If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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  • Maybe.

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  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 7 46.7%

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[X] Not like a demon, but there are human magic users. It costs an arm, a leg, and a soul though.
[X] Technically, you already can. The brain is right behind my eyeballs. That's where the optic nerve starts.
[X] I've got this protein bar, it claims to give a lot of stamina? I can give you that?
[X] Not like a demon, but there are human magic users. It costs an arm, a leg, and a soul though.
[X] Technically, you already can. The brain is right behind my eyeballs. That's where the optic nerve starts.
[X] I've got this protein bar, it claims to give a lot of stamina? I can give you that?

Sure why not
[X] Not like a demon, but there are human magic users. It costs an arm, a leg, and a soul though.
[X] Technically, you already can. The brain is right behind my eyeballs. That's where the optic nerve starts.
[X] I've got this protein bar, it claims to give a lot of stamina? I can give you that?
[X] Not like a demon, but there are human magic users. It costs an arm, a leg, and a soul though.
[X] Technically, you already can. The brain is right behind my eyeballs. That's where the optic nerve starts.
[X] I've got this protein bar, it claims to give a lot of stamina? I can give you that?

This is very exciting. So what are the basic things this demon can do?
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I have a proposition.

If there are smaller votes, such as combat, and negotiations, I can definitely write more than one update per day. Choices that will impact the story, no matter how seemingly insignificant, will be a full day of deliberation.

Sound good to everyone?
[X] "I know some humans can use magic, but I don't know if it's like how demons use it"
[X] "We have this thing called the Internet, you can look up pictures of human brains there."
[X] I've got this protein bar, it claims to give a lot of stamina? I can give you that?
[X] Not like a demon, but there are human magic users. It costs an arm, a leg, and a soul though.
[X] Technically, you already can. The brain is right behind my eyeballs. That's where the optic nerve starts.
[X] I've got this protein bar, it claims to give a lot of stamina? I can give you that?
What if you

Wanted to have daily updates

But the QM said:
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 27, 2022 at 5:10 PM, finished with 15 posts and 10 votes.
33: New Allies...?
[X] Not like a demon, but there are human magic users. It costs an arm, a leg, and a soul though.
[X] Technically, you already can. The brain is right behind my eyeballs. That's where the optic nerve starts.
[X] I've got this protein bar, it claims to give a lot of stamina? I can give you that?

"I mean, not exactly like a demon..." you say, "...But I know some humans who can use magic. It costs an arm, a leg, and a soul though."

"Yeesh, a soul? Souls are super hard to come by! Do you humans have, like, a whole bunch of souls in you or something? Anyways," she instantly flips to a different topic before you can answer, "I've heard that humans have these weird things called "brains". Can I see yours?"

"Technically, you already can! Humans have brains right behind the eyeballs, and that's where the optic nerve starts!"

She gets incredibly close to your face, and peers into your eye. "So brains are in your body? Gross! And cool!" She smiles, before asking her final question. "Can I please, please, please have some of your stamina?"

"I got this I can give you," you reply, pulling a protein bar out of your pocket, "Apparently it gives stamina?"

The tiny girl instantly snatches it up. It's almost bigger than her, and she's having trouble staying airborne. "Humans eat these?! How? They're so big!"

"So, what next?" You ask, expecting more demands.

"Now, I join you! Congratulations on recruiting your first demon! My name's Pixie! Please take good care of me!" With that, Pixie turns to light, and enters your Gauntlet. Leaving you alone with the Lost Samurai.

"I'm confused." You state.

"Understandable." He replies. "I will return in two days to continue your training. One last thing... That sword you found will be bound to you. You can call it forth whenever you wish, and it may grow alongside you. Keep this in mind." Finishing, he turns around, and walks into the darkness. "Until we meet again."

MODIFIER: (Choose one)

TRAIT: (Choose one)
[] Null Physical
[] Repel Fire
[] Hellish Mask

OOC: Okay, let me roll for your traits! I doubt you'll get anything too strong-
20, 20, 18.
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[X] Null Physical


Yes yes please for the love of god let's choose this skill. Complete immunity to physical attack. Could this apply to guns? If that's the case aside from some cases we can't be easily killed by Magical girls anymore I assume.
It's official. We are the dice's chosen ones.
Will add more of my votes later, once someone tells me what the traits and the mods do.

Mods no idea, on traits, null is complete immunity to what's is being specified in this case ALL types of Physical attacks, repel fire reflects any fire attack back to the user/caster, damagin then and the last one reduces chances of being insta killed by any attack, it's not inmunity but I think it decreases chances of successs by a huge amount.
[X] Null Physical

Immunity is good. The other 2 are far more situational. I have no idea what any of the Mods do, but I will take Moon over the others because it sounds the least foreboding.

Edit: Changing my vote. Awakened One sounds more interesting, plus possible Lunar Cycle based mod has chance of being time-gated and thus situational.
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Was investigating what the modifiers are, on the awakened power I found that it varied from each main character, but generally is a great boost to a specific attack or skill, on the moon one, as said before is related to the moon phases, which on SMT games affects from the recruiting of demons to the results when fusing them, creating fusion accidents, that create a total different demon, who may be stronger or weaker than the one planned for. On the blood and gore I couldn't find anything concrete.

Although the awakened one is interesting because it may raise our combat capability to levels we have no right to have right now, we may get more value from the moon one, but not really sure to be honest.
[X] Null Physical
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