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Well anyone got our last stats update.

Also how many spell slots did we get?

As for dawn stuff, lets get the mudo stuff

We don't really use normal strikes too much.

Sames goes for mp steal, if you want to get mp back you are better using off ítems since they are more convenient in the long run
Oh, good! That's exactly what we need right now!

You've got to ask him how he does that some time!
Yes, definitely!

Also how many spell slots did we get?
Based on the recent update to our sheet, two.

[X] +6 INT, +1 LUK
-[X] Learn Lunge and Maragi, replace Agilao with Agi

Now, you're probably wondering if I have lost my mind considering Agi is a straight downgrade from Agilao, but this is only meant to be a temporary measure for the sake of getting an extra stat point. I fully intend to swap them out again in a level or two.

As for the stats, I'd say we're doing well enough in terms of damage output and HP, so I want to improve our INT modifier for social situations. Remaining point to LUK to attempt to start getting that caught up with the rest of our stats.

[X] Spiteful Strike: Adds Spiteful Strike: (10 MP) [MUDO + SWORD] {DARK/PHYS}

Magic Leech is tempting, but this is a higher priority if you ask me.

[X] "Not at the moment. What do you want to know?"

Only thing I can think of that needs doing right now is swinging by the Cathedral to fuse Ippon-Datara, and that can wait.
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well checked our spell page and we really do need to do a clean up.

- Zan (4 MP) [D8+(1/2•INT)] {FORCE}
- Media (9 MP) [D8+(1/2•INT)] {HEAL}
- Dia (3 MP) [D8+(1/2•INT)] {HEAL}
- Hama (6 MP) [D8+(1/2•INT)] {LIGHT}
- Tarukaja (12 MP) [+1/2DMG TO ROLL] {SUPPORT}
- Auto-Sukukaja (N/A) [Casts Sukukaja at the beginning of battle] {AUTO}
- Fang Breaker (10 MP) [D10+(1/2•STR), Lowers Attack] {PHYSICAL}
- Agilao: (6 MP) [D12+INT] {FIRE}
- Patra (3 MP) [Removes an Ailment from one ally] {HEAL}
- Recarm (20 MP) [Revive one ally with half HP] {HEAL}
- Rampage (8 MP) [1d4+1 Strikes, d8+(1/2•STR)] {PHYSICAL}
- Mazionga (18 MP) [All enemies, 1d12+(INT)] {LIGHTNING}
- Hamaon (10 MP) [D12+(INT)] {LIGHT}
- Mazan (9 MP) [All enemies, 1d8+(1/2•INT)] {FORCE}
- Zanma (6 MP) [D12+INT] {FORCE}
- (empty.)
- (empty.)

Keep in mind our MP is at 365 so we can actually start getting rid of the lower level stuff without suffering much

Considering we already have it, I say we change Zan for Zandyne, since we also have zanma at this point zan it is just pointless to have.

Dia we could change it for dekaja, at this point we are mostly using media or diarama since we have our passive regen and the jump from dia to diarama is not much and we get a lot more out of it till we get diarahan or salvation.

Hama also really needs to go, we are really just sticking to Hamaon at this point and it is just an increase of 4 mp per use, I say we change it for fog breath to have a -2 on agility on demand

as for stuff to add we could get Mabufula or Bufula for tier 2 ice and I am not againts adding lunge.

ALSO A REMINDER FOR THE AoE SPELLS, don't try to use those all the time, sometimes it is better to use the single target version as some enemies can gang on us with one that is weak while the other repels it or absorbs it.
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Considering we already have it, I say we change Zan for Zandyne, since we also have zanma at this point zan it is just pointless to have.
Reminder that we need Zan to get the point per level from Pixie. Save swapping it out for another level.

Dia we could change it for dekaja, at this point we are mostly using media or diarama since we have our passive regen and the jump from dia to diarama is not much and we get a lot more out of it till we get diarahan or salvation.
We need Dia for both Pixie's point and Angel's. Save swapping that out for another level.

Hama also really needs to go, we are really just sticking to Hamaon at this point and it is just an increase of 4 mp per use, I say we change it for fog breath to have a -2 on agility on demand
Hama is also required for Angel's point. Again, save it for another level.
The annoying thing about that argument is just how long you will keep using it to justify this hoarding behavior. When will that prophesied level come? Never if you keep focusing on stat points.
*sigh* Frankly, I am planning to start swapping some of Pixie's outdated Skills out in the next level or two, but right now, I am trying to be efficient. We get no point per level from Agilao and we have two slots completely open, therefore they are higher on the priority list for swapping Skills in than Skills that we are getting a point from. After that we can swap out some of Pixie's Skills, which will probably lead to more points per level overall because Pixie has more Skills than any of our other Demons. Then we swap out Angel's Skills when we will not lose a point per level from swapping out the Skills of two of our Demons at once.

EDIT: This is also assuming that we don't swap Angel himself out in favor of Virtue by the time we get that far, which makes Hama even more of priority for swapping out.
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I am trying to be efficient.
In all fairness we really don't need to be. Most of the enemies have been steamrolled to the point where fights that are supposed to be difficult have been a breeze.

