Fall damage isn't covered by Null Physical, but being a projectile is.
They are in the wiki, Hugin is lvl 24 but Munin is lvl 9. So Munin would be pretty easy to get soon.Actually, wanna know what would be cool? Getting Hugin and Munin as demon. That has to exist right?
Got it next time we need to go down, have someone throw us.\jkFall damage isn't covered by Null Physical, but being a projectile is.
I just realized that this implies she just casually and frequently sleeps with protein bars in her pockets."I got this I can give you," you reply, pulling a protein bar out of your pocket,
Oh like she doesn't. This girl randomly pretends to be Odin and punches out magical girls as a normal human, carrying around a little snack is the least of our suprising character traits.I just realized that this implies she just casually and frequently sleeps with protein bars in her pockets.
Dude heads up, double posting like that can get you in trouble. You might wanna try editing that all into one post.
Am curious about this as well.Also how does this roll work? Is it like a D20? What about our stats do they modify anything?
That's nice and simple. Makes sense considering stats can get up to 99, although it does make maxing them out kinda pointless. Not that we will, since we don't have infinite time.
Unless we get as lucky as we did with our traits all the time but that's like less than 1%That's nice and simple. Makes sense considering stats can get up to 99, although it does make maxing them out kinda pointless. Not that we will, since we don't have infinite time.
I thought they have been narrative based so far? Because an even chance to win meguca fight as a baseline person makes no sense what so ever.So, rolling with stats works like this:
D20+(Stat)/10, rounded down. If it's less than 1, no bonus.
That's entirely up to you.