Voting is open
[X] Plan: Buli-Buli Fall '76 v1
[X][DEVILS] Break up the Devil Brigade to serve as a training cadre for both enlisted personnel and officer candidates.

Much as I dislike losing our best unit, I think we need a bigger, more effective military than just a brigade of elites on a sea of semi-trained volunteers and conscripts.

Changing my vote to:
[X]Plan Foundations
[X][DEVILS]Retain the Devil Brigade
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Voting, then getting around to answers.

[X]Plan Foundations
-[X][Defense] Military Training Reform [SYP]: DC20. Required: 2 (1 of 2 complete). (1x Defense AP)
-[X][Defense] Standing Core [SYP]: DC30. Required: 1. (1x Free AP)
-[X][State] Expand the Department: DC30. Required: 2. (1x State AP + 1x Free AP)
-[X][State] Expatriate Outreach [SYP]: DC15. Required: 1. (1x Free AP)
-[X][State] Establish Council Representation: DC35. Needed: 1. (2x Free AP)
-[X][State] To St. Louis, And Beyond [SYP]: DC15. Needed: 3. (2x Free AP)
-[X][Domestic Affairs ] Refugee Management: DC25. Needed: 1. (1x Domestic AP)
-[X][Domestic Affairs] Coalition Talks: DC35. Needed: 1. (1x Free AP)
-[X][Development] Green Energy [SYP]: DC: auto-pass. Needed: 2(/3) (1 of 2(/3) complete). (2x Dev AP)
-[X][Development] Infrastructure Projects [SYP]: DC: Auto-pass. Required: 2. (1x Dev AP)
-[X][Security] Long Tail: DC30. Required: 1. (1x Security AP)
-[X][Security] Victorian Intelligence: DC30. Required: 1. (1x Free AP)
-[X][Tech Recovery] Retraining Campaigns [SYP]: DC40. Needed: 2. (1x Recovery AP)

[X][DEVILS]Retain the Devil Brigade as an expeditionary warfare unit forming the basis of the CFC's special operations forces contingent.

8 dedicated AP + 9 free AP
At least 3 free AP must be spent on SYP options

Retain the Devils.
We need a standing force to handle sensitive things, from retrieving HVTs and equipment to discreetly intimidating would be warlords with foreign policy goals or domestic conditions we cant stand to providing onsite rudimentary training to local defense forces that have been victimized.

And, in the event of war, being able to infiltrate and attack Victorian airfields on the ground will reduce the threat of enemy aircraft.

Military Training Reform is almost done.
Standing Core is a domestic national security issue to dissuade attempts at raiding and instability.
We dont get mobilization time if bandits or "bandits" enter our territory with the millions of refugees we're receiving, and both the political consequences of such activity, and the economic consequences could be profound.

Expand The State Department gives us an extra AP. Get.
Expatriate Outreach connects us to the Diaspora,for investment, foreign intelligence and experts. Knockon benefits from additional funding to trained experts to military trainers to contacts in different countries and industries. Things that manifest as reductions to DC, or additional AP. Must-have this before Sourcing Foreign Arms.
Council Representation is critical for some investment, like the TransAmerican Corridor.
It also serves as an initial diplomatic contact with representatives from different parts of the country. That affects our relationship with other Revivalist nations.
St Louis is a priority because with the Vic civil war going badly for the Crusaders, the Mississipi is life.

Refugee Management and Coalition Talks are essential to maintain domestic political stability.

Refugee Mgmt addresses social issues from the inflow of millions of people.
Coalition Talks both helps stabilize the government, AND looking at funding health helps preempt any largescale disease outbreaks from the refugees.

Green Energy and Infrastructure Projects are auto-completes.
Green Energy boosts our economy due to the availability of more power, which means hopefully more AP. And it autocompletes.
And is on a timer if we want full benefit.

Infrastructure Projects unlock economy investments.

Vic Intelligence because with the Crusaders on the back foot, we dont know when our window will close.

Long Tail because we need analysts to put intelligence together into a coherent picture.
And the text edplicitly says we could use more analysts.

Retraining Campaigns because it helps address our current glut of adult workers with limited skills.
Retraining them allows them to work in fields other than agriculture, boosting the economy and eventually translating to more AP.
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Damn I'm torn on this Devil decision lol
In addition to my previous points?

The entire history of the Collapse and Fall of the United States was of Victorians and other Russian proxies destabilizing nascent political structures with deniable forces. They did it in Massachusetts. And New York State. In Cascadia.
Up to and including the nuclear attack on Atlanta.

Blackwell served during the tail end of those times.
It is a safe bet that he will try to recreate those conditions with deniable troops of his own, with or without overt Russian support. Whether using mercenaries or just deniable Vics. It might even be a potential outlet for surviving Crusaders.

That we forced them to break all their treaties does not stop them recreating them by hook or crook, it just means we start at the same starting line. But we need to choose to participate; the Vics certainly will.
We get no points for passivity.

If you do not have a means to contest deniable Vic military activity without outright wartime mobilization, you are abandoning the battlefield to the Vics. And it will cost us in the future.
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Voting, then getting around to answers.

I agree with you about retaining the Devil Brigade, but I can't vote for a plan without Foreign Arms- that's essential, we need to at least start on it. I also think it's too early to do Standing Core given that it will cause use to lose a point for the foreseeable future. We should wait at least a couple of turns before we do that one.
[X][DEVILS]Retain the Devil Brigade

[X] Plan Arms and Departments, Talks and Training
[X][DEVILS]Retain the Devil Brigade

[X] Plan Arms and Departments, Talks and Training

Not perfect, but I'll take it.
I agree with you about retaining the Devil Brigade, but I can't vote for a plan without Foreign Arms- that's essential, we need to at least start on it. I also think it's too early to do Standing Core given that it will cause use to lose a point for the foreseeable future. We should wait at least a couple of turns before we do that one.
1)We should not do Foreign Arms without Long Tail or Expatriate Diaspora Outreach.
Else we are walking into a strange market with no friendly advisors and zero market knowledge.
Haste is not speed.

2) Standing Core is flatout essential. Just like doubling our gunboats last turn was.

Part of our attractiveness to investment is that we are secure and stable. That people can put down money and not get it trashed by a couple hundred bandits or their persons carried off for ransom.
A standing army is our guarantee of that, and our deterrent against raiders.

We literally have millions of refugees flowing in, and heavy weapons are rife post-Detroit War; we were literally losing track of mortars. Its not hard for heavily armed "bandits" to show up.
Whether just robbers or agents for hostile polities.

