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I feel the need to point out that this example runs directly counter to the thing you mean to say and supports the argument to which you're responding: of 16 waking hours, your example divides them 50:50 between work and leisure. We don't have to budget 2 of Mathilde's AP for sleep every turn, we're only scheduling her waking hours
I mean, assuming a 40 hour work week, it *does* come out to roughly a third of your waking hours.
Three actions means Mathilde spends half her time (or a little less than half her time, on turns with overwork and/or a WEB-MAT bonus action) on the Waystone project. "Half" is still arbitrary, but it makes some intuitive sense imo.
I just don't feel that intuitive sense you mention. A guideline I'd find appealing would be something along the lines of:

'allocating actions based on assigning everyone working as part of the greater Waystone Project to tasks suited to their skillset at least two turns out of every three, while trying to avoid the 'two many cooks' issue or interpersonal friction where possible.'

The fact that it plays out as three/half our actions a lot of the time is purely coincidental :p

[the actual benefit is that while using the guideline I suggested would be a lot more complicated and require notable care in tracking who we are not doing anything with for one third of our turns for when we want to take more personal actions[1], it is easy to justify taking one fewer Waystone action every so often by this standard. A downside is that we will have a much more rigid 'set of waystone project actions' over multiple turns and those would be more colpicated to plan out, and harder to adjust.

I may have just argued myself out of liking the 'bottom-up' guideline I thought might be appealing. still don't like the top-down 'three'/'roughtly half' rules tho :/]

[1] it might behoov us to look at what Waystone Project actions we know of, and consider who might be best at them,
It should be noted that Mathilde's self improvement and research time are also (for most part) work. If Mathilde gets better at swording she's fulfilling her obligations as a knight of Stirland and thane of K8P; if she's doing magic related research or learning Battle Magic she's doing training for her Lady Magister position.

There's some stuff that's superfluous to her work - mainly library or Ranald related actions - but Mathilde can spend a couple years just clearing her backlog without slacking off.
And two is a third, also a good sense number for work. 8 hours work 8 hours free time 8 hours sleep.
In addition to what pikel pointed out regarding waking hours, on this turn with overwork and a WEB-MAT action two actions is a quarter, or 4 out of 16 hours in your analogy.
I was talking about myself personally. As I have stated before if next turn we vote to spend AP on building a bridge I will vote against it (unless someone can persuade me otherwise).
We need to propose the bridge before we can build it, but that is an EIC action and therefore not nearly as painful to spend.
The bridge isn't personal AP, it's an EIC action. If it cost personal AP, people would be way less into it, but the point of codifying it is so that it becomes something that other wizards can do, not just Mathilde. So we codify it for the Greys and then get the negotiations in place to have it built to connect Laurelorn to the Empire for trade, but Mathilde herself doesn't need to spend her time on that. Just an EIC action, which aren't exactly hotly disputed.
Huh, must have missed that in the discussion. So the plan is to contract out the bridge building or how does that work action-economy wise ? I'm a bit unclear on what exactly the options have to do / how we do them if we want to make them count as EIC instead of having to do them ourselves?
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[X] Plan Lore and Metal, Windfall Edition. (ft. Red Riders)

Let´s try our luck with apparitions...

I would try to get a few more apparitions for research purposes before binding any of them to our soul though, this first step is basically capture and containing one...
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Mathilde really needs to think like a manager here: What's the minimum of work I need to invest to keep everyone productive? That's probably going to be 1 or 2 actions per turn, depending on what's actually on the slate, that should be the minimum.

Sometimes she'll have to put in more work, if there's new management stuff to be done. Like getting Bretonnia on board, or making connections to Ulthuan. But so long as results are produced, nobody will give a shit, and results will be produced so long as all the people more skilled at magic than Mathilde keep working on it.

Remember: This project is not about Mathilde personally reinventing the network. It's not even about the Colleges reinventing the network. It's the ancient magical masters doing their stuff (and also some non-ancient humans are being surprisingly useful) with Mathilde serving as lubricant so their pride and suspicion doesn't grind the whole thing to a halt.
(Or put another way, Mathilde is conning them into acting in everyone's best interest, which is a most Ranaldian endeavor. Especially since she's also planning on 'burrowing' a few secrets if she comes across them. )
Are we expecting anyone to have actually learned rite of way the turn after we release it? Like, maybe, but I dunno how fast people start learning new battle magic in general, let alone battle magic that *doesn't* let them murder armies/giant monsters. I'm honestly wondering how fast it would proliferate
Huh, must have missed that in the discussion. So the plan is to contract out the bridge building or how does that work action-economy wise ?
[ ] EIC: Negotiate and plan a magical route through the Schadensumpf to allow for easier trade with the Eonir without compromising their defences
The outcome of this action's negotiation and planning would dictate who is doing the work / for what compensation / over what timeframe. We have a much stronger negotiating position if we come to the table with an actual spell that can do it instead of promising that we will eventually have such a spell. And for me at least, any agreement that requires Mathilde's personal involvement is a complete non-starter; I'm willing to accept a worse deal if it means this all gets handled by the Hochlander and the Grey College.
Mathilde really needs to think like a manager here: What's the minimum of work I need to invest to keep everyone productive? That's probably going to be 1 or 2 actions per turn, depending on what's actually on the slate, that should be the minimum.

