Isiri Pudireach
Predictive text can go duck itself
Sometimes really stupid plan names like this just crack me up.
Phonetically, Kyoko just called Kohaku "Kyoko". That's gotta be confusing.
Did you miss the bit where Datacord took over the site and declared Skeletons to ne the only first class citizens or something like that?
Would Patra heal Bleed? If not, there isn't anything we can do about it other than swapping him out.
If it works the way I think it does, Patra can't heal cause it's not a mental effect but should wear off eventually. Also I don't think it increases damage over time.
I'm pretty sure Poison isn't a mental effect either, and Patra can still heal that just fine.If it works the way I think it does, Patra can't heal cause it's not a mental effect but should wear off eventually. Also I don't think it increases damage over time.
I thought Poison is an internal affliction, where there is something in there that isn't supposed to be.I'm pretty sure Poison isn't a mental effect either, and Patra can still heal that just fine.
She's got tier 2 spells, 4th highest HP, and highest MP of our demons. Meaning she has one of the highest raw damage output from her spells out of all of our demons.Pixie (Zan, Dia, Patra, Mazan, Media, Zanma, Diarama, Mazanma) [Str: Force. Wk: Lightning, Dark] {HP: 175, MP: 156}
Wendigo is nowhere close to dying tho, he still has 175 HP left so he can tank some hits more before we actually need a heal.
I'm seeing a contradiction here.
Give us a fusion spell trait QM, you know you want to.