Getting the Green Energy grid knocked out by raiders, for example, would constitute a major political and economic problem.
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Voting, then getting around to answers.

[X]Plan Foundations
-[X][Defense] Military Training Reform [SYP]: DC20. Required: 2 (1 of 2 complete). (1x Defense AP)
-[X][Defense] Standing Core [SYP]: DC30. Required: 1. (1x Free AP)
-[X][State] Expand the Department: DC30. Required: 2. (1x State AP + 1x Free AP)
-[X][State] Expatriate Outreach [SYP]: DC15. Required: 1. (1x Free AP)
-[X][State] Establish Council Representation: DC35. Needed: 1. (2x Free AP)
-[X][State] To St. Louis, And Beyond [SYP]: DC15. Needed: 3. (2x Free AP)
-[X][Domestic Affairs ] Refugee Management: DC25. Needed: 1. (1x Domestic AP)
-[X][Domestic Affairs] Coalition Talks: DC35. Needed: 1. (1x Free AP)
-[X][Development] Green Energy [SYP]: DC: auto-pass. Needed: 2(/3) (1 of 2(/3) complete). (2x Dev AP)
-[X][Development] Infrastructure Projects [SYP]: DC: Auto-pass. Required: 2. (1x Dev AP)
-[X][Security] Long Tail: DC30. Required: 1. (1x Security AP)
-[X][Security] Victorian Intelligence: DC30. Required: 1. (1x Free AP)
-[X][Tech Recovery] Retraining Campaigns [SYP]: DC40. Needed: 2. (1x Recovery AP)

[X][DEVILS]Retain the Devil Brigade as an expeditionary warfare unit forming the basis of the CFC's special operations forces contingent.

8 dedicated AP + 9 free AP
At least 3 free AP must be spent on SYP options

Retain the Devils.
We need a standing force to handle sensitive things, from retrieving HVTs and equipment to discreetly intimidating would be warlords with foreign policy goals or domestic conditions we cant stand to providing onsite rudimentary training to local defense forces that have been victimized.

And, in the event of war, being able to infiltrate and attack Victorian airfields on the ground will reduce the threat of enemy aircraft.

Military Training Reform is almost done.
Standing Core is a domestic national security issue to dissuade attempts at raiding and instability.
We dont get mobilization time if bandits or "bandits" enter our territory with the millions of refugees we're receiving, and both the political consequences of such activity, and the economic consequences could be profound.

Expand The State Department gives us an extra AP. Get.
Expatriate Outreach connects us to the Diaspora,for investment, foreign intelligence and experts. Knockon benefits from additional funding to trained experts to military trainers to contacts in different countries and industries. Things that manifest as reductions to DC, or additional AP. Must-have this before Sourcing Foreign Arms.
Council Representation is critical for some investment, like the TransAmerican Corridor.
It also serves as an initial diplomatic contact with representatives from different parts of the country. That affects our relationship with other Revivalist nations.
St Louis is a priority because with the Vic civil war going badly for the Crusaders, the Mississipi is life.

Refugee Management and Coalition Talks are essential to maintain domestic political stability.

Refugee Mgmt addresses social issues from the inflow of millions of people.
Coalition Talks both helps stabilize the government, AND looking at funding health helps preempt any largescale disease outbreaks from the refugees.

Green Energy and Infrastructure Projects are auto-completes.
Green Energy boosts our economy due to the availability of more power, which means hopefully more AP. And it autocompletes.
And is on a timer if we want full benefit.

Infrastructure Projects unlock economy investments.

Vic Intelligence because with the Crusaders on the back foot, we dont know when our window will close.

Long Tail because we need analysts to put intelligence together into a coherent picture.
And the text edplicitly says we could use more analysts.

Retraining Campaigns because it helps address our current glut of adult workers with limited skills.
Retraining them allows them to work in fields other than agriculture, boosting the economy and eventually translating to more AP.

I don't like this plan ignoring Industrial Assessments. When do you propose we start sourcing arms? Because if we don't take Assessments this turn, we'll have a lot of trouble sourcing arms next turn on account of not knowing which arms need sourcing, and kicking it a full two turns down the road seems too slow.

This plan also does not take Department of Education. I do not know how to stress strongly enough that that is an entire other department complete with its own dedicated AP and slate of options. It will pay for itself in two turns with AP alone, the unlocks on top of that will be priceless.

While much of your reasoning is solid - my other major objection is mobilizing the army, especially with the Devil Brigade retained posing a powerful deterrent already as explained by Poptart, but I can see why someone would prefer a mobilized army plan to a more development focused one - I can't support a plan which leaves out those two critical options.

Expatriate Outreach potentially helping Source is an interesting possibility, though - I might move 1 Source Foreign Arms into Outreach in my own plan. Skeptical Long Tail will help it much though, and not even entirely convinced Outreach would, it seems more geared towards industrialization.
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I agree with you about retaining the Devil Brigade, but I can't vote for a plan without Foreign Arms- that's essential, we need to at least start on it. I also think it's too early to do Standing Core given that it will cause use to lose a point for the foreseeable future. We should wait at least a couple of turns before we do that one.

Question before I go to bed, would you still vote for my plan if I changed Source to Expat Outreach with the intent of putting 2 points in Source Foreign Arms next turn? I'm not commited to doing so but I'm considering it.
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I don't like this plan ignoring Industrial Assessments. When do you propose we start sourcing arms? Because if we don't take Assessments this turn, we'll have a lot of trouble sourcing arms next turn on account of not knowing which arms need sourcing, and kicking it a full two turns down the road seems too slow.

This plan also does not take Department of Education. I do not know how to stress strongly enough that that is an entire other department complete with its own dedicated AP and slate of options. It will pay for itself in two turns with AP alone, the unlocks on top of that will be priceless.

While much of your reasoning is solid - my other major objection is mobilizing the army, but I can see why someone would prefer a mobilized army plan to a more development focused one - I can't support a plan which leaves out those two critical options.
In order:
-Industrial Assessments waits on Expatriate Diaspora Outreach.
Free experts from the American Diaspora to either reduce DC or the cost and availability of projects.
Right now, we have limited availability to fund them.

