Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Then there is the other magical blue crystal, also from Aladdin, that can trap people inside of it. It was called the Crystal of Ix and there was a much larger version of it.
The Crystal of Ix was specific about what it trapped though. Specifically, it only trapped magical creatures inside when the proper command words were spoken.
[X] Sadira proposes trying to get into the transport sandstorm. With her magic she should be able to get the group in and disrupt the transport from within, negating all of the work the witches had done so far, and allowing them to fall on them from above.

I feel like giving Sadira a chance to shine.
[X] Sadira proposes trying to get into the transport sandstorm. With her magic she should be able to get the group in and disrupt the transport from within, negating all of the work the witches had done so far, and allowing them to fall on them from above.

I'm listening to the local expert. Besides, we've got a pretty big occult bonus on our side
[X] Sadira proposes trying to get into the transport sandstorm. With her magic she should be able to get the group in and disrupt the transport from within, negating all of the work the witches had done so far, and allowing them to fall on them from above.

Hit them with a good ol' dose of karma!
[X] Sadira proposes trying to get into the transport sandstorm. With her magic she should be able to get the group in and disrupt the transport from within, negating all of the work the witches had done so far, and allowing them to fall on them from above.
I'm a little surprised that no one is going for Iago's suggestion at all.

I think the issue is that whatever is going on looks time sensitive. They are enacting their scheme right now so we feel like we need to stop them right now.

They are putting things in a magical transport.
Do we
A. Attack them
B. Stop the transport
C. Check out the glowing thing native to the area.

If we had gotten here before they started up, them being here but not active yet, investigating the area would be a much higher priority because we wouldn't be under a time crunch, or at least not a immediate one.

I'm hoping we can still investigate afterwards as well.
[X] Iago suggests investigating the blue glow on the horizon, as it's likely the source of the crystals. Maybe they can make some use of it?
[x] Sadira proposes trying to get into the transport sandstorm. With her magic she should be able to get the group in and disrupt the transport from within, negating all of the work the witches had done so far, and allowing them to fall on them from above.
[X] Tai Lung on the other hand advocates going after the witches directly. Even if the disruption of one of the funnels will alert the witches to the death of one of their number, they'd still be separated and possibly able to be picked off before they could join up together again.
[x] Sadira proposes trying to get into the transport sandstorm. With her magic she should be able to get the group in and disrupt the transport from within, negating all of the work the witches had done so far, and allowing them to fall on them from above.
[x] Sadira proposes trying to get into the transport sandstorm. With her magic she should be able to get the group in and disrupt the transport from within, negating all of the work the witches had done so far, and allowing them to fall on them from above.
[X] Sadira proposes trying to get into the transport sandstorm. With her magic she should be able to get the group in and disrupt the transport from within, negating all of the work the witches had done so far, and allowing them to fall on them from above.
[X] Sadira proposes trying to get into the transport sandstorm. With her magic she should be able to get the group in and disrupt the transport from within, negating all of the work the witches had done so far, and allowing them to fall on them from above.
[X] Sadira proposes trying to get into the transport sandstorm. With her magic she should be able to get the group in and disrupt the transport from within, negating all of the work the witches had done so far, and allowing them to fall on them from above.
[X] Iago suggests investigating the blue glow on the horizon, as it's likely the source of the crystals. Maybe they can make some use of it?
[X] Sadira proposes trying to get into the transport sandstorm. With her magic she should be able to get the group in and disrupt the transport from within, negating all of the work the witches had done so far, and allowing them to fall on them from above.
[X] Tai Lung on the other hand advocates going after the witches directly. Even if the disruption of one of the funnels will alert the witches to the death of one of their number, they'd still be separated and possibly able to be picked off before they could join up together again.
[X] Sadira proposes trying to get into the transport sandstorm. With her magic she should be able to get the group in and disrupt the transport from within, negating all of the work the witches had done so far, and allowing them to fall on them from above.
[X] Tai Lung on the other hand advocates going after the witches directly. Even if the disruption of one of the funnels will alert the witches to the death of one of their number, they'd still be separated and possibly able to be picked off before they could join up together again.
[X] Sadira proposes trying to get into the transport sandstorm. With her magic she should be able to get the group in and disrupt the transport from within, negating all of the work the witches had done so far, and allowing them to fall on them from above.