The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

"Uncle Han?" Kumi echoes. "Your Uncle runs a restaurant? I thought all of your kin were charmcraters."
Such a rude typo...
Your senior's eyes light up and she smacks her lips together, clearing imagining the culinary delights in her future.
Did Kumi just read KZ's thoughts then?
"That is certainly one way of putting it. I was the one who found it in the Warren. Master offered me a few techniques for it when he wanted to find you a suitable reward, and when he told me who it was for, there was no way I could refuse!"
Seems like a long shot, but perhaps finding something nice might open up an opportunity for more Siani techniques.
If you were still normal, you would be turning a bright red from the fondness in Kumi's voice. But thanks to the Fractal View, you are always red, so your cheeks only turn a faint purple.
We need to make a charm to hide the blushing.
"Do you object to spending such quality time with your beloved Senior Sister?! I thought our bond of respect and trust meant something to you!"
I'm starting to object now...
Your senior glances to you. "Oh, I like her," she says.
*whimpering noises*
...had better bring back a bowl of soup!

[X] Nokai. Her path is almost non-existent, but still, It's the last thing she'll expect.
C'mon Lu. You can do this! Teach KZ to find long-necks in short grass!
Had an idea for an extra layer of protection for our ring. If we're gonna be keeping all our belongings in it, it has to be as protected as we can make it.

The Varnished Truth [Ghastly Horns (Deception 18), Cowardly Hoof (Wood 10)]

A lining of powdered horn and hoof inside a container of slowly refilling magical paint.

Anything coated with this paint will be gifted an air of unimportance. Eyes will pass over painted objects taking no notice of them at all.

Deception anam is behind the paint's main ability. Wood's growing power is behind its regeneration.
I feel that we would be better off making charms which help our cultivation. In general our charms so far don't really seem superior to learning a similar art and learning an art helps our path and stats.

I want to make a more personalized version of the rainbow eyes.

If there has already been discussed I would love a link to it.
There were no direct skill gains, crafting materials obtained or relationship levels up from the date with time spent with Kumi. What were the indirect gains we made?

Your senior's eyes light up and she smacks her lips together, clearing imagining the culinary delights in her future. "That sounds perfect. My thanks, Kong Zhi. I will be certain to put your palette to the test when I reach Soaring Crow. If it passes my rigorous testing, I may even find it in my heart to bring a bowl back home to the sect for you."

Perhaps a fresh bowl of beef noodle soup upon Kumi's return, which may help to heal Mental Stress?

"Told me about it?" she replies with a laugh. "That is certainly one way of putting it. I was the one who found it in the Warren. Master offered me a few techniques for it when he wanted to find you a suitable reward, and when he told me who it was for, there was no way I could refuse!"

Confirmation that Siani is willing to trade techniques for treasures that we find in the Warren.

"Thank me by taking care of it!" Kumi responds. "I had to go over sixty floors deep to get that ring! Covet it like the treasure it is, and bond it. Sooner rather than later!"

"Bond it?" you ask. "Like my Cloud's Breath?"

Your senior nods along with your question. "Exactly like that. It is not a difficult procedure. A few drops of blood and running your spirit through it should be enough. Once it's bonded, the ring can still be taken, but getting into its contents becomes substantially more different.."

You waste no time in putting Kumi's advice to use. A quick nip at your thumb draws a bead of blood, and a slight change in your breathing allows a bit of your anam to course through the ring. The band warms on your finger for a split second, heating to a point just shy of pain. Right as you're reaching to take it off, the metal cools, returning to its previous inert state.

"See? All done," Kumi cheers. "And now almost no one, besides you, can open your precious treasure trove unless you break the bond or you die- but at that point, you won't really be worrying about the fate of your ring, will you?"

Knowledge on how to bond with our charms, reducing the risk of theft. Could we try bonding with all our other charms as well?
[X] Nokai. Her path is almost non-existent, but still, It's the last thing she'll expect.

Hon hon hon, did you think you could escape me? This is a test for us and Lan both. He knows all the pieces, lets draw it out of him.
[X] Nokai. Her path is almost non-existent, but still, It's the last thing she'll expect.

Wow, Kumi's been down at least 60 levels of the Warren? That's... a lot bigger than I thought this building was. Is it actually uncountable, or is there an end?
I feel that we would be better off making charms which help our cultivation. In general our charms so far don't really seem superior to learning a similar art and learning an art helps our path and stats.

I want to make a more personalized version of the rainbow eyes.

If there has already been discussed I would love a link to it.
Don't have a link, but full on cultivation aids are beyond our ability to create. Rainbow Eyes are both early installment weirdness and harder to make than expected.
I just caught up and was wondering about rainbow eyes too. Seems like it is worth someplace between 10-15 points of cycling progress based on activity bonuses (0.9-1.5 & rounding and not counting possible re-roll successes).

Does that line up as equivalent to like 1 ~pretty good cycling action (2 10d10s6?? checks) at a minimum or like 2+ normal to poor cycling checks?

I'm trying to check my understanding without diving into math-math.
So, I'm really hoping that the challenge of trying to track Nokai will be the impetus to use SEG as more than just a way to deaden senses and expand his sixth sense. It can also be used to heighten more mundane senses, like sight and smell, which would seem to be incredibly useful for tracking. Of course, there are drawbacks (losing some senses) but I feel this would be the best environment to actually start using SEG like this, instead of in a situation where there are higher stakes.
You shake off the horror you feel at your senior meeting with one of your best friends before turning back to Nokai.

Oh Zhi, you sweet, summer child, you don't know true horror yet.

Wait till your Aunt meets Kumi.

[X] Nokai. Her path is almost non-existent, but still, It's the last thing she'll expect.

Failure is the best teacher of all. It also beats down on Ego.