-Retraining Workers >>> Department of Education.
Retraining Workers has immediate economic and social impacts:
  • By putting more people to non-agricultural work, which grows the evonomy and our budget
  • And by giving a lot of the refugees marketable skills, which helps with the social tensions mentioned in the update AND grows the economy.
DepEd is for next turn, or the turn after.
Hopefully, by that time we can also source Diaspora experts to help lower the DC.
In order:
-Industrial Assessments waits on Expatriate Diaspora Outreach.
Free experts from the American Diaspora to either reduce DC or the cost and availability of projects.
Right now, we have limited availability to fund them.

-Retraining Workers >>> Department of Education.
Retraining Workers has immediate economic and social impacts:
  • By putting more people to non-agricultural work, which grows the evonomy and our budget
  • And by giving a lot of the refugees marketable skills, which helps with the social tensions mentioned in the update AND grows the economy.
DepEd is for next turn, or the turn after.
Hopefully, by that time we can also source Diaspora experts to help lower the DC.

Industrial Assessments is DC 10 already. We don't need expertise to do it, we can already just go ahead and do it now and almost certainly succeed.

Department of Education also has immediate impacts, on the highest level of mechanical abstraction. It is free AP. I also do not expect Expat Outreach will make this option easier. The current option is the work of establishing this department, it's bureaucratic work, not educational work. I think the higher education options having expat outreach will assist are gated behind DepEd but that DepEd itself will not be assisted.

On the other hand, I fully expect having a department of education will unlock options which assist in retraining workers. I would not even be surprised if the option gets moved to Education. Right now though Retaining Campaigns is DC 40. Any plan which relies on completing it ASAP is likely to fail.
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[X][DEVILS] Retain the Devil Brigade as an expeditionary warfare unit forming the basis of the CFC's special operations forces contingent.
Alright, woken up and time to present vote and present my plan.
First off:
[x][DEVILS] Retain the Devil Brigade as an expeditionary warfare unit forming the basis of the CFC's special operations forces contingent.
I don't want to limit our tool set. Even if it gives a better army, being restricted to the approach of sending large conventional formations somewhere is undesirable.

[X]Plan Better Tools To Make Tools
Department of Defense (3/1 AP)
-[X] Officer Academies 2/2 AP (0/2 successes, 56% chance to complete)
-[X] Military Training Reform 1/2 AP (1/2 successes, 80% chance to complete)
Department of State (3/1 AP)
-[X] Expand the Department 2/2 AP (0/2 successes, 49% chance to complete)
-[X] Source Foreign Arms 1/2 AP (0/2 successes, ?% of 1/2)
Department of Domestic Affairs (1/1 AP)
-[X] Refugee Management 1/2 AP (0/1 successes, 75% chance to complete)
Department of Development (6/3 AP)
-[X] Green Energy 2/3 AP (1/3 successes, auto-pass)
-[X] Infrastructure Projects 2/3 AP (0/2 successes, auto-pass)
-[X] Industrial Assessment 2/3 AP (0/2 Successes, 81% chance to complete)
Department of Security (2/1 AP)
-[X] Victorian Intelligence 1/2 AP (0/1 successes, 70% chance to complete)
-[X] Down the Mighty Miss 1/2 AP (0/1 successes, 70% chance to complete)
Department of Technological Recovery (2/1 AP)
-[X] Department of Education 2/3 AP (0/2 successes, 49% chance to complete)

This plan places a heavy focus on jumpstarting industrial development, with added push on military reform. If this plan gets chosen, we can pick any industrial project gated behind the two options and make up for lost time. Since our domestic development has been occupied with agricultural development, we need a strong push to get ahead of Victoria with it's cheap Russian aid. If you share this concern, vote this "Better Tools to Make Tools".
Also, approval voting
-[X] Plan Arms and Departments, Talks and Training
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Since Buli's plan is leading, I think I should give some feedback.
[X] Plan: Buli-Buli Fall '76 v1
-[X] Defense (1 AP)
--[X] Military Training Reform [SYP]: DC: 20 15. Successes Required: 2 (1 of 2 complete). AP Limit: 2. Effect: Raise army base training level to 2/5 (Trained) from 1/5 (Green), level out air force air-to-air training level to 2/5 (Trained) to match its ground attack level. New forces deploy at this level.
---[X] 1 Defense AP
That is really low military spending compared to other plans. But if it leverages an advantage, that might be worth it.
-[X] State (1 AP + 3 Free AP)
--[X] Expand the Department: DC: 30. Successes Required: 2. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Gain 1 additional Department of State AP per turn.
---[X] 1 State AP + 1 Free AP
--[X] Expatriate Outreach [SYP]: DC: 15. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Exploit your populace's restored ties to the American Diaspora and establish contacts who can put you in touch with people at the intersection of talent and patriotism. To an extent, will require either competing or cooperating with FCNY given how tightly the Diaspora roots in them. Likely will escalate to the attention of the Revivalist Council, but needs to be done.
---[X] 1 Free AP
--[X] Establish Council Representation: DC: 35. Successes Needed: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Have a proper team of diplomatic and espionage specialists on hand at the Council who can enable you to act with some measure of capability in the continental diplomatic scene.
---[X] 1 Free AP
Spending a free AP on council representation now is a choice that only make sense in combination with expatriate outreach. Plus no AP on sourcing arms, which is the action our entire military modernization hinges on. Honestly, expatriate outreach isn't the highest priority right now and spending AP on it to ignore "sourcing weapons" is a bad move.
-[X] Domestic Affairs (1 AP + 1 Free AP)
--[X] Refugee Management: DC: 25. Successes Needed: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Establish a government office responsible for managing and directing the flow of refugees in order to minimize friction with existing populations and ensure refugees' smooth resettlement. Allows you to engage competently with what promises to be an ongoing social issue for your administration.
---[X] 1 Domestic Affairs AP
--[X] State Integration Office: DC: 20. Successes Needed: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Using your successful integrations of Toledo and Detroit as models, establish a small office of the Department responsible for overseeing the integration of new member states to the CFC and smoothing out potential problems.
---[X] 1 Free AP
Refugee management is understandable, State integration is also a decent choice.
-[X] Development (3 AP)
--[X] Green Energy [SYP]: DC: auto-pass from climate deal. Successes Needed: 2(/3) (1 of 2(/3) complete). AP Limit: 3. Effect: Fully revamp and rationalize your power grid with renewable energy sources. 2 successes replaces and rationalizes the power grid. 3 sees you fudge the numbers and get an expansion to the power grid out of it. The option will remain for one turn past the 2nd success, if there is not a 3rd in the same turn.
---[X] 2 Development AP
--[X] United Post Office Contributions: DC: No roll. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 1. Effect: Commit direct funding to the United Post Office project in excess of your obligations to cooperate with Council requirements.
---[X] 1 Development AP
This is the part where I really dislike this plan. No AP on either industrial assessments or infrastructure projects, in favor of post office contributions. This will slow us down further, in an area we are already behind in. Combining post office with the minimum development investment possible is a very bad combination.
-[X] Security (1 AP + 2 Free AP)
--[X] Long Tail: DC: 30. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Improve your intelligences services' efficiency by vetting and hiring additional analysts and support staff to enable your field agents to better do their jobs.
---[X] 1 Security AP
--[X] Down the Mighty Miss [SYP]: DC: 30. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Deepen your network along the Mississippi River, gaining access to better information.
---[X] 1 Free AP
--[X] Victorian Intelligence: DC: 30. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Authorize additional support for Foreign Intelligence Office operations in Nova Scotia to establish new agents, before the Crusaders are pushed out and the Inquisitors can reestablish direct control.
---[X] 1 Free AP
There aren't really any trap options, although I'm skeptical we need to take Long Tail right now.
-[X] Technological Recovery (1 AP + 3 Free AP)
--[X] Department of Education: DC: 30. Successes Needed: 2. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Found the Department of Education, which will be responsible for establishing and standardizing public schools within the Commonwealth.
---[X] 1 Technological Recovery AP + 1 Free AP
--[X] Retraining Campaigns [SYP]: DC: 40. Successes Needed: 2. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Establish a body of workers who can be employed in your vital job industries. Best to time it properly so you have neither a glut of spare workers, nor businesses standing empty...but with few local experts to oversee the training efforts, that timing will be a challenge.
---[X] 2 Free AP
Ok, I don't think putting 3 AP on technological recovery is a smart move. Retraining Campaigns is something we can tackle over the next turns. Provided it stays in the technological department, we would need only 1 AP to finish it next turn. As the technological department has very few actions left (5 successes req. in total), spending two AP to close it down sooner is quite wasteful. In addition, the flavor text clearly hints at this option being better if we get local experts. So you are simultaneously over investing into technological recovery and starting a project too soon.