Sometimes she'll have to put in more work, if there's new management stuff to be done. Like getting Bretonnia on board, or making connections to Ulthuan. But so long as results are produced, nobody will give a shit, and results will be produced so long as all the people more skilled at magic than Mathilde keep working on it.

Remember: This project is not about Mathilde personally reinventing the network. It's not even about the Colleges reinventing the network. It's the ancient magical masters doing their stuff (and also some non-ancient humans are being surprisingly useful) with Mathilde serving as lubricant so their pride and suspicion doesn't grind the whole thing to a halt.
(Or put another way, Mathilde is conning them into acting in everyone's best interest, which is a most Ranaldian endeavor. Especially since she's also planning on 'burrowing' a few secrets if she comes across them. )
Mathilde, middle manager extraordinaire
Are we expecting anyone to have actually learned rite of way the turn after we release it? Like, maybe, but I dunno how fast people start learning new battle magic in general, let alone battle magic that *doesn't* let them murder armies/giant monsters. I'm honestly wondering how fast it would proliferate
actually a good point. before it proliferates we actually need to teach someone the damn thing, or write a book or something. and generally boney has consistently made such things actions.
edit: though writing a book is probably covered by our room of comfy focus.
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Are we expecting anyone to have actually learned rite of way the turn after we release it? Like, maybe, but I dunno how fast people start learning new battle magic in general, let alone battle magic that *doesn't* let them murder armies/giant monsters. I'm honestly wondering how fast it would proliferate
It is the only thing Battlemages really do. If doesn't end up being too hard i could see a fair chunk of people havig picked it up in 2-3 turns.
Are we expecting anyone to have actually learned rite of way the turn after we release it? Like, maybe, but I dunno how fast people start learning new battle magic in general, let alone battle magic that *doesn't* let them murder armies/giant monsters. I'm honestly wondering how fast it would proliferate

Well, if an agent of the EIC turns up at the Grey College's doorstep with a bag of gold asking for battlewizards with enchanting experience to participate in a multi-national trade project, I reckon a few of them would be motivated to learn it on the spot.
In fairness, the quest has a good track record of this. Remember Tongs? It got put off and put off because there were more urgent priorities, with the promise to do it after Karag Dum, and then we did.

I mean, it squeezed into the low priority turn of roll maluses. I don't know how strong a casual link you can draw between prior promises made pushing it through there, rather than people just not wanting to risk more preferred projects getting hit with the -10. You'd have to go back and reread the discussion to actually get any kind of semi-accurate idea, to be honest though while it's probably not representative the main anecdotal memories I have about the voting justification for it back then was mainly Tongs afficiandos being worried about doing it that turn due to the roll issue (which thankfully turned out irrelevant), but basically deciding it was now or never so sucked it up and voted it through.

The outcome of this action's negotiation and planning would dictate who is doing the work / for what compensation / over what timeframe. We have a much stronger negotiating position if we come to the table with an actual spell that can do it instead of promising that we will eventually have such a spell. And for me at least, any agreement that requires Mathilde's personal involvement is a complete non-starter; I'm willing to accept a worse deal if it means this all gets handled by the Hochlander and the Grey College.
Ah okay, thanks , I thought that planning was fine as EIC but didn't know that there was a theorized way to finish it without further involvement by Mathilde. But I guess if it's codified it makes sense that other Grey Wizards can do it. But isn't the problem that we would need someone able and willing to learn a BM-tier spell, and as fast as possible? That sounds pretty optimistic to me.
There'll be some poor sods earnestly working towards their "Loremaster" title for learning the complete corpus of Grey Magic who, with the finish line finally in sight, suddenly get a brand new codified battle magic dumped on top of the syllabus.
Are we expecting anyone to have actually learned rite of way the turn after we release it? Like, maybe, but I dunno how fast people start learning new battle magic in general, let alone battle magic that *doesn't* let them murder armies/giant monsters. I'm honestly wondering how fast it would proliferate

