Voting is open
Soooooooooo we are doomed to destroy our own culture? We are gonna have to immortalize it only to criticize and laugh at it? Or is it China's 4Olds we are talking about?

China's I think?

Also guys, if we decide to develop our tourism, perhaps we can, uh, gift a few vacation villas to some Chinese politicians and diplomats. To, uh, boost relations.

*nudge nudge wink wink*
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 23, 2022 at 10:24 AM, finished with 16 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X]Don't Touch the Military
    [X]The Bat on a Bamboo
    -[X]Spend some Chinese Opinion and Favor for the Following:
    --[X]Assistance in Energy projects using Chinese expertise.
    --[X]Completion of Agricultural Projects to increase the land use as well as the efficiency of agriculture and long-term crop storage.
    -[X]Do some favors for the Chinese
    --[X]To build a museum to store relics of the Four Olds to be used to criticize the backwardness of the ancestors.
    --[X]To allow naval drills with the Liberation Navy on how to coordinate the defense of the People's waters.
    --[X]To exclusively integrate Chinese naval technology to our ships and to use China as our primary option in ordering a naval vessel.
    [X]Assistance in Energy projects using Chinese expertise.
    [X]Completion of Agricultural Projects to increase the land use as well as the efficiency of agriculture and long-term crop storage.
    [X]The Bat on a Bamboo
    [X]Don't Touch the Military
    -[X]You scratch my back:
    --[X]Survey assistance for sites ideal for hydro and geothermal power production and knowledge of grid expansion and electrification of rural areas
    --[X]Knowhow on agricultural techniques, different crop breeds, maximizing use of limited agricultural land, long-term storage and animal husbandry
    -[X]And I'll scratch yours
    --[X]To build a museum to store relics of the Four Olds to be used to criticize the backwardness of the ancestors.
    --[X]To allow naval drills with the Liberation Navy on how to coordinate the defense of the People's waters.
    --[X]Propose exclusivity contracts for purchase of raw and exotic resources needed for projects from and sale of our own products to their markets.
Turn 6.2 - I Am His Paperwork
[X] Plan: Feeding The People
-[X] Design A Civilian Aircraft (Describe)
--[X] A small fertilizer plane or helicopter. Something that works well in a small area. Guangzhou isn't a huge island, so you don't need anything fast.
-[X] Construct A Fertilizer Factory (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[X] Clear Jungles For Farming (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[X] Increase Farming Space (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[X] Laufpanzer (Rename Pending) Armor Foundry (1/3 to produce Laufpanzer (Rename Pending))
-[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[X] Keep trying to find a significant other. You might have better luck this year.
--[X] Plan a surprise tour of the new factories.
--[X] Plan to visit either Beijing or Moscow, to consolidate recognition by either "communist" nations as an ally to the proletariat cause and possibly get either trade or investment from our comrades

[X]Don't Touch the Military
-[X]You scratch my back:
--[X]Survey assistance for sites ideal for hydro and geothermal power production and knowledge of grid expansion and electrification of rural areas
--[X]Knowhow on agricultural techniques, different crop breeds, maximizing the use of limited agricultural land, long-term storage, and animal husbandry
-[X]And I'll scratch yours
--[X]To build a museum to store relics of the Four Olds to be used to criticize (and educate on) the backwardness of the ancestors.
--[X]To allow increase naval drills with the Liberation Navy on how to coordinate the defense of the People's waters.
--[X]Propose exclusivity contracts to purchase raw and exotic resources needed for projects from and sale of our products to their markets.
[X] Heavy Industry
-[X] Design A Civilian Aircraft (Describe)
--[X] A small fertilizer plane or helicopter. Something that works well in a small area. Guangzhou isn't a huge island, so you don't need anything fast.

(5 - Optimal)
The new plane had a bit of a rocky start. Before being informed of the mistake, your assistant had chucked its initial design to the military department, who created a design intended to spray chemical weaponry on a large area. Thankfully, that awkward mistake didn't leak because explaining why you are making a plane for chemical weaponry would land you in hot water very fast. Though the military designs proved very capable of being adapted to a civilian model, only having to take out the weaponry and several features unneeded for civilian use.

[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture
-[X] Construct A Fertilizer Factory (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)

(6+1=7 - Optimal)
The new factory has been built and has started production on the same day, the workers within being reported to you as happy that they are helping their fellow workers. As a result, farming yields are projected to increase by around 20-30% within the next six months.

