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Speaking as someone who's kinda... Not that excited to be doing apparitions this turn, I have to say it was always my understanding that it's a 1Ap action to find, catch, and bind an apparition unless any of those steps go wrong.

I'm not sure where this talk of it being a multi-turn project has come from.
...Now I'm second guessing myself and wondering if I'm misremembering, haha.
Just as an idea how how blisteringly fast a three years is to most of these people here's an estimation of their age

Active Members:
Lady Magister Elrisse of the Order of Light
Lord Magister Egrimm van Horstmann of the Order of Light
Magister Tochter Grunfeld of the Order of Life
Lector Aksel of the Cult of Halétha
Lord Hatalath of the Grey Lords - More than 4000 years old, he remembers the Elven Civil war as a child
Vicereine Cadaeth of the Ward of Frost - Hundreds to thousands of years old, is part tree
Lecturer Sarvoi of House Tindomiel - Is an elf looks at least somewhat old, hundreds to thousands of years old
Runelord Thorek Ironbrow of Karak Azul - Older than half a millennium, younger than a millennium, literally too stubborn to die
Baba Niedzwenka of Erengrad - At least a thousand years old, probably older
Ice Maiden Zlata of the Hromada Ledyanoy Ved'ma

OK, but what about the rest of them, surely everyone who is not old enough to call dirt 'sonny' and ruffle its hair will be upset at us if we do not take the company mandated half of our AP into the project for Ass-covering

Lady Magister Elrisse of the Order of Light
Lord Magister Egrimm van Horstmann of the Order of Light - Works for us and owes us a promotion
Magister Tochter Grunfeld of the Order of Life - We found her a literal holy site this turn
Lector Aksel of the Cult of Halétha - His goddess told him to trust us and we just helped restore some of the ,ore of his order
Ice Maiden Zlata of the Hromada Ledyanoy Ved'ma

So the question I have for you gentle readers is are Elrisse and Zlata going to kick up a fuss over how we spend our time? And is that fuss going to be disarmed by flying around Tilea for a bit updating maps for which we have no immediate use?
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I'm very uncomfortable with dropping down to 2 Waystone actions, one of which is a mapping action and not actually on the Waystone themselves. Our position in Laurelorn doesn't feel nearly secure enough to be blowing off our job for 3 self-improvement actions, with Thorek actively saying he feels the situation isn't secure.
Actually, the Waystone action being dropped for the sake of Apparitions is the mapping action, so the only remaining actions are the two more substantive ones (Capstone research and the tributary deployment). I don't support this plan, but I do want to make clear that it isn't quite as bad as you're worrying.
Well luckily we aren't binding the apparation right this instance, we are foremost finding and capturing one.
This is correct, but it further emphasizes @Parabola's point about the AP chain needed to have a deployable Apparition. At minimum, it looks like 1 AP to capture, 1 AP to bind, and ??? AP to invent a spell that unleashes it on our target in a way where the binding is still active. If we're doing Iron Orcs soon, we're not getting it in time.
It is my understanding that capturing one is binding it.
Then we follow up on figuring out how to control and release it afterwards.
Though i could be mistaken.
No, here's the last Boneyquotes on the subject I could find:
Hey @Boney a clarification to ask. As I understand, the Binding process, as we were originally meant to experience, was to go out, find an Apparition, beat it up, trap it, and then experiment at our leisure since adapting the binding methods to Ulgu would be difficult.

Is that correct? And if so, would a binding attempt here just constitute the capturing of Drycha for future experiments?
With zero prep time, there's no reliable way to trap Drycha for future experimentation. Mathilde would have to give the binding a go here and now, and hope for the best.
So the normal course of action is trap -> bind -> spell creation, but with Drycha we would have just had to yolo the binding.
Yes, because honestly i got tired of people going "oh we must only and totally focus on the job and anything that doesn't fit needs to be cut."
I want to read something fun! Hunting a apparation sounds like tons of fun.
If this is a common sentiment then maybe that's why I have a hard time getting into the head of the thread, because I don't feel like that at all. I definitely want us to advance our personal projects (and my plan has more personal actions than Waystone ones) but I've never found any part of the Waystone project boring.

