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I hope QM confirms how to train in CQC so it does more damage. I know the obvious answer is practice but it's really ambiguous and I really want to commit to it. How long do we wait for it to actually be a viable thing? Also Homura reacting to us casually breaking concrete sounds funny enough.
Alright do you take the train to this place called Nerima, and shout to the sky "I will mary Ranma Satome!" Then its just a matter of surviving.
Alright do you take the train to this place called Nerima, and shout to the sky "I will mary Ranma Satome!" Then its just a matter of surviving.
I understood that reference. I have actually been getting into Ranma 1/2 recently. Nerima would be great to train punching.

Problem is, the main cast in Mitakihara would probably die during training.
I understood that reference. I have actually been getting into Ranma 1/2 recently. Nerima would be great to train punching.

Problem is, the main cast in Mitakihara would probably die during training.
Thankfully the people most likely to have Pierce are Ranma and Ryougi, neither of which would answer that call to battle.
If we want Uber Pixie then that won't work. It has to be our starter Pixie. Its a whole process in Nocturne, I suggest watching a guide on it to get an idea of what sidequest stuff we will be doing in the future.

I mean, do we even know if Uber Pixie is possible in this quest? Or the exact method that we need to achieve it? That's up to the Qm, and I don't know if they will do it like in Nocturne. But I have no issue with not removing from our party or fusing pixie. Just to be clear that's speculation on our part.

Problem is, the main cast in Mitakihara would probably die during training.

That's a good question, HOW much time do we have before Walspurgig (can't remember her name and to lazy to look it up) hots our town? We know we are before Nagisa contracted, but how much time is that exactly in days/weeks? Depending on that is how much could be actually spent training and becoming good at PUNCHING! and complete our mastery of DOGDE!!!
Edit: Also realized that we need to consider if Walpurgis is actually going to be thing with demons now appearing, maybe they(however is our antagonist) get rid of her and we don't have to deal with her, but not likely. Food for though really.

Also that makes me consider, does Ki attacks would be considered like almighty type? Because if that so that would be so annoying. There is no true resistance for Almighty.
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[X] Tell QB politely but firmly to leave because he is bothering our friend. Do not budge on this. Do not give angel room to explain why he hates QB before we haven't had time to read him in on the need to know situation we've got going on with soulgems.
[X] Tell QB politely but firmly to leave because he is bothering our friend. Do not budge on this. Do not give angel room to explain why he hates QB before we haven't had time to read him in on the need to know situation we've got going on with soulgems.

I hope QM confirms how to train in CQC so it does more damage. I know the obvious answer is practice but it's really ambiguous and I really want to commit to it. How long do we wait for it to actually be a viable thing? Also Homura reacting to us casually breaking concrete sounds funny enough.
We could raise our strength in order to do more damage, but yeah, finding a way to actually learn CQC seems more useful to be honest
I don't think the demons even comment on the fusing aspects in any game.
"Does fusion hurt?" is a question demons ask during negotiations in SMT3, and of course, there's this marvelous message in Devil Survivor when you use Gagyson in a fusion:

"Using demons to make more demons? Thou art more demon than I. Such is humanity."
"Does fusion hurt?" is a question demons ask during negotiations in SMT3, and of course, there's this marvelous message in Devil Survivor when you use Gagyson in a fusion:

"Using demons to make more demons? Thou art more demon than I. Such is humanity."

Never played Devil Survivor, huh, they actually say that? Interesting.
I mean, do we even know if Uber Pixie is possible in this quest? Or the exact method that we need to achieve it? That's up to the Qm, and I don't know if they will do it like in Nocturne. But I have no issue with not removing from our party or fusing pixie. Just to be clear that's speculation on our part.
Are we going to just let our dreams be dreams? No! We shall grasp the promised land in our bloodstained fists!
That's a good question, HOW much time do we have before Walspurgig (can't remember her name and to lazy to look it up) hots our town?
Somewhere around two months iirc.
Are we going to just let our dreams be dreams? No! We shall grasp the promised land in our bloodstained fists!