-[X] Clear Jungles For Farming (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
(10+1=11 - Boosted)
Though international eco-organizations have taken slight notice of your clearing of the jungles growing over those spots less likely to lose nutrition by farming, they could do little more than slightly amuse you by sending a few letters. So the clearing continued and ended as you had planned, with new farming spaces available for your people.

-[X] Increase Farming Space (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
(10+1=11 - Boosted)
Farming space was increased in the same tempo as it became available, with new acres of crops soon growing before the last of the lumber could be transported off to be worked into the houses and villages that will now provide the workers for the farming initiative. You can see the new fields from your windows, golden fields bordering fallow ones to be planted next season, framed by terraces of rice, with potatoes and other hardy crops growing in less fruitful locations.

[X] Secret Projects
-[X] Laufpanzer (Rename Pending) Armor Foundry (1/3 to produce Laufpanzer (Rename Pending))

(9 - Optimal)
The Iron Tige Armor Foundry has been established, slowly working out the mysteries of the armor that the Nazi Germany Scientists developed. Several plates have already been incorporated into prototypical designs for infantry body armor, though those have been more ramshackle and piecework than competent. Ordering the creation of professional armor for both your soldiers and police could be a worthwhile investment. It will accelerate the leaking of the secret, though.

[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[X] Keep trying to find a significant other. You might have better luck this year.

You didn't have much time to focus on finding any suitable SO, though you did find two that, at least on the surface, seemed interested in the prospect. The first is Jing Mai, a soldier and bodyguard whose biggest strength would be her muscles and height. A strong wife for a strong man. The second is Mu Ji, one of the maids within the palace, notable for her small stature, cute face, and sense of order. She reminds you a bit of your mother.

[] Jing Mai, The Muscled Soldier (+2 Reputation, gain ??? Wife)
[] Mu Ji, the Small Maid (+2 People's Opinion, gain ??? Wife)
[] Keep Looking (Next attempt rolled with +26)

--[X] Plan a surprise tour of the new factories.

The visit went well, with several pictures of you or the various workers now adorning billboards and walls in a propaganda campaign to show the current efforts of you and the workers to increase food production.

--[X] Plan to visit either Beijing or Moscow, to consolidate recognition by either "communist" nations as an ally to the proletariat cause and possibly get either trade or investment from our comrades
Returning from your visit, you cannot help but smile as several dozen experts accompany you back, all for the fair price of naval drills and an expansion to your mining efforts.

--[X] Assign him an extremely attractive, swishy young man in a miniskirt as his personal liaison. Specifically, that one from the kitchens who you know will be delighted with the opportunity.

"Ah," you say, welcoming Zhao Chin into your office, "it is always a pleasure to see you! To what do I owe the pleasure?" The way his face barely remains polite instead of looking as if he had bitten into a sour lemon is just what you needed as a morale boost after a long day of work.

"Well, I have been sent several vital documents from the mainland for you to peruse regarding your various agreements with the government and instructed to give them in person," he returns, smiling pleasantly with a tiny tick in his left eye. Ooh, he is angry! This is getting better by the second!

"Thank you; I'll be sure to send them off without bothering you," you return, making his smile even more strained! "is there anything else," you add in a slightly dismissive tone, causing a tiny bit of anger to appear on his faltering poker face.

[] "In fact, yes. I will be reassigned."
He speaks, causing a tiny bit of surprise and sadness in you. It'll be sad to see him go; annoying the fucker was a favorite past-time of you for the last few years.

"While I am sad to see you leave," you diplomatically say, "I am happy for your promotion. To where, if you don't mind?"

"Apologies," Zhao Chin returns, "but that has not been told to me. If you'd excuse me?" He says, barely waiting for you to dismiss him before he walks out.

Not even a second later, a man in a miniskirt enters your office through the door to your bedroom. "Guess," Li Jia speaks, a shit-eating grin on his face, waving a manilla folder in one hand, "who managed to get the Chinese Encryption?"
[Gain: Chinese Encryption for 4(four) Turns, revealing their actions.]

[] "No, if you'd excuse me, I have paperwork to do."

He speaks before looking at the door to your bedroom with confusion as something bangs against it.

