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Asking for foreign experts seems like we're asking for more spies too. The more foreigners we get, the more likely laufpanzer gets found out. It'll come out of the bag eventually, but we'll need to be ready when it does, so maybe limit things to info or trade? Maybe we can purchase some older chinese hardware instead.

They'll be hand-me-downs that originated from Russia, but those kinds of purchases will solidify China's image of us being dependent on them. That and we'll need some stopgap hardware at least until we can get our own domestic production going.
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Asking for foreign experts seems like we're asking for more spies too. The more foreigners we get, the more likely laufpanzer gets found out. It'll come out of the bag eventually, but we'll need to be ready when it does, so maybe limit things to info or trade? Maybe we can purchase some older chinese hardware instead.

They'll be hand-me-downs that originated from Russia, but those kinds of purchases will solidify China's image of us being dependent on them. That and we'll need some stopgap hardware at least until we can get our own domestic production going.
Trading for materials that we lack seems like something we can try to get, perhaps get assurances that they might come to our aid if say the US or any capitalist forces attack our nation. Or perhaps even strike a deal to strengthen our navy fleets, do naval exercises, but what is important is to improve relations not only with China but also with the rest of the Comintern cause remember we are still in a Cold War and the US isn't exactly a so friendly nation.
Ideas on what we can ask for:
A market for our goods. Both current and future.

Mutual Defensive Pact.

Subsidies for development.

Surplus hardware. Either military or civilian.
perhaps get assurances that they might come to our aid if say the US or any capitalist forces attack our nation.
Mutual Defensive Pact.
A good thing to keep in mind:
You are, though not in name and barely in practice, a vassal of China. They are basically bound to defend you if anyone starts poking you.

The only reason China can say: "That is the Chinese Sea," with nobody disagreeing, is because they have military ports on your island.

Every time the US sends a carrier group near you, China is doing fleet exercises with most, if not all, of their navy that can be freed. They ain't gonna let you fall to a military invasion.
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A good thing to keep in mind:
You are, though not in name and barely in practice, a vassal of China. They are basically bound to defend you if anyone starts poking you.

The only reason China can say: "That is the Chinese Sea," with nobody disagreeing, is because they have military ports on your island.

Every time the US sends a carrier group near you, China is doing fleet exercises with most, if not all, of their navy that can be freed. They ain't gonna let you fall to a military invasion.
Well if that is the case than we must break from that type of vassalization and prove that we are capable of standing in our own while also being a valuable ally to China
I'd probably go with Experts to complete actions faster.
Asking for foreign experts seems like we're asking for more spies too.
Defensive Pact.

Subsidies for development.

Surplus hardware. Either military or civilian
The first and 3rd. Civilian specifically. Can't support a strong military of our civilians are malnourished and weak.
Well if that is the case than we must break from that type of vassalization and prove that we are capable of standing in our own while also being a valuable ally to China
So how about this?
[] Spend Chinese Rep and Opinion to aquire help with civilian sector, specifically food creation and storage, if need be offer a favor in exchange with help of completing Farming project and creating silos for long term storage as well speak with their experts on ideas of how to generate electricity on your island and plans for the distribution of power lines across your island.
Too wordy?
[X] Spend Chinese Rep and Opinion to aquire help, if need be offer a favor in exchange for:
-[X] civilian sector, of completing Farming project and creating silos for long term storage
-[X] Speak with their experts on ideas of how to generate electricity on your island and plans for the distribution of power lines across your island.

Good @HeroCooky ?
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Eastern Naval Attention
Eastern Naval Attention
Lee Hui-chun stood resolutely on the deck as the Dahan cruised away from the docks, having rushed minutes earlier to stow the tugboat's moorings in preparation for an early morning search-and-rescue drill.

This was the fifth such drill the tug and her crew had taken in less than a week, the times ranging from blistering, sunny afternoons to rainy, pitch-black nights. Each time they'd set out with a few other vessels, perhaps even as much as half a fleet, to conduct several drills. Tonight, the sun had yet to rise despite it already being past midnight, they were to do their S&R drill along with one of the newer corvettes.

