[X] Backlash.
"I'm okay, I'm okay!" You try to get everyone to relax, "Sorry for spooking you, I guess channelling Magatsuhi like that took a whole lot out of me!"
"Channelling?" Shoji repeats.
"Yeah. I don't really know how else to describe it."
"So, what happened with you and Oriko?" Kohaku asks, looking you over again. She can't hide her worry for the life of her...
You take a breath, "So, Oriko got a renewed foresight from something named Gabriel. She saw some demons setting up some kind of gang, and called me before things got out of hand!" You stretch, feeling your back pop, "I went into their base, took out their leader, and was on the way back home."
"I'm sensing a "but"." Raido states.
"There is a but." You confirm. "We ran into a Fiend."
"A what?" Shoji asks. Kohaku looks at you cockeyed.
"They're a race of demon. Anyways--?"
"You fought a Fiend?" Raido asks, taking a seat at the foot of your bed. "And you defeated it?"
"It isn't that simple, but yeah. I saw him drawing forth a huge stockpile of Magatsuhi, and he used it to toughen himself up." You state, matter of factly, "So, then I thought, "Who says I can't do that?"
"Wait, what is Magatsuhi?" Shoji asks, his confusion growing.
"In short, it's emotional energy." Raido answers, crossing his arms. "Humans make it, demons feed on it."
"So, why can Yumi--?"
"Does it really matter right now?" Kohaku asks plainly, "It's how she survived the fight. Let's just count our blessings."
"...I suppose. Sorry, Yumi, go on?" Shoji fidgets with his thumb.
"Oh, yeah. I took on a shit ton of Magatsuhi, and... Bam, I gutted him." You place your hands on your lap, "Then, Oriko and I got spit out right where we were dragged in. And the rest is history."
"You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" Raido sighs for the umpteenth time, "Next time you find a Fiend, call me, okay?"
"Wait, sir, do you know about Fiends?" Kohaku asks in surprise.
"Vaguely." Raido reveals.
While your friends (and Raido) talk amongst each other, you shoot a text to Oriko.
>Hey, can you send me that pic? That you took of me today?
You put your phone on your lap, tuning back into the conversation.
"...So are they real demons? Like, from the Bible?" Shoji asks.
"Some of them." Raido fiddles with the sheathe for his sword, "Others, for instance "Oni", are from other religions, myths, and even rumors. And before you ask, no, I don't know how Rumor demons come to be."
"...Hm." Shoji internally takes notes.
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