Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

I am once more going to advise warhawks that "voting for the most peaceful option because it'll definitely have backlash that makes war more likely" is probably not a good idea.
[X] Hold Schnäbele pending further discussions.
[X] Release Schnäbele with a full apology.

I don't really think this is worth hanging him over, if he's even truly guilty.
[X] Release Schnäbele with a full apology.

Holding him isn't hanging him. We could hold and then release him, making Boulanger look like even more of a fool, if it turns out he's actually innocent or something. Or just imprison him.
Why should we not just release him now rather than risk a war with the French over the price of stirring their internal politics? Holding him in practice is just us ceding our agency over this crisis to Napoleon.

I find this pretty convincing.
Would defanging France even be good for us? We still have Austria and Russia to contend with and France is nominally a continental ally against them.
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