Colliding imperatives, I'm guessing.Okay, they had the full SWAT team there, but still chose to go in with three agents?
This seems weirder and weirder. Definitly not a straight-up attempt to harm Harry, the direct raid would have been worse for him.
Whoever arranged this doesnt have the control they would wish.
And Murphy is very connected among the law enforcement rank and file.
Almost like they did not want to charge guns blazing at a wizard in his place of power or something and they had some reason to assume he would come quietly.
It would also have been potentially much worse for every agent who went in guns blazing, especially if they have anything like an inkling of what kinda Hellfire a motivated wizard can bring down.Yeah, but going in guns blazing would have been worse for Harry. Very few big players in the magical world would care about a few cops paying the price for that.That tells us that whoever is behind this is either not primarily interested in hurting Harry, or he doesn't have enough of a grip on the agents to make them do something like this.
And those agents dont particularly want to die.
Im betting on the insufficient grip here.
As in, they have worse grip than Rudolph, and Rudolph managed to get the Feds to storm Dresden's home during Changes.
Which eventually led to them having that close up encounter with vampire assassins in the Chicago FBI building.
For all we know, this is another Father Vincent situation, and there's a dead FBI agent somewhere in this case's chain of command who is currently being impersonated by some supernatural critter. The alleged crime video already suggests there are shapehifters involved, so it could be anything from a generic Sidhe to a Denarian to a Skinwalker.
If the government wanted a supernatural liaison they would have invited him to a nice dinner with a suitcase of cash and other favors. Not showed up with an arrest warrant for felony murder of a police officer.Maybe. They know enough that he was dangerous enough to bring a whole swat team, but not enough to know about his wizard tricks.The government trying to angle for a supernatural liason seems more and more likely.
Also phone successfully demonized. We can use thst hopefully.
This is the US government, not Saddam's Iraq.
^^^^Whatever answer we actually give, I really don't think the "What's the answer worth to you?" response is the way to go. That implies we would actually be willing to tell him, which could prompt them to try to take us in.
Entirely too many votes and voters are forgetting that this is not an epic fantasy setting, with weak law enforcement, patchy communcications, and where the local guard only has so much power. Where you can outrun any problems by just moving to another city.
This is an urban fantasy, in a First World country.
Strong government. National law enforcement. Real time communications, and military-intelligence backup. The Feds do not have to bargain with you, and are under no obligation not to lie to you if the job so requires it.
Make no mistake that while we can retaliate against picked agents, the FBI as a corporate entity can legally make our life miserable as fuck, and we'd have limited recourse without hurting innocent people.
Obstruction of an investigation. Lying to a federal officer.Under what grounds? Though being taken to wherever harry is being taken would be nice for several reasons.
Oh if they arrest us we get cracked cell circumvention.
Cracked Cell Circumvention out of a federal prison makes you a federal fugitive. That ends up costing us a LOT.
We are a baby Exalt. We have no inner Hell, no Flight, no disguise charms or sorcery, ancient or modern, no Background dots in anything besides Mentor. We dont have our full combat suite even.
Dont get gassed up my friend.
1)We have no need to be taken seriously, and dumb kid protects us, especially since we have no idea who we are playing this entire game with.Seriously though, why are you guys voting for this?It's a meme line that immediately puts us back in the "dumb kid" box that revealing we knew his home office got us out of. If we wanted to stay low profile we shouldn't have said anything in the first place, not that we have we might as well do something with it.
2)Because you are dealing with a federal agent, not a fae or some merchant in a flea market.
You do not want to deal with the statutory powers in play if you become of genuine interest to the Feds. Do you want wiretaps of all your phone lines? Trackers in your car? Bugs in your house, and laser microphones down the street? Feds following you around?
Audits of your taxes?
Ask the Mafia; having Federal agents interested in your business is very uncomfortable when you do extralegal things.
We might be personally able to fuck off and ignore the US govt, but only if we are willing to abandon our life.
We have family and friends here.
Shit we'd rather protect.