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Z: More seriously
[X] Whatever plan gets the USS Iwo Jima off our island with minimal incident
let me know what you think.
Alright, first I am going to get this out of the way and say that I am picking a towed sonar array as my hill to die on. If we don't have space to fit it in the sub, we need to make space for it. The only way we can make this more than ASW warfare target practice is if we get enough listening capability to detect enemy vessels before or at the same time they can detect us. A towed array is always going to be more sensitive than onboard systems since its further away from the hull and machinery noises, while also conveniently covering the big gaping blindspot to the aft that the nose sonar setup will always have, no matter how good a system it is. Sure it might have some problems in shallow areas, but so will anyone else trying to operate one there so we're back to even ground, and won't be at a disadvantage if we are fighting somewhere that does allow for their deployment. Most of the drooping line issues can just be solved by having the submarine keep moving a bit when the array is deployed, since the water flow will keep it up like a streamer in the wind.

As for the rest of the design, there's a bunch of things that have me scratching my head:

A sail is useful for much more than just getting extra height on the surface. It's also a way to put access hatches high above the waterline so you don't risk flooding the submarine every time you open them in anything that isn't calm water. They also provide a good amount of vertical storage space for periscopes, antennae, and snorkels so you don't have to figure out how to fit them in the horizontal hull and raise them from there. Finally the times the sub is going to be on the surface are the times when having a sail is going to be very handy, namely entering, exiting and transiting through ports, where the ability to see and be seen is paramount to avoiding collisions.

Filling spaces between the pressure hull and the light hull with a light gas like CO2 is going to play havoc on the submarine's ability to dive with all the extra buoyancy that you need to overcome. The space between the pressure hull and the light hull tends to be whats called a "free-flood-zone" for that reason, and any equipment there needs to be able to cope with high pressure salt water. Unless we are talking about ballast tanks in those areas, which also have to be filled with water rather than gas if you want to dive.

Having the torpedo tubes, reload system, diesel/AIP engine, and electric motors outside the pressure hull and unable to be accessed from the internals means that you would need to bring the entire submarine into drydock and cut open the hull to do even the most minor of maintenance procedures. Even the most minor breakdown on patrol that could easily be fixed on any other sub could be a death sentence, as the crew would have no way to repair it, and forget any ideas of trying to do damage control if you take a hit in combat.

As for the pop out launcher itself, launching torpedoes at an angle downwards doesn't seem like the best idea for a sub meant to be able to operate in shallow water with very little depth under keel, and it's sitting right where the ballast tanks on the submarine usually go, since if you put them anywhere other than the bottom you raise the center of gravity and risk making the sub capsize.

Making the hull a hybrid of SS and titanium alloy means that we're wasting the titanium, as the depth maximum would be limited by what the SS could withstand. Hull composition is an all-or-nothing thing when it comes to pressure.

Also, storing LOx on a submarine just sounds like an accident waiting to happen.

Sorry, there's just a lot in that design that's making me go "What, why?" I'll see what I can do with another version of my design, but I going to have to stick with the Tigerstripe for now.
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That won't work. Basically, why would America follow our laws. They would smother us in their laws. They are our superior, playing by the book we are giving the field to them. We will lose doing so. I mean literally loose something. Political prisoners would be taken from us as a diplomats, they would send agents in our country, use a litteral ecological disaster, some type of bug most likely (as they did to Soviet in actual history) make us provide supplies and fuel to that damn ship and would pay for that in dollars that we can't use. Place a military base on our land, begin a real invasion.

We should move fast, unpredictable, controversial and give them face in the end, as if they won and our little nation is blessed to receive such estimed guests.

How do I propose we take all Americans prisoners? Fishermen or people dressed as "not soldiers" Will go and try to help them, then point guns at them.

I mean, this just feels like we are escalating the situation needlessly?

Being realistic, america could absolutely try and screw us over. There are any number of ways for them to use espionage under the umbrella of UN support/intervention.

