If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

  • Yes.

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  • Maybe.

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  • No.

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 8 50.0%

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[X] Check the time. Didn't that former Magical Girl want to spar at some point? If you feel like you have enough time you can sneakily 'stick your head in' so to speak and see whats up. Maybe more if you really have time.
[X] Check the time. Didn't that former Magical Girl want to spar at some point? If you feel like you have enough time you can sneakily 'stick your head in' so to speak and see whats up. Maybe more if you really have time.
How's today been for all of you?
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 5, 2023 at 10:22 PM, finished with 13 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Investigate it, but stay on your guard. You never know what could be supernatural, and what could be something more...
    [X] Check the time. Didn't that former Magical Girl want to spar at some point? If you feel like you have enough time you can sneakily 'stick your head in' so to speak and see whats up. Maybe more if you really have time.
How's today been for all of you?
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 5, 2023 at 10:22 PM, finished with 13 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Investigate it, but stay on your guard. You never know what could be supernatural, and what could be something more...
    [X] Check the time. Didn't that former Magical Girl want to spar at some point? If you feel like you have enough time you can sneakily 'stick your head in' so to speak and see whats up. Maybe more if you really have time.
Good, though I just got up.

Also I'll break the tie by swapping my vote to:
[X] Check the time. Didn't that former Magical Girl want to spar at some point? If you feel like you have enough time you can sneakily 'stick your head in' so to speak and see whats up. Maybe more if you really have time.
419: The Mystery Of The D
OOC: Meh, these votes are pretty similar. I can satisfyingly Amalgam here.

[X] Caution.

As your curiosity grows, you check your phone. Currently, it's about... 9:30.

You panic a little. You are hella late--?

(1) Kuzunoha Guy: just woke up 10ish new time be there

...Yeah, you've got time to check this out now! You smile to yourself, carefully approaching the building. Just like one of your old...?

There's a window you can peek through! You take a small glance, and spot...

...A lone demon. It's dressed in blue, rather short, and wields a large hammer. He seems to be looking at something in front of him.

You keep your guard up, not sure as to the demon's intentions. Maybe you could just... Walk in?

(INT ROLL: 15+6)

You hear footsteps from around the corner! You quickly duck behind a trash can, and watch.

A taller demon has appeared. This one has rusted metallic armor (you think) all over its face, and wears an apron. You also spot some tools on its belt, such as a hammer, some tongs, and...

...It's carrying metal?

"Oi!" The tall demon shouts, "Open up! I got the material!"

After a moment, the door opens. "Good work, my friend! Let's get this all back to th' forge!" The shorter demon speaks with a thick accent, "This piece'll surely catch some eyes!"

"Here's hopin'! We ain't had a single customer since we set up!" The demon enters, and the door closes behind it.

You blink.

[] ????????????????????
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Ah, the dedicated armory. Might be able to finally get a piece of armor. And hey, we can at least promise to spread the word so they don't get ticked off if we don't buy anything.
Well we don't have any junk that we could use, though if we do find metals or rare ores we could probably use them to reforge dawn blade to make it stronger.

As for recs, Raidou, Kazuya and Homura could use them for weapon and armor, same for Sayaka and Madoka, also Kohaku too.

[X] Seems Smith like... Might as well go in and see their wares. If it's good you can recommend it to the others so they can get kitted out without having to hope they find something good. Should make it relatively quick though.
Whatever we get should be mainly for dealing magic, considering our traits.

[X] Seems Smith like... Might as well go in and see their wares. If it's good you can recommend it to the others so they can get kitted out without having to hope they find something good. Should make it relatively quick though.
[X] Seems Smith like... Might as well go in and see their wares. If it's good you can recommend it to the others so they can get kitted out without having to hope they find something good. Should make it relatively quick though.
Do you think Vergil uses his Doppelganger ability to... Y'know...

...Arm wrestle himself?
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 6, 2023 at 10:56 PM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Seems Smith like... Might as well go in and see their wares. If it's good you can recommend it to the others so they can get kitted out without having to hope they find something good. Should make it relatively quick though.
    [X] Did you say Customers? Can you guys do upgrade?
420 (Blaze it. Lol, xd.): Dwarven Forge
[X] Will Will Smith smith?

So they're running a smithing shop? Well, there's no reason not to go in and at least browse! If it's good, you could recommend them to the others! Maybe they could all get kitted out with proper demon fighting equipment!

You smile contently, entering the establishment. You're a little surprised to see such an elaborate forge in a building like this, but sure enough, there it is! The smaller demon seems to be working on something before you entered.

The small demon looks up at you as he hears the door shut. "Hm? Oh, a customer!" He instantly perks up, his bearded face now sporting a smile, "Welcome to the Dwarven Forge! If it's weapons yer after, you've come to the right place!"

"Well, I'll be!" The taller demon sets his scrap down, "You're the first human bloke to stop by!"

