Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

A mobilization day as a 'holiday' seems like the sort of thing any normal civilian would fucking despise to actually do, and the national religion of Republicanism reeks of demagoguery. It requires EVERYONE in Germany to be radically enthusiastic about the whole idea to work, and that's why it won't ever realistically take off. It's a wasted effort that could be used better elsewhere.

Nah, you're being too pessimistic. For most people it's basically a day hanging out with the buddies you've made during your reservist training. Sure, the trains will be a bit crowded, but you only need to ride them a little ways out of the city, do a bit of marching, then have lunch. It's like a giant mandatory state-sponsored picnic, except everybody has a rifle.
[X] Rekindling the Republic of Virtue
-[X] Create a new national holiday, Mobilization Day, where all citizens of the Republic participate in a mock mobilization. This is to bring our citizens together, and provide regular stress testing for mobilization practices.
-[X] Continue naval expansion and army reforms
-[X] Formalize an intelligence agency to gather information on our enemies and organize the activities of graduates of our Alpine Academy.
-[X] Provide recognition and funding for social groups that promote republican virtues in defense of the republic, such as community halls and hunting clubs.
-[X] Support the creation of Junior War Clubs in high schools across Germany, where students will practice and compete against each other in mock war games. These clubs will be democratically organized, preparing students for service in the Landwehr.
-[X] Facilitate the organization of a civic religion devoted to the republican struggle and dissolution of crowns.
Nah, you're being too pessimistic. For most people it's basically a day hanging out with the buddies you've made during your reservist training. Sure, the trains will be a bit crowded, but you only need to ride them a little ways out of the city, do a bit of marching, then have lunch. It's like a giant mandatory state-sponsored picnic, except everybody has a rifle.

'A bit of marching'. You understand that this is basically just a glorified fire drill, right? Does anyone actually enjoy doing that?
A mobilization day as a 'holiday' seems like the sort of thing any normal civilian would fucking despise to actually do, and the national religion of Republicanism reeks of demagoguery. It requires EVERYONE in Germany to be radically enthusiastic about the whole idea to work, and that's why it won't ever realistically take off. It's a wasted effort that could be used better elsewhere.
Every voting age male is part of the Landwehr, which means they're already obligated to participate in regular training drills. Mobilization Day is literally just a training drill that everyone has to participate in simultaneously, to stress-test our mobilization procedures.
Every voting age male is part of the Landwehr, which means they're already obligated to participate in regular training drills. Mobilization Day is literally just a training drill that everyone has to participate in simultaneously, to stress-test our mobilization procedures.

Then it renders the whole thing pointless when one could actually do something meaningful about our mobilization plans or widen our transport lines.It's a waste of valuable time.
Then it renders the whole thing pointless when one could actually do something meaningful about our mobilization plans or widen our transport lines.It's a waste of valuable time.
Testing how mobilization actually works in practice isn't a waste of time? Mobilizing quickly and effectively is exactly why we were able to crush Prussia and Austria in the Five Week War.
Testing how mobilization actually works in practice isn't a waste of time? Mobilizing quickly and effectively is exactly why we were able to crush Prussia and Austria in the Five Week War.

If we needed to tell the Landwehr how to do a quick mobilization or make plans for one, I would call it the most incompetent army in Europe. This isn't something the Government actually has to concern itself with.
If we needed to tell the Landwehr how to do a quick mobilization or make plans for one, I would call it the most incompetent army in Europe. This isn't something the Government actually has to concern itself with.
Bro, what are you talking about? Setting a policy that tells the Landwehr that it needs to regularly test whether or not its mobilization practices actually work in the real world on an ongoing basis is not dumb or a waste of time, especially in an era where the technology used to mobilize are constantly changing.
Bro, what are you talking about? Setting a policy that tells the Landwehr that it needs to regularly test whether or not its mobilization practices actually work in the real world on an ongoing basis is not dumb or a waste of time, especially in an era where the technology used to mobilize are constantly changing.

Then why would you set it as a distinct policy? Why turn it into a yearly holiday? This just seems overly pedantic. That practice mobilization should fall under any army reforms. It being it's own thing is quite wasteful in my eyes.
Every voting age male is part of the Landwehr
And a not-inconsiderable number of the women, too.
Then why would you set it as a distinct policy? Why turn it into a yearly holiday? This just seems overly pedantic. That practice mobilization should fall under any army reforms. It being it's own thing is quite wasteful in my eyes.
Good thing you don't have to vote for it, then! And can, in fact, write a plan that votes against it, if you like!
Then why would you set it as a distinct policy? Why turn it into a yearly holiday? This just seems overly pedantic. That practice mobilization should fall under any army reforms. It being it's own thing is quite wasteful in my eyes.
oh that's easy, because it's funny and will give France and Austria a heart attack

And a not-inconsiderable number of the women, too.
Are women required to serve in the Landwehr in order to vote in the same way that men are? I honestly can't recall if that's the case.
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oh that's easy, because it's funny and will give France and Austria a heart attack

So it's really just a case of dick-waving. Not exactly convincing.

edit: also, isn't giving France and Austria a heart attack the opposite of what we wanted to do earlier? It makes no sense to appear threatening, it's much better for us to appear weaker than we actually are, so they underestimate us.
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I mean making Franz Josef mald as hard as possible should be one of the chief objectives of our foreign policy.

