I'm eagerly waiting for your writeup too! You had some neat ideas in your high concept stuff.
Working on it.
Given how fast and efficient they are I think they would merit the point buy yeah, still you would be able to maintain interconnectivity even without it, just not as good
That option only opens a Infernal-exclusive transport option for the Exalt and trusted friends and minions
If you take Accessible Terrain, everybody gets fast, safe transport options, whether magic or tech.
A lot more than a month given that you have to roll against the dificulty of your own willpower to get into your hell, this is not a trivial exercise you can automate and do nothing but go in and out like a glorified ferry
Mechanically, you're overestimating the difficulty.
It is a Wits + Occult roll against your WP, which for Molly is a 7 dice pool against Difficulty 9.
1 success to go through.
No Essence cost, no limit on how many times you can roll in a minute. Just roll each turn until you succeed.
If Im correct, thats at least 80% chance of success on the first roll.
If she has taken the charm that reduces difficulties when wet, it becomes a Diff 8 roll and probabibility of success goes up.
Regardless, should work within 3 turns or so, which should be less than 30 seconds.
The only bottleneck being that taking people in and out costs 2 Essence per party of up to 20 people.
Not really an issue for a longterm project, since Molly can move 200 people in a day just by devoting around 3 hours to it and recuperating to replenish Essence.
This is a Rule Zero issue, where you'll have to decide what works for the quest.
Fortunately, the charm is only available at E3, so you have time to decide.