The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

I just binged the quest, and I'm sure someone has brought it up before, but we need a Wits technique really badly. integrating it will increase our charmcrafting cap.
[X] Write-In: The Filigreed Carp: A high end pastry and dessert shop run by a set of triplets, each of whom tries to outdo the other in artistry and delectability. The anam-laced desserts are truly spectacular - tarts that burn with heatless fire, bird-shaped pastries that flap their wings and turn their head, and candies that let out thundercracks when bit into. Just walking by the shop and looking into the window was an experience itself - Father would only let you *inside* once per trip, and each time was to be treasured.
I just binged the quest, and I'm sure someone has brought it up before, but we need a Wits technique really badly. integrating it will increase our charmcrafting cap.
Yeah, it is certainly something on my radar. Possibly a Wit's archer technique?

However, I feel particularly fond of the idea to get a Wit's crafting technique. Possibly an earth-based technique related to manipulating earth and stone like wet clay? Something that I'm interested in certainly, but I don't know about others.
[X] Actually, now that you think of it, the most remarkable food you ate in Soaring Crow was when your Auntie Bi cooked. You aren't sure if she'll be there -- she's often traveling -- but if she is, Kumi really should introduce herself as your friend and ask if she can try her cooking.
[X] Uncle Han's. A humble stall with an incredible beef noodle soup. The best bowl in town, and it has a gregarious owner. Perfect place for a bowl and to hear some gossip.
Yeah, it is certainly something on my radar. Possibly a Wit's archer technique?

However, I feel particularly fond of the idea to get a Wit's crafting technique. Possibly an earth-based technique related to manipulating earth and stone like wet clay? Something that I'm interested in certainly, but I don't know about others.
Yeah a Wits Earth crafting technique seems ideal, we are unlikely to stumble upon such a technique, so if I had to rate the qualities in orderof importance it would probably go
1 Wits- our crafting is bottlenecked until we integrate a wits technique
2 Earth- our senior told us to get one of these and we want to stay in her good books
3 Crafting- if these exist they would be a great benefit to us.
[x] Write-In: The Filigreed Carp: A high end pastry and dessert shop run by a set of triplets, each of whom tries to outdo the other in artistry and delectability. The anam-laced desserts are truly spectacular - tarts that burn with heatless fire, bird-shaped pastries that flap their wings and turn their head, and candies that let out thundercracks when bit into. Just walking by the shop and looking into the window was an experience itself - Father would only let you *inside* once per trip, and each time was to be treasured.
[X] Ismail's Kebab Shop. A small shop selling grilled ground meat cooked on rotating skewers and a vertical grill. The aroma of cooked spiced meat wafts down the entire street while the always cheerful Ismail makes small talk with his customers. According to Aunt Bi, it makes a terrific late night snack after drinking at the bar across the street.
[X] Write-In: Discount Ding's All-You-Can-Eat Bread Shed. Even as a tiny child, Kong Zhi was unusually practical and frugal, and would always save his lucre to buy what he fancied were charm components and gifts for family members.
Yeah a Wits Earth crafting technique seems ideal, we are unlikely to stumble upon such a technique, so if I had to rate the qualities in orderof importance it would probably go
1 Wits- our crafting is bottlenecked until we integrate a wits technique
2 Earth- our senior told us to get one of these and we want to stay in her good books
3 Crafting- if these exist they would be a great benefit to us.
To be fair, we already have Auroch as a tech, and it includes the Earth we're hoping for.

While getting an Earth tech would be a decent idea, we should prioritize techs that can compliment our Core, so we can facilitate Farmer's Step.
Zhi grew up in Harmony, so it wasn't really much of a concern for him. Plus he was too busy crafting to learn about that!
I mean, fair enough, but I'm starting to wonder how good Zhi's parents actually were if every response to "Why doesn't Zhi know that?" is "too busy crafting." You would think that he would get an actual education if he's expected to actually function in cultivator society instead of just sealing himself off as a neet in a cave banging out charms.
I mean, fair enough, but I'm starting to wonder how good Zhi's parents actually were if every response to "Why doesn't Zhi know that?" is "too busy crafting." You would think that he would get an actual education if he's expected to actually function in cultivator society instead of just sealing himself off as a neet in a cave banging out charms.
so thats the watsonian reason, the doylist reason is waaaaay back at the start of the quest, we chose this
[X] Plan: All that Glitters
-[X] Craft (Jewel Carving): 5 + 0 points
-[X] Appraise 3 points
-[X] Cycling: 3 points
-[X] Athletics: 1
-[X] Knowledge (Mineralogy): 1
-[X] Persuade 1
-[X] Perception: 1
in place of worldly knowledge skills a young minor noble would need :V
[X] Uncle Han's. A humble stall with an incredible beef noodle soup. The best bowl in town, and it has a gregarious owner. Perfect place for a bowl and to hear some gossip.
[x] Write-In: The Filigreed Carp: A high end pastry and dessert shop run by a set of triplets, each of whom tries to outdo the other in artistry and delectability. The anam-laced desserts are truly spectacular - tarts that burn with heatless fire, bird-shaped pastries that flap their wings and turn their head, and candies that let out thundercracks when bit into. Just walking by the shop and looking into the window was an experience itself - Father would only let you *inside* once per trip, and each time was to be treasured.
[x] Write-In: The Filigreed Carp: A high end pastry and dessert shop run by a set of triplets, each of whom tries to outdo the other in artistry and delectability. The anam-laced desserts are truly spectacular - tarts that burn with heatless fire, bird-shaped pastries that flap their wings and turn their head, and candies that let out thundercracks when bit into. Just walking by the shop and looking into the window was an experience itself - Father would only let you *inside* once per trip, and each time was to be treasured.

