To be fair, letting Alice figuring out where to put it is probably a great idea... IF we can even move the thing.
Didn't we carry the house from where we defeated it back to where it was?
Beyond that, it is not a large house, getting a truck and just driving it away should not be all that difficult if we ask Alise for help.
And considering it is loot we can vote on, i am going to just assume that some way of moving it is going to come up.

How would MCAT have moved it?
Leaving it in place is an option but that poses some security risks, even if they place a 24/7 guard.
Of course they might just decide to just break it so nobody can activate it and cause however much destruction would happen before Senshi can be called in to stop it.
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I know that for the most part people have been doing this anyways, and I didn't even realize in my exhausted state that I hadn't made it a part of the vote, but please use a plan format for the vote, it just makes things much easier for me.
[X][Loot] Shattered Stone Shishi Statue + 1 Lunar Healing Burst = New deterrent to vandals.
-- To be entirely honest, MCAT doesn't have the slightest idea why you might want this...[COSTS 0]
[X][Loot] Archon Staff
- +2 Prowess
-- The Archon staff is able to manifest a small burst of any of the Four Classical Elements of Greek Magic.
[X][Loot] Kanebo
- +2 Prowess
-- Sailor Uranus was using a massive Kanebo over the course of the fight, apparently she got the thing from beating down an Oni. She's... Not against getting rid of it, but she certainly liked using it.
[X][Loot] A few random magical books
- Gives a handful of random bonuses either to the Senshi using them, or for the Magic Classroom [COSTS 2 POINTS]
[X][Loot] A favor
- Assistance with something in the future, or a Turn action
-- The Senshi did a lot today to assist with MCAT handling the Night Market, and well... It isn't so much that you are wanting things from the organization, but perhaps some point in the future, there will be something that they can help you with? [COSTS 3 Points]

I already know the Devil Demesne is getting voted in, but I think these could be useful to us as well.

[X][Loot] Kanebo

Let Uranus keep her beat stick. 1

[X][Loot] The Devil Demesne
[X][Loot] Faust's Reagents

A house for Makoto complete with lab for Ami, Artemis, and Naru! 2 and 4 makes 7

[X][Loot] Shattered Stone Shishi Statue
-- To be entirely honest, MCAT doesn't have the slightest idea why you might want this...[COSTS 0]

Naru can have some fun!

[X][Loot] A few random magical books
[X][Loot] The Devil Demesne
[X][Loot] Shattered Stone Shishi Statue
[X][Loot] Kanebo

Books for the Book god!

[X][Loot] Kanebo
[X][Loot] The Devil Demesne
[X][Loot] Faust's Reagents
[X][Loot] Shattered Stone Shishi Statue

[X][Loot] Kanebo
Some of her spells explicitly work better with a weapon, I really don't want to miss out on that in the time it takes to find the OG Sailor Uranus' personal weapon. The question also comes to mind, how does Saturn's transformation come with her personal weapon, but all of the other reincarnated Senshi have to search all over Earth to find theirs? I exempted Pluto because she didn't die during the fall due to Timey-Wimey shenanigans.

[X][Loot] Shattered Stone Shishi Statue
[X][Loot] Archon Staff
[X][Loot] Kanebo
[X][Loot] A few random magical books
[X][Loot] A favor

[X][Loot] Iron Red Dagger
- +2 Prowess
-- A dagger enchanted to be so hot as to turn the very metal red
[X][Loot] Tanto
- +2 Prowess
-- A rather ordinary looking Tanto that stores an electric charge that is placed in it
[X][Loot] Archon Staff
- +2 Prowess
-- The Archon staff is able to manifest a small burst of any of the Four Classical Elements of Greek Magic.
[X][Loot] A few random magical books
- Gives a handful of random bonuses either to the Senshi using them, or for the Magic Classroom [COSTS 2 POINTS]
[X][Loot] Faust's Reagents
- Down in the basement of Faust's bargains, in addition to the collection of slaves that MCAT is taking into custody while they try and figure out how to remove the enchantment on them (Pending latter vote), there is also a large number of different magical plants and animal parts, reagents and even lab equipment that is normally used for Alchemy. [COSTS 2 POINTS]