However, I think this whole situation is much more dicey for america than that. First, there is a desire in the states to avoid more conflict, due to the recent outrage around Vietnam. Moreover, our proximity and importance to China would be worrying. The last time the UN attempted to intervene in an area so close to China, it did not end well for anyone. Setting up a puppet state in Guanchou, or significantly disabling our ability to fight/defend ourselves would see China escalate as a matter of national defense, as suddenly, their coastline is far more exposed. This isn't even discussing how every shipping lane out of the East China sea would suddenly be in the control of western-aligned powers.

Finally, we must consider what happens if things truly escalate to war. I have no confidence as of now that we would survive the conflict. However, in the course of fighting, it is almost guaranteed a nearby island would be drawn into the conflict. Would China really leave Taiwan free to resupply UN troops. Would China really ignore the chance to snuff out Taiwan when america/UN is making such obvious moves to cripple the country?

None of this is an ironclad reason why the US couldn't do these things. The rolls could devastate us. However, I believe there is enough reason for the US to not immediately attempt to take over or weaken our country. The diplomatic fall out at this time would be devastating.

Honestly, now I'm wondering what Taiwan's reaction is to this situation. @HeroCooky, What is Taiwan doing, and how much are they begging the american ambassadors not to escalate the situation? For that matter, how does Taiwan feel being so close to us? Are there any differences in the country from OTL?
Alright, first I am going to get this out of the way and say that I am picking a towed sonar array as my hill to die on. If we don't have space to fit it in the sub, we need to make space for it. The only way we can make this more than ASW warfare target practice is if we get enough listening capability to detect enemy vessels before or at the same time they can detect us. A towed array is always going to be more sensitive than onboard systems since its further away from the hull and machinery noises, while also conveniently covering the big gaping blindspot to the aft that the nose sonar setup will always have, no matter how good a system it is. Sure it might have some problems in shallow areas, but so will anyone else trying to operate one there so we're back to even ground, and won't be at a disadvantage if we are fighting somewhere that does allow for their deployment. Most of the drooping line issues can just be solved by having the submarine keep moving a bit when the array is deployed, since the water flow will keep it up like a streamer in the wind.

As for the rest of the design, there's a bunch of things that have me scratching my head:

A sail is useful for much more than just getting extra height on the surface. It's also a way to put access hatches high above the waterline so you don't risk flooding the submarine every time you open them in anything that isn't calm water. They also provide a good amount of vertical storage space for periscopes, antennae, and snorkels so you don't have to figure out how to fit them in the horizontal hull and raise them from there. Finally the times the sub is going to be on the surface are the times when having a sail is going to be very handy, namely entering, exiting and transiting through ports, where the ability to see and be seen is paramount to avoiding collisions.

Filling spaces between the pressure hull and the light hull with a light gas like CO2 is going to play havoc on the submarine's ability to dive with all the extra buoyancy that you need to overcome. The space between the pressure hull and the light hull tends to be whats called a "free-flood-zone" for that reason, and any equipment there needs to be able to cope with high pressure salt water. Unless we are talking about ballast tanks in those areas, which also have to be filled with water rather than gas if you want to dive.

Having the torpedo tubes, reload system, diesel/AIP engine, and electric motors outside the pressure hull and unable to be accessed from the internals means that you would need to bring the entire submarine into drydock and cut open the hull to do even the most minor of maintenance procedures. Even the most minor breakdown on patrol that could easily be fixed on any other sub could be a death sentence, as the crew would have no way to repair it, and forget any ideas of trying to do damage control if you take a hit in combat.

As for the pop out launcher itself, launching torpedoes at an angle downwards doesn't seem like the best idea for a sub meant to be able to operate in shallow water with very little depth under keel, and it's sitting right where the ballast tanks on the submarine usually go, since if you put them anywhere other than the bottom you raise the center of gravity and risk making the sub capsize.

Also, storing LOx on a submarine just sounds like an accident waiting to happen.

Sorry, there's just a lot in that design that's making me go "What, why?" I'll see what I can do with another version of my design, but I going to have to stick with the Tigerfish for now.