In summary, this plan makes critical errors. It actively slows down economic development (an area we lag behind due to the refugee crisis), it puts two AP on secondary diplomatic concerns, neglects the vitally needed military modernization and puts two free AP into a department in order to close it down in three turns rather than four. Overall, this plan makes rather serious blunders.
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[x][DEVILS] Retain the Devil Brigade as an expeditionary warfare unit forming the basis of the CFC's special operations forces contingent.

[X]Plan Better Tools To Make Tools
[X] Plan Arms and Departments, Talks and Training
[X][DEVILS] Retain the Devil Brigade as an expeditionary warfare unit forming the basis of the CFC's special operations forces contingent.

Spending 4 AP on state and technological recovery each, and only a single AP on defense is utter madness and I have no clue why you would do such a thing.

[X] Plan Arms and Departments, Talks and Training
[X]Plan Foundations
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Late, late answers. Sorry for the delay.
Spoilering replies to avoid distraction.
1) There is nothing to indicate our intelligence service is incapable of handling the intelligence of an improved Mississippi network.

No blip about the intelligence service being unable to handle additional intelligence like I would expect if those problems were imminent. Plus, we expand the number of analysts next turn with the sec. department specific AP on Long Tail.

2) AP is explicitly a representation of the state budget. Doing retraining campaigns isn't going to increase our AP, since state budget doesn't scale with work force training. If I were to guess, I would expect retraining campaign to reduce dc for industry projects (and industrial output). There is also a decent chance that retraining campaigns will be moved to the education department, since training skills would be a type of adult education.

3) Also wrong. Green energy and the ensuing electrical grid is an infrastructure investment. Further projects are locked behind Infrastructure projects, which we can auto-succeed on any turn with 2 AP. Unless you can make a case for industrial projects being categorically less important than infrastructure, it's better to attempt industrial assessments first, since the small chance of failure can be compensated for when you start it first.

4) We had a very specific confirmation our entire seven-year plan hinges on getting arms imports. To the point the QM felt the need to emphasize it. I think getting started on the critical element for military expansion early makes quite a bit of sense.

Also, logically speaking, our military has to plan around what arms it can get. Wanting them to tell us what they need before they knew what they could get is a questionable way to approach military planning. Our military doesn't know if it could get tanks, IFVs, fighter jets, Manpads or trucks. It doesn't know the numbers, timeframe our what budget we might allocate and can consequently not present us with any expansion plan What need is contingent on knowing what we will do, which depends on what is possible. I criticized your interpretations and priorities above, but in this specific area I think your making a grievous error of withholding information the military needs to plan. It's kind of like expecting the navy to give us an expansion plan without telling them our budgetary limits first.
1)We are explicitly told we could use more analysts in the very text of the Security section .
And our intelligence needs are not limited to the Mississippi and Victoria. Sourcing Foreign Arms depends on the quality of our intelligence on potential foreign suppliers and their motives.

2) Retrained Workers = Increased labor pool for non-agricultural activity = reduced barriers for setting up new businesses = increased domestic economic activity = More Taxes and Tariffs = More AP. I didnt think it needed to be spelled out. And I'm not even counting the social benefits of putting a lot of the incoming refugees to work.

3)Yes they are.
Governments do not have to invest in industry; often, private initiative will lead the way even before concerted govt intervention. Govts DO have to invest in the underlying infrastructure that enables industry, from roads to ports to power.

And as Chicago's beating heart is trade, infrastructure is even more important.

4)Yes, agreed. As soon as is practicable.

So who are you going to approach? Who is going to sell to us? What is their price? Do they demand cash or will they advance a loan? Do they have interests in territorial or economic concessions? Will they demand military basing rights or ask to set up intelligence monitoring stations? Do they demand political support internationally?

What of their international reputation for reliability?
Do they stay bought, or do they change the deal later down the line?Is a deal used as a wedge for further influence? Is a domestic political faction likely to come to power and oppose the deal?

International arms deals are not like shopping at Wal-Mart.
Especially when you dont have cash and hope for either loans or to trade future favors.We need both the American Diaspora and more intelligence analysts before getting into that pool of sharks.

Doing it without a better group of analysts, contacts in the American Diaspora or both? Jumping the gun.
A little more prepwork first.