Better to get multiple practical things than a giant chicken house I think.
Just a heads up for everyone this vote is supposed to be a plan vote. Lunaryon was just exhausted forgot to state in the original post.
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[X] Plan Dog, Stick, Book, and Shelves.
-[X][Loot] Shattered Stone Shishi Statue
-[X][Loot] Kanebo
-[X][Loot] A few random magical books
-[X][Loot] The Devil Demesne
Didn't we carry the house from where we defeated it back to where it was?
Beyond that, it is not a large house, getting a truck and just driving it away should not be all that difficult if we ask Alise for help.
In fairness, it is probably truck-transportable, for 'DANGER, WIDE LOAD, CLEAR THE HIGHWAY' standards of truck-transportable. Though we'll get attention doing that.

I maybe shouldn't be overly worried about the part where it took several Senshi to move it. After all, it's much bigger than the Senshi are, so just the issue of balancing the load and keeping it from tipping would probably require at least one Senshi at each corner.

And considering it is loot we can vote on, i am going to just assume that some way of moving it is going to come up.
You have a point. But that doesn't mean that the way of moving it will come up inevitably, or quickly, or without us having to take further actions. Nor does it mean that the act of moving it won't attract attention to our possession of the house, nor that we won't end up having to leave potential enemies with a lot of clues as to where we took it.

MCAT has the same problem, but MCAT doesn't have secret identities to worry about and can afford to at least monitor a property at all times.

How would MCAT have moved it?
Leaving it in place is an option but that poses some security risks, even if they place a 24/7 guard.
Of course they might just decide to just break it so nobody can activate it and cause however much destruction would happen before Senshi can be called in to stop it.
They very well might.

On the other hand, they might well decide that the risk of it being stolen is manageable. MCAT has enough good combatants that it can probably secure a few locations against infiltration-level attacks by the IMO. A full dress "all of you against all of me" attack might be different, but I suspect lone MO agents can't reliably cut through what they face at MCAT's best-held positions. Furthermore, an IMO mage activating the house without authorization is likely to be its first victim, so it would be unlikely to go on an effective rampage likely to harm MCAT as a result.

The biggest threat is Faust stealing the house, but Faust is a third party in the Onogoro-Japanese civil war, and there is no obvious reason to assume he wouldn't simply retreat from Japan entirely, at least in the short term, rather than becoming an immediate threat.
Moving a house on a truck is attention grabbing, but it is also fairly mundane.
Once it is out of the inner city, it should be possible to make it, not disappear, as such, but move it where nobody is paying attention.

Faust might be an issue, but probably not an immediate one, IMO finding it and doing something uinwise might be a bigger issue, but we probably could setup a way to keep someone with emergency beacon there most of the time while we (and by we, i mean mostly Artemis) work on more magical security system.

The house would have challenges coming with it, but nothing we can't solve, and i think the pay out is worth it.
Of course for me the main pay out is "we have a chickenhouse", so anyone who is not excited about having a chickenhouse is probably less convinced.
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It's just a really impressive construct.

Built from a core from the original house. Incredibly rare and unique.

If Naru can link with it or create a bond it could be hugely beneficial.

It just seems like such a waste to not try and do something with it.

...and it's really cool.
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And Naru might make it more than just a construct.
A living, possibly sapient, chickenhouse with the power of god, ready, willing, and able to protect their mommy from anyone who dares to try harm her. :thonk:
You know what, honestly... Sure. I can change the Wand of Washing to be free, it's a small enough thing that it really isn't worth putting a tag on.

[X] Plan Foundations without a House With Add-ons
-[X][Loot] Wand of Washing
-[X][Loot] Shattered Stone Shishi Statue
-[X][Loot] A few random magical books
-[X][Loot] Faust's Reagents
-[X][Loot] A favor

the objects in the shop itself which are being seized because they also break some weapon carrying laws in Japan.
/looks at giant sword
Can it really be breaking 'weapon carrying laws' if no one is able to lift the thing?
I'm honestly going with Plan Foundations without a House But With A Statue because we already have a lot on our plates and I'm sure getting the house back in order is not gonna be a casual thing, that's likely gonna require some AP. As much as it'd be neat to have the house, I personally want to keep it simple.