I'm still uncomfortable with the towed array but if you're dead set on it... we might want to adjust it's buoyancy upward a bit, somewhere between that of a military array that sinks and a geophysical one that's neutral.
We'll want to make space on board for it too. Using a clip on array will be a pain in litoral waters.

Would a collapsible sail be acceptable? A bit out there, but given Laughpanzer tech... (also known as: 'please don't make me give up the clean sleek aesthetic of no-sail :p )

I can move the torpedo tubes but I don't understand what you mean about capsizing? Wouldn't putting the ballast tanks on the bottom make it likelier to capsize? Do you mean putting the torpedoes on the bottom?
The rotary magazine was loosely based on this. Now, if the rotary magazine is a no go, why not forgo reloads altogether and store the torpedoes in the tubes they launch from? The sub isn't going do out for more that two weeks at a time and it's a small sub, so would it be that big a deal if the crew can't access the torpedoes? Three tubes, three torpedoes stacked per tube?

As for LOx, the old Soviet Quebecs used it directly to run one of their diesel engines. A Stirling AIP is more controlled in terms of how it's burned I think? If we can't crack it we can switch to diesel, but otherwise working with LOx will be good practice for rockets?
[X] De-Escalation

Am I boring? Yes.

Is it necessary to save the quest from further Dice Roll insanity?

[X] place a cordon around the Imperalist, make sure no one will be able to see the Iron Gear. Contact the American ship wia radio. Prepare yourself to slaughter them all if the need will arise.
When things go wrong...inevitably with this plan. Because this is a terrible idea, and the American already knows about our mech via Negaverse and Omake.

US Officer: They just Slaughtered all of our men.

Ford: Shit.

US Officer: So...Blockade?

Ford: Ask the Chinese if they approved this shit?

*One LONG Phone Call Later*

Ford: So you didn't.

Mao: I didn't approve of this...I approve of keeping them under guard but I don't know how the hell this happened!?

Ford: You know we can't take this laying down...they it on TV and millions watched, I have an entire nation baying for blood... my guy's didn't even have the time to shoot back.

Mao: Careful...they are my vassel.

Ford: And I have every branch of the Military asking me to burn that shithole off the face of the earth...I'm sorry but I can't let this go unanswered.

Ford: I just can't let this happen unanswered. You would do the same.

Mao: I can't help you.

Ford: Fine I'll go to someone who will! Get the Hot line.


Ghangchou: Ahh, that felt really good.

USSR: What have you done.

Ghangchou: I killed the Imperialists.

USSR: You Idiot...I have a Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0 I can barely afford and you made it worse!

Ghangchou: You would have done the same right? YOU WOULD Have DONE THE SAME! THEY INVADED MY LANDS

USSR looks at them like a disappointed father: There is a difference between an invasion and being shipwrecked by an act of god...I'm sorry, but you have officially stepped out of line this time.

Ghangchou: You can't just...isolate me, China will-

USSR: China will do nothing...for I will not be alone in this punishment.

USA: The first bombing Runs will be for them...the just my anger.

USSR: For once we Agree...I'll help with the rest.

USA: Okay...keep me from going crazy bushy eyes.

Ghangchou: Why do I hear...TWO SETS OF BOSS MUSIC


AKA Killing them is a BAD IDEA ON PRINCIPLE!

Because this will just lead to more problems.
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Wow, melodramatic much? I haven't specified how big mast be the perimeter, that's first. Second we will have communication with the by the radio, so that would help avoid most of bumble bacon. Third, what are they doing here? Fourth the perimeter is both to protect from them and them from our own ultra patriots. Fifth our rep will drop if we won't rattle the guns at least a little. My plan is specifically to minimize the risks while allowing situation to progress peacefully.
Sorry I over reacted a little and ran the worse possible situation in my head.

Forgive my mass wall of text but I had to get it out of the mind noodle.
I'm still uncomfortable with the towed array but if you're dead set on it... we might want to adjust it's buoyancy upward a bit, somewhere between that of a military array that sinks and a geophysical one that's neutral.
We'll want to make space on board for it too. Using a clip on array will be a pain in litoral waters.