Just to be clear, I REALLY WANT TO GET UBER PIXIE!!!! Just that there is not clear way to achieve it. That's something either we stumble by accident after a lot of grinding and exploring, or the Qm just slaps us in the face with it after we do something either Amazingly Impossible or defeat some super-uber Secret boss they didn't expect us to do so soon. But yeah, I also want to get our pixie to Demifiend-Pixie levels and even higher. I officially-unofficially nominated her as our second in command a while back.
I gave you a perfectly good sword that grows with you, and I wake up to find you guys talking about CQC.

I mean, I have no issue with using the sword, but the idea of killing demons and witches by PUNCHING them is just too much fun to pass up to tell the truth. if the thread decides to start using the sword I won't object, but for know, lets enjoy our wacky ride.
I gave you a perfectly good sword that grows with you, and I wake up to find you guys talking about CQC.

Everyones fought demons and witches with swords.

Punching is cool. And we have the trait to make it possible. (Good luck punching someone in heavy armor otherwise.)

Honestly, that's the reason I didn't invested myself in several votes of the fight. Punching just for the memes was... disapponting and it isn't like it was funny or anything, but the votes were already in that bandwagon.

Punching enemies is cool and fun. Stabbing them is well tread ground and boring. Quests are to have fun, not to calculate the Optimal Strategy (TM) to achieve the Optimal Goal (R).

Swords are fine too, but why go with the boring option when we can have fun.
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I mean, I have no issue with using the sword, but the idea of killing demons and witches by PUNCHING them is just too much fun to pass up to tell the truth. if the thread decides to start using the sword I won't object, but for know, lets enjoy our wacky ride.
I tried once or twice:
[X] "Hey someone's over here!" Go with the party to check it out, using your sword as needed.

We were the ones that said not too split the party.
then someone posted an amended version of my response specifically to punch instead of cut.
In all honesty, I am just going to keep punching until a situation seems to going badly enough for us to take it seriously.

Like the death of a character or getting our ass kicked.

Aka: Sword gets pulled when it's shanking time.
I'm closing the vote, watch your fingers!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 8, 2022 at 1:09 AM, finished with 33 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Tell QB politely but firmly to leave because he is bothering our friend. Do not budge on this. Do not give angel room to explain why he hates QB before we haven't had time to read him in on the need to know situation we've got going on with soulgems.
46: Winding Down
[X] Tell QB politely but firmly to leave because he is bothering our friend. Do not budge on this. Do not give angel room to explain why he hates QB before we haven't had time to read him in on the need to know situation we've got going on with soulgems.

"Kyubey, you're making my friend here uncomfortable." You say, staring directly at Kyubey. "Please leave."

"I would, but unfortunately for you, there is a potential Magical-"

"Leave, Kyubey." You say sternly.

"...Very well. I will take my leave." And with that, he finally leaves.

Good, you think to yourself.

Mami looks disappointed. "Yumi, that was rude. Why did you make him leave? Moreover, why did Angel not-"

Angel grips his staff tightly, saying, "He is a-"

"Angel. No. Not here. Not now." You cut him off before he drops a bombshell.

"Of course, Master. I apologize for speaking out of turn."

"Um... Mr. Angel?" Nagisa pipes up.

"Hm? What is it, child?" He turns his attention to Nagisa, his tone softening.

"Could you... Help Mama?"

"That..." Angel begins, choosing his words extremely carefully, "...is a difficult request. Firstly, I must have my Master approve."

As he turns to you, you give him a thumbs up. You've got no reason to not help her.

"Thank you." He returns his eyes to the child in front of him, "Take me to her. I will see what can be done."

Nagisa nods, grabs Angel's free hand, and leads him to a different room. You sit on the empty bed. Today's been hectic, huh?

You feel something on your shoulder. Pixie is sitting on your shoulder, kicking her feet out and humming.

It's a fun kind of hectic.

[] Write in your stat growth!
-[] Choose one skill from each of your demons to learn.

Homura leans on a wall opposite of where Mami sits. Mami looks a little confused, while Homura is staring intently at the floor.

[] Talk to someone?
-[] About what?
[] Write in?
Should we say something to Mami? Explain something about the demons? I kind of want to explain about Kuebey, but that's a nuke inside a landmine that I don't want to get near. On the other hand I think we kind of own her an explanation no?
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