I love that we're going to take a bunch of our project members on a visit to our home province, and I'm really looking forward to any interactions with Rosie and Nyklus and the Council of Manhorak. I like the group brainstorming sessions when we study Waystone components. And most relevant to the apparition binding, I loved all the worldbuilding we got on our last mapping action, and I'm more than happy for a repeat with the so far unexplored Tilea and Estalia.
Can any thread historians bring up a Boney quote that backs up that the Windfall Egrimm paper action in the plans is actually being the "reassure Egrimm" action that had been brought up before? Because I am up for doing a "reassure Egrimm that its okay for him to do the windfall paper and take credit for it" action, but I'm worried that the action that's in the plans is instead "co-write the paper with Egrimm without addressing his anxieties", which I'd be firmly against.
Maybe I'm missing something but isn't trading the KaK boon for Nuln books really inefficient?

Unless we're talking about every library in Nuln it'd probably make more sense to just get the dwarfs to just buy books from everywhere in the Empire.

It isn't like books are that expensive (at least for major Dawi guilds or kings) - we're not importing libraries from Ulthuan or Cathay.
Maybe I'm missing something but isn't trading the KaK boon for Nuln books really inefficient?

Unless we're talking about every library in Nuln it'd probably make more sense to just get the dwarfs to just buy books from everywhere in the Empire.

It isn't like books are that expensive (at least for major Dawi guilds or kings) - we're not importing libraries from Ulthuan or Cathay.
Library deals like this get us rare books that we can't just buy. Because the libraries that hold them would never sell.
Maybe I'm missing something but isn't trading the KaK boon for Nuln books really inefficient?

Unless we're talking about every library in Nuln it'd probably make more sense to just get the dwarfs to just buy books from everywhere in the Empire.

It isn't like books are that expensive (at least for major Dawi guilds or kings) - we're not importing libraries from Ulthuan or Cathay.

Actually, it's super efficient. In order to copy every book in a single library, we need to spend a Great Deed.

However, we're spending a Dwarven Boon that would normally only get us Metalsmith guild related products in exchange for the right to copy several libraries, if not all of them. That's a much better exchange rate.
Maybe I'm missing something but isn't trading the KaK boon for Nuln books really inefficient?

Unless we're talking about every library in Nuln it'd probably make more sense to just get the dwarfs to just buy books from everywhere in the Empire.

It isn't like books are that expensive (at least for major Dawi guilds or kings) - we're not importing libraries from Ulthuan or Cathay.
Also the amount of books that even just one of the great libraries of nuln have would break our book budget for probably a few dozen turns.
Library deals like this also get us absolutely massive quantities of books that would take decades to get just with the free book gains every turn.

EDIT: Ninja'd. xP
It feels like people are going with the plan that has us doing the most variety of things, at a minor expense to our job.

Yep. The puritan work ethic thing has long been a point of contention in the thread. And I think there's a difference between people seeing something as a "Waystone action" (existing on a list with other Waystone actions that all need to be checked off eventually) vs those who are comparing the actual mapping of some Waystones in countries where we've got no plans to do anything in the future. One side is weighing the Waystone project against apparitions, the other is weighing an optional part of it.

Plus, the apparition faction is strong and cohesive, and just this turn realized that we can use a webmat action to do this- actually appropriate given it's a gold to grey conversion.

I'm worried that the action that's in the plans is instead "co-write the paper with Egrimm without addressing his anxieties", which I'd be firmly against.

I was under the impression that Egrimm was not really in an anxious place any more? To advance any further he's going to have to either shake up the light college leadership again, or fight the supreme patriarch. But either way, there's only one, maybe two steps more he can make and there's only three people in the world who can tell him what to do. (His master no longer being one of them.)

Did you have quotes you could tie to worries at all? I might be too bláse.
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Can any thread historians bring up a Boney quote that backs up that the Windfall Egrimm paper action in the plans is actually being the "reassure Egrimm" action that had been brought up before? Because I am up for doing a "reassure Egrimm that its okay for him to do the windfall paper and take credit for it" action, but I'm worried that the action that's in the plans is instead "co-write the paper with Egrimm without addressing his anxieties", which I'd be firmly against.
It is co-write the paper. But we haven't been given any options in social turns or mechanical turns to be like "yo chill," and he hasn't written it on his own, so the best idea we've had has been to write it with him (as opposed to writing it as a Serenity action) and use that as an opportunity to make the point that he could have written this by himself earlier and we'd have been fine with it.
To my understand Apparition Binding is like Battlemagic, but the risk is all frontloaded onto the part where you bind the Apparition to begin with?
Like Gehenna says when talking about it, If you miscast a spell like this, you risk the Apparition either turning on you or slipping it's leash and then you have to go and bind a new one.

That is definitely not as bad as exploding or being sucked into the Warp, but it's still not good, which is why Gehenna said it's about as risky as Battle Magic.

