A note that Kislev has plenty of restless spirits. I don't feel right calling them "fey" because that's not their origin, and neither ghost or daemon properly conveys what they are either. They're like the Djinn of Araby in that they are localised cultural entities:
"The people of Kislev believe the Gods are the greatest of all otherworldly creatures but also believe there are innumerable lesser spirits who must also be appeased. The nature of such creatures reflects the minds of people they encounter, reinforcing the creature's character and giving rise to traditions particular to Kislev. Throughout Kislev, it is considered right to honour such lesser spirits, for it is a mark of good manners and intelligence to do so. Neglect or disrespect of these spirits is seen as a display of low breeding and ignorance; furthermore, it is just plain unlucky! If a peasant stopped by a spring to drink, he would be wise to ask permission of the spirit that dwelled there first. Perhaps more than most lands, Kislevites have a great many traditions, superstitions, oaths, and expressions that arise in respect to these spirits." Realm of the Ice Queen Page 50
There are many spirits in Kislev, and many are mischeivous or malicious and are rightfully capable of "hauntings" if they are disturbed. Examples include the Domovoi (household spirits), Poluvei and Poludnista (Fertility spirits), Leshii (most relevant as they are forest spirits that wander haunted forests and are more actively malicious), Vodianoi (evil river spirit that drowns people), Rusalka (drowned maiden spirit, believed to have some sort of connection to Vodianoi) and Ryzhnyi Khoziain (evil winged spirit, vague, most likely oblast). The others are probably more likely to wander the Oblast, like Glimmers and the Frostfiend.
The Hag Witches are by far the most skilled in managing, communicating and directing/appeasing these spirits, but I could be wrong and they're not involved. I personally think we can probably get a head start in that direction if we contact them, because part of the problem is in Kislev, and the spirits would certainly know something if they could be corralled.