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That Time I Became A Dictator Of A Small Asian Communist Nation
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It is a new year under the heavens, and a small nation in Asia is shocked by the death of their beloved leader.

Your father.

Now it is your time to rule and ensure your name is within the pages of History.

Served as the inspiration of Digging for Nations in the Desert (No SV, You are a Micronation in the End of the World) by @Magoose.

Well you have a good idea and it got crazy, gay and left wing.

You are the sv questers wet dream.

Me: Oh, funni thread name, let's have a look.
The Thread: North Korean Femboi Hooters Mecha Developmentalism Simulator
Me: WHA-

[...] We got fat stacks from successfully power bottoming Uncle Sam.
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Turn 1 - "Your Father Has Died"


Unverified Monstergirl
"Your father has died."

And with those four words, those four little, unassuming, tragic words, my world changed. Rapidly, irreversibly, and down a hole I could barely escape, clawing at the edges of my crumbling reality to barely stay afloat. Perhaps I managed to remain standing on the falling wreckage by luck or merely hung on with skill, but I managed to overcome those difficulties through guile, cunning, and allegiances.

Oh? Why are you confused by the last part? The guile, cunning, and allegiances?

What? You really thought I cried over that bastard's death? Who did you think he was? Some good father that loved me? That cared?

He didn't care about anything other than power, betraying everything he tried to shove down my gullet, force-feeding me the same lies he gave to the people who "ruled," but in truth, were little more than slaves without shackles.

I can only remember Wei Cai; may he ever burn in the afterlife, as the tyrant and monster he was. The people he killed and tortured to get where he was today. How many he consigned to a fate worse than death over paranoia, the hatred in his eyes when he broke a "dissenting" "general" for voicing slight doubt at one of his "failproof" plans and ideas. The re-education camps (no quotations needed here, we all know what they are) opened all over his fiefdom.

Because that is what this entire charade is when one accepts the pure truth of it all. Nothing more than a fiefdom of a lord held together by violence and murder and fear and oppression.

But I can also remember what he told me the day before he died. "The only difference between a noble and a successful bandit king is three generations."

And I am generation two, having been handed his scepter and crown. I have bloodied both to beat back the vultures and scavengers intent on eating what feast he left behind and managed to hold onto power.

If it went like he wanted to, thought it will come to, I would do the same to my child, but giving the crown over in a peaceful manner, having solidified my rule perfectly to contain any rebellion or attempt at the throne.

But I have a different plan. Because history will not remember me as the would-be tyrant of a Backwater Asian Nation struggling to even be of significance against impoverished warzones. I will leave my mark, and it will not be one of the desperate attempts to stay in power, stupid displays of weak military might, or gauche posturing that will kill by second-hand embarrassment.


For I am better than he will ever be.

And I am better suited to create glory in this nation than anyone.

Ah, I nearly forgot. You don't know me, do you? Well, it won't matter soon enough, for all will know once I leave. But let us start with the essentials.

Welcome to TTIBADOASACN, where you have succeeded your father after a short power struggle against vultures trying to take your place. Don't worry; they are dead, along with their followers. Well, those that didn't run away fast enough. Your people will catch them, don't worry.

In this quest, there will be only four stats to keep track of:
Reputation - What people think of you. This allows you to do stuff.
People's Opinion - Gauges chances of revolt and compliance. It reduces negative modifiers.
Chinese Opinion - If this reaches 0, you die, the end.
History Page - How you will be remembered.

Every action has Reputation costs or gains, further modified by a roll of 1d12. 1-4 is subpar, 5-9 is optimal, and 10-12 provides a boost to your action. Most actions take around 2-5 Reputation, while gains are in the 1-4 range. It is a 0-100 Scale. You start at 0. (Kill them!)

The People's Opinion is all about getting the people to like you, regardless of the method. Terror Campaigns and Social Engineering will be excellent tools for you, as they are easy to wield while bettering the lives of your playthings comrades/citizens is much more challenging. Public perception also plays a role. Want to metagame and only play optimal, forgoing narrative implications by dropping all reputation in one turn? Watch that shit drop and get guerillas in your toilet! It is a 0-100 Scale. You start at 15. (Uncertain and Scared)

Chinese Opinion is quickly explained. You are in their aegis. And their poorest province has a police force that could crush your military with, at most, 7% casualties. And you don't matter to anyone. So don't piss them off too much. It is a 0-10 Scale. You start at 6. (I like your funny words, subject.)

