[X] Will Will Smith smith?
So they're running a smithing shop? Well, there's no reason not to go in and at least browse! If it's good, you could recommend them to the others! Maybe they could all get kitted out with proper demon fighting equipment!
You smile contently, entering the establishment. You're a little surprised to see such an elaborate forge in a building like this, but sure enough, there it is! The smaller demon seems to be working on something before you entered.
The small demon looks up at you as he hears the door shut. "Hm? Oh, a customer!" He instantly perks up, his bearded face now sporting a smile, "Welcome to the Dwarven Forge! If it's weapons yer after, you've come to the right place!"
"Well, I'll be!" The taller demon sets his scrap down, "You're the first human bloke to stop by!"
"We've got some interestin' pieces up front!" The short demon explains happily, "And we got some other projects in th' back! If anythin' catcher her eye, just shout fer the Dwarf!"
You nod, finding his smile quite infectious.
"Oh, an' people call me Ippon-Datara!" The tall, metal clad demon adds, "I'm actually trainin' under the Dwarf! My pieces ain't ready to sell yet, but I'm gettin' there!"
You nod, "Remind me to keep an eye out, then!" You say with a smile.
"Can do, Miss!" He replies, walking into the back room.
"Well, how can this old Dwarf help ye?"
[] Buy?
-[] Steel Armor, ¥3000 (Resist: Phys, Wk: Lightning.)
-[] Chainmail Suit, ¥2200 (Enemies roll at -1 disadvantage to hit!)
-[] Studded Leather Chestplate, ¥2000 (Take 1d6 less damage.)
-[] Jagged Sword, ¥1800 (2d8 DMG, chance for bleed.)
-[] Ornate Hammer, ¥3550 (2d12+10 DMG, but -2 to your hit rolls.)
-[] Machine Pistol, ¥4350 (2d8+(1/4•DEX) to all enemies.)
[] Sell?
-[] What're you selling?
[] Talk?
-[] "Do you guys do custom pieces?"
--[] What do you want?
-[] "So, why'd you open up a shop around here?"
-[] "Hear any good rumors lately?"
-[] Something else? (Write in.)
"Am I going to be hit with a hammer?"