I haven't even seen any good proposal of how to reach those aims beyond fighting multiple 6 months campaign seasons back to back, interrupted/hindered by the rasputitsta, with the Entente steadily growing more hostile. On a fundamental level I think people fail to realize how big Russia is and that strategical targets like Vienna or Budapest are in short supply. The one possibly option of a Black Sea coastal campaign is an Entente red line and something we really can't pursue.and none of the peopel arguing for more war have convinced their war aims are either reasonable or worth it.
Also it will be interesting to see what will happen in other parts of the World.Will America continue making based decisions or will it go back to it;s horrible old self?I just want to get back to civilian turns honestly. We've gotten basically everything we said we were aiming for before the war started and the rest is mission creep. We're going to need a lot of work to absorb our gains already. Going back to war will be costly both in lives and international position, and none of the peopel arguing for more war have convinced their war aims are either reasonable or worth it.