But let us start, first with your person before we look at the nation your father left you. And how you retained controll...

Please use a plan to vote.

--[] Wei (First Name+Optional Additional Names)

What everyone will call you. Use Chinese/Korean names. Don't worry; you can change it slightly. After all, you are playing as the ruler of a fictional nation and landmass.

--[] Male

You are the strong heir to your father, the honorable Wei Cai. Your people respect and adore you. (Start with 50/100 Reputation)
--[] Female
You are the weak heir to your father, the honorable Wei Cai. Your people tolerate and are unsure of you. (Start with 25/100 Reputation)

Every story starts before it is written, every hero has a journey before the calling, and all must bow to the flutter of the butterflies; you are no different from these base truths. (Choose One)
--[] From An Union Of Love
It was the stuff or books, movies, and tales. Scandalous rumors and daring courting from both sides, a fairytale milked for all that it was worth by the propaganda department. And the people eagerly lapped up everything. (+10 People's Opinion. Your romances and sexual encounters can be propagandized for Opinion.)
--[] The Militaries Call
Before giving birth to you, your mother was a soldier, serving in the highest honor that one can achieve. The people remember that. (+10 Reputation, +1 Reputation per military action.)
--[] The Maids Secret
Your father had a favorite maid he liked, and one time she vanished for a few months. When she returned, your father proclaimed to have found you and adopted you as his Heavenly Gifted Child. You still miss her soft and warm embrace. (+5 People's Opinion and Reputation, +1 to both per Turn for 5 Turns.)
--[] Unwanted Love
That maid? She didn't do it willingly. And people suspect so. (+10 People's Opinion, unique dialogue when interacting with women. Unlocks Policies)
--[] Another Soul
This is not your first body, and you have nightmares that it will not be your last. (Gain two versions of your reports: The official ones, and one with (what you (a random person) assume to be) bullshit and lies turned into truth.)
--[] Another Soul, Wrong Body
This is not your first body, and you have nightmares that it will not be your last. But, unfortunately, it is also the wrong one. (Gain two versions of your reports: The official ones, and one with (what you (a random person) assume to be) bullshit and lies turned into truth. Unique Options regarding gender policies unlocked.)

Everybody has to grow up, even Peter Pan. So many things happened when you grew up, but what were the things that impacted you the most? (Choose Two)
--[] Service Above Needs
You were raised with the awareness that you would rule and not be loved by a family. And so you were prepared and neglected in equal measure. (-1 for boosted Actions (9-12 range))
--[] Lost And Scared
When you were 7, you got lost for three weeks. Your father mobilized the army to find you, and the experience traumatized you. Oh, not being lost, but living like the people did. (QoL Actions have (a slightly) increased effect upon the people)
--[] Early Training
What 6-year-old can't maintain, clean, and shoot a gun? What 9-year-old isn't training on artillery? (You suspect when the military is lying to you with more accuracy.)
--[] Glamor And Glory
The Department of Glorious Truth and History found much joy in you. You did so as well, the clothes you could dress in, the fun you had! (Propaganda Actions are more effective)
--[] Connections Are Important
It turns out that playing with the children of influential businessmen can have positive effects later on in your life; who knew? (+1 Chinese Opinion)