"I am decorating," you swiftly lie, waving his confusion off as he leaves your office. The banging swiftly returns, along with muffled laughter. Confused, you stand up and go to the door, opening it to see Li Jia wheezing against the doorframe.

"Oh, that is golden!" He gasps, grinning up at you as he slowly composes himself, holding up a manilla folder in one hand. "You should look at these codes, Sir," he says, handing you the folder before grinning wider. "Well, I should hurry," he says, swishing around, "I am his paperwork!" He adds with a wink at you.
[Gain: Chinese Encryption for 4(four) Turns, revealing their actions.]

[+2 to first native Laufpanzer Iron Tiger design - A Tank on Legs
+1 Reputation - Diary of Rigoberto Rojo - 1970, 1 of June
+4 to Design A Native Ship - Eastern Naval Attention]

Reputation - (23/100 Reputation, +1 for 3(Three) Turns - Beware the Opportunists)
People's Opinion - (39/100 Reputation, +1 for 3(Three) Turns - Ours is to do and die, but at least we can complain. Quietly.)
Chinese Opinion - (6/10 - Aha.)
History Page - (A name, three dates. Birth, reign, death.)

Light Industry - Meh
Heavy Industry - Adequate
Military Industry - Adequate
Agriculture - Horrible - (Improving)

[] Light Industry (+2 to Increase Electrification)
-[] Improve Roads (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Create New Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Design New Housing Concept (Design)
-[] Improve Medical Infrastructure (Helpful) (+4 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Build New Police Stations (Helpful) (+1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Increase Electrification (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Consumer Goods Factory (What) (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Heavy Industry (+2 to Geothermal Power, +2 To Power Plant)
-[] Construct A Tractor Factory (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Construct Another Steel Foundry (Harmful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Power Plant (Helpful)
-[] Construct A Metallurgical Institute (+2 Reputation)
-[] Expand Your Mines (Harmful) (Urgent)
-[] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Design A Civilian Vehicle (Describe) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Design A Civilian Aircraft (Describe)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Military (+4 to Design A Native Ship)
-[] Design A Native Tank (Describe) (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Plane (Describe) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Vehicle (Describe) (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Ship (Describe) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Artillery Piece (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Design A Native Sidearm (Describe) (+1 Reputation
-[] Design A Native Main Personal Weapon (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Design Native Equipment (Describe) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Design Infantry IT-Alloy Bodyarmor (+4 Reputation)
-[] Design Police IT-Alloy Bodyarmor And Shields (+2 Reputation) (-1 People's Opinion)
-[] Import (What) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Dedicated Naval Slipway (Ship) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct Coastal Defences (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Interior Defences (+2 Reputation) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct An Airfield (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct Military Building/Factory (What) (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-1 People's Opinion)
-[] Expand The Military Academy (+3 Reputation) (-2 People's Opinion)
-[] Raise A New Military Formation (What) (Harmful) (+2 Reputation) (-2 People's Opinion)
-[] Recover Your Sunken Fleet (Harmful) (+4 Reputation) (+4 People's Opinion) (+4 to any Naval Action)
-[] Intimidate Taiwan (+5 Reputation)
-[] Commit Exercises (+3 Reputation)
-[] Secure Trade Routes (+1 Reputation)
-[] Raid International Shipping (What Goods) (Helpful/Harmful) (Roll above five, and you won't be caught.)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Agri-, And Aquaculture (+1 to Dice for 4(Four) Turns - Plan, +2 to Farming/Animal Husbandry (Chinese Experts), +2 to Farming/Fishing/Animal Husbandry (Technocrats))