Would a collapsible sail be acceptable? A bit out there, but given Laughpanzer tech... (also known as: 'please don't make me give up the clean sleek aesthetic of no-sail :p )

I can move the torpedo tubes but I don't understand what you mean about capsizing? Wouldn't putting the ballast tanks on the bottom make it likelier to capsize? Do you mean putting the torpedoes on the bottom?
The rotary magazine was loosely based on this. Now, if the rotary magazine is a no go, why not forgo reloads altogether and store the torpedoes in the tubes they launch from? The sub isn't going do out for more that two weeks at a time and it's a small sub, so would it be that big a deal if the crew can't access the torpedoes? Three tubes, three torpedoes stacked per tube?

As for LOx, the old Soviet Quebecs used it directly to run one of their diesel engines. A Stirling AIP is more controlled in terms of how it's burned I think? If we can't crack it we can switch to diesel, but otherwise working with LOx will be good practice for rockets?
The problem I feel we are facing when designing a submarine is that we have to temper what we want with what we can actually make.

I would love to have an optronics mast rather than a periscope, but as far as I can tell the first optronic systems on submarines were being experimented on by the big countries in the mid 90s, with them only starting mass production for use around the turn of the century. I don't think Gay North Korea that can barely feed it's people will be making them in 1974. The Iron Tiger may have given us the cables, but no one in the world is close to the sensors right now.

Going sail-less would be nice for reduced drag and other things. However without optronics magic I don't know how well a folding periscope would work as we'd have to figure out how to fold and unfold a hollow cylinder underwater while having it remain watertight at all times. Any help we could beg from China or the USSR would also only be in the form of vertically mounted, collapsible periscopes stored in a sail, since that's what they use. So I don't think we are going to be able to ditch the sail for our first sub design either.

That fancy rotating drum automated magazine would be great, but what you posted is a "what if" picture of a theoretical submarine built in 2040. For reference, here is a video of loading a training torpedo in the Virginia-class submarine, a design first laid down in 2000, 25 years from now, with the industrial and technological support of the USA. Lots of mechanical assistance to move the heavy torpedo, but still a very human-involved process.

For all my talk of "new technology" used in the Tigerstripe all of that is only technology that already exists and we would just be some of the first people to put it all together on a submarine, because I don't think we are going to be able to afford anything more than that as a small Asian communist nation.
  • Pump-jets: First modern jet boat made in 1950s, with a functional prototype boat made in 1932.
  • Electric torpedoes, and acoustic homing: both developed in WW2.
  • Wire guidance: The most "new tech" one with the earliest example I found being the Mk48 made in 1972, but we have Iron Tiger electronics to help us here.
  • Titanium Hull: Titanium is a known strong material, and magnetic detection of subs has been a thing since WW2.
  • Iron Tiger Engines and Fuel: We have them already and they're better than normal diesel engines.

The ballast needs to be mounted low to keep the submarine's center of gravity below it's center of buoyancy. If G is below B the submarine is stable and will want to straighten out right side up. If G is above B the submarine is unstable and will want to straighten out upside down.

As for storing torpedoes in the tubes inaccessible to the crew, if you want to maintain the same combat effectiveness as the Tigerfishstripe you would need to find a way to fit 12 torpedo tubes on it somehow, and the ability to wire guide all 12 of them as the crew won't be able to access them to connect them to the guidance system.

On the LOx and the AIP, the reason I am not of making the only engine AIP is I don't think they are good enough in 1974 to power a submarine by themselves, with the wiki page for AIP saying this:
AIP does not normally provide the endurance or power to replace atmospheric dependent propulsion, but allows longer submergence than a conventionally propelled submarine. A typical conventional power plant provides 3 megawatts maximum, and an AIP source around 10% of that. A nuclear submarine's propulsion plant is usually much greater than 20 megawatts.

