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Welp this makes things easier.

So remember that plan I had for buffs and garudyne

Sudama makes it free
Combine with Hathor for Daphne
Then use koppa for garudyne and a better healer.
We can resummon koppa later for bifrons.

Huh, we can also ressumon Sudama and fuse it with Angel for bifrons

Edit: here are the comparasions
As you can see despite being level 15, Sudama is quite weak, we can pass on Sukunda tho for shenanigans, we could also pass on Mabufu or ice breath.

Daphne gives us access to Dekaja and Rakukaja and is a decent magic attacker.

Nadja, not only gives us access to Diarama and Garudyne, we also shut down wind and light attacks with it, also has same magic stat as Daphne.

[X] "I think so. We should probably get Sayaka and go back to the others."
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Regarding Fusions, while I would like to give Bifrons Tarukaja, fusing Sudama with Angel is probably the better long-term option since that lets us save on resummoning Sandman, Media is more valuable to me than Mazio, and Ice Breath (assuming Sudama has it) is a pretty good Skill (it's basically an Ice version of Rampage).

With that said, that leaves the question of what to do with Koppa Tengu, since we are almost certainly not keeping him. Aron's suggestion of using him as Fusion Material to get Nadja isn't a bad idea, although another idea (which I am personally more fond of, at least in the short-term) is fusing him with Oni to get Ippon-Datara, who has the all-important-for-Physical-attackers skill Charge. That said, that can wait until 1) we've summoned Macabre, and 2) we have enough money to resummon Oni afterward (both for the point per level up froming having all of his skills and because I want to use him as Fusion Material to give Wendigo Tarukaja).
If something Sudama also gives us access to something very powerful once we hit level 25 from some time in the future.

Black Frost
Not only we get tier 3 versions of fire and ice spells, also Mamudoon and woo boy those resistances
Resist physical, repel fire, absorb ice and null darkness.
Lit only pieces we are missing is being level 25, incubus and Mido unlocking the higher spread fusions

Funny enough we can get incubus by fusing Sudama and Pyro jack, we just ressumon pyro jack later and boy next time Victoria meets us she is gonna meet a very threatening snowman.

Actually thinking about it we should ask Mido about higher tier fusions.
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EX 69: A Nice Talk With An Old Acquaintance
You sit on the roof of the skyscraper, watching the tiny people go about their lives. So many tiny people, driving tiny cars, living tiny lives...

...But, it's all in your perspective. If you were down there, they wouldn't be so tiny. As you think more, a familiar presence joins you at your side.

"Kyubey." You greet calmly, "Do you have something worthwhile for me?"

"I have confirmed your suspensions about the Mitakihara area. It appears that there are more than Magical Girls active in the area."

"I do not care what it appears to be." You take a leaf from the roof, and drop it off of the edge, "I am only interested in the facts."

"I have encountered beings that call themselves demons."

Your eyebrow rises, "Now that is interesting. Go on."

Kyubey complies, "They wield magic that is wildly different than what you are used to. When they "cast", they literally command the world to react a certain way. It is truly an enigma to me as to how they preform these "spells", and their origin is not clear either."

"Does it really matter?" You drum your fingers on the corner of the roof, letting your legs dangle. "They literally call themselves demons. They must be dealt with, one way or another. Furthermore, what of the strange magical signature from the other day?"

"I can only assume that it relates to anomaly I referred to in our last conversation."

"Yumi Konishi..." You grimace a little, "You spoke of her apparent allies as well. Am I to assume that these are demons as well?"

"Yes. Demons have a tendency to work with and around her."

"Interesting..." You stand up, brushing off your back, "Perhaps I'll pay a visit to this "Yumi Konishi"..."

You manifest your weapon. The familiar weight of your longsword fills your hand.

"I always hated variables."
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Was trying to think of a new Ace-in-the-hole for Yumi. My thought was "If Yumi could combine two elements on her own, what stops us from adding a 3rd from another Demon, say Pixie for example."

Ended up with Sunsteel Cannon, from combining Agilao, Blessed Strike, and Pixie's Zan

Of course it will be a lot harder to pull off and we shouldn't without a perk or something for it but I wanted to know if that was on the table.

