My Emperor, quiet elimination is not an option in the case of the Southern Matter.
I can confirm to you that the rumors are true, the woman at the center of this turmoil has achieved the Eighth realm, it is not merely a matter of trickery or empowering artifacts. However Cai Shenhua achieved the power she holds it is hers as intrinsically as yours or mine. Her strength however is still that one one new to the eighth realm. She is not invincible, the Empire might could yet crush her.
The support for her roving court arises primarily from the upstart Diao, and the younger clans which gather around their skirts, yet this is only in the open. I have traveled far and wide, walking among the people of the Emerald Seas, and even among the oldest clans many of the younger generation whisper her name. It is important I think to stress that among the powers of the Emerald Seas only the Chu have outright denounced her. There is a reason for the increasingly troubled missives from the Hui. More disturbing if things were to break right at this moment, I think even the Count clans would find themselves split among their members. If we intervene it will not be a quiet matter, such as the Ministry can handle. There is no central figure, save the woman herself and...
I would not be able to slay her, even with the whole of my ministry, and the artifacts of the imperial seat, behind me. I have slain those above me before, but never have I met a being whose Law so firmly and utterly counters mine. Here, I must admit a total failure on my part. My observation was noticed. I was as surprised as you no doubt are.
But that I realized is a major component of the Laws that are Cai Shenhua. Deception is rendered unto dust and ruin under her gaze. Lies are impossible, even in one's own mind. She calls the weapon at her side Truth and I have no reason to doubt its accuracy. Even with my own Law bolstering my spirit, still I was forced to answer that I was an observer for you, though she could force no more than that.
I must repeat, when that woman spoke her question, I was not even able to think of deception or falsehood. I could only hold myself to partial silence, and that with difficulty.
If you intend to crush this rebellion of hers and support the Hui, then it will be a matter of main force.
But I would advise against doing so. You recall of course our foray into the south during the rampage of that barbarian's Khan. You recall our visitations amongst the province's people. Even then the anger and resentment boiling under the surface of this land was notable. Back then the Hui's system remained functioning despite the strain. Ancient feuds kept them at each other's throats. They feared their neighbors, knowing that anyone could be in the pay of their overlords, the sheer extent of their intelligence network making even the most rebellious docile.
Ogodei came and the scions of the great clans united under Yuan He's mad plot to bring the barbarian down. This cracked the foundation of that fearful power, and one need look only to the Bai to see what happens when fear grows weak. Now, this Cai Shenhua has come, and in her presence even the most hostile clans can speak, spewing bile for old rivals but knowing that in this purpose they are at least united.
There are no plots and lies in her roving court. I have seen that. I watched a proud Hui agent, one of their best, break down into a broken weeping thing before her as