What person doesn't love being in puberty within an authoritarian dictatorship which oppresses the people in the name of the very same? ...oh. (Choose One)
--[] Service Will Be Your Life
(Requires: Service Above Needs)
No matter how small, leading a nation requires a lot of knowledge, skill, and experience. Your father forced a lot of that on you when he was away or wanted to teach you lessons. (Dice range changed to 1-4 as subpar, 5-7 optimal, and 8-12 providing a boost)
--[] There Is A King Among Us
(Requires: Lost And Scared)
When you were lost amidst the people, you learned one thing: while there is no privilege, there is some freedom. And with time, you managed to gain time unfettered from your father's grasp, enjoying some (likely overwatched) freedom. You also learned better what the people lack. (QoL Actions are now clearly marked, with harmful actions noted)
--[] Military Service
(Requires: Early Training)
Serving in the army has given you many skills, such as marching, repairing your guns, operating vehicles, artillery, and commanding soldiers. In addition, it gave you the respect of your people and soldiers and a bent in what you want in your partner. (You know when the military is lying to you. Constricted partner choices.)
--[] Words Can Kill As Sure As Bullets
(Requires: Glamor And Glory)
This world is but a stage, and you will be its writer. At least, that is what you can now attempt. (Social Engineering Actions are more effective, and gain/cost more/less)
--[] A Unity Of Convenience
(Requires: Connections Are Important)
You had an "affair" with a child of a powerful man, though both of you knew it was merely to gain political concessions. They did play a mean game of pīng pāng qiú though! (Actions that will anger the Chinese are now clearly marked)
--[] Carefree Love
Who cares about governing, who cares about ruling, or leading, or anything about that? You had a love, you had a dream of a better future, and you were happy. Too bad you had to marry, because now there are certain obligations to uphold. Good thing you want them too! (You are married to a randomized character, giving you +5 Reputation and People's Opinion. A child will soon happen.)

Every person has one redeeming facet of their person, a singular thing that nobody can deny that makes them unique. (Chose One)
--[] Tinkerer
You always had a knack for engineering, electronics, and working with your hands.
--[] Jovial
A good joke can lift a sour mood, and an optimistic outlook can ease life.
--[] Humble
Yes, it may not make you take credit for everything, but those who did the actual work love you.
--[] Proud
You were never bowed, never humbled, and always walked upright. So be it for yourself or others, you won't bend.
--[] Charming
Why, yes, I would love to attend your wedding. How did you know I wanted to come?
--[] Aware

Lies and treachery have a smell to them. And you know their stench.

However, people have flaws. Otherwise, they wouldn't be people, would they? (Create Three)
--[] (Write-In)

AN: It is literally 2:30 AM. Why do you need to fuck me over like that, my muse?
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The reasonable, sane plan would be to make a principled and benevolent dictator that can actually run a country responsibly.

This is not that plan.

[X] Plan Red Superstar Drama Generator
--[X] Wei Man
--[X] Male

--[X] From A Union Of Love

It was the stuff or books, movies, and tales. Scandalous rumors and daring courting from both sides, a fairytale milked for all that it was worth by the propaganda department. And the people eagerly lapped up everything. (+10 People's Opinion. Your romances and sexual encounters can be propagandized for Opinion.)

Everybody has to grow up, even Peter Pan. So many things happened when you grew up, but what were the things that impacted you the most? (Choose Two)
--[X] Service Above Needs
You were raised with the awareness that you would rule and not be loved by a family. And so you were prepared and neglected in equal measure. (-1 for boosted Actions (9-12 range))
--[X] Glamor And Glory
The Department of Glorious Truth and History found much joy in you. You did so as well, the clothes you could dress in, the fun you had! (Propaganda Actions are more effective)

--[X] Words Can Kill As Sure As Bullets

(Requires: Glamor And Glory)
This world is but a stage, and you will be its writer. At least, that is what you can now attempt. (Social Engineering Actions are more effective, and gain/cost more/less)

Every person has one redeeming facet of their person, a singular thing that nobody can deny that makes them unique. (Chose One)
--[X] Charming
Why, yes, I would love to attend your wedding. How did you know I wanted to come?


However, people have flaws. Otherwise, they wouldn't be people, would they? (Create Three)
--[X] Vindictive
--[X] Moody
--[X] Lustful

Hoping for a Disco Elysium vibe.
[X] Plan: Isekai was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.
--[X] Wei Min
--[X] Male
--[X] Another Soul, Wrong Body
--[X] Early Training
--[X] Connections Are Important
--[X] A Unity Of Convenience
--[X] Aware
--[X] Existential Dread: You might be insane, or worse, actually a reincarnation. Fuck.
--[X] Paranoid: Well they really are out to get you so no one can say this is undeserved!
--[X] Body Dysmorphia: Was this really necessary? On top of everything else? Really?