I don't think special forces are all that useful; they suck soldiers away from other units, as fasquadron has pointed out and tend to be a resource sink. Further, if they exist, they will want to be used and it will be a tool that we will be tempted or want to deploy, even if it's not the best tool for the job. They are better as a force multiplier for our entire military, in being a cadre that can bring our entire force up to a better level and providing our own, homegrown officer corps and instructors who will train the next generation.

They can't do that if they're on standby for deployment or shooting up pirates somewhere in the Mississippi basin. We need a broad, "good enough" military with strategic depth and the economy to back it up. A special forces unit is... useful. But it isn't a must-have. It isn't something we need.
1) Special forces actions from the Trojan War and the Trojan Horse onwards have helped shape wars decisively.
And even today in the quest, special forces are judged to be important enough that the NCR dedicated a whole section of their uprising to neutralizing the Spetsnaz team in Cali.

Just looking at our own situation, one of the stretch goals from the NCR during alliance negotiations was a Quality 3/5 deniable special forces team. If we'd had a competent special forces unit of 800 effectives during the Detroit War, we could have tried to attack the Victorian Air Force on the ground at Toledo.

Just like when 15x Taliban trashed 8x Harriers and a C130 at Camp Bastion in 2012.
Then maybe we wouldnt have lost 80-100 pilots in one afternoon.

2)That argument makes no sense. Sorry.
If we extend the same logic, we should have no armed forces at all because according to that logic, their existence means they will want to be used.

3)The Victorian and Russian playbook during the collapse was to use deniable mobile forces and intelligence assets to destabilize the rest of the country. They will attempt to do so again.
We do not have the luxury of ceding this battleground. Unilateral disarmament has consequences.

How do you know they didn't? We don't get that level of resolution on information.
Fair point.
I'd think it would be a plot point, but fair enough.

Looting Fort Knox in an increasingly collapsed America isn't the scale of operation you think.

Remember, by this point, there was no one paying the soldiers on the adjacent military base, so they must have either deserted, or looted the gold themselves and gone bandit/warlord/expatriate. In the former case, the gold was undefended and the Vicks (or anyone else) could loot the place easily just with their usual method of guys in flannels and pickup trucks. In the latter case, the gold is gone.

Dude. It's billions of dollars in literal gold bricks, just sitting there, in one of the most famous locations in the world. If you polled people in the English-speaking world about locations with a ton of gold bricks and where gold might be found, everyone thinks of Fort Knox.

There were millions of people with the incentive to steal from it, and no one securing it who wouldn't themselves have an even greater incentive to steal from it so they could get out of the hellhole that was Collapse-era Tennessee.

Use common sense.
The gold is gone.
Forgive me if I refuse to look up the original source material again, but the New American Confederacy allegedly inherited a lot of the US's infrastructure prior to the nuking of Atlanta in 2038. By the timeline on the front page, the Vics plain did not have the expeditionary forces to do anything much until the 2040s because they were still attempting to consolidate domestic power. And viable US successor states existed.

When the gold went walkabout, it was neither them nor the Russians.

This has never been about whether the gold is still in Fort Knox.
Its not.
Its about whether it was moved anywhere it might be accessible to us since then.

If it got stashed at the bottom of a coal mine or something, whoever stashed it has spent thirty years being very quiet about the location. With plenty of people, including the Vicks, taking a more-than-casual interest in where the gold went, and probably questioning anyone they could find in the area.

If the gold is still in a single mass and still hidden, whoever hid it either took the secret to their grave, or has gotten very, very good at keeping said secret. They're not going to suddenly start answering questions when the Devil Brigade rolls into town.

If individual ex-military dudes have the gold, then the gold must have been looted by a large group of men, in which case the hoard of treasure has inevitably been broken up, distributed, and partially spent. It's no longer a single treasure trove, it's a giant diffuse mass of gold spreading out across North America or even the world, and trying to recapture it is going to be like trying to unscramble an egg.

Just give it up, it's not a good idea.
I would not have expected to find a couple billion dollars worth of airforce in a hole in the ground in Utah either, especially not F22s, but there they were. Nor a dude auctioning a B-83 nuclear weapon in 2073, but that was there as well. I would not plan around it, but I would not be surprised to find a ton of bullion which is largely untouched because those with knowledge fear with good reason that its revelation would end with the Vics, or whoever they deal with, burying them in shallow graves.

There's reasons why we have cultivated a reputation for keeping our deals.
And high Legitimacy.
Yes, but it cuts both ways. Older OWE is going to be dated and worn, but newer OWE (from the NCR, specifically) is likely to make some design compromises because the NCR is under a lot of economic strain. They're operating with only a fraction of the original US industrial base, and their equipment is only as good as the Russians allow it to be, with the understanding that a lot of it is being made for the export market to Russian client states or Russia-approved neutrals. As such, it could cancel out. dunno.
I dont really agree. Major military developments outside of directed energy weapons seem to have stagnated, but the cost and techniques of manufacture dont seem to have regressed. And with the Californians producing most of their own shit, and being able to draw on Old Country research.... Just the improvements in battery storage capacity that came with the transition away from fossil fuels does a lot for what electronics are viable, for example.

The Russians demonstrably dont interfere on that level.California operates F-35s and Abrams in this setting. Not really credible that the Russians would be able to restrict ground forces equipment but not stealth fighters. Besides, I can see Alexander discreetly hoping to get the Californians to wreck their own economy trying to maintain Old Country levels of force.

QM fiat anyway.

1)Do we, IC, know what happened to the contents of Fort Knox?
Whether from local talk or documented word on the Internet and reputable sources?

2)Did any of the gold we received in reparations bear US Mint markings?
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Question before I go to bed, would you still vote for my plan if I changed Source to Expat Outreach with the intent of putting 2 points in Source Foreign Arms next turn? I'm not commited to doing so but I'm considering it.

Went to bed, couldn't sleep, saw this question.

Honestly, while Expat Outreach is important Source Foreign Arms is essential. I want them both but I feel like Foreign Arms will take time- both to complete and to negotiate the details of our relationship with whoever our sponsor is via subvotes- and I feel like we need it more than Expat Outreach. I don't agree that Outreach will help Source Arms- it's an option designed to help our domestic industry more than anything else. If you switched the point I'd look for another plan.

But if you wanted to move the point from somewhere else to Expat Outreach I'd probably be okay with it- I'm just unsure where you could find a point to move.

