[X] Tell QB politely but firmly to leave because he is bothering our friend. Do not budge on this. Do not give angel room to explain why he hates QB before we haven't had time to read him in on the need to know situation we've got going on with soulgems.
"Kyubey, you're making my friend here uncomfortable." You say, staring directly at Kyubey. "Please leave."
"I would, but unfortunately for you, there is a potential Magical-"
"Leave, Kyubey." You say sternly.
"...Very well. I will take my leave." And with that, he finally leaves.
Good, you think to yourself.
Mami looks disappointed. "Yumi, that was rude. Why did you make him leave? Moreover, why did Angel not-"
Angel grips his staff tightly, saying, "He is a-"
"Angel. No. Not here. Not now." You cut him off before he drops a bombshell.
"Of course, Master. I apologize for speaking out of turn."
"Um... Mr. Angel?" Nagisa pipes up.
"Hm? What is it, child?" He turns his attention to Nagisa, his tone softening.
"Could you... Help Mama?"
"That..." Angel begins, choosing his words extremely carefully, "...is a difficult request. Firstly, I must have my Master approve."
As he turns to you, you give him a thumbs up. You've got no reason to not help her.
"Thank you." He returns his eyes to the child in front of him, "Take me to her. I will see what can be done."
Nagisa nods, grabs Angel's free hand, and leads him to a different room. You sit on the empty bed. Today's been hectic, huh?
You feel something on your shoulder. Pixie is sitting on your shoulder, kicking her feet out and humming.
It's a fun kind of hectic.
[] Write in your stat growth!
-[] Choose one skill from each of your demons to learn.
Homura leans on a wall opposite of where Mami sits. Mami looks a little confused, while Homura is staring intently at the floor.
[] Talk to someone?
-[] About what?
[] Write in?