[X] A zip up hoodie and jeans. Simple, but comfy!
-[X] Now that no ones bleeding on the carpet and theres no stab happy girlfriends with delusions of being a honey badger around, how about someone tells me what in the name off all that is reasonable is going on here?!
"Alright," you begin, "Now that no one's bleeding on the carpet and there's no stab happy girlfriends with delusions of being a honey badger..." You try to keep yourself composed...
(D20 ROLL: 3, FAIL)
"How about someone tell me what the actual goddamn fuck is going on?!" You do not keep composed.
Everyone is taken aback by your (frankly reasonable) outburst, except Homura.
"From what I understand," Homura begins speaking while Madoka and Sayaka stare at you with wide eyes, "You fell into a Witch's Labyrinth. Then, upon locating Madoka and Sayaka, you were attacked by Oriko and Kirika."
"Yeah, good, but what does any of that mean?!"
"Perhaps I should offer an explanation." You hear yet another new voice chime in.
"Ah, Kyubey." Homura seems to regard the white cat thing quite coldly-
"Why is the damn cat talking?!" You blurt out.
"My name is Kyubey. I am who grants Magical Girls their magic, in exchange for a wish." Kyubey says, like that's normal.
"Okay, new question, why did you give powers to Crazy and Crazier?!"
"To prevent entropy, of course." He responds, again, like that's just normal. "Onto Magic. When I grant a Wish, a Soul Gem is created. This Soul Gem is a Magical Girl's power source. Where Magical Girls are born of Wishes, Witches are born of curses. Witches create Labyrinths to trap normal humans, and kill them. This allows them to grow stronger."
You get the feeling Kyubey's not being honest, but do not press him for the moment.
"I don't get it..." Sayaka says.
"It's not about you, Sayaka Miki."
Now what...?
[] Press Kyubey.
[] Hold off, for now.
[] Talk to someone?
[] Write in...?