[X] Why don't we have a sleepover once Homura and I are done discussing some things?
"Oh, here's an idea," you begin, "Why don't we have a sleepover once Homura and I are done talking, Mami?"
"I'd quite enjoy that! I'll be able to help you unpack, too!" Mami claps her hands together.
"Alright, I'll get you when we're done! Oh, right, key?"
"Here you are, Yumi!" Mami hands you your key, and begins to close the door. "See you soon!" She says as she closes it fully.
You're finally able to enter your new home. You'd be lying if you said you weren't excited. You open the door, and you and Homura enter.
There are a few boxes here and there, a small table, and a couch. Other than that, it's empty.
Homura wordlessly moves to the couch. You follow. As you sit down, she begins.
"Let me answer your previous questions first. Kyubey... Manipulates facts, and hides vital information, such as the relationship between Magical Girls and Witches. When a Magical Girl contracts with Kyubey, it grants a Wish, the price of which is a Soul Gem."
"The name is literal, yeah?" You say.
"Unfortunately, it is." Homura nods gravely. "Kyubey simply says it is the source of a Magical Girl's power. It isn't an inaccurate description. When a Magical Girl uses her magic, her Soul Gem darkens. Her behavior also changes dangerously. If it gets too dark..."
"Witch City, population you?"
"That's... One way of putting it." She says, slightly confused.
"So, that's obviously bad. How do you stop it?"
"Witches have Grief Seeds, the remnants of a Soul Gem. You can essentially pass on your own corruption to the Witch's Grief Seed. It is the only way I know of to stop the corruption from building."
She doesn't meet your gaze for a long time. "Unfortunately, I do not know what Kyubey meant when it stated you were an anomaly. I'm sorry."
"It's okay, I'll figure it out later," You respond.
"Everything we spoke about cannot be repeated. If Mami learned what she was..."
"Got it." You say.
"Is there anything else you'd like me to explain?"
[] Yeah.
-[] If so, write in.
[] No, I think I get it.
[] Write in.