Later down the page in the section specifically about Stirling engines I found this for a 1990s sub:
The Swedish shipbuilder Kockums constructed three Gotland-class submarines for the Swedish Navy that are fitted with an auxiliary Stirling engine that burns liquid oxygen and diesel fuel to drive 75 kW electrical generators for either propulsion or charging batteries. The endurance of the 1,500-tonne boats is around 14 days at 5 kn (5.8 mph; 9.3 km/h).

And on the Quebec-class subs and the LOx there, one they didn't use Stirling engines, they used closed-cycle diesel. Two, they only displaced 540t submerged which is quite a bit smaller than the sizes we are talking about. And three, looking at their page got me this paragraph:
The Quebec-class was plagued with problems caused by liquid oxygen evaporation. Their endurance was limited to 14 days due to continuous evaporation of the oxygen and lack of a re-liquefaction system, and the propulsion system led to several serious incidents. In 1957 two submarines were lost due to accidents caused by the oxygen system. M-256 suffered a fire off Tallinn in the Baltic, which led to the loss of 35 men, while M-351 sank in the Black Sea with no casualties. Other incidents caused oxygen-fueled flames to burst out from the boats, which led to their crews to nickname them zazhigalka ("lighters") or Zippos after the well-known cigarette lighter.
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The problem I feel we are facing when designing a submarine is that we have to temper what we want with what we can actually make.

I would love to have an optronics mast rather than a periscope, but as far as I can tell the first optronic systems on submarines were being experimented on by the big countries in the mid 90s, with them only starting mass production for use around the turn of the century. I don't think Gay North Korea that can barely feed it's people will be making them in 1974. The Iron Tiger may have given us the cables, but no one in the world is close to the sensors right now.

Going sail-less would be nice for reduced drag and other things. However without optronics magic I don't know how well a folding periscope would work as we'd have to figure out how to fold and unfold a hollow cylinder underwater while having it remain watertight at all times. Any help we could beg from China or the USSR would also only be in the form of vertically mounted, collapsible periscopes stored in a sail, since that's what they use. So I don't think we are going to be able to ditch the sail for our first sub design either.

That fancy rotating drum automated magazine would be great, but what you posted is a "what if" picture of a theoretical submarine built in 2040. For reference, here is a video of loading a training torpedo in the Virginia-class submarine, a design first laid down in 2000, 25 years from now, with the industrial and technological support of the USA. Lots of mechanical assistance to move the heavy torpedo, but still a very human-involved process.

For all my talk of "new technology" used in the Tigerstripe all of that is only technology that already exists and we would just be some of the first people to put it all together on a submarine, because I don't think we are going to be able to afford anything more than that as a small Asian communist nation.
  • Pump-jets: First modern jet boat made in 1950s, with a functional prototype boat made in 1932.
  • Electric torpedoes, and acoustic homing: both developed in WW2.
  • Wire guidance: The most "new tech" one with the earliest example I found being the Mk48 made in 1972, but we have Iron Tiger electronics to help us here.
  • Titanium Hull: Titanium is a known strong material, and magnetic detection of subs has been a thing since WW2.
  • Iron Tiger Engines and Fuel: We have them already and they're better than normal diesel engines.

The ballast needs to be mounted low to keep the submarine's center of gravity below it's center of buoyancy. If G is below B the submarine is stable and will want to straighten out right side up. If G is above B the submarine is unstable and will want to straighten out upside down.

As for storing torpedoes in the tubes inaccessible to the crew, if you want to maintain the same combat effectiveness as the Tigerfishstripe you would need to find a way to fit 12 torpedo tubes on it somehow, and the ability to wire guide all 12 of them as the crew won't be able to access them to connect them to the guidance system.