1)We should not do Foreign Arms without Long Tail or Expatriate Diaspora Outreach.
Else we are walking into a strange market with no friendly advisors and zero market knowledge.
Haste is not speed.

I'm not seeing anything in the descriptions of those options that explicitly indicates they'll help with Foreign Arms. Not that I don't want those things, I just don't think they'll do what you think they'll do.

2) Standing Core is flatout essential. Just like doubling our gunboats last turn was.

Essential eventually, not now.

Part of our attractiveness to investment is that we are secure and stable. That people can put down money and not get it trashed by a couple hundred bandits or their persons carried off for ransom.
A standing army is our guarantee of that, and our deterrent against raiders.

The Devils are our deterrent against raiders, the fact that we just successfully trashed Victoria demonstrates our security and stability. We don't need to spend a point to lose future points indefinitely right now when we can wait a couple turns to do it.

Getting the Green Energy grid knocked out by raiders, for example, would constitute a major political and economic problem.

Our current military is more than sufficient to protect us from mere raiders. Standing Core is essential if we want to successfully invade Victoria and defeat whatever new and improved Victorian army Blackwell and the Russian put together. But we aren't doing that for a few years yet and there are other things we need to do other than Standing Core that we can do more easily with the extra points we'll lose if we start Standing Core too early.
Reply hopefully tomorrow. Sorry about the delay.

Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Jan 24, 2022 at 4:23 AM, finished with 42 posts and 28 votes.

  • [X] [Devils] Break up the Devil Brigade to serve as a training cadre for both enlisted personnel and officer candidates.
    [x][DEVILS] Retain the Devil Brigade as an expeditionary warfare unit forming the basis of the CFC's special operations forces contingent.
    [X] Plan: Buli-Buli Fall '76 v1
    -[X][DEVILS] Break up the Devil Brigade to serve as a training cadre for both enlisted personnel and officer candidates.
    -[X] Defense (1 AP)
    --[X] Military Training Reform [SYP]: DC: 20 15. Successes Required: 2 (1 of 2 complete). AP Limit: 2. Effect: Raise army base training level to 2/5 (Trained) from 1/5 (Green), level out air force air-to-air training level to 2/5 (Trained) to match its ground attack level. New forces deploy at this level.
    ---[X] 1 Defense AP
    -[X] State (1 AP + 3 Free AP)
    --[X] Expand the Department: DC: 30. Successes Required: 2. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Gain 1 additional Department of State AP per turn.
    ---[X] 1 State AP + 1 Free AP
    --[X] Expatriate Outreach [SYP]: DC: 15. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Exploit your populace's restored ties to the American Diaspora and establish contacts who can put you in touch with people at the intersection of talent and patriotism. To an extent, will require either competing or cooperating with FCNY given how tightly the Diaspora roots in them. Likely will escalate to the attention of the Revivalist Council, but needs to be done.
    ---[X] 1 Free AP
    --[X] Establish Council Representation: DC: 35. Successes Needed: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Have a proper team of diplomatic and espionage specialists on hand at the Council who can enable you to act with some measure of capability in the continental diplomatic scene.
    -[X] Domestic Affairs (1 AP + 1 Free AP)
    --[X] Refugee Management: DC: 25. Successes Needed: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Establish a government office responsible for managing and directing the flow of refugees in order to minimize friction with existing populations and ensure refugees' smooth resettlement. Allows you to engage competently with what promises to be an ongoing social issue for your administration.
    ---[X] 1 Domestic Affairs AP
    --[X] State Integration Office: DC: 20. Successes Needed: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Using your successful integrations of Toledo and Detroit as models, establish a small office of the Department responsible for overseeing the integration of new member states to the CFC and smoothing out potential problems.
    -[X] Development (3 AP)
    --[X] Green Energy [SYP]: DC: auto-pass from climate deal. Successes Needed: 2(/3) (1 of 2(/3) complete). AP Limit: 3. Effect: Fully revamp and rationalize your power grid with renewable energy sources. 2 successes replaces and rationalizes the power grid. 3 sees you fudge the numbers and get an expansion to the power grid out of it. The option will remain for one turn past the 2nd success, if there is not a 3rd in the same turn.
    ---[X] 2 Development AP
    --[X] United Post Office Contributions: DC: No roll. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 1. Effect: Commit direct funding to the United Post Office project in excess of your obligations to cooperate with Council requirements.
    ---[X] 1 Development AP
    -[X] Security (1 AP + 2 Free AP)
    --[X] Long Tail: DC: 30. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Improve your intelligences services' efficiency by vetting and hiring additional analysts and support staff to enable your field agents to better do their jobs.
    ---[X] 1 Security AP
    --[X] Down the Mighty Miss [SYP]: DC: 30. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Deepen your network along the Mississippi River, gaining access to better information.
    --[X] Victorian Intelligence: DC: 30. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Authorize additional support for Foreign Intelligence Office operations in Nova Scotia to establish new agents, before the Crusaders are pushed out and the Inquisitors can reestablish direct control.
    -[X] Technological Recovery (1 AP + 3 Free AP)
    --[X] Department of Education: DC: 30. Successes Needed: 2. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Found the Department of Education, which will be responsible for establishing and standardizing public schools within the Commonwealth.
    ---[X] 1 Technological Recovery AP + 1 Free AP
    --[X] Retraining Campaigns [SYP]: DC: 40. Successes Needed: 2. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Establish a body of workers who can be employed in your vital job industries. Best to time it properly so you have neither a glut of spare workers, nor businesses standing empty...but with few local experts to oversee the training efforts, that timing will be a challenge.
    ---[X] 2 Free AP
    [X] Plan Arms and Departments, Talks and Training
    -[X] Retain the Devil Brigade
    -[X] Military Training Reform (1 Def)
    -[X] Officer Academies (2 Free)
    -[X] Expand the Department (1 State, 1 Free)
    -[X] Source Foreign Arms (1 Free)
    -[X] Refugee Management (1 DA)
    -[X] Coalition Talks (1 Free)
    -[X] Green Energy (2 Dev)
    -[X] Industrial Assessments (1 Dev, 1 Free)
    -[X] Down the Mighty Miss (1 Sec)
    -[X] Victorian Intelligence (1 Free)
    -[X] Department of Education (1 Tech, 1 Free)
    -[X] Retraining Campaigns (1 Free)
    [X]Plan Foundations
    -[X][Defense] Military Training Reform [SYP]: DC20. Required: 2 (1 of 2 complete). (1x Defense AP)
    -[X][Defense] Standing Core [SYP]: DC30. Required: 1. (1x Free AP)
    -[X][State] Expand the Department: DC30. Required: 2. (1x State AP + 1x Free AP)
    -[X][State] Expatriate Outreach [SYP]: DC15. Required: 1. (1x Free AP)
    -[X][State] Establish Council Representation: DC35. Needed: 1. (2x Free AP)
    -[X][State] To St. Louis, And Beyond [SYP]: DC15. Needed: 3. (2x Free AP)
    -[X][Domestic Affairs ] Refugee Management: DC25. Needed: 1. (1x Domestic AP)
    -[X][Domestic Affairs] Coalition Talks: DC35. Needed: 1. (1x Free AP)
    -[X][Development] Green Energy [SYP]: DC: auto-pass. Needed: 2(/3) (1 of 2(/3) complete). (2x Dev AP)
    -[X][Development] Infrastructure Projects [SYP]: DC: Auto-pass. Required: 2. (1x Dev AP)
    -[X][Security] Long Tail: DC30. Required: 1. (1x Security AP)
    -[X][Security] Victorian Intelligence: DC30. Required: 1. (1x Free AP)
    -[X][Tech Recovery] Retraining Campaigns [SYP]: DC40. Needed: 2. (1x Recovery AP)
    [X] Plan Marching Down The River
    -[X] Standing Core [DoDef AP, 1 SYP AP]
    -[X] Expand the Department [DoSta AP, 1 Free AP]
    -[X] To Saint Louis and Beyond [1 Free AP, 2 SYP AP]
    -[X] State Integration Office [DoDA AP]
    -[X] Infrastructure Projects [2 DoDev AP]
    -[X] Down the Mighty Miss [DoSec AP]
    -[X] Military Training Reform [1 Free AP]
    -[X] Officer Academies [1 Free AP]
    -[X] Expatriate Outreach [1 Free AP]
    -[X] Green Energy [DoDev AP, 1 Free AP]
    -[X] Retraining Campaigns [DoTR AP]
    [X] Plan building a fire department
    -[X] Military Training Reform [1 Free AP]
    -[X] Forging the Sword [SYP]:
    -[X] Officer Academies [SYP]: x2
    -[X] Expand the Department: x2
    -[X] Establish Council Representation:
    -[X] Refugee Management:
    -[X] Renovate the Bureau of Taxation:
    -[X] Coalition Talks:
    -[X] Green Energy [SYP]: x2
    -[X] Infrastructure Projects [SYP]: x2
    -[X] United Post Office Contributions:
    -[X] Long Tail:
    -[X] Retraining Campaigns [DoTR AP]
    [X]Plan Better Tools To Make Tools
    -[X] Officer Academies 2/2 AP (0/2 successes, 56% chance to complete)
    -[X] Military Training Reform 1/2 AP (1/2 successes, 80% chance to complete)
    -[X] Expand the Department 2/2 AP (0/2 successes, 49% chance to complete)
    -[X] Source Foreign Arms 1/2 AP (0/2 successes, ?% of 1/2)
    -[X] Refugee Management 1/2 AP (0/1 successes, 75% chance to complete)
    -[X] Green Energy 2/3 AP (1/3 successes, auto-pass)
    -[X] Infrastructure Projects 2/3 AP (0/2 successes, auto-pass)
    -[X] Industrial Assessment 2/3 AP (0/2 Successes, 81% chance to complete)
    -[X] Victorian Intelligence 1/2 AP (0/1 successes, 70% chance to complete)
    -[X] Down the Mighty Miss 1/2 AP (0/1 successes, 70% chance to complete)
    -[X] Department of Education 2/3 AP (0/2 successes, 49% chance to complete)
    -[X] Plan Arms and Departments, Talks and Training
I'm not seeing anything in the descriptions of those options that explicitly indicates they'll help with Foreign Arms. Not that I don't want those things, I just don't think they'll do what you think
I quote:
[ ] Expatriate Outreach [SYP]: The American stereotype in recent years is the paranoid survivalist, where it isn't a cold-blooded NCR hitman or a crazed Victorian with a gun. Not precisely what one thinks of when one imagines experts capable of conducting a crash development and militarization program. But that expertise is still out there; it's just bound up in other places. American refugees fled far and wide from the Collapse, although mostly to the FCNY and Europe, and a lot of capital fled with them. By now they are established in dozens of countries, a very loose network of expatriates culturally and financially rooted in the FCNY. These Americans are disproportionately wealthy residents of First World, highly developed nations, and often work in expert fields. Experts are expensive. If you want to get them for cheaper, nationalism might be a way to do it, if you can overpower the pull FCNY already has. DC: 15. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Exploit your populace's restored ties to the American Diaspora and establish contacts who can put you in touch with people at the intersection of talent and patriotism. To an extent, will require either competing or cooperating with FCNY given how tightly the Diaspora roots in them. Likely will escalate to the attention of the Revivalist Council, but needs to be done.
Experts at the intersection of talent and patriotism.
Sounds relevant to not just economic recovery but also international arms procurement.

