Yes, this is it. Thank you. I don't know much proper lore, and this is one of the few things that talks about Skaven society and their mindset.
Without going over old ground, as I can't imagine people haven't already walked through things themselves ages ago, Thirteen just looks like the worst. At least from a human perspective. It's where they're the most divided, where there's the most chaos. Where there is the most potential ways that things can shift and rebound. The more I go through that, the more I feel like the Skaven are just a pretty clearly Tzeentch plot. Sort of like the Alpha Legion in 40k.
Which just makes me want to roll Hashut into Khorne perhaps. Though maybe not. I don't think Khorne really has a thing for 'Domination', and Hashut gives Dwarves magic. So even if there isn't lore of Hashut (right?) that separates them from the Four, it's not so clear cut.
It's interesting stuff to think about. Like, I know that there's already theories that the Skaven are a Tzeentch plot based on their origins, but still. The Horned Rat definitely became a Thing, but Tzeentch just does what they do. So that doesn't remove the possibility.
Anyway, this is really just me musing upon things. To be totally honest, I'd rather not spark a debate. As I really don't know enough about this stuff to feel confident about anything.