There's a couple dozen battle wizards, several senior magisters and the rest of the LMs who could theoretically learn it. Some won't be able to because of limitations of their perspective on Uglu but a lot of them will be capable of learning RoW and at least a handful who will want to learn it.
actually a good point. before it proliferates we actually need to teach someone the damn thing, or write a book or something. and generally boney has consistently made such things actions.
edit: though writing a book is probably covered by our room of comfy focus.
Boney has said that depending on how well codification goes, we might write the paper on the spell that allows someone to learn it as part of the action, or if it is a success but not as huge a success as that then we would need to write it separately. But yes, the room of comfy focus would take care of this. It wouldn't be a book, in any case.
Ah okay, thanks , I thought that planning was fine as EIC but didn't know that there was a theorized way to finish it without further involvement by Mathilde. But I guess if it's codified it makes sense that other Grey Wizards can do it. But isn't the problem that we would need someone able and willing to learn a BM-tier spell, and as fast as possible? That sounds pretty optimistic to me.
I don't think so? The point of the EIC action isn't "start construction on it right now," it's "broker a deal that makes this happen." A lot of people would need to be involved for that deal: Middenland, Laurelorn, and the Grey College for starters. If Laurelorn and Middenland offer something good enough to make this bridge happen, then I think the Grey College won't have any trouble finding volunteers to learn the spell and do the enchanting.

We could even give these volunteers who want to use Ulgu to create magical infrastructure in exchange for excellent compensation a cool name. Like SHADOW WIZARD MONEY GANG
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Ah okay, thanks , I thought that planning was fine as EIC but didn't know that there was a theorized way to finish it without further involvement by Mathilde. But I guess if it's codified it makes sense that other Grey Wizards can do it. But isn't the problem that we would need someone able and willing to learn a BM-tier spell, and as fast as possible? That sounds pretty optimistic to me.
Assuming that we codify it successfully, my take was that as part of the EIC action setting up the bridge we would be making the spell available the Eonir for them to enchant into a tower, as the Eonir would not want to build up increased trade on the back of an enchantment that they do not understand/can not fix/can not replace/can not alter.

Notably, while one benefits from learning from someone that can cast a spell and is a good teacher, it is entirely possible to learn a spell from a book.
SHADOW WIZARD MONEY GANG [but our Vow of Poverty is totally legit and not a fig leaf, you guys]
ftfy :p
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Sorry for not going through your entire argument, to be honest I'm getting kind of tired of the whole discussion. Most of it is not really relevant to my key point though, which is this. Yes, we as individuals naturally will have selection criteria that we use to evaluate plans. What I don't like is people trying to impose their idea of proper selection criteria onto the thread as a whole as if it is something we should all abide by or is simply the standard use case, decreeing "Only when we do this can we in good conscience do that" very much rubs me the wrong way.

The whole discussion I've had with you and others where people talk about why they believe Codify is a completely different category than Apparitions in regard to starting something new exactly illustrates why that kind of universal standard would never work.
So we can never try to convince people of our point of view?
I have never forced anyone to subscribe to my point of view. I have argued for why I think it is a useful view and for the actions we should choose based on that view. This is perfectly reasonable since if I didn't think my view was useful I wouldn't use it personally. I have also defended that view when I have been accused (as part of a larger group) of being hypocritical because I have treated two different research actions differently. I conducted this defence by explaining that I genuinely view those actions as belonging to different categories and thus it is appropriate to treat them differently.
For the most part, I have found that you in arguing your view have argued that the methodology I use is flawed and thus should be strictly rejected. You don't have to agree with my methodology, nor do you have to vote as I do. If I have given that impression I apologize. But that doesn't mean that you can state that my methodology must universally be banned, especially when you have failed to interact with responses given to your concerns with the methodology.
Boney has said that depending on how well codification goes, we might write the paper on the spell that allows someone to learn it as part of the action, or if it is a success but not as huge a success as that then we would need to write it separately. But yes, the room of comfy focus would take care of this. It wouldn't be a book, in any case.

I don't think so? The point of the EIC action isn't "start construction on it right now," it's "broker a deal that makes this happen." A lot of people would need to be involved for that deal: Nordland, Laurelorn, and the Grey College for starters. If Laurelorn and Nordland offer something good enough to make this bridge happen, then I think the Grey College won't have any trouble finding volunteers to learn the spell and do the enchanting.

We could even give these volunteers who want to use Ulgu to create magical infrastructure in exchange for excellent compensation a cool name. Like SHADOW WIZARD MONEY GANG
no, the bridge would definitly not involve nordland. thats the whole point of it, going around them and through a swamp connected to middenland.
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