[X] Bring in Ice Witches
We are here to build bridges and look impressive. Having an audience who can appreciate what we are doing would be beneficial.
[X] Find the Boyar
Knowing why this is happening is rather important in the long run, even if it probably isn't an immediate solution.
[ ] Scout the Shirokij
Woodsy Elves of any type are both very good at spotting scouts and very capable of repositioning on the fly. Trying to scout is both high risk and low reward.
[ ] Urge an attack
Spending lives to try and gain political points for someone who might be a friend but is by no means an ally. Pass.
[ ] Attempt a parlay
Hahahahahah. On wait you were serious, let me laugh even harder.
Even if this is an elf in charge rather than a homicidal dryad the odds of getting good faith negotiations out of a warhost from Athel Loren are tiny.
[ ] Contact Ostermark
A definite possibility. However I feel that having an Empire army will both confuse the chain of command and risk friendly fire incidents.
It makes a surface flat and even. If that surface is at a significant angle, then making it flat and even means you've turned it into a slide.
Some would take this to be a limitation. I see it as an opportunity.
Forcing the enemy to charge up a hill to attack you is already a substantial advantage. Forcing them to try and charge up a
slide makes you nigh unassailable. Conversely if the enemy is standing on a hill, turning it into a slide converts an advantage into a disadvantage.
Also it would look hilarious.