Word had come down from higher up that the sudden drills were a response to a declaration by one of their island neighbors, a declaration of renewed naval ambition, one that had alarmed high command.

The real problem, though, was Guangchou's close association with communists back on the mainland. A subject in all but name, the CCP Politburo could easily come up with some half-assed excuse to enter a war on the side of its "protectorate", and that meant one more possible excuse for the CCP to make a move on the Republic.

Lee Hui-chun was sure there were other political, military and economic ramifications to consider, but what would he know? He was a deckhand on the Dahan, a military tugboat, not some armchair admiral giving orders in some secret command center. His job was to maintain the tug's equipment, operate the machinery, keep her clean and generally make sure she was running in perfect form.

That was becoming a full-time job in recent years. The tug had served during World War 2, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. While she had been a very recent acquisition, having been sold to Taiwan by the Americans in '67 as Tawakoni, her real age showed. She was built to last, but only if she was given the attention she deserved.

As Hui-chun drifted through his tasks, Dahan sailed to the assembly point. It was her crew's job to make sure she stayed in tip-top shape, but it would be the captains and admirals who'd make sure the fleet was ready. Anytime, anywhere. And as the shadowy silhouettes of other ships grew larger and closer, Hui-chun contemplated his role in the coming exercises.

As one of the more senior deckhands, he'd been tasked with working the towing rigs. His younger colleagues would work as support, and serving as lookouts for hypothetical sailors floating on the water, requiring rescue after their hypothetical ship continued sinking. Meanwhile the captain would make sure the tug stayed as unobtrusive as possible, in case the rest of the fleet needed to continue fighting even as their sister ships called for help.

It was a sobering thought, wondering what it would feel like, when they were rescuing actual people jumping from actual sinking, perhaps even burning, ships. He was senior, compared to most, but Hui-chun had still been born in peacetime. The idea of war was as foreign as the idea of growing up with communism.

However, as Dahan cruised alongside a frigate, Hui-chun shook his head, and dispersed the pensive thoughts that had settled within. He was just a sailor. Not an admiral. Let others worry about wars that may not come.

He just needed to do his job, and do it well.

Note: Managed to keep it short. I saw the omake bounties on offer and figured I may as well work on one. We all need to do our part for laufpa— I mean, Guangchou. Also, Dahan is an actual tugboat in the Taiwanese Navy. Or rather, it was. She started out in the US navy but was eventually sold to Taiwan. She was decommissioned a few years ago, but I decided I may as well bring her back to life. No, I did not check the crew manifests. I don't know if there ever was a Lee Hui-chun onboard.
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[X]The Bat on a Bamboo
-[X]Spend some Chinese Opinion and Favor for the Following:
--[X]Assistance in Energy projects using Chinese expertise.
--[X]Completion of Agricultural Projects to increase the land use as well as the efficiency of agriculture and long-term crop storage.
-[X]Do some favors for the Chinese
--[X]To build a museum to store relics of the Four Olds to be used to criticize the backwardness of the ancestors.
--[X]To allow naval drills with the Liberation Navy on how to coordinate the defense of the People's waters.
--[X]To exclusively integrate Chinese naval technology to our ships and to use China as our primary option in ordering a naval vessel.

[X]Don't Touch the Military

I'm trying to think of how to do some things and making a museum on the Four Olds is not just a way for us to make a ridiculous markup when China is looking to restore old sites with the "authentic" pieces.
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Imagine using that +4 roll on a tugboat. :V

Let's aim for making an original destroyer design. Destroyers are any navy's workhorse. anti-submarine, anti-aircraft, anti-ship (with missiles/rockets), and even anti-mines (and maybe one with minelaying equipment too).
[X]Assistance in Energy projects using Chinese expertise.
[X]Completion of Agricultural Projects to increase the land use as well as the efficiency of agriculture and long-term crop storage.
[X]Don't Touch the Military
-[X]You scratch my back:
--[X]Survey assistance for sites ideal for hydro and geothermal power production and knowledge of grid expansion and electrification of rural areas
--[X]Knowhow on agricultural techniques, different crop breeds, maximizing use of limited agricultural land, long-term storage and animal husbandry
-[X]And I'll scratch yours
--[X]To build a museum to store relics of the Four Olds to be used to criticize the backwardness of the ancestors.
--[X]To allow naval drills with the Liberation Navy on how to coordinate the defense of the People's waters.
--[X]Propose exclusivity contracts for purchase of raw and exotic resources needed for projects from and sale of our own products to their markets.