Speaking as someone who's kinda... Not that excited to be doing apparitions this turn, I have to say it was always my understanding that it's a 1Ap action to find, catch, and bind an apparition unless any of those steps go wrong.

I'm not sure where this talk of it being a multi-turn project has come from.
As picklepikkl says, we first need to capture the thing, study the thing to double-check there's no problems, safely coat it in our wind, bind it to our soul, figure out the actual spell to summon the thing on command, and train it to attack the foes we want it to; not necessarily in that order (it's been a while, and I imagine the training bit would be part of summoning it properly). This is full-fledged spell creation.

Even with Gehenna's notes, this isn't learning a new spell in one AP, it's making a new one. Consider that Rite of Way took, what, 4 AP, I think? And even if it wasn't, Boney has noted that it's possible that it might take more than 1 AP to learn some Battle Magic spells.
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It is co-write the paper. But we haven't been given any options in social turns or mechanical turns to be like "yo chill," and he hasn't written it on his own, so the best idea we've had has been to write it with him (as opposed to writing it as a Serenity action) and use that as an opportunity to make the point that he could have written this by himself earlier and we'd have been fine with it.
I vaguely remember a Boney quote saying that it would take a specific action to sit Egrimm down and make him understand "hey, its cool if you write the paper"... I'll see if I can find it.

EDIT: I cannot, in fact, find it. Gosh, I wish there was a way to search through Boney posts or something...
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Boney does read the thread. Given most people writing for the wind-paper is doing it because they want to talk to Egrimm(as far as i can see that is most of the thread's consensus)

I think we can fairly reasonable that Mathilda would at very least throw a brief line Egrimm's way. Espesically since it's just talking, and not anything action heavy that might cost AP
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This feels really weird since most libraries that aren't with the Colleges or the cults ought to be ecstatic that Belegar is dumping a lot of money for copies of their collections. They can't all be that well funded surely?
Most libraries are probably funded pretty ok I believe because if they aren't the Verenians come and take it over and then you have a god to deal with.
Also there aren't that many libraries in the (rough) historical time period but there ones that did exist where prestige objects or parts of big centers of learning (universities and convents)
If this is a common sentiment then maybe that's why I have a hard time getting into the head of the thread, because I don't feel like that at all. I definitely want us to advance our personal projects (and my plan has more personal actions than Waystone ones) but I've never found any part of the Waystone project boring.
I am pissed that I have been pushing for this for IRL years and yet people still think mapping out some god forsaken and totally useless corner of the map is more important than apparation binding.

Can anybody even name the cities of Estelia without looking at a map? No? Than why pretent this is life and dead matter and it is the end of the world if we don't take it as 3rd action of the project?

Honestly two sword actions make far more sense to me if we are not doing apparation binding.
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Also i just wanted to clarify from my earlier comment, i don't hate the way stone project. It's fun. But it does lock one into lots of academic discussion which can be fun but gets overwhelming and repetitive quite quickly.

So doing something fun and actiony is a nice mixer.

Edit: also about mapping estalia and tilea
We don't speak the language or have anything cool we wanted to do there so most of the trip would be staring at the ground and saying "scusi" to the people we bump into.
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EDIT: I cannot, in fact, find it. Gosh, I wish there was a way to search through Boney posts or something...
You can use the search feature in the upper right and search posts in the thread by Boney. I skimmed through a bunch of the results for "windfall Egrimm" to see cases where both those came up together (and, similarly, earlier searched through results for "binding" and "apparition" to see if I could find citations about how, exactly, the AP chain for apparitions would work).

Anyway, if people are just like "I want to take the first step on this multi-AP chain", OK, fine, vote for the apparitions. But if you want it for specifically Iron Orcing real soon, then you should maybe reconsider.
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I come bearing a quote from afar regarding Egrimm and the windfall paper:

It would be like the similar paper on the Chaos Wastes, where Mathilde would use his notes and he'd be listed as a contributor. If you want him to be an active part of the writing process, then you should vote for the paper to be written as a joint WEB-MAT action with him.

I'm mainly bringing this up because I was quite honestly under the impression that we could do this as a serenity action with him and it would be fine. Turns out I'm very much wrong on that.
I am pissed that I have been pushing for this for IRL years and yet people still think mapping out some god forsaken and totally useless corner of the map is more important than apparation binding.

Can anybody even name the cities of Estelia without looking at a map? No? Than why pretent this is life and dead matter and it is the end of the world if we don't take it as 3rd action of the project?

Honestly two sword actions make far more sense to me if we are not doing apparation binding.
Magritta, Bilbali, Los Cabos, Almagora, Nerja. :V
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