For maximum fun* times and being completely aware China can end you at any moment for no real reason!

*No refunds

Also what was up with this vote, it's super unwieldy and doesn't even work for task voting in the tally?
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[X] Plan: I can't do names
--[X] Aiguo Wei (First Name+Optional Additional Names)
--[X] Male

Every story starts before it is written, every hero has a journey before the calling, and all must bow to the flutter of the butterflies; you are no different from these base truths. (Choose One)
--[X] Unwanted Love
That maid? She didn't do it willingly. And people suspect so. (+10 People's Opinion, unique dialogue when interacting with women. Unlocks Policies)
Everybody has to grow up, even Peter Pan. So many things happened when you grew up, but what were the things that impacted you the most? (Choose Two)
--[X] Early Training
What 6-year-old can't maintain, clean, and shoot a gun? What 9-year-old isn't training on artillery? (You suspect when the military is lying to you with more accuracy.)
--[X] Connections Are Important
It turns out that playing with the children of influential businessmen can have positive effects later on in your life; who knew? (+1 Chinese Opinion)
What person doesn't love being in puberty within an authoritarian dictatorship which oppresses the people in the name of the very same? ...oh. (Choose One)
--[X] A Unity Of Convenience

(Requires: Connections Are Important)
You had an "affair" with a child of a powerful man, though both of you knew it was merely to gain political concessions. They did play a mean game of pīng pāng qiú though! (Actions that will anger the Chinese are now clearly marked)
Every person has one redeeming facet of their person, a singular thing that nobody can deny that makes them unique. (Chose One)
--[X] Aware
Lies and treachery have a smell to them. And you know their stench.

However, people have flaws. Otherwise, they wouldn't be people, would they? (Create Three)
--[X] Honest to a Fault
--[X] Moody
--[X] Depression prone
[X] Plan: One of the People
--[X] Wei Jungmin
--[X] Male
--[X] The Maids Secret

Your father had a favorite maid he liked, and one time she vanished for a few months. When she returned, your father proclaimed to have found you and adopted you as his Heavenly Gifted Child. You still miss her soft and warm embrace. (+5 People's Opinion and Reputation, +1 to both per Turn for 5 Turns.)
--[X] Lost And Scared

When you were 7, you got lost for three weeks. Your father mobilized the army to find you, and the experience traumatized you. Oh, not being lost, but living like the people did. (QoL Actions have (a slightly) increased effect upon the people)
--[X] Glamor And Glory
The Department of Glorious Truth and History found much joy in you. You did so as well, the clothes you could dress in, the fun you had! (Propaganda Actions are more effective)
--[X] There Is A King Among Us

(Requires: Lost And Scared)
When you were lost amidst the people, you learned one thing: while there is no privilege, there is some freedom. And with time, you managed to gain time unfettered from your father's grasp, enjoying some (likely overwatched) freedom. You also learned better what the people lack. (QoL Actions are now clearly marked, with harmful actions noted)
--[X] Humble

Yes, it may not make you take credit for everything, but those who did the actual work love you.
--[X] Trusting
--[X] Idealistic
--[X] Vindictive

I'm bad at names lol

But yeah! I wanna play a dude who genuinely wants to make life better for his people. (With a bit of vindictiveness for extra spice.)
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[X]Posadas Reborn
--[X] Wei (QM's Choice)

--[X] Male

--[X] Another Soul

--[X] Early Training
--[X] Glamor And Glory

--[X] Military Service

--[X] Proud

--[X] True Believer
--[X] In world revolution
--[X] Via nuclear war mostly

There my shitpost is done I can go back to lurking now
[X] Plan Hopeless but not Hapless Romantic
--[X] Wei Huangling
--[X] Female
--[X] From An Union Of Love
--[X] Early Training
--[X] Glamor And Glory
--[X] Carefree Love
--[X] Jovial
--[X] Possessive
--[X] Romantic
--[X] Perfectionist

No isekais here!
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I just don't want to be an Isekai on this one, and given the political realities, a woman doomed to misery and horrendous dysmorphia for quite some time.

[X] Plan: One of the People
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