Like, it's not even us rolled max anymore, just straight up dodge tanking and abusing the fusion spell mechanic.

Heck, at this rate we might even one turn a final boss.
In all fairness we really don't need to be. Most of the enemies have been steamrolled to the point where fights that are supposed to be difficult have been a breeze.

Like, it's not even us rolled max anymore, just straight up dodge tanking and abusing the fusion spell mechanic.

Heck, at this rate we might even one turn a final boss.
Even leaving aside my doubt regarding that last part, combat isn't my primary concern when it comes to stat points right now, it's Stat Checks like during our conversation with Homura and Louis, where we first had to make an INT check to verify Louis's sincerity and then a CHR check to get both him and Homura to calm down talk to each other instead of at each other.
Heck, at this rate we might even one turn a final boss
It takes a special kind of hax to one turn a final boss in SMT. Mostly the "endless turn" type hax. The ones that require broken skill combinations. This is due to being HP sponges of the highest degree ontop of their "can deal a third or higher of your maximum possible hp" kind of attacks.
Heck, at this rate we might even one turn a final boss.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 14, 2023 at 11:10 PM, finished with 16 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] "Not at the moment. What do you want to know?"
    [X] +6 INT, +1 LUK
    -[X] Learn Lunge and Maragi, replace Agilao with Agi
    [X] Spiteful Strike: Adds Spiteful Strike: (10 MP) [MUDO + SWORD] {DARK/PHYS}
    [X] Spiteful Strike: Adds Spiteful Strike: (12 MP) [MUDO + SWORD] {PHYS/DARK}
397: Tips
[X] "Not at the moment. What do you want to know?"

"Not at the moment, what do you you wanna know?" You shake your head, getting all of the soot out of your hair.

"That's not what I..." Kazuya sighs. "I am going to tell you about a certain behavior of demons."

"Oh. Whoops." You laugh with a smile.

With a shrug, he says, "Misunderstandings happen. In all seriousness, listen carefully. This is very important."

You walk a little closer to hear him better. Cerberus also closes in.

"Demons react to the phases of the moon." Kazuya begins, "More specifically, Full and New Moons. On a New Moon, they thin out, but stronger ones become more common. On a Full Moon, most demons frenzy so you won't be able to negotiate. In both scenarios, they'll be more aggressive than usual."

"Yeesh, thanks for the heads up." You reply, brushing off the soot that still covers your clothes. "Anything else I should know?"

"Stephen said something about Fiends, right?" Kazuya looks you dead in the eyes. His gaze sends a shiver through your entire body. "Don't fight them. If they're anything like the one I fought, they're insanely powerful."

You blink.

"I was getting thrashed most of the fight, so I can't tell you that much about it. All I remember is something about a bell."

"A bell?" Cerberus asks, "Similar to the one I once wore?"

"Wait, you put a bell on...?"

"It's a long story, and it's already late for me." Kazuya pinches the bridge of his nose. "I'll... See you around. C'mon, Cerberus."

Cerberus nods, turning to follow his master. Soon enough, they disappear in the darkness.

It's been a good night walk so far. You think, at least.

[] Continue walking.
[] Head home.
[] Go somewhere?
[] ???????????????????????
Rip, I wanted to tell him the Fiend we fought went down pretty easily lol

Then again, Stephen said our Fiends are weaker than the ones Kazuya fought.

[X] Continue walking.

Sleep is for the weak! Embrace Enthusiasm!
[X] Head home.

TBH the battle was enough to burn out energy and hey we got a level out of it, there is also that I don't like leaving Yuma and Kohaku alone for far too long, even with gryphon on watch duty.
"Stephen said something about Fiends, right?" Kazuya looks you dead in the eyes. His gaze sends a shiver through your entire body. "Don't fight them. If they're anything like the one I fought, they're insanely powerful."
Yumi: *glances the pile of soot that used to be David* "You sure about that?"

[X] Head to the Cathedral of Shadows and see if it's working again.
-[X] If it is, resummon Koppa Tengu and fuse him with Oni to get Ippon-Datara, passing on Tarukaja and Fang Breaker, then resummon Oni.
--[X] Then head home.
-[X] If not, just head home.

I'd like to get Ippon-Datara before our next level up if at all possible.
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Also, this was probably Daisoujou, whom will be the fight after Matador. Matador is the next fight btw.
Yep Daisoujou always announces his appareance with a bell, he mostly focus on insta-kill and status altering stuff like charm, curse, sleep, etc.

Then there is his unique skill meditation, drains both HP and MP from the target with medium almighty damage.

It would be a good idea if we could get me patra for him.
I apologize for the extra late update today, it's been... A little chaotic.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 16, 2023 at 12:25 AM, finished with 8 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Head home.
    [X] Continue walking.
    [X] Head to the Cathedral of Shadows and see if it's working again.
    -[X] If it is, resummon Koppa Tengu and fuse him with Oni to get Ippon-Datara, passing on Tarukaja and Fang Breaker, then resummon Oni.
    --[X] Then head home.
    -[X] If not, just head home.
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