Because Uncle Han just makes me think of Ichiraku!
You bend over, peering at a nearby painting of a swan in search of a clue-

-and jump away, back hitting the door, as the contents of the painting decide they want to take a closer look at you.

A small, gelatinous echo of a bird pulls itself out of the swan's painting. It is no larger than a cat and only comes up to your knee, but it lets out a screech of menace that forces you onto your back foot. It steps forward, flapping its wings at you, its ethereal neck twisting and darting forward like a snake.
Swans are evil. Always ready to have a go at you.

Before you fully realize what is happening, Chui Dao is in your hands. A step and a swing later, the ghostly swan is sailing across the room. It smashes into another painting with a sound like raw meat hitting stone.

All you can do is stare after the swan. "So," you mumble to yourself. "That was… odd."

Looks like we are getting more comfortable using him in situations besides crafting. Should probably take an action sometime to actually see what the effects he has in combat though.

...or maybe you should stop being foolish and think like an Artist already.

Pausing only to shake your head at your own foolishness, you reach down deep into your core and step into the Garden.
I was wondering if it would be that easy. Turns out it is. Either we picked the right door and our techniques were well suited for the challenge or all of the first level doors are easy. Or the Warren decided to take it easy on us this time.

"It is," you answer, annoyance still loud in your voice despite your words. It's true; the Elixir may not be the most impressive cultivation aid you've ever held, but it has its own unique benefits. Just the single drop you tasted left you sitting in a relaxed stupor on the Warren floor for the better part of an hour. You cannot imagine what drinking the whole thing will do for you.

Elixir Gained: Speech of a Revered Great Elder! (Grade 1 Healing, restores one MEN stress box)
And that is really useful. We can take it now and save on a trip to the Spa to restore our mental health. Or we can save it just in case we need to heal out mental health while away from the sect. I'm sure we will take some missions outside somewhat soon. I guess it depends on how much an elixir like this costs.
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[X] Uncle Han's. A humble stall with an incredible beef noodle soup. The best bowl in town, and it has a gregarious owner. Perfect place for a bowl and to hear some gossip.

A nice noodle stall, which shouldn't attract any attention to the lady being sent out because the Breath haven't handled it yet.
Yeah a Wits Earth crafting technique seems ideal, we are unlikely to stumble upon such a technique, so if I had to rate the qualities in orderof importance it would probably go
1 Wits- our crafting is bottlenecked until we integrate a wits technique
2 Earth- our senior told us to get one of these and we want to stay in her good books
3 Crafting- if these exist they would be a great benefit to us.
We're also kinda looking to try and raise our Wits by capping other Wits skills like Survival and Perception via tutoring. It was mentioned early in the quest that raising related skills may increase their attributed Stats.

If we can do that we should do the tutoring first as it would of course be easier to increase Wits from 2 to 3 than 3 to 4 in this way.
[X] Uncle Han's. A humble stall with an incredible beef noodle soup. The best bowl in town, and it has a gregarious owner. Perfect place for a bowl and to hear some gossip
[X] Uncle Han's. A humble stall with an incredible beef noodle soup. The best bowl in town, and it has a gregarious owner. Perfect place for a bowl and to hear some gossip
[x] Write-In: The Filigreed Carp: A high end pastry and dessert shop run by a set of triplets, each of whom tries to outdo the other in artistry and delectability. The anam-laced desserts are truly spectacular - tarts that burn with heatless fire, bird-shaped pastries that flap their wings and turn their head, and candies that let out thundercracks when bit into. Just walking by the shop and looking into the window was an experience itself - Father would only let you *inside* once per trip, and each time was to be treasured.
so thats the watsonian reason, the doylist reason is waaaaay back at the start of the quest, we chose this

in place of worldly knowledge skills a young minor noble would need :V
So I just did a quick search through the thread, and I couldn't find a single instance of KZ rolling Appraise. Could someone else corroborate this?

While hindsight is 20/20 and all that, what an enormous waste of the initial skill points. Sorta feels like the ball was dropped there...
[x] Write-In: The Filigreed Carp: A high end pastry and dessert shop run by a set of triplets, each of whom tries to outdo the other in artistry and delectability. The anam-laced desserts are truly spectacular - tarts that burn with heatless fire, bird-shaped pastries that flap their wings and turn their head, and candies that let out thundercracks when bit into. Just walking by the shop and looking into the window was an experience itself - Father would only let you *inside* once per trip, and each time was to be treasured.