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She's probs already dead in fairness, considering that this scenario takes place during our story and not P4's.

As far as we know, Yu Narukami was the only one there and that Yumi got one-shot with Null Phys and all her Demon Powers.
Shadow Yumi didn't fight Narukami (P4 protag) but post game Minato (P3 protag).

And I pointed out Saki's death because her funeral would be a good reason for Yumi to go to Inaba.
Yuma shall get all the headpats!

Btw, since Yumi will have Drain Ice & Drain Dark, I'm just imagining The Abyss* being terrified of her since she passively consumes it's cold and dark power.

*Kantai Collection
Now that Yumi drains both Ice and Dark, she's completely immune to Stasis.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 19, 2023 at 11:35 PM, finished with 22 posts and 9 votes.
If you present us with a Drain or Null you had better make the other choices just as good of else we will just take it.
402: Waking Up
[X] Absolutely not.

"Absolutely not." You reply to Dawn. "Never."

Just as you think this, the world begins to rattle...


[X] Drain Ice.
[X] Specks of red fill the night...
[X] Pet Yuma's head

You smile slightly, patting Yuma on the head softly. She doesn't stir, surprisingly, but she smiles a little. You should probably get up soon, though...

"Oh, you're awake?" Kohaku asks quietly, "Here, I'll just make breakfast myself today. Just so you don't have to wake up Yuma!"

You smile at her, giving Kohaku a thumbs up with your free hand. "Thanks."

She doesn't reply, turning around and walking over to your stove. She hums quietly as she works on breakfast, expertly grabbing her required ingredients.

She's gonna be an amazing cook someday. Hopefully, you'll be there to eat some of it! You bet it'll be really tasty...!

"...Mm?" Yuma finally wakes up at the sound of cooking, "Good morning...!" She groggily greets you, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning, Yuma!" You smile at her.

You hear a dull thud from the other room, and sure enough, Griffon flaps out and perches on a chair. "Man, it was great to spread out! My wings feel amazing!"

"Did you kick Yuma out of her bed?" Kohaku asks cheerfully, holding the frying pan. "Answer truthfully, now."

"Hey, she just had a nightmare or whatever!" Griffon defends himself, "No, not the "me" kind, before you ask!"

You look back to Yuma, who looks a little embarrassed. "...Yuma had a bad dream." She admits.

[] ??????????????????????
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[X] Hug Yuma, "That's okay, do you wanna talk about it?"
-[X] "Want to know a secret? We have bad dreams sometimes too."

I'm iffy on my add-on but figured Yuma should know having nightmares isn't being a burden.

Then again I could be wrong.

Edit: Yumi nightmares consist of failure and Kohaku nightmares consist of what could be.
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[X] Hug Yuma, "That's okay, do you wanna talk about it?"
-[X] "Want to know a secret? We have bad dreams sometimes too."
[X] Hug Yuma, "That's okay, do you wanna talk about it?"
-[X] "Want to know a secret? We have bad dreams sometimes too."

Yeah the add-on will probably make Yuma feel a little better.
Saying "we" instead of "I" is a little weird there. It's either talking like a quest hivemind, or speaking on behalf of Kohaku. While Kohaku does have nightmares, bringing them up on her behalf seems kind of rude.
Saying "we" instead of "I" is a little weird there. It's either talking like a quest hivemind, or speaking on behalf of Kohaku. While Kohaku does have nightmares, bringing them up on her behalf seems kind of rude.
I mean, your kinda jumping to conclusions here.

We may be bringing up nightmares, sure, and while Yumi knows Kohaku has them, she has no reason to believe all her nightmares are trauma-inducing.

There are the trauma-induced ones, then ones that make no sense but scare anyway. Like a nightmare of an alien invasion and getting ripped to shreds. Stuff like that.

Edit: Then there are those weird premonition dreams I used to have that gave me deja vu all day. Like falling down some stairs.
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I mean, your kinda jumping to conclusions here.

We may be bringing up nightmares, sure, and while Yumi knows Kohaku has them, she has no reason to believe all her nightmares are trauma-inducing.

There are the trauma-induced ones, then ones that make no sense but scare anyway. Like a nightmare of an alien invasion and getting ripped to shreds. Stuff like that.

Edit: Then there are those weird premonition dreams I used to have that gave me deja vu all day. Like falling down some stairs.
Even without the trauma, bringing up someone else's nightmares on their behalf seems pretty rude. With the trauma?