Modification of Bat on a Bamboo. I'd rather not limit our options to china with regards to new tech, especially military. Buying and selling resources, we could do, but with tech, we're better off asking the USSR itself. If it collapses in this timeline, we might be able to snag some nice equipment when gunrunners start selling off excess Russian hardware.

Just to clarify, I'm not saying we shouldn't buy military hardware from China, just that we shouldn't limit buying to them. Remember, they're mostly hand-me-downs from Russia at this point. Or export grade stuff. We might be able to get better deals by dealing directly with Russia. We'll still get exports, but it'll be the best we can get at least.

Also, added some more specific stuff for the energy and agri components. Mountainous and hilly regions might potentially be ideal for goat-herding, if crops don't pan out. I'm sure china has some decent stockpile of knowledge for that.
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Been a bit since I checked the thread.
What is this Four Olds?
a museum to store relics of the Four Olds to be used to criticize the backwardness of the ancestors
If the ancestors are ours then the people gonna be pissed.
Propose exclusivity contracts for purchase of raw and exotic resources needed for projects from and sale of our own products to their markets.
Seems like a our back get scratched sort of thing?
What is this Four Olds?

it's a reference to the cultural revolution

The Four Olds or the Four Old Things (simplified Chinese: 四旧; traditional Chinese: 四舊; pinyin: sì jiù) was a term used during the Cultural Revolution by the student-led Red Guards in the People's Republic of China in reference to the pre-communist elements of Chinese culture they attempted to destroy. The Four Olds were: Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Customs (Chinese: Jiù Sīxiǎng 旧思想, Jiù Wénhuà 旧文化, Jiù Fēngsú 旧风俗, and Jiù Xíguàn 旧习惯).[1] The campaign to destroy the Four Olds began in Beijing on August 19, 1966 (the "Red August", during which a massacre also took place in Beijing[2]), shortly after the launch of the Cultural Revolution.[3]

many cultural artifacts were destroyed... but this could be avoided here, in theory
it's a reference to the cultural revolution

The Four Olds or the Four Old Things (simplified Chinese: 四旧; traditional Chinese: 四舊; pinyin: sì jiù) was a term used during the Cultural Revolution by the student-led Red Guards in the People's Republic of China in reference to the pre-communist elements of Chinese culture they attempted to destroy. The Four Olds were: Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Customs (Chinese: Jiù Sīxiǎng 旧思想, Jiù Wénhuà 旧文化, Jiù Fēngsú 旧风俗, and Jiù Xíguàn 旧习惯).[1] The campaign to destroy the Four Olds began in Beijing on August 19, 1966 (the "Red August", during which a massacre also took place in Beijing[2]), shortly after the launch of the Cultural Revolution.[3]

many cultural artifacts were destroyed... but this could be avoided here, in theory

it's a reference to the cultural revolution

The Four Olds or the Four Old Things (simplified Chinese: 四旧; traditional Chinese: 四舊; pinyin: sì jiù) was a term used during the Cultural Revolution by the student-led Red Guards in the People's Republic of China in reference to the pre-communist elements of Chinese culture they attempted to destroy. The Four Olds were: Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Customs (Chinese: Jiù Sīxiǎng 旧思想, Jiù Wénhuà 旧文化, Jiù Fēngsú 旧风俗, and Jiù Xíguàn 旧习惯).[1] The campaign to destroy the Four Olds began in Beijing on August 19, 1966 (the "Red August", during which a massacre also took place in Beijing[2]), shortly after the launch of the Cultural Revolution.[3]

many cultural artifacts were destroyed... but this could be avoided here, in theory
Soooooooooo we are doomed to destroy our own culture? We are gonna have to immortalize it only to criticize and laugh at it? Or is it China's 4Olds we are talking about?
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