.

It is probably blasphemy in that Ranald isn't much for wielding swords and prefers a more subtle way of doing things rather than the frontal combat the Knight would favour.

On the seviroscope, I think this is a good opportunity to continue our history of systemic contributions with low and unexciting intensity but super high long term impact, things like the Rooms of Calamity, the Library, the MAP, the Rite of Way, the Canal, the EIC, Queekish, etcetera.

Not sure if Mathilde can be said to have a history of systemic yet unexciting contributions. She just has a lot of contributions - some immediate and very intense; some that pay off in the medium term after some dedicated work and some that have incremental impact over a long period of time.

If there's any theme with Mathilde's contribution well that theme would be variety. Mathilde is the expert on vampires, skaven and orcs and the go to person for all things related to the Karaz Ankor and the Eonir; she's probably the best Grey wizard at Windsight and at swinging a sword and she can write a paper on magic mushrooms followed shortly by publishing a new BM spell.
[X] [RIDER] Great Cat Knight
[X] [RIDER] Spider
[X] [RIDER] Six-legged cat

I kind of want to steer away from the spell showing what the Rider In Red actually is, so these are my preferences for now.
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[X] [RIDER] Mathilde on a Shadowsteed
[X] [RIDER] A rider formed of shadows wearing robes and a Witch Hunter's hat on a Shadowsteed, with their face perpetually obscured by mists and a cloak of mist trailing from their shoulders.
[X] [RIDER] Mist-shrouded Grey Wizard on a Shadowsteed
[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Conventional Empire

[X] [RIDER] The Dämmerlichtreiter
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[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Winter Wolves
[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Demigryph Knight

[X] [RIDER] Misty Wraith on top of a Demigryph
[X] [RIDER] Misty Wraith on top of a Giant Wolf

[X] [RIDER] Great Cat Knight

Seems like the most useful overall.


With the note that we should definitely do whichever we don't pick as soon as possible.
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[X] [RIDER] A man who could look like a depiction of Ranald, though there a lot of ambiguity about it due to the smoke drifitng around him partially obscuring his face at all times, in a knight costume, wielding swords, riding a horse-sized housecat.
I updated my vote to fix a typo, and that may have been a terrible mistake, but I've already started trying to get people to change theirs to match, and the only thing worse than having started is stopping.
[X] [RIDER] A man who could look like a depiction of Ranald, though there a lot of ambiguity about it due to the smoke drifitng around him partially obscuring his face at all times, in a knight costume, wielding swords, riding a horse-sized housecat.
beepsmile: cries when faced with the consequences of his choices
It is probably blasphemy in that Ranald isn't much for wielding swords and prefers a more subtle way of doing things rather than the frontal combat the Knight would favour.
I know, but this ain't a subtle spell we're going for and swords really are the better option for giant housecatback fighting compared to daggers.
And it's only 'could be Ranald', I think he'd be chill. If he's not we can have Mathilde peer-pressure him into going along with it by saying stuff like 'I thought you were cool' and the like. :p
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Though personally I'm leaning one of either Generic Imperial Knight or Generic Grey Wizard as the skin, because that means when enemies send appropriate forces to fight a Knight or a Grey Wizard they find themselves in melee with a phantasmal monster.

Thats really tactically more valuable than some kind of scary monster. We got more efficient ways to scare people as a Grey Wizard.

I think you are looking at this the wrong way, this is a spell, is not something enemies see on the field and prepare for, is something we trow at then our of nowhere. Trying to base tactical value in cofusing the enemy after it had a chance to rampage fells contrived.
[X] [SEVIROSCOPE] Auditory
Visual sounds cool too, but Auditory seems to have immediately and broadly applicable effects outside of the one research niche we originally imagined.

[X] [RIDER] Mounted Wraiths
[X] [RIDER] Mathilde on a Shadowsteed
[X] [RIDER] A rider formed of shadows wearing robes and a Witch Hunter's hat on a Shadowsteed, with their face perpetually obscured by mists and a cloak of mist trailing from their shoulders.
[X] [RIDER] Mist-shrouded Grey Wizard on a Shadowsteed
[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Conventional Empire (Mathilde's Heraldry)

[X] [RIDER] Mathilde on a Shadowsteed
-[X] Nondescript face, mist-shrouded
[X] [RIDER] The Dämmerlichtreiter
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[X] [RIDER] Mist-shrouded Grey Wizard on a Shadowsteed
[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Mathilde's Heraldry and Dwarven Plate
[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Conventional Empire (Mathilde's Heraldry)
[X] [RIDER] The Dämmerlichtreiter
[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Conventional Empire (Mathilde's Heraldry w/Wolf mount)
[X] [RIDER] Misty Wraith on top of a Giant Wolf

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[X] [RIDER] Mist-shrouded Grey Wizard on a Shadowsteed
[X] [RIDER] Mathilde on a Shadowsteed

One thing that should be noted on the matter of a Mathilde knight making trouble is that we do not have any kind of guarantee we will ab able to standardize the spell. We have made the attempt precisely one and rolled 102. Was the Dc 100? 90? 80? We do not know, but one thing is for sure low roll enough on that and Mathilde will be the only one with the spell entirely obviating the concerns about distant battle-grounds.
I feel like the two seviroscopes are trying to solve different problems/are best for different paradigms. The auditory works best for a military setting, letting a trained guy detect magic being worked, what kind, and where it is, roughly. Picture an old fashioned minesweeper with the metal detector and the big headphones and you'll get what i mean. Visual works better for the kind of artisan work in the original use case. We c an make the auditory later for the armies. But for the tunesmiths? Visual.


[X] [RIDER] A man who could look like a depiction of Ranald, though there's a lot of ambiguity about it due to the smoke drifitng around him partially obscuring his face at all times, in a knight costume, wielding swords, riding a horse-sized housecat.
[X] [RIDER] Great Cat Knight
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[X] [RIDER] Great Cat Knight
[X] [RIDER] Spider
[X] [RIDER] Six-legged cat

[X] [SEVIROSCOPE] Auditory

Visual doesn't get 3d or changes over time. Plus I think the dwarves would like this one a lot more.

Really hope Mathilde clone doesn't win. Momentum behind it makes me kinda regret pushing apparitions.
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Voting is open