"We've got some interestin' pieces up front!" The short demon explains happily, "And we got some other projects in th' back! If anythin' catcher her eye, just shout fer the Dwarf!"

You nod, finding his smile quite infectious.

"Oh, an' people call me Ippon-Datara!" The tall, metal clad demon adds, "I'm actually trainin' under the Dwarf! My pieces ain't ready to sell yet, but I'm gettin' there!"

You nod, "Remind me to keep an eye out, then!" You say with a smile.

"Can do, Miss!" He replies, walking into the back room.

"Well, how can this old Dwarf help ye?"
[] Buy?
-[] Steel Armor, ¥3000 (Resist: Phys, Wk: Lightning.)
-[] Chainmail Suit, ¥2200 (Enemies roll at -1 disadvantage to hit!)
-[] Studded Leather Chestplate, ¥2000 (Take 1d6 less damage.)
-[] Jagged Sword, ¥1800 (2d8 DMG, chance for bleed.)
-[] Ornate Hammer, ¥3550 (2d12+10 DMG, but -2 to your hit rolls.)
-[] Machine Pistol, ¥4350 (2d8+(1/4•DEX) to all enemies.)
[] Sell?
-[] What're you selling?
[] Talk?
-[] "Do you guys do custom pieces?"
--[] What do you want?
-[] "So, why'd you open up a shop around here?"
-[] "Hear any good rumors lately?"
-[] Something else? (Write in.)

"Am I going to be hit with a hammer?"
-[] Chainmail Suit, ¥2200 (Enemies roll at -1 disadvantage to hit!)
Ooh, tempting.

-[] Jagged Sword, ¥1800 (2d8 DMG, chance for bleed.)
Sayaka can probably get some good use out of this.

-[] Ornate Hammer, ¥3550 (2d12+10 DMG, but -2 to your hit rolls.)
Wow, that's a lot of damage.

Personally, I'd rather not buy anything right now because I want to save our money for fusions.
[X] "While I hadn't expected to find a shop like this today, just knowing you're here is good. I know a few people that are more lacking in the gear department than I am, so I'll definitely be sending them your way. After making sure they have the cash for it. Unfortunately for me, I have a sparring session in a bit so I don't have the time to discuss my own needs."

I think this one is good. Lets him know we plan on sending more customers his way, and gives a good reason for why we aren't buying something right now. And Yumi really does have odd enough circumstances that she would benefit from a proper discussion with a professional, between her innate resistances and Dawn.

Probably not considering that, while alive, Dawn is very metallic and not organic.
I could be wrong tho
I mean, Aigis is metalic
[X] "While I hadn't expected to find a shop like this today, just knowing you're here is good. I know a few people that are more lacking in the gear department than I am, so I'll definitely be sending them your way. After making sure they have the cash for it. Unfortunately for me, I have a sparring session in a bit so I don't have the time to discuss my own needs."

There is also like I said, if we end up finding stuff like rare ores or the like we can probably reforge dawn blade to make it stronger.

there could also be something like fusing a demons essence with certain weapons like in persona to get unique weapons.

but from the stuff yeah the chainmail is pretty tempting.
[X] "While I hadn't expected to find a shop like this today, just knowing you're here is good. I know a few people that are more lacking in the gear department than I am, so I'll definitely be sending them your way. After making sure they have the cash for it. Unfortunately for me, I have a sparring session in a bit so I don't have the time to discuss my own needs."
There is also like I said, if we end up finding stuff like rare ores or the like we can probably reforge dawn blade to make it stronger.
Doesn't Dawn already grow on her own?

Also, we don't really know what Dawn is made of in all honesty. Whether it's Magic, Magatsuhi, Metal, or Soul stuff, the blade did just randomly appear one day.

I kinda don't wanna put outside stuff inside Dawn yet. Letting Dawn grow naturally I feel would work well.
We should probably let them know that we may be coming to grab that Machine Pistol once we've got a little more scratch on us though. 2d8+(1/4•DEX) to all enemies is vicious.
At minimum, that's 9 damage to all enemies at current. assuming maximum rolls that can be 23 damage to all enemies, which is nice if we need to save MP. and that doesn't factor in crits or weakpoint hits either!

For comparison, most of our Skills/Spells are still 1d8, with the occasional outlier of 1d10(Fang Breaker) and 1d12(Hamaon/Zanma). and our current gun is a mere 1d6+2+(1/4 DEX).
So our gun is kinda lagging behind a fair bit. so that and some kinda armor should be our next purchases as we've already got quite a respectable stable of Demons at present.
the Steel Armor's a nonissue, as we're already Phys Immune, which obviates the main reason we'd get it for, the Phys Resist. now, if there were a melee-oriented MG who had Null Elec/Absorb Elec then...Well, it'd be a no-brainer for them to grab.
Which pretty much brings it down to whether we want a -1 penalty on enemy attacks hitting us, or a 1d6 damage reduction for when they do hit us.

Incidentally, do we know the stats on Sayaka's sword?
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