-[] Create An Agriculture Institute (Name, Focus) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Create An Aquaculture Institute (Name, Focus) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Fertilizer Factory (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Clear Jungles For Farming (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Increase Farming Space (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Increase Herd Space (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Assemble A Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct A Cannery Factory (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Social (+4 to One(1) Roll - Omake)
-[] Arrest Dissidents (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-3 People's Opinion)
-[] Increase Surveillance (Harmful) (-3 People's Opinion)
-[] Purge Undesirable Citizens (Who) (Harmful) (+2 Reputation) (-4 People's Opinion)
-[] Search And Destroy Rebels (Harmful) (-4 People's Opinion) (+3 Reputation)
-[] Increase Social Control (How) (Helpful) (Harmful) (-2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Propagandize An Achievement (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Reduce Surveillance (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Praise Workers From (Industry) (Helpful/Harmful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Boost (Social Statistic, example: Birthrates) (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Propagandize Workers Conditions (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Implement A Social Policy (Write-In) (Helpful/Harmful) (+2 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Reduce Social Control (How) (Helpful) (+3 People's Opinion) (-5 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Political
--[] Have them begin creating a realistic paper trail showing your walking tanks are completely homegrown and have nothing to do with Nazis. At most, they were inspired by some pictures of a possible Nazi project, which is why the chassis look similar. But nothing else! (+2 Reputation, +Allies)
-[] Militarists
[] Find an older experienced general looking for expansion and can be trusted because they know the importance of OpSec! Let them in on the Mecha and Nazi secret. Let them look thru the blueprints and give a mech a test in the underground testing site. Once they are satisfied that the Iron Tigers are excellent and worthy (even if they need some modern weaponry and other upgrades), have them in charge. What personnel is assigned, how training will work, and how to handle them in your doctrine. AND THEIR FIRST DUTY IS TO SCRAPE, UNSCREW, BREAK OFF, AND SAND ALL SIGNS THESE BABIES CAME FROM NAZIES BEFORE A INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT OCCURS! So anyone they assigned to this can keep their eyes down and mouth shut. (+5 Reputation, +/-Allies)
-[] Populists & Internationalists
--[] Have the Nationalists look into trade regarding your fishing and other agricultural trade goods with other nations. Primarily where the value of our goods can net us a larger quantity of food coming in than going out to feed our people. (-1 Reputation)
--[] Have our glorified paparazzi help the Nationalists by seeing the value of ad campaigning abroad to increase the desire of our trade goods to increase their market value. (-3 Reputation)
-[] Progressives
--[] Have their experts focus on the economic issues and bring up suggestions on how to increase food supply and ideas for a healthier economy. (-4 Reputation)
-[] Industrialists
--[] Thank the Unions for the help with the Harbor and fisheries by inviting a few of their trusted leaders to a private dinner. Trusted because not only have they earned their fellow common workers respect, but your people did some background checks and confirmed trustiness and loyalty. Plus any blackmail, just in case. Upon that, you will reveal that you have come into the possession of potential machines that could increase mining output to an unheard-of degree while employing fewer people in dangerous jobs. As this is a long-term project, see what they can throw together in terms of requirements and equipment before throwing those at your (soon-to-be) Iron Tiger Research Teams. (+Allies)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Secret Projects
-[] Iron Tiger Electronics Manufacturing (1/3 to produce Iron Tigers)
-[] Iron Tiger Assembly (1/3 to produce Iron Tigers)
-[] Iron Tiger Research Group (Allows Modifications)
[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
-[] (Write-In three things he does within the next six months.)
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[] Jing Mai, The Muscled Soldier (+2 Reputation, gain ??? Wife)

