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[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
-[X] Talk to the embassies of the US and China while getting ahead of the media so that our story is the one that hits the news first. Both to make sure that there will be no problems with the Chinese government, and to get ahead of the capitalist propaganda sure to try to paint Guangcho in the worst light possible.
-[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
-[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
-[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
-[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
-[X] Get the Americans addicted to our The Good Stuff™ Homemade Seaween Snacks with its top secret oil-herb-seasoning mix till they're begging for our exports shipments. We shall become a household name!
-[X] offer sailors immediate transport to nearest US aligned country (Japan or South Korea). Record any public declaration be soldiers on why they can't do that (because of course they won't just leave their ship)
-[X] Don't let US diplomats redirect the news to something stupid, like that we have captured and are holding hostage US sailors. Make public all accommodations made to sailors, perhaps at UN (If we don't have representative there, ask for help from china at spreading message)
-[X] If allies ask about our handling of event, emphasize the danger of escalation. This incident has a danger of escalating like the cuban missile crisis. Its best if this kept a minor regional affair, rather than becoming an open dispute between 2 nuclear nations. We are keeping are demands reasonable, and we are not attempting anything stupid that will exacerbate the situation, like stealing any american technology, or taking US prisoners
-[X] Record other accommodations offered to americans. Make sure to record moments when any americans take advantage of the aid we have provided. Try to provide 24 hr recordings, or equivalents, to prove at least some sailors are using our aid, and that they still are free and manning their ships.
-[X] Ask allies to leak recordings in western nations if possible. Make it clear to common citizens that we have not mistreated soldiers, and that we are trying to deescalate. Try to make it look like Western nations value their money more than the sailors lives
[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
-[X] Talk to the embassies of the US and China while getting ahead of the media so that our story is the one that hits the news first. Both to make sure that there will be no problems with the Chinese government, and to get ahead of the capitalist propaganda sure to try to paint Guangcho in the worst light possible.
-[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
-[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
personally I think this should be handled entirely by the lower bureaucracy
and if someone demands to speak to Junming, give them a weird look for wanting to escalate a littering citation/parking ticket/what have you all the way up to the Great Leader
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...With a situation this Deadly?

No No we should not.
What Are You Talking About? It's Fine. :) :) :) It's Just A Parking Violation. Nothing To Worry About. :) Can't Be A Deadly Situation If It's Just A Parking Violation. Who Ever Heard Of A Parking Violation Causing A War. If It Were Anything Else We Would Be Escalating It To The World Leader Level, But It's Not, So We Won't. Everything Is FINE. :) :) :)
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What Are You Talking About? It's Fine. :) :) :) It's Just A Parking Violation. Nothing To Worry About. :) Can't Be A Deadly Situation If It's Just A Parking Violation. Who Ever Heard Of A Parking Violation Causing A War. If It Were Anything Else We Would Be Escalating It To The World Leader Level, But It's Not, So We Won't. Everything Is FINE. :) :) :)
I can't tell if this is delusion or someone believing our propaganda a little too much.

This is the mother of all Parking Violations...but it must be handled PROPERLY!

And I trust no one other then the Great Leader (TM) to handle this properly.

But I wonder how we'll handle the AIDS Crisis now.
"You want me to wake the Great Leader up for a trespassing violation? Your funeral."

"Its a BIT More then a Violation man? I'll take responsibility but by god at least have him Dress up and help calm any incidents?"

"You sure?"

"WE HAVE US MARINES Looking for firewood in our lands without a permit? Among other things! And the Captain is trying to look for a Phone to make a Phone call?! And they are all armed."
I can't tell if this is delusion or someone believing our propaganda a little too much.

This is the mother of all Parking Violations...but it must be handled PROPERLY!

And I trust no one other then the Great Leader (TM) to handle this properly.

But I wonder how we'll handle the AIDS Crisis now.
its a Polite Diplomatic Fiction, intended to prevent this becoming an actual issue, because nobody actually wants this to be a diplomatic incident. Better if it just stays low key.
Now look what you did, you were so dense about this you made me break character
Every time I hear parking violation I just think a cop climbs the ship till they are at the command window and just stick a ticket there while being looked at by like 30 people inside the ship
"You want me to wake the Great Leader up for a trespassing violation? Your funeral."

"So, why exactly did I need to wake up for this parking violation"
"Sir, we demand you immediately return our ship"
"President, ummm.... What is your name again"
"Sir, I am diplomat Smith"
"So you aren't president. Well, if this is so important, please let me speak to the president"
"Sir please"
"How many years of experience do you have, Mr. Smith"
"F-ffive years"
"You were complaining about us not taking it seriously. How can you be such hypocrites doing the exact same thing"
"Now, you listen-"
"We'll continue this discussion at the appropriate levels tomorrow"
"Wow, their officials really don't want us talking to anyone high up. Thank the Chinese Ambassador again for the information. I can't believe the americans biggest concerns is making sure that there isn't a soundbyte of their president talking with the 'femboi hooters'. We'll make sure to wring every dollar out of them if they want to be such idiots. And then make them pay more when we add a final demand for a picture of us and the president once a deal is secured. It will be appropriate for the capitalist dogs to have to literally pay for their homophobia"
"Wait, how exactly did officer Xin get 20 parking violation tickets stuck on the windows of the command center again? I thought he had orders not to touch the ship. ... What do you mean, he bungy jumped out of a helicopter?!?!"
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It will be appropriate for the capitalist dogs to have to literally pay for their homophobia"
"Uhh, Smith?"


"We uhh, have another problem to deal with? Closer to home?"

"Are we actually going to war in Guatemala to clean up the CIA's mess?"

"Nah man its related to uhh, helping pass some Civil legislation, there wondering what ideas we can steal from where our guys are sitting?"

"You want to steal from them? Legislation wise?"

"There's no such thing as stealing a good idea."


"Smith...why a guy named Goose yelling at me over the phone?"

"CIA's screaming like a chicken with its head cut off. and they are pissed about this one."

"And Bill is asking for Nukes?"

"Slap Bill for me...we have to handle this properly. not like an idiot."
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[X] Roll a d100 for your UN Diplomat.

Question, Higher is good or bad?

Edit: God Dammit Dice!
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[X] Roll a d100 for your UN Diplomat.

Question, Higher is good or bad?

Edit: God Dammit Dice!

Mongoose, I'm sorry, but next time you have an omake, just PM it to one of us. We really can't risk you rolling for this quest anymore. Just let us take credit- I mean responsibility for your omakes- I mean rolls.

Also, aren't you supposed to be running that negaverse america quest me and @Cyberphilosipher keep quoting? I can recognize your rolls anywhere.
Mongoose, I'm sorry, but next time you have an omake, just PM it to one of us. We really can't risk you rolling for this quest anymore. Just let us take credit- I mean responsibility for your omakes- I mean rolls.

Also, aren't you supposed to be running that negaverse america quest me and @Cyberphilosipher keep quoting? I can recognize your rolls anywhere.
Don't double posts, there will be terrible consequence if you keep doing that.
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