That said, if you don't feel comfortable with Mobilization Day, feel free to vote for Plan To Moscow in 1900, which has a plank devoted to strengthening our mobilization speed via improving our infrastructure.
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edit: also, isn't giving France and Austria a heart attack the opposite of what we wanted to do earlier? It makes no sense to appear threatening, it's much better for us to appear weaker than we actually are, so they underestimate us.
France, sure, there's a reason I'm not voting for it myself. But Austria already knows we're coming for them without a shadow of a doubt. We've been gearing up for war with the Absolutist powers for the whole of the quest so far and they know it.
I mean making Franz Josef mald as hard as possible should be one of the chief objectives of our foreign policy.

That said, if you don't feel comfortable with Mobilization Day, feel free to vote for Plan To Moscow in 1900, which has a plank devoted to strengthening our mobilization speed via improving our infrastructure.

I really like what the national market has going on. What I was critical about was the efficiency of the rekindling of republican virtue plan and It's lack of ANY plank concerning the economy. It just seems like the party of propaganda. A lot of words, but very little substance.

France, sure, there's a reason I'm not voting for it myself. But Austria already knows we're coming for them without a shadow of a doubt. We've been gearing up for war with the Absolutist powers for the whole of the quest so far and they know it.

Oh for sure, but I would prefer if they would underestimate us more than if we did alarm them. Simple as that.
I really like what the national market has going on. What I was critical about was the efficiency of the rekindling of republican virtue plan and It's lack of ANY plank concerning the economy. It just seems like the party of propaganda. A lot of words, but very little substance.

Oh for sure, but I would prefer if they would underestimate us more than if we did alarm them. Simple as that.
Eh, they're still putting more resources into the military and creating a foreign intelligence service. Personally I'm more wary of the national market plan because promoting nationalist, German art is sus in what is steadily becoming a more and more diverse republic. I'd have no issues with you guys if it was just a blanket art subsidy or something.
[X] Vanguard Communist Party (Valkyrie Clique)
-[X] As the implementation of Labor Recognition has only just begun, provide full support to the Commission on Equality to avoid immediate backsliding and continue the effort.
-[X] Centralize the planning committees of the various Commissions into a standing Planning Conference Committee with the initiative to place sectoral and cross-sector planning bills before the Assembly.
-[X] Establish a national system of borrowing centers and goods libraries to reduce redundant production while improving the standard of living of the populace.
-[X] Reintroduce and formalize the morale and mental-healthcare functions that the commissariat in the United Front had taken on during the Second German Revolution.
-[X] Legally enshrine a right to literacy, with anyone who has been prevented from obtaining literacy in their mother-tongue being provided the materials and instruction needed.
-[X] Celebrate the wedding of Walpurga Voight and her wife as a proverbial gauntlet thrown at the face of reaction.
Eh, they're still putting more resources into the military and creating a foreign intelligence service. Personally I'm more wary of the national market plan because promoting nationalist, German art is sus in what is steadily becoming a more and more diverse republic. I'd have no issues with you guys if it was just a blanket art subsidy or something.

Thing is, we're still Germany, not [Nation X]. We still have a national culture that we should support,with migrants coming in should integrate with the German way of life and culture, while still being allowed to keep their own. That's the ideal anyways.
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Thing is, we're still Germany, not [Nation X]. We still have a national culture that we should support,with migrants coming in should integrate with the German way of life and culture, while still being allowed to keep their own. That's the ideal anyways.