Essential eventually, not now.
Essential now.
We have millions of refugees on the move, in a country where firearms restrictions do not exist, and its both legal to travel with 50 cals, RPGs, mortars and stuff in your gear for personal security like the Devils did when going to Utah, and not feasible for security forces to run spot checks.

The Devils are our deterrent against raiders, the fact that we just successfully trashed Victoria demonstrates our security and stability. We don't need to spend a point to lose future points indefinitely right now when we can wait a couple turns to do it.
Thats what Standing Core is for.
The Devils are expeditionary. 800 people are not designed to be a deterrent to raiders, and lack the geographical coverage to be.
Scalpel, not hammer.

I mean,Nigeria is a safer Third World country than the Commonwealth of 2076, with a standing army north of 140k, and this shit happens just two weeks ago in the backcountry:
At least 200 people in Nigeria's north-western Zamfara state have been buried after a wave of vicious attacks by gangs of gunmen over several days.
Survivors told the BBC that motorbike-riding gangsters attacked village after village, shooting indiscriminately.
The attacks are believed to be in response to military air strikes on Monday that forced some of the criminal gangs from their forest hideouts.

The groups have plagued Zamfara and neighbouring states for several years.
Known locally as bandits, these gangs are sophisticated networks of criminals who operate across large swathes of territory, often stealing animals, kidnapping for ransom and killing those who confront them. This week, the government officially labelled bandits as terrorists, allowing security forces to impose tougher sanctions on the groups and their supporters.

