"Does it really matter?" You drum your fingers on the corner of the roof, letting your legs dangle. "They literally call themselves demons. They must be dealt with, one way or another. Furthermore, what of the strange magical signature from the other day?"
Yeah good luck with that, reminder that pretty much every big enemy on the SMT universe is considered a demon, the only exception being YHVH which is the reason for all of that, so you not only gonna go againts us, but pretty much declaring war on the forces of heaven and hell, so good luck if they start bringing the big weapons or the leaders stop using the kiddie gloves.
"I can only assume that it relates to anomaly I referred to in our last conversation."
"Yumi Konishi..." You grimace a little, "You spoke of her apparent allies as well. Am I to assume that these are demons as well?"
"Yes. Demons have a tendency to work with and around her."
Well, Kyubey tendency to ONLY give the info he is specifically asked gonna bite him in the ass, since this pretty much leaves out Kazuya, Raidou and Strange journey protag out of her sight, Kazuya and strange journey protag specially, since I don't remember about strange journey, but Kazuya wasn't called a Messiah for nothing.
And that is without counting any of the other variables we may get, if we can contract Dante and Vergil alone that is another triumph card they don't know off.
"Interesting..." You stand up, brushing off your back, "Perhaps I'll pay a visit to this "Yumi Konishi"..."
You manifest your weapon. The familiar weight of your longsword fills your hand.
"I always hated variables."
I already see how this goes.
Mysterious Kyubey contact: ''Well, cannot have you interfering anymore so you go as far as this.'' Slashes us with all her strenght.
Longsword breaks in half
Yumi: ''Was that supposed to hurt or do something else?''
Seriously Null phys is fucking broken because you need specific tools to get around it.
Hey, Kyubey still doesn't know about Fusion Spells yet does he? As far as I'm aware, only Homura and our Demons know about it. Should we bring it up with Homura so we can keep a trump card for later?
(Kyouko, Mami, Yuma, and Nagisa all saw us do it but I don't think they are fully aware of how powerful they can be.)
Nope, only they know it, Kyubey is only aware of our demon magic system and that we can undo his contracts trough revival beads only, recarm is still untested, so we could probably keep that hidden too at the moment.
That may well be. I feel Kyubey is really gonna regret meddling before this is all over
Oh he will regret it sooner or later, so far he just has general information on demons, but not any information on the big players hiding in the board, Lucifer and Stephen sure are passing without any glance from the white rat.