On the LOx and the AIP, the reason I am not of making the only engine AIP is I don't think they are good enough in 1974 to power a submarine by themselves, with the wiki page for AIP saying this:

Later down the page in the section specifically about Stirling engines I found this for a 1990s sub:

And on the Quebec-class subs and the LOx there, one they didn't use Stirling engines, they used closed-cycle diesel. Two, they only displaced 540t submerged which is quite a bit smaller than the sizes we are talking about. And three, looking at their page got me this paragraph:

I think on the optronics mast a lot depends on what image quality we need: can we get by with an image that looks like this (this is American TV, but Soviet stuff is a bit too obscure to find easily)? Because we do have cathode ray cameras at this point and it's not beyond the realm of imagination that Guangchou might get the jump on the West from a combination of taking more technical risks while riding high on Iron Tiger development, and accepting lower image quality. Naval engineers are a conservative lot - so it's not too wild to imagine we might have gotten a head start through our own hubris. :p
We can also leave some of this up to rolls: if we roll high enough, we got a photonics mast. If we don't, then we settle for a traditional periscope - through I'll argue for a relatively thin fin-like permanent sail to hold our masts, and a tubular extendible portion for entry/egress and surface navigation.

I understand that you'd be skeptical of a 2040 sub concept, however we have Iron Tigers, so the idea of a torpedo room with a fully automatic auto-loader seems pretty tame by comparison. :p

*Facepalm* For some reason my brain forgot how ballast tanks worked. My bad.

Why not stark multiple torpedoes per tube? Three tubes, four torpedoes apiece is still only 24m long assuming 6m long torpedoes.

So the reason AIP power is so low is because they're meant for recharging batteries and super low speed cruise - that's why the Soryu switched to being a pure battery boat IIRC: they liked the higher power (and thus higher acceleration and speed) they could draw and felt the reduction in range wasn't too bad given newer batteries.
Again, it's something that could come down to dice: building roll we got Ye Olde diesel with snorkeling. High roll and we crack better batteries/Stirling/MESMA AIP.

And again: These subs are supposed to ambush the enemy and otherwise stay close to friendly ports, so it doesn't need high cruise speed or range. In fact, not having those is how we're likely able to have them be good subs.
C: So, further notes on the subject of democratization. We don't have to do it all at once, and in fact probably shouldn't. If we DO try doing it all at once, that's just leaving the door open for some other jackass to coup us and install themselves as President For Life.

C: I'd recommend doing it far more gradually. Perhaps start by giving the legislature some teeth and actual meaningful elections? That way we still retain unquestioned executive power, but dip a toe into the democratization pool to get the country more used to it before going further.
Wow, melodramatic much? I haven't specified how big mast be the perimeter, that's first. Second we will have communication with the by the radio, so that would help avoid most of bumble bacon. Third, what are they doing here? Fourth the perimeter is both to protect from them and them from our own ultra patriots. Fifth our rep will drop if we won't rattle the guns at least a little. My plan is specifically to minimize the risks while allowing situation to progress peacefully.
Maybe that's what you meant but that certainly isn't what you said. At all.
The more I turn the idea over in my head, the more I'm wondering if subs are really the way to secure ourselves from naval invasion.

Might it be more effective to use a naval equivalent to an integrated air-defense network? Just deploy a ton of stationary or semi-stationary sonar systems, lay enough CAPTOR mines to kill a god, tie it all together with cables and on shore signal processing, and dare anyone to come at us if they think they're hard enough.
The more I turn the idea over in my head, the more I'm wondering if subs are really the way to secure ourselves from naval invasion.

Might it be more effective to use a naval equivalent to an integrated air-defense network? Just deploy a ton of stationary or semi-stationary sonar systems, lay enough CAPTOR mines to kill a god, tie it all together with cables and on shore signal processing, and dare anyone to come at us if they think they're hard enough.
T: Have at least some submarines, so that we can move the sonar buoys and mines around undetected. Also for the occasional surprise torpedo in places they think they've cleared already.
T: Have at least some submarines, so that we can move the sonar buoys and mines around undetected. Also for the occasional surprise torpedo in places they think they've cleared already.

Yeah, some kind of utility/minelayer submarine would work - it would certainly be easier and cheaper that trying to run a blue water diesel sub navy (the more I look at our coastline, the less shallow water I see for the Tigerfish/stripes to operate in.
Anyone else just have an evil thought of making veratechs from robotech

Just turn mecha into airplanes and launch them from aircraft carriers.

It sounds awesome!
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