It's MCAT's problem or asset now. Let's pray MCAT Negaquest has the actions for that.
[X] Plan Foundations without a House With Add-ons
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Bringing something to the attention of those voting for some variant of the Foundations plan...

Edited my plan to include the two "free" options.
[X] Plan Foundations without a House
-[X][Loot] A few random magical books
-[X][Loot] Faust's Reagents
-[X][Loot] A favor
-[X][Loot] Shattered Stone Shishi Statue
-[X][Loot] Wand of Washing

The original version now has both Shattered Stone Shishi Statue and Wand of Washing added as loot to be taken.
[X] Plan Foundations without a House
-[X][Loot] A few random magical books
-[X][Loot] Faust's Reagents
-[X][Loot] A favor
-[X][Loot] Shattered Stone Shishi Statue
-[X][Loot] Wand of Washing

For those not seeing the value of a favour, remember that MCAT still has the Vajra staff.
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[X] Plan Foundations without a House
[X] Plan Foundations without a House But With A Statue
[X] Plan Foundations without a House With Add-ons
[X] Plan: Equip the Company
More seriously, if the 'Magellan Castle' were ON Venus, it'd be utterly impossible to detect unless it was so big it poked up out of the cloud deck- and the cloud deck is something like fifty miles high, as I recall.

But if the Castle were orbiting Venus, oh hell yes would it be visible... as a moon of Venus. Because assuming it reflects light, then at certain angles and times of the Venusian year it will be very noticeable through a telescope. Sure, it's small, but Venus gets pretty close to Earth and is intensely lit by the Sun, and so is anything close to Venus. There are very good reasons why astronomers were confident Venus has no moons long before the first space probes came close to the planet.

Eh, I'm not convinced. Going off of Lunaryon's post (information of which can change) the widest point of the structure is 315 square miles. If I make the entire thing a cylynder with double that in length we are looking at...

Area = 315 sq mi -> Diameter 20 miles
Height 40 miles

Cylinder has a profile that is basically a rectangle, so the area of the profile of the castle would be approximately 800 square miles.

Ah, okay, Phobos is much smaller than I though. I'm going to innacurately treat it like a rectangle as well. That is 22x27 KM = 594 km or 369 square miles.

My bad. I figured most moons were closer to Io in being many thousands of sq miles for a profile. I didn't realize there were quite of few of them that are... basically tiny.

Well, the 'genius loci' are the only beings we know of that have a magic-eating metabolism like Naru's, so they are probably the closest we have as a template. That doesn't mean the comparison is perfect, but it's as good as we're going to get, and it's very useful for metaphorical purposes. If someone calls Naru "a goddess of life," that is in some sense a poetic statement and should be taken as poetically accurate.

Eh, sure they are the closest thing, but that is sort of like saying that Goats and Mice are a good comparison because they are both four-legged mammals that eat plants. It is close enough to acknowledge that there are similarities but it is very good to remember than not all mammalian herbivores are the same and that Naru is NOT a deity.

I don't want to have "closest template" leaving us blindsided by unexpected developments.


For those not seeing the value of a favour, remember that MCAT still has the Vajra staff.

I don't think we can go "Hey, can I have a favor? Can you give me the core of your research that makes your operation as a government entity possible?"

Maybe we could borrow it once, but if I was going for a favor I'd do the suggestion of having them handle one of our actions for a turn to free us up.
@Lunaryon, is there any chance we could ask MCAT for access to the house on the condition that we share whatever we learn about it with MCAT?
I don't really see the point. Since we don't own the house we can't awaken it and the House is probably too complex to recreate anytime in the near future with our current ability.
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I don't really see the point. Since we don't own the house we can't awaken it and the House is probably too complex to recreate anytime in the near future with our current ability.
One of our problems is that the Crystal Millennium building is a soft target with a bunch of civilians inside. Even if Naru's a long way away from producing something on the level of the Chicken House, getting a solid idea of how magically reinforced buildings and security systems work could be invaluable. I'd feel a lot better about our corporate headquarters if the walls and such were rated for Prowess 20-25ish attacks and it could send us a magical distress signal if it got damaged.