Edit: Hey, Kyubey still doesn't know about Fusion Spells yet does he? As far as I'm aware, only Homura and our Demons know about it. Should we bring it up with Homura so we can keep a trump card for later?
(Kyouko, Mami, Yuma, and Nagisa all saw us do it but I don't think they are fully aware of how powerful they can be.)

Edit 2: I'm sure everyone can figure out my favorite mechanic lmao
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"Does it really matter?" You drum your fingers on the corner of the roof, letting your legs dangle. "They literally call themselves demons. They must be dealt with, one way or another. Furthermore, what of the strange magical signature from the other day?"
Yeah good luck with that, reminder that pretty much every big enemy on the SMT universe is considered a demon, the only exception being YHVH which is the reason for all of that, so you not only gonna go againts us, but pretty much declaring war on the forces of heaven and hell, so good luck if they start bringing the big weapons or the leaders stop using the kiddie gloves.

"I can only assume that it relates to anomaly I referred to in our last conversation."

"Yumi Konishi..." You grimace a little, "You spoke of her apparent allies as well. Am I to assume that these are demons as well?"

"Yes. Demons have a tendency to work with and around her."
Well, Kyubey tendency to ONLY give the info he is specifically asked gonna bite him in the ass, since this pretty much leaves out Kazuya, Raidou and Strange journey protag out of her sight, Kazuya and strange journey protag specially, since I don't remember about strange journey, but Kazuya wasn't called a Messiah for nothing.

And that is without counting any of the other variables we may get, if we can contract Dante and Vergil alone that is another triumph card they don't know off.

"Interesting..." You stand up, brushing off your back, "Perhaps I'll pay a visit to this "Yumi Konishi"..."

You manifest your weapon. The familiar weight of your longsword fills your hand.

"I always hated variables."

I already see how this goes.

Mysterious Kyubey contact: ''Well, cannot have you interfering anymore so you go as far as this.'' Slashes us with all her strenght.
Longsword breaks in half
Yumi: ''Was that supposed to hurt or do something else?''

Seriously Null phys is fucking broken because you need specific tools to get around it.

Hey, Kyubey still doesn't know about Fusion Spells yet does he? As far as I'm aware, only Homura and our Demons know about it. Should we bring it up with Homura so we can keep a trump card for later?
(Kyouko, Mami, Yuma, and Nagisa all saw us do it but I don't think they are fully aware of how powerful they can be.)

Nope, only they know it, Kyubey is only aware of our demon magic system and that we can undo his contracts trough revival beads only, recarm is still untested, so we could probably keep that hidden too at the moment.

That may well be. I feel Kyubey is really gonna regret meddling before this is all over
Oh he will regret it sooner or later, so far he just has general information on demons, but not any information on the big players hiding in the board, Lucifer and Stephen sure are passing without any glance from the white rat.
Yep, not that she needs to know that, I am seriously gonna lmfao if kyubey contact has darkness based attacks too, that would be the ultimate disrespect, well that and somehow if she has an impenetrable barrier that gets bypassed by almighty attacks.

(Assuming it is a magical girl, tbh it would be within logic that it was a magical girl)

If something I just find so funny how so many stuff from smt are out of context problems and how they think they can just tackle them without any problem.

Specially once you get to some of the more crafty demons, I just want to see someone find Matador for them to never be able to land a hit just because of his signature skill Red Capote.
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Specially once you get to some of the more crafty demons, I just want to see someone find Matador for them to never be able to land a hit just because of his signature skill Red Capote.
Victoria: *tries to use Winter's Bite on Matador*

Also Victoria: *crit-fails and trips over her own feet again*

Matador: "Olé!"
EX 69: A Nice Talk With An Old Acquaintance
Look, a new future ally!

She (because I guess it's a magical girl) seems reasonable, and gets points for cutting the 'maybes' and going straight to ask facts when talking with Kyubey. I expect we'd have the obligatory Boss Fight™ but after that there's potential to talk and eventually become allies since her only motivation to attack Yumi so far seems to be "they call themselves demons".
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Look, a new future ally!