Soldier waifu! :3

But I will also be okay with keep looking with that +26

I can definitely appreciate a very fit solfier waifu. But also I wanna keep looking. No need to jump the gun just yet. Maybe an option to try to get to know the candidates as well. Something to give us an idea as to what and who we're committing ourselves too.

Example: Soldier wife = increased support/demands from militarists???
[] Jing Mai, The Muscled Soldier (+2 Reputation, gain ??? Wife)
[] Keep Looking (Next attempt rolled with +26)

Fine with soldier waifu. Be our waifu and bodyguard. But also want to see other options. Do we lose these ones if we keep looking?
Light Industry - Meh
Heavy Industry - Adequate
Military Industry - Adequate
Agriculture - Horrible - (Improving)

Ok this is what I gotit so far. I modified the acquisition of the walking tanks based on a suggestion so that we look more like heroes.

Why all the negative rep?

What should be the focus these next 3 months? Should we expand the fishing? Focus solely on the power grid and housing? I wanna do mines next vote. I think underground railways be best to not disturb the natural beauty of the island and allow more space for the farms and jungles.

[] Light Industry (+2 to Increase Electrification)
-[] Design New Housing Concept (Design)
-[] Increase Electrification and Public transport
--[] Plot out road ways and electric grid. Look into benefits of above ground and below ground roads and electric currents.
--[] Not alot if room for alot of cars. So perhaps a train, bus, or subway system to move people and goods around the island?
[] Heavy Industry (+2 to Geothermal Power, +2 To Power Plant)
-[] Construct A Power Plant (Helpful)
-[] Construct A Metallurgical Institute (+2 Reputation)
[] Social (+4 to One(1) Roll - Omake)
-[] Praise Workers From (Industry) (Helpful/Harmful) (+1 People's Opinion)
--[] Cannery, Fishery, and Farmers
-[] Boost (Social Statistic, example: Birthrates) (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
--[] Support for future plans for development of electric grid, road(tunnel?) construction and mining efforts.
-[] Propagandize Workers Conditions (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
[] Political
--[] Have them begin creating a realistic paper trail showing your walking tanks are completely homegrown and have nothing to do with Nazis. At most, they were inspired by some pictures of a Nazi project that was being relocated across the sea. Possibly to Japan! Which is why the chassis look similar. But nothing else! Our ships simply caught them and brought that booty home!
-[] Militarists
[] Find an older experienced general looking for expansion and can be trusted because they know the importance of OpSec! Let them in on the Mecha and Nazi secret. Let them look thru the blueprints and give a mech a test in the underground testing site. Once they are satisfied that the Iron Tigers are excellent and worthy (even if they need some modern weaponry and other upgrades), have them in charge. What personnel is assigned, how training will work, and how to handle them in your doctrine. AND THEIR FIRST DUTY IS TO SCRAPE, UNSCREW, BREAK OFF, AND SAND ALL SIGNS THESE BABIES CAME FROM NAZIES BEFORE A INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT OCCURS! So anyone they assigned to this can keep their eyes down and mouth shut. (+5 Reputation, +/-Allies)
-[] Populists & Internationalists
--[] Have the Nationalists look into trade regarding your fishing and other agricultural trade goods with other nations. Primarily where the value of our goods can net us a larger quantity of food coming in than going out to feed our people. (-1 Reputation)
--[] Have our glorified paparazzi help the Nationalists by seeing the value of ad campaigning abroad to increase the desire of our trade goods to increase their market value. (-3 Reputation)
-[] Progressives
--[] Have their experts focus on the economic issues and bring up suggestions on how to increase food supply and ideas for a healthier economy. (-4 Reputation)
-[] Industrialists
--[] Thank the Unions for the help with the Harbor and fisheries by inviting a few of their trusted leaders to a private dinner. Trusted because not only have they earned their fellow common workers respect, but your people did some background checks and confirmed trustiness and loyalty. Plus any blackmail, just in case. Upon that, you will reveal that you have come into the possession of potential machines that could increase mining output to an unheard-of degree while employing fewer people in dangerous jobs. As this is a long-term project, see what they can throw together in terms of requirements and equipment before throwing those at your (soon-to-be) Iron Tiger Research Teams. (+Allies)
[] Secret Projects
-[] Iron Tiger Research Group - Look into Drilling, Mining, and Farming applications.
[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
-[] Waifu search.
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Those could pull double duty for underground travel services and mining...
Why they still harmful if we have experts to lighten the environmental damage?
They are harmful for the people, as mining is not a safe occupation, even if you have top-of-the-line machines, equipment, and safety features.

You have none of these.
[] Increase Electrification and Public transport
--[] Plot out road ways and electric grid. Look into benefits of above ground and below ground roads and electric currents.
Those would be three actions. Electrification, Public Transportation, and one action to boost the effectiveness and long-levity of the first two.
Iron Tiger Research Group - Look into Drilling, Mining, and Farming applications.
The Research group must be established first. You need scientists that know how to keep their mouths shut, and are capable of performing the research in the first place.
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I can definitely appreciate a very fit solfier waifu. But also I wanna keep looking. No need to jump the gun just yet. Maybe an option to try to get to know the candidates as well. Something to give us an idea as to what and who we're committing ourselves too.

Example: Soldier wife = increased support/demands from militarists???

yeah,we should keep looking for a wife as long as doable,we are rolling with +26,we shouldnt conform untill we get one above 100
is the person that will stand along us for the rest of our lifes
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I think that we should keep working on the food aspect for now without overcommitting our available resources. What that means to me is to keep the reputation at or above 21, because although story trumps numbers in this quest it is a good metric to base our understanding off of. Also, is there a renewable way to get reputation? Maybe 1 reputation per turn per 25 public opinion?

