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EX 78: The Way Home
Once the last faculty member leaves, you sit in your new home for the coming years. There's basic furniture, a barren kitchen, and several notes for you scattered about.

Coincidentally, there's one on the couch, taped to a TV remote. You pick it up and begin to read...

Needs batteries.

You sigh. Luckily, with what little you brought, you had the bright idea to pack some Triple A Batteries. Well, time to get to work.

You force yourself off of the rather comfortable couch, and shamble to your bags. It's better to do these things when you're thinking about them, after all. You begin to unpack...


Kyoko is... In an aggressive mood today. You can't say you blame her, given her current sleep-deprived state. You'd be irritable, too.

Honestly, you've been trying to drum up a topic of conversation for your entire walk. However, every time you think you've found one, you'd imagine how it would devolve into a verbal fist fight. Maybe if you spoke in a softer--!

"Would you just say something already?" Kyoko huffs, "I can't stand walking around all quiet and shit."

"Huh? Oh, sure...?" You're a little caught off guard by her sudden request, but you oblige her. "Do you think Yumi is going to be okay?"

"Yep." She replies, stretching. You hear her back pop several times, "My guess is that she'll kill the Witch by the time we get home. If she wakes me up, I'm gonna thrash her."

"That's rather..." You try to find a word to describe it, "...Extreme, don't you think?"

"Look, I've been up since yesterday morning, so excuse me if I want some rest!" Kyoko puts her arms up defensively, "At least you got to--?"

"Oh, hey! It's the Marker Brigade!" You turn to the new voice, finding that Dante guy from the other day. "Where's little miss Metal Arm?"

"Yumi's fighting a Witch, I'm gonna go sleep, and Kyo... Koh... What's her name is just along for the ride." Kyoko explains, not even looking at him.

"Long night, huh? I've had a few of those myself!" Dante begins following you, "I got paid for 'em, though."

"Good for you." Kyoko growls.

"So, kid, you ever got paid for a successful hunt? If you wanna make a paycheck, I heard Devil May Cry's hiring apprentice demon hunters!"

You shake your head. Kyoko got her wish, at least.
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If something this is a pretty good development.

Kyoko gets to start training to go againts demons and we get the extra that Dante and Vergil mostly play by the rules of neutral factions, so when shit starts hitting the fan we know Kyoko will probably not steer toward Law or Chaos.
Also... Voting closed.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 31, 2023 at 11:16 PM, finished with 15 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan: plan of plan
    -[X] Get everyone looking in different directions to try spotting you foe
    -[X]Nadja + Wendigo Tarukaja
    -[X] Yumi and Raiju Maragi an Mazio respectively to clear the area and possibly the blizzard. Be careful to avoid hitting allies.
What do you mean? This is normal for Sufficient Skeletons!

Edit: In fact there is an event rn about saving Sufficient Velocity lmao
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414: Blood In The Snow
[X] Plan: plan of plan
OOC: Plan no longer sounds like a real word.

Without even needing to say anything, your demons join you at your back. Everyone is looking for your assailant diligently...


Preemptively, Nadja and Wendigo cast their spells, benefiting the whole party.

Now, the real challenge.

(INT ROLL: YUMI, RAIJU: 2+6, 12+1)

...It's no good, you can't see anything in this storm--!

"Got you, you little shit!" Raiju shouts, casting a spell.

(DMG ROLL: 4+7)
(TOTAL: 17)

Lightning cuts through the blizzard, apparently hitting true! Something cries out, reeling from the strike.

Well, since Raiju so kindly provided an opening...

...You're still striking blind, but an assumed direction is better than no direction!

(YUMI ATTACKS: MARAGI: 10-2, 20, 15-2)
OOC: Okay. It's been a while. This one is kinda expected.
(DMG ROLL: (5+21)+((8+21)•2))

You send three crackling fireballs into the blizzard, desperately hoping one lands. Your hopes...

...Are redoubled, as your attack not only dispells the blizzard, but also strikes the Witch!

Honestly, since it uses blizzards and lives in a snowy forest, you should've guessed its weakness!

(TOTAL: 59, 131)

It's here that you finally get a good look at the Witch. It is...

...It's barely humanoid, with a noticable slouch in its stance. On its back rests a quiver made from the same material as the Familiars. It's "face" is obscured by a hood, and the only revealing features of it are horns sprouting randomly from the top of its head.

It locks eyes with you, and takes aim.


You roll out of the way just in time. However, you were standing just in front of Wendigo.


At first, you think Wendigo is bleeding, but quickly realize that he isn't losing blood.

He's losing Magatsuhi.

"OW! ME HURT!" He shouts, attempting to claw at the arrow in his back.


Shit, that complicates things.

[] ????????????????????
I have two questions.

First, does the damage from Bleed increase overtime?

Second, does the Witch have any Familiars backing it up, or is it alone?
I'm pretty sure Poison isn't a mental effect either, and Patra can still heal that just fine.
I thought Poison is an internal affliction, where there is something in there that isn't supposed to be.

Purge your body of harmful substances, which is how it worked on cancer back in the hospital.

Edit: Bleed is things leaking out when they shouldn't be.
Yeah, patra line is for mostly stuff that shouldn't be there on the first place.

For actual wounds it is the dia line.

Wendigo is nowhere close to dying tho, he still has 175 HP left so he can tank some hits more before we actually need a heal.

Since witch is weak to fire, we should probably try to combine Scorching slash with Zanma,

[X] Plan: playing on same terms.
-[X] Have Nadja cast Diarama on Wendigo
-[X] Have Wendigo cast Fog Breath on witch.
-[X] Have Raiju cast Sukunda on the witch.
-[X] Finally after the spells are casted ignoring if they have hit or not, use Scorching Slash alongside Zanma on the witch, if fusion fails prioritize Scorching Slash.

Well since this bitch is playing with a minus accuracy debuff on us it is time we return the favor, Fog breath + Sukunda leaves her at a -3 on accuracy and agility which gives us the perfect chance for us to strike.
Looking at our demons. The best one to replace Wendigo with is:
Pixie (Zan, Dia, Patra, Mazan, Media, Zanma, Diarama, Mazanma) [Str: Force. Wk: Lightning, Dark] {HP: 175, MP: 156}
She's got tier 2 spells, 4th highest HP, and highest MP of our demons. Meaning she has one of the highest raw damage output from her spells out of all of our demons.

This of course, assuming that we don't keep Wendigo out for now since he is the one that can tank the status effect.

[X] Plan: playing on same terms.
Wendigo is nowhere close to dying tho, he still has 175 HP left so he can tank some hits more before we actually need a heal.
-[X] Have Nadja cast Diarama on Wendigo
I'm seeing a contradiction here.

[X] Plan Now That We Can See
-[X] Nadja casts Tarukaja again
-[X] Wendigo casts Fog Breath
-[X] Raiju casts Sukunda
-[X] Yumi attempts to combine Scorching Slash and Zanma (if this fails, prioritize Scorching Slash)

Almost the same as Aron's plan, just with Nadja getting our attack modifier up to x1.75 instead of overhealing Wendigo. Although I'm tempted to replace Zanma with Mazionga, because I still don't know if the Witch has mooks or not.
Good job hitting the witch Yumi and hope you dont find a King Frost in that barrier as they are troublesome.

[X] Plan Now That We Can See
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