Here's what Kohaku said the last time Yumi tried to talk about her nightmares:
"I...!" Kohaku huffs. "I'm sorry, Yumi. I... Yes. I had a nightmare."

"Do you... Want to talk about it?"

I would not count on Kohaku being pleased with Yumi bringing Kohaku's nightmares up with someone else.
Even without the trauma, bringing up someone else's nightmares on their behalf seems pretty rude.
Honestly, could just me having weird dreams/nightmares but I just assumed everyone had them.

Wasn't meant to bring up anything, but I figured it was a way to relate Yuma and everyone else.

We know Kohaku has nightmares and she chooses not to say. End of story no? Knowledge of something doesn't mean we're pressing, and it is still something Yumi wants to address at some point anyway.
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Honestly, could just me having weird dreams/nightmares but I just assumed everyone had them.

Wasn't meant to bring up anything, but I figured it was a way to relate Yuma and everyone else.

We know Kohaku has nightmares and she chooses not to say. End of story no? Knowledge of something doesn't mean we're pressing, and it is still something Yumi wants to address at some point anyway.
Even if you're thinking of it as an "everyone has nightmares" thing, look at that wording:
-[X] "Want to know a secret? We have bad dreams sometimes too."
Secret. This isn't "everyone has nightmares" wording. This vote is worded as telling Yuma Kohaku's secrets. Maybe you didn't think of it that way, but how do you think Kohaku will take it?
Maybe you didn't think of it that way, but how do you think Kohaku will take it?
I meant it in a "hey I bet you didn't know this" like how you would talk to a child.

Another thing is, if I word it as "everyone has nightmares" I felt that would be merely brushing off any concerns Yuma may have which is not what we want.

I admit, I may be banking on Kohaku not overreacting here, but if she starts freaking out at us for mentioning she has nightmares after everything she has been through I'll be shocked.

I get that what Kohaku and Yumi talk about is private, and it will stay that way. No where does it say anything about revealing anything other than Kohaku having nightmares.

I think I should bring up a different perspective.

Do you think that a normal person in their world, with knowledge about the existence of Demons, Gods, Magic, Aliens, Soul-Gems, Witches, etc. have no nightmares about what they face?

It's acknowledging that the bullshit that is going on scares people, scares the people Yumi cares about. It scares Yumi about the possibility of a single failure costing her the lives of the people who rely upon her.
Yeah, this is Yumi talking to a small child, and calling it a secret because that's just how some people talk to kids. If someone was going to flip out because you "spilled the secret that they have nightmares" then they have some very concerning mental health issues. Very specific issues we would have seen show up waaaaay before now.
I meant it in a "hey I bet you didn't know this" like how you would talk to a child.

Another thing is, if I word it as "everyone has nightmares" I felt that would be merely brushing off any concerns Yuma may have which is not what we want.

I admit, I may be banking on Kohaku not overreacting here, but if she starts freaking out at us for mentioning she has nightmares after everything she has been through I'll be shocked.

I get that what Kohaku and Yumi talk about is private, and it will stay that way. No where does it say anything about revealing anything other than Kohaku having nightmares.

I think I should bring up a different perspective.

Do you think that a normal person in their world, with knowledge about the existence of Demons, Gods, Magic, Aliens, Soul-Gems, Witches, etc. have no nightmares about what they face?

It's acknowledging that the bullshit that is going on scares people, scares the people Yumi cares about. It scares Yumi about the possibility of a single failure costing her the lives of the people who rely upon her.
The vote may not explicitly say to reveal anything beyond Kohaku having nightmares, but where do you see this conversation going? And where do you see Kohaku seeing this conversation going?

You're priming Yuma to ask about Kohaku's nightmares, questions like "What kind of nightmares does Kohaku have?" or "When did you see Kohaku having nightmares?" You're also priming Kohaku to expect Yuma to ask, and priming Kohaku to expect Yumi to talk about Kohaku's nightmares. Why bring up Kohaku's nightmares at all if you're just going to immediately drop the subject?

It has been one day since Kohaku woke up from some nightmare she specifically did not want to talk about, and now you're voting to bring up the subject of Kohaku's nightmares with a third party, right in front of her. Regardless of whether it's normal or expected to have nightmares, this is an insensitive move.

You can get the job done by having Yumi talk about Yumi's nightmares. If Kohaku wants to bring up her own nightmares, she can do that herself.
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