Yes, you are correct which is why we should endeavour to establish the Republic of Central Europe to reflect the geographical truth of the state instead of the national falsehoods established by the bourgeois taint before us!
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Are women required to serve in the Landwehr in order to vote in the same way that men are? I honestly can't recall if that's the case.
The Constitution of 1880
The German Republic is a united and indivisible state consisting principally of workers, farmers, and soldiers, with all other professions acting in support of the three pillars of the nation. The Republic rejects all class and economic distinctions and shall at all times work toward the prosperity of its people. It shall continually strive to protect and defend the inalienable political and social rights of all German citizens, regardless of gender, religion, language, culture, or any other form of difference...
Article IV, Section I
The military of the German Republic shall be the national and democratic Leutewehr, whose membership shall be derived from the body of citizens making up the Republic and from those foreign nationals who volunteer their service on the Republic's behalf, and the Leutewehr shall be vested with such authority as is necessary for the defense of the nation and its borders. The Leutewehr shall consist of the terrestrial Landwehr and the maritime Marinewehr, and may further be assisted in its duties by other military bodies duly constituted by law, which are subordinate to it...
Thing is, we're still Germany not [Nation X]. We still have a national culture that we should support,while migrants coming in should integrate with the German way of life and culture, while still being allowed to keep their own. That's the ideal anyways.
The issue is that to support "German" culture and "German" folkways you must first divide culture into German and not-german. This is an incredibly destructive process that inevitably leads to discrimination and strife. Currently, anybody who serves for three years is a full citizen of the republic with no exceptions, and that's a tremendously valuable thing. We should not rush to divide our people.
[X] Technocratic Anarchistic
-[X] Some Educated English Refugees have alerted us to a brilliant invention, "The Analytical Engine" which could prove to be very useful in naval warfare at the very least. Let's build a few.
-[X] Plan new neighbourhoods to accommodate the influx of migrants, designed according to scientific principles. Include space for parks, public transport, electrical infrastructure, and so on.
-[X] Select respected authorities on socialist and republican thought to live in migrant-dominated communities, in order to help them acclimate to the German economic system and to assist them in their democratic decision-making.
-[X] Establish direct liaisons between universities and all local government entities. This will permit local administrators to draw on the latest breakthroughs in social science, while universities will be able to collect research data more easily.
-[X] Make research grants available via a new bureau of independent citizen-researchers, charged with comprehensively answering questions posed to them by legislators, cooperatives, public petitions, or Leutewehr officers.
-[X] Create a new commission to examine and review the operations of government, with the aim of cutting unnecessary red tape and minimizing wasted effort in the remainder of the central bureaucracy.

Vote Technocratic Anarchist! We have fancy machines to lessen the burden on laborers both physical and mental!
The issue is that to support "German" culture and "German" folkways you must first divide culture into German and not-german. This is an incredibly destructive process that inevitably leads to discrimination and strife. Currently, anybody who serves for three years is a full citizen of the republic with no exceptions, and that's a tremendously valuable thing. We should not rush to divide our people.

Yet if we take your exaggeration in the complete opposite direction, it'd result in the erosion and genocide of German culture. You're hyperbolizing, just as I did in my first sentence. Plus, you're running under the assumption that immigrants won't eventually adopt german culture, or that their children won't. It also assumes that we have created a society that favours discrimination and inequality, which we haven't.Your fears are unfounded.
Yet if we take your exaggeration in the complete opposite direction, it'd result in the erosion and genocide of German culture. You're hyperbolizing, just as I did in my first sentence. Plus, you're running under the assumption that immigrants won't eventually adopt german culture, or that their children won't. It also assumes that we have created a society that favours discrimination and inequality, which we haven't.Your fears are unfounded.
The creation of national identities iis an inevitably violent process. That's just a historical fact? Nationalism is shit in large part because when the state starts defining what the in-group is everyone else becomes the out-group and gets violently oppressed. There's a tremendous difference between talking about the culture of people who live in Germany and "German Culture" as defined by a state.

Do I think this plank will cause a genocide? No. But Nationalism is a poisonous thing and we should do everything we can to shoot it in the fucking head.
[X] Technocratic Anarchistic
-[X] Some Educated English Refugees have alerted us to a brilliant invention, "The Analytical Engine" which could prove to be very useful in naval warfare at the very least. Let's build a few.
-[X] Plan new neighbourhoods to accommodate the influx of migrants, designed according to scientific principles. Include space for parks, public transport, electrical infrastructure, and so on.
-[X] Select respected authorities on socialist and republican thought to live in migrant-dominated communities, in order to help them acclimate to the German economic system and to assist them in their democratic decision-making.
-[X] Establish direct liaisons between universities and all local government entities. This will permit local administrators to draw on the latest breakthroughs in social science, while universities will be able to collect research data more easily.
-[X] Make research grants available via a new bureau of independent citizen-researchers, charged with comprehensively answering questions posed to them by legislators, cooperatives, public petitions, or Leutewehr officers.
-[X] Create a new commission to examine and review the operations of government, with the aim of cutting unnecessary red tape and minimizing wasted effort in the remainder of the central bureaucracy.

Look to the future, citizens. The greatest promises of modern science have yet to be realized, and our Republic has a duty to make them into a reality.