Riddles by Firelight
9th of November 2006 A.D.
This is not an easy request to set aside, all the more so for it being honestly meant. Not only has Detective Murphy gone out of her way not to seem like she is dictating terms, to take your thoughts and plans into consideration, but she has given a pretty decent argument. You cannot be in more than one place at any one time and the people you might be able to set to the task are... ghouls and vampires, probably not who Anna wants lingering under her eves. But... that does not change the fact that you can think of dozens of ways for such a list to slip out, a bribe here, a touch of hacking there, Special Investigation is not secure, it is not made to be secure. At the end of the day its purpose is to explain away the monster under the bed, not go down there and fumigate the thing.
"I'm sorry I can't do this without consent, I'll give them your phone. If they want to reach out..." As her expression darkens you add: "I can think of at least one person who is almost guaranteed to call. She's not very happy with the whole secret world thing."
Frustration turns to surprise. "Really, from what Harry's said I thought all wizards, everyone who does magic is happy to be left alone."
"Have you ever encountered a group of people who are universally into respecting the traditions they have been passed down? Especially people around my age?"
"Hmm... I can see that, kind of like kids raised on a commune who grow up to join the force. I know a guy like that." The comparison is a surprisingly apt one only the distance from mundane is not physical but mental, at least here in the city. You are reminded of that farm in the Ozarks you had glimpsed in a vision. Maybe as they get older wizards, whose lives stretch on for far longer than other people, to seek to set themselves more starkly apart from a society that is racing by.
You shake off the thought. "Sorry, woolgathering on the matter of why are wizards."
"Any answers on that front?" she asks wryly sparking an urge to smile back... which dies back when you remember Harry has the hots for her and then you do smile back anyway, because you are not
that petty.
"Too many, most of them contradictory, I could write a book on it."
"Well if you ever do consider sending me a copy as quid pro quo for what I am about to do tonight."
You raise an eyebrow in askance.
"We are going to drive off to a nice wooded place where there aren't any people or cameras and then you are going to do your thing to the body and I am going to
check if it's good enough. I don't want to explain to your father how you are under investigation for murder now because you were seen dropping charred remains in the lake."
She is as good as her word. The two of you drive to the West Ridge Nature Preserve and there under the rustling shadow of the red oak and river birch you take out the body and with a swift strike of sword and essence obliterate it in a fountain of incandescent green, though you do keep one of his gloves as a focus for scrying. Then you conjure what the distant whispers of the Wicked City inform you is an ' argent purgation instrument' which one might be forgiven for mistaking for a flame thrower but is in fact the preferred way to clearing out circuit-bound resonance chambers of the remains of sacrifices. Black Rider flashes his signal lights in discomfort when you use them so you kind of pat the dashboard and promise him a waxing to make up for it.
Lost 2 Essence -> Now at 10/15 (TTC and GSNF)
"Satisfied?" you ask Detective Murphy.
"Yes," she sighs. It does not take Sherlock Holmes to realize what she is doing out in the middle of a nature preserve at half past ten checking a seventeen year old's ability to deal with bodies. Then, perhaps as much to distract herself as anything, she says: "This isn't the only strange happening going on lately, when I got the call I thought it might be connected."
You motion for her to go on in spite of the fact that you are getting near a crossing. It's not like you have to pay attention to the road.
"The elephants at Brookfield Zoo, Christy and Affie died suddenly, both in the same night. Not sure what's on the paperwork, but I'm willing to bet it's not what the vet on staff said it was. He was claiming something ripped out their hearts to anyone who would listen. Three days later he was gone, vanished like he had walked away from his life. His bank account had been drained. People do that from time to time, but generally not right after elephant related weirdness."
Skinwalkers, the suspicion is instant. "Did you talk to Harry about it?" you ask carefully.
She nods and conforms that Harry had said it was something to do with the evil shape-changer. Great just great, Harry is on the trail of a cannibalistic demigod and his groupies and you have to deal with vampire politics victimizing the local talents as proof of concept.
How much to you tell Lara?
[] Just the attack and the names, you could have picked all this up through very skilled but still 'normal' divination
[] Include what the Crown revealed about their purpose, it might be vital to catching all the traitors and maybe tracing this back to the source even if it is revealing an uncomfortable amount about your powers
[] Write in
OOC: Since you were on the level with Murphy if not quite as forthcoming as she might have preferred she is going to unwind and talk about some stuff. Trust isn't just about big dramatic revelations it is also being relaxed enough to mention stuff in passing.