On Friday it was initially reported that more than 100 people had been killed by suspected bandit militants in the region, after some 300 gunmen on motorbikes arrived in as many as nine communities between Tuesday and Thursday night.

Nigeria motorbike gang attack: Death toll rises to 200

The attacks in the northern Zamfara state are believed to be in response to military air strikes.
I could point ar Mexico's persistent narco security issues, which have escalated to drone strikes by rival cartels.
Or Brazil's security issues with teams of bandits roaming the backcountry.

Our current military is more than sufficient to protect us from mere raiders. Standing Core is essential if we want to successfully invade Victoria and defeat whatever new and improved Victorian army Blackwell and the Russian put together. But we aren't doing that for a few years yet and there are other things we need to do other than Standing Core that we can do more easily with the extra points we'll lose if we start Standing Core too early.
Apparently not. You missed WoG on the subject.
Page 1102:
How would forming a small, professional army help with deterring surprise attacks from bandits someplace?

Taking this entirely at face value: by ensuring that, at all times, there is a standing military force in at least a moderately forward posture available to the government. This means that, when the bandits come, said force may be rapidly mobilized to either deter or destroy the bandits in the field, preventing them from doing damage. As said force is explicitly being formed from the best of your existing units and would be fighting on their own turf, they would also most certainly possess a fearsome degree of escalation dominance over most bandits, who even if serving as deniable forces for state actors would be operating without the benefit of much of the support to which state forces are accustomed. Thus, it significantly raises the barrier of entry for most raids, to the point that raids rapidly decline in the amount of value they can return for the effort invested, thus leading them to generally taper off as they become a losing tactic.

In short: lots.
Most of our force, outside the Navy and Air Force, is not at that level of readiness.
And I dont want to lose a buncha planes, or pilots, or infrastructure, because we assumed that surely noone was foolish enpugh to strike at the conquerors of the Victorians.
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Late, late answers. Sorry for the delay.
Spoilering replies to avoid distraction.
There are some parts relevant to the ongoing discussion, which I will address here.
1)We are explicitly told we could use more analysts in the very text of the Security section .
And our intelligence needs are not limited to the Mississippi and Victoria. Sourcing Foreign Arms depends on the quality of our intelligence on potential foreign suppliers and their motives.
Saying "I could always use a raise" is not the same as saying "If I don't get a raise I'm in trouble". Sourcing arms is a diplomatic action, not a intelligence one. It depends on diplomats talking to companies and governments fairly openly, rather than intelligence analysts pouring over data. We need to ask a lot of people "What would you sell us" before we even have something to analyze. Sourcing foreign arms is the first step "see who is interested", which intelligence analysts can't help us with. So I don't think your inference is accurate.
Retrained Workers = Increased labor pool for non-agricultural activity = reduced barriers for setting up new businesses = increased domestic economic activity = More Taxes and Tariffs = More AP. I didnt think it needed to be spelled out. And I'm not even counting the social benefits of putting a lot of the incoming refugees to work.
This equation is missing a part.
Retrained Workers + increased industry = increased domestic activity = more revenue. Counting on domestic industry automatically expanding, and expanding quickly to give us additional AP shortly after retraining people is not a safe assumption to make. I can see retraining be an important part of increasing our economic output, but I don't think there is a single action aside from the taxation bureau might gives us free AP immediately after taking it.
Governments do not have to invest in industry; often, private initiative will lead the way even before concerted govt intervention. Govts DO have to invest in the underlying infrastructure that enables industry, from roads to ports to power.
You think the CCF economy doesn't need industrial investments? Really? Private initiative is fundamentally limited in ways the government is not, both in terms of finances (governments can afford to finance an vital industry while it is unprofitable) and in terms of coordination/planning. Relying on profit-driven private investment, with a left-leaning government that explicitly discourages this via taxation and promotion of cooperatives, in a region with questionable long-term access to international investment no less is the height of hubris. I also don't want profit-driven international conglomerates to own most of our domestic industry, they are not aligned with the specific interests of the Commonwealth and don't have the foresight and motivation to care for the CCF economy like the commonwealth does. That is not the say I reject private initiative entirely , especially in companies organized as a cooperative, it is to say that it's a bad idea to rely on laisez-faire economic strategy to build us the steel mills and asphalt mixers we need. We need to direct our economy to modernize it, others will not take care of our critical industrial needs for us. Which means industrial assesment is very, very important and we absolutely need to put development AP into developing industry.
And as Chicago's beating heart is trade, infrastructure is even more important.
I would call it similarly important. The thing is we already have large scale transport infrastructure, in the forms of the great lakes. Our nation is already interconnected. That is not to say we don't need further infrastructure, just that our basic infrastructure needs for transport are fulfilled by lake shipping. Furthermore, large scale infrastructure projects also need large amounts of steel, concrete, asphalt, tubes and wires, all of which we are dependent on our industry.
4) I think getting started on the critical element (sourcing foreign arms) for military expansion early makes quite a bit of sense.
Yes, agreed. As soon as is practicable.

So who are you going to approach? Who is going to sell to us? What is their price? Do they demand cash or will they advance a loan? Do they have interests in territorial or economic concessions? Will they demand military basing rights or ask to set up intelligence monitoring stations? Do they demand political support internationally?
It's relativly easy. We will approach anybody that exports modern weapons. We are going to ask Europe, China, South American Majors, Japan, anybody with arms industry that isn't controlled by the Tsar. We need modern arms and consequently ask anybody that could sell us, in order to figure out who might sell us.
What of their international reputation for reliability?
Do they stay bought, or do they change the deal later down the line?Is a deal used as a wedge for further influence? Is a domestic political faction likely to come to power and oppose the deal?

International arms deals are not like shopping at Wal-Mart.
Especially when you dont have cash and hope for either loans or to trade future favors.We need both the American Diaspora and more intelligence analysts before getting into that pool of sharks.
That is something we can analyze after we had somebody say "Yes, I would export weapons to you. Price range X-Y". It makes no sense to agonize over being able to analyze everyones offers before we have asked them. If (big if given our intelligence apparatus is mostly concerned with North America and doesn't have institutional experience outside of it) our analysts are able to work on global politics, we can put them on analyzing the governments that said "Yes, we would sell to you". But first we need to ask, rather than try to have total insight on every seller. Sourcing foreign arms is asking, rather than deciding on a deal. It is practical now and it's best to do it right away-
Voting is open