An Arbiter
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[X] Plan: honest negotiation 101

At work, but is it not possible to tell NT that she doesn't HAVE to be kyoko or anyone else for us to accept her? She just... Can't torture kids. Other children, even, given how strongly she comes across as a really mentally fucked up kid seeking approval.
I think given the circumstances the best we can shoot for is the girls at best tolerating NT. We shouldn't expect the girls to trust,let alone be friends with NT for a long while. And they're in their right to not want to do more than what they're comfortable with. Because even if NT didn't mean to,she still caused harm. One of the first things we need get NT to realize that the girls are NOT going to accept her right away if at all. And it wouldn't be right of X to try and push the girls to do so.-Discuss how we're going to explain this clusterfudge to everyone, no secrets, NT comes out as NT to them and explain themlselves, we'll make sure to have a situation were Sayaka jumping on them is not something that is moral, because that would mean we failed to be a good person. We'll also have to prevent said jumping anyway, wouldn't want her to commit suicide.
Kyoko because NT likely tortured her constantly for like a week, and gave Kyoko long lasting damages to her Soul.
Mami will likely hates NT guts because of Kyoko and the other 36 girls. Might warm up after like 5-10 turns, maybe more.
Clearly NT acted close enough to a hypothetical real Kyoko who wanted to reconcile that the vibe Mami got was not "this is not the Kyoko I know" but instead "there is some issue that Kyoko is trying to hide from me". Then again, confirmation bias from Mami's hope for reconciliation may have blinded her to deviations from the real Kyoko, just as it did for us.-Discuss how we're going to explain this clusterfudge to everyone, no secrets, NT comes out as NT to them and explain themlselves, we'll make sure to have a situation were Sayaka jumping on them is not something that is moral, because that would mean we failed to be a good person. We'll also have to prevent said jumping anyway, wouldn't want her to commit suicide.
-Actually, on explaining things, we should check with NT if what the way they were acting with Mami was how Kyouko would've, or at least if it was inspired by her, that would be a huge help in helping her stabilize, by pointing out that the newfound relationship with Kyouko she had may have been based on a lie, but the feelings were sincere and Kyouko really did appreciate her, that part wasn't a lie, the lie was that the one who told her this was pretending to be her. God, I can already tell this is going to be a giant minefield and we'll have to chose our words very, very carefully.
Oh I was gonna suggest going out to have that breakdown that's been building and scream into the void for a bit. This is better, I think.One thing I know for sure.
After this, I'm voting for X to have a pillow fort with Yuma and Mami. We need to recharge our energy with some Attachment Work.
I think you misunderstood. I'm not saying leave them. I'm saying I think NT's intelligent enough that she doesn't actually need the soul gems to be a person, anymore. Just time and lessons. I don't want to Suppress NT, and I don't want to lose the soul gems, and I think there's a way to get both. That's what i'm trying for. Not sacrificing one or the other. If we succeed, we get an ALEPH unquestionably on our side, save a bunch of magical girls from soul death, AND possibly extract Mimicry in the future. Ideal ending for Ideal Gainz.I'm not voting for any plan that does get all 37 Soul Gems in agonizing pain out of Nothing There. Full stop. No excuses, no bullshit. I'm not opposed to resolving this peacefully, but I'm not taking chances.
Fuck. Mami. Somehow, I forgot to consider everyone else's reactions. Yuma's an MVP who'll probably just roll with it, but everyone else... fuck. WELL. UH. Fuck it! We can deal with that when it becomes relevant, it's future us' problem now! Right now we should focus on unfucking the Third Trumpet in front of us with the almighty power of healthy communication skills.various said:
See? You get it! So we just need to disarm everything before then! And just to make sure the voting system recognizes it I'm gonna do this one more time.I get the feeling that if the others meet NT *while* it's a hostage situation then depending on who it is, we're either dealing with a likely witch (Mami), or violence breaking out (Sayaka), personally. Ideally the hostage situation gets disarmed before that's a worry.
So my very first guess when X first met Kyoko was completely correct. Although the author was able to make me doubt this hypothesis quite quickly, especially after the side story.
PS. I wonder how Geburah will feel knowing that she has a whole fan club among the Abnormalities.
Proper foreshadowing is an art in itself. I struggle with it at times, too. Then again, looking at my own Quests, there were some fun twists nobody saw coming, or has seen coming just yet.Have to admit, the author is far better than me at keeping things not spoiled, I would not have resisted throwing bigger hints to steer the paranoia pot.
X: "Ah, actually I'm a mental construct Ayin created after the old lab fell apart. At some point I lost my old body and ended up basing my new one on you, since you're the strongest person I know who isn't an arbiter."
Sometimes, a thing you prepare is immediately obvious to a number of people. Though the worst reaction to this I heard of is the author changing the twist because it was called.