Also, we should make sure that we fulfill our obligations to the Chinese by doing the naval exercises they want and upping our mining.
Actually, why are we getting negative rep for focusing on farming and agriculture?

and yeah, as long as we fulfill our obligations to China we should be golden.... and soon, soon we will be free from their yoke :V WITH GIANT MECHAS, AHAHHAHAHAHAHAH

I appologize, it needed to be said.
We have the mechs, the third world setting rife with all we need to do is inject Wei Jungming with nanomachines and we have a full metal gear reference.
I think we should build a metallurgical institue to get ourselves some bonuses for the mechs. (And also to offset those rep hits.)

[] Plan: Power To The People
-[] Increase Electrification (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct A Power Plant (Helpful)
-[] Construct A Metallurgical Institute (+2 Reputation)
-[] Expand Your Mines (Harmful) (Urgent)
--[] Have them begin creating a realistic paper trail showing your walking tanks are completely homegrown and have nothing to do with Nazis. At most, they were inspired by some pictures of a possible Nazi project, which is why the chassis look similar. But nothing else! (+2 Reputation, +Allies)
-[] Militarists
[] Find an older experienced general looking for expansion and can be trusted because they know the importance of OpSec! Let them in on the Mecha and Nazi secret. Let them look thru the blueprints and give a mech a test in the underground testing site. Once they are satisfied that the Iron Tigers are excellent and worthy (even if they need some modern weaponry and other upgrades), have them in charge. What personnel is assigned, how training will work, and how to handle them in your doctrine. AND THEIR FIRST DUTY IS TO SCRAPE, UNSCREW, BREAK OFF, AND SAND ALL SIGNS THESE BABIES CAME FROM NAZIS BEFORE A INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT OCCURS! So anyone they assigned to this can keep their eyes down and mouth shut. (+5 Reputation, +/-Allies)
-[] Industrialists
--[] Thank the Unions for the help with the Harbor and fisheries by inviting a few of their trusted leaders to a private dinner. Trusted because not only have they earned their fellow common workers respect, but your people did some background checks and confirmed trustiness and loyalty. Plus any blackmail, just in case. Upon that, you will reveal that you have come into the possession of potential machines that could increase mining output to an unheard-of degree while employing fewer people in dangerous jobs. As this is a long-term project, see what they can throw together in terms of requirements and equipment before throwing those at your (soon-to-be) Iron Tiger Research Teams. (+Allies)
-[] Iron Tiger Research Group (Allows Modifications)
-[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[] Keep looking for a potential spouse. You'll find someone you click with soon. You know it.
--[] Improve relations with the communist southeast Asian countries. Possibly start the process of a trade agreement pact.
--[] Go outside in disguise and chill amongst the citizens. It's been a while since you've had some Me Time.

@HeroCooky Are eight actions too many? I don't wanna spread us out too much, but I also feel that these are all close enough in theme that it oughtta be fine?
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You are ignoring content by this member.
-[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[] Waifu search
--[] Improve relations with the communist southeast Asian countries, convince to start the process of a trade agreement pact
--[] Go outside to interact more with the common citizen, learn about the current vibe
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[] Have them begin creating a realistic paper trail showing your walking tanks are completely homegrown and have nothing to do with Nazis. At most, they were inspired by some pictures of a possible Nazi project, which is why the chassis look similar. But nothing else! (+2 Reputation, +Allies)
I modified this on mine to say we pirated sunk a Nazi ship after taking these blueprints from them. Not saying you should change it. Just saying this is how I made it so if people search hard enough to find the Nazi connection it will be this instead of dear old dad being a Nazi.
What happened to those Nazi scientist and possible Jew workers? Are they still alive? Did they escape? Are they on new projects? Are they dead?
What's the capacity on our cannery? Assume all ships are filled but are we employing Evey position and shift? Is there more fish? I'm thinking about more employees as well as what needs to be expanded and what can be left as is. Did we ever get anything back from sorting all the papers the Technocrats gave us?
Just read through fun quest idea, but I saw we imported agricultural experts from China, in the 1970's, which is before China reversed the disastrous agricultural techniques introduced during the Great Leap Forward...
It'll be fine. The dice will save us. 👀


Yo, hey this was nothing. Author's not gonna use my dice for this. No way.
abominable threw 1 12-faced dice. Reason: Resolving any agri problems Total: 1
1 1
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Voting is open