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A note: Boney never said we needed to use the Boon to do it. I imagine they'll want something (though perhaps our library is awesome enough that being able to get copies of our books is good enough for them), but this isn't Transcendent Boon territory, I don't think.

My priority at this point is scribes so we can start ctrl-c ctrl-v-ing other libraries, and following that I'll play it by ear.

I mean, it would feel weird for them to ask us repayment before we have cashed in our boon. Like "we owe you everything but we'll only accept repayment in one single action" More likely in my opinion they just wouldn't sweat the small stuff until they feel they'd repaid us.
I mean, it would feel weird for them to ask us repayment before we have cashed in our boon. Like "we owe you everything but we'll only accept repayment in one single action" More likely in my opinion they just wouldn't sweat the small stuff until they feel they'd repaid us.
If there's any group that would accurately track how much they feel is owed and how much they feel a given request paid off that debt, it'd be the dwarves. My guess is that if we ask for something minor, the Transcendent Boon will drop in size to a Major Boon, or possibly an Almost-Transcendent Boon or some such.

I find the idea of someone stealing my precious, precious books absolutely horrifying. I will vote against inflicting that on other people as hard as I can.
I hate to break it to you Von Carstein, but as regards stealing your books in particular...
[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[X] [FLESH] You
[X] [RING] Take

All the BOOKS!

Also -
[X] [SHEETS] Yes

Thread argument (and thread count) convinced me.
While "celebrating" on your enemies graves is a bit difficult with vampires, "celebrating" on their bedsheets is definitely doable.
[X] [MONEY] Zhufbar
[X] [SHEETS] Yes
[X] [FLESH] You
[X] [RING] Take
Come on guys, take the sheets... it's free and our girlfriend would certainly appreciate it
A library agreement doesn't involve the library we make an agreement with giving us all of their books, it just means we can copy their books and they can copy ours. We are not asking for a favour - we are offering a trade. And while our library isn't all that impressive, I don't think the archives of Karak Vlag are all that either. I seriously doubt Karak Vlag is going to demand a huge price for a mutually beneficent agreement, and I think that if Mathilde says "the library isn't impressive now but it's going to be great in a decade or two, so this is in fact a great deal" they will believe her because she is the saviour of their collective souls. And they will be right to do so.

In any case, I want an agreement with Karak Vlag not just for the sake of our library, but for the sake of Vlag. They need more ties to the outside world and I imagine they are understandably wary of trusting others. But they trust Mathilde, and so they will trust her strange library. And through that connection they will have reason to travel to K8P, and hopefully deepen their ties with the Karaz Ankor and with K8P in particular. Our library is meant to be 'for and by all the good people of the world', and I can think of no good people more deserving of the gift of BOÖK than the good folk of Karak Vlag.
[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[X] [ARMARIUM] Cult of Morr
[X] [FLESH] You
[X] [RING] Take
[X] [SHEETS] Yes
[X] [RING] Take
No one expects this anywhere and its direct notes from a great scholar about one of Nagash's works.
[X] [FLESH] Council of Manhorak
Good for us, but we don't need it, so it goes to an ally.
[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[X] [SCROLLS] Templars
Look, we probably have to have someone find us giving away actually serious lore, otherwise they might suspect we aren't the type to let go of actually serious lore.
...In the end, did we confirm what the Gambler bonuses were used for? Were they 'traded in' for extra looting rolls?
The first chamber you are summoned to is a sealed door on the far side of what seems to have been a small armoury, but as been quite thoroughly looted at some point.
*has been quite
You find one cabinet curiously closed where every other hangs ajar and open it, and after considering the even more esoteric form of bedroom accoutrement stored within, you do as the preceding ransacker must have done and close it once more.
Somewhere, Panoramia feels a sudden sense of missed opportunities and doesn't know why.
The Cult of Morr, on the other hand, very much disapprove of the book because of it being such a product of and contributor to the grim industry of body snatching, and so turning it over to them would be an entire righteous way to make friends

[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[X] [SHEETS] Yes
[X] [ARMARIUM] Cult of Morr
[X] [FLESH] You
[X] [RING] Take

I came here for FORBIDDEN BOOK, and by god I mean to leave with FORBIDDEN BOOK. The Morrites can have the boring, unforbidden books to make nice or whatever.
There are many books on forbidden magics, and quite a few of them are famous enough to build a legend around. As far as you know, the original Liber Mortis is the only one that a malicious creator or a paranoid inheritor hasn't filled with malicious traps for the unwary.

@Boney, does Mathilde think the looted books and writings are not trapped as well, or she thinks she is capable of disarming any trap she encounters in them?
[X] [MONEY] Zhufbar
[X] [SHEETS] Yes
[X] [FLESH] You
[X] [RING] Take
[X] write in: everything else in the boudoir take.

Decorate a (poorly) hidden room in your tower/other place as a boudoir. If someone thinks they already know what you are trying to hide, they often don't look deeper. Might make keeping our secrets easier.
[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[X] [ARMARIUM] Cult of Morr
[X] [SCROLLS] Templars
[X] [FLESH] You
[X] [RING] Burn

Do I really want to yoink the sheets off the vampire kings wedding bed?

[X] [SHEETS] Yes

Hell yeah I do.
[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[X] [SHEETS] Yes
[X] [ARMARIUM] Cult of Morr
[X] [FLESH] You
[X] [RING] Take

I came here for FORBIDDEN BOOK, and by god I mean to leave with FORBIDDEN BOOK. The Morrites can have the boring, unforbidden books to make nice or whatever.

Might I suggest voting for Amarium - > Manhovak; so they'll be able to cash in to the Morrites for credibility?

[X] [MONEY] Council of Manhorak
[X] [SHEETS] Yes
[X] [ARMARIUM] Council of Manhorak
[X] [FLESH] You
[X] [RING] Take
It's all be torn apart by Mannfred, searching for secrets. Not suitable for reuse.

It says he went through it carefully. Not that he tore everything apart. He just left a mess but he was careful not to destroy things is the way I read it. Which would make sense if someone had eternity to look and wanted to make sure they didn't accidentally destroy something by accident.
Again, Wsoran, the guy who wrote the scroll, also wrote a book that sends people insane:

Grimoire Necronium

The Grimoire Necronium is a powerful necromantic tome. It was created by W'soran, one of the first vampires and the only one to remain loyal to Nagash. In exchange, the arch-necromancer allowed W'soran to study his own tomes of sorcery, the Nine Books of Nagash. W'soran combined their lore with...

Get rid of the scrolls.
Again, Wsoran, the guy who wrote the scroll, also wrote a book that sends people insane:

Grimoire Necronium

The Grimoire Necronium is a powerful necromantic tome. It was created by W'soran, one of the first vampires and the only one to remain loyal to Nagash. In exchange, the arch-necromancer allowed W'soran to study his own tomes of sorcery, the Nine Books of Nagash. W'soran combined their lore with...

Get rid of the scrolls.
As I understand it W'Soran didn't write the scroll, someone else recorded his stream of consciousness thoughts.
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