She (because I guess it's a magical girl) seems reasonable, and gets points for cutting the 'maybes' and going straight to ask facts when talking with Kyubey. I expect we'd have the obligatory Boss Fight™ but after that there's potential to talk and eventually become allies since her only motivation to attack Yumi so far seems to be "they call themselves demons".
Ah so the trope 'Defeat Equals Friendship'.
If, something what's worrying me is that apparently this new party had already intentions of moving into Mitakihara now that I am reading better.
"Kyubey." You greet calmly, "Do you have something worthwhile for me?"

"I have confirmed your suspensions about the Mitakihara area. It appears that there are more than Magical Girls active in the area."
If something it is just that when asked about facts, the rat ran out his mouth about demons.

Also noticed this one dialogue
Furthermore, what of the strange magical signature from the other day?"

"I can only assume that it relates to anomaly I referred to in our last conversation."
I supose this refers to our fusion spells, but something is bothering me, since if we were really giving that anomalous signature in general, why hasn't the others commented on this, at least Mami, Homura or Kyoko would mention this, when it comes to magical girls, we know demons do detect this shit alongside Arthur, so if this isn't us.

What the hell managed to slip pass trough our noses without noticing?
NON CANON: a shadow, part 2.
When you finally come to, you see an unfamiliar boy standing in front of you, sword drawn. You also see the other Yumi, on her hands and knees.

"You...!" She growls out, "...This was my chance! I could have been recognized! I could have been acknowledged! My pain could have been...!"

The boy breathes out, sheathing his sword. "Your pain?" He asks.

You attempt to force yourself to your feet. "Not your pain."

The boy turns around, looking at you. He steps closer, and tries to help you to your feet.

"I'm okay." You shake your head, standing as tall as you can. He nods, taking a step back.

You face the Yumi in the rusted, now broken armor. She glares at you, tears in her eyes.

"It's not your pain. It's our pain." You grow closer, "Even after all this time, it still hurts. Seeing everyone's reactions to Mom's death... Hurt. Something like that doesn't just get better, those scars never heal."

The other Yumi doesn't respond. You continue.

"I've been broken for most of my life. I guess I got used to it, and never tried to pull myself together. Instead, I leaped into reckless battles, and fought for people I thought would become like me if I didn't do anything."

"Was it... Worth it?" The other Yumi asks, finally beginning to cry.

"I don't know. I don't think I'll ever know. But the one thing I know for certain now..." You kneel down, putting a hand to her shoulder, "...is that we can't get better like this. We need to pull ourselves together, starting here and now."

Her armor falls to pieces, and the other Yumi is bathed in black fog. When it finally dissipates...

...You're met with a tiny, four year old you. You both hug each other, finally allowing yourself to cry.

The other you disappears in a flash of blue light.

"The strength to face one's heart has been made manifest." A strange voice echoes throughout the room. You look up, and see a figure in a suit of armor, with both cape and sword.

"I am thou, and thou art I. I am Percival, loyal knight of Camelot. May we bring peace to both our allies, and to ourselves."

Percival fades away, leaving a small card floating in the air. You reach out, and grab it. It disappears into your chest.

You smile softly. Then, every bit of fatigue you should have felt hits you all at once.
My take on the post battle conversation

Yosuke falls on his ass, "Not that I'm not complaining, but uh, were we even needed here?" *exhale* "Actually..." Raising his bade in the air, he continues, "Ya know what!? I am complaining cause she was kicking our asses! Why the was her shadow so strong? She didn't even reject it!"

"..." Rise looks over towards him sheepishly, "Hanamura Senpai, you're not going to like this. When I was scanning for Konishi-san, she..." Her feet shuffle awkwardly as she gathers her thoughts, "Well, she was just as powerful as her Shadow. Before she accepted it. When she recovers, she'll almost definitely be stronger."

Silence reigns in the dilapidated castle as the group gather their strength for the return trip.

"Is no one concerned about the 'reckless battles' she just said she got into?" Everyone turns to Kanji, "Because, I think we all know what it takes to get this strong." He cups his chin in thought "And now all I'm wondering is what she fought if she could take on all of us."

The mere thought sends shivers down the spines of everyone present, prompting them to look back to the unconscious woman.

Dialogue- choose one said:
()"We can ask her later, after we get back."
()"Naoto did say she suspected her of being connected to 'The Demon of Akiba Springs.'"
()"Push-ups, sit-ups, and a whole lotta juice."
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