The problem I feel we are facing when designing a submarine is that we have to temper what we want with what we can actually make.
I would love to have an optronics mast rather than a periscope, but as far as I can tell the first optronic systems on submarines were being experimented on by the big countries in the mid 90s, with them only starting mass production for use around the turn of the century. I don't think Gay North Korea that can barely feed it's people will be making them in 1974. The Iron Tiger may have given us the cables, but no one in the world is close to the sensors right now.
Going sail-less would be nice for reduced drag and other things. However without optronics magic I don't know how well a folding periscope would work as we'd have to figure out how to fold and unfold a hollow cylinder underwater while having it remain watertight at all times. Any help we could beg from China or the USSR would also only be in the form of vertically mounted, collapsible periscopes stored in a sail, since that's what they use. So I don't think we are going to be able to ditch the sail for our first sub design either.
That fancy rotating drum automated magazine would be great, but what you posted is a "what if" picture of a theoretical submarine built in
2040. For reference,
here is a video of loading a training torpedo in the Virginia-class submarine, a design first laid down in 2000, 25 years from now, with the industrial and technological support of the USA. Lots of mechanical assistance to move the heavy torpedo, but still a very human-involved process.
For all my talk of "new technology" used in the Tigerstripe all of that is only technology that already exists and we would just be some of the first people to put it all together on a submarine, because I don't think we are going to be able to afford anything more than that as a small Asian communist nation.
- Pump-jets: First modern jet boat made in 1950s, with a functional prototype boat made in 1932.
- Electric torpedoes, and acoustic homing: both developed in WW2.
- Wire guidance: The most "new tech" one with the earliest example I found being the Mk48 made in 1972, but we have Iron Tiger electronics to help us here.
- Titanium Hull: Titanium is a known strong material, and magnetic detection of subs has been a thing since WW2.
- Iron Tiger Engines and Fuel: We have them already and they're better than normal diesel engines.
The ballast needs to be mounted low to keep the submarine's center of gravity below it's center of buoyancy. If G is below B the submarine is stable and will want to straighten out right side up. If G is above B the submarine is unstable and will want to straighten out upside down.
As for storing torpedoes in the tubes inaccessible to the crew, if you want to maintain the same combat effectiveness as the Tigerfishstripe you would need to find a way to fit 12 torpedo tubes on it somehow, and the ability to wire guide all 12 of them as the crew won't be able to access them to connect them to the guidance system.
On the LOx and the AIP, the reason I am not of making the only engine AIP is I don't think they are good enough in 1974 to power a submarine by themselves, with the wiki page for AIP saying this:
Later down the page in the section specifically about Stirling engines I found this for a 1990s sub:
And on the Quebec-class subs and the LOx there, one they didn't use Stirling engines, they used closed-cycle diesel. Two, they only displaced 540t submerged which is quite a bit smaller than the sizes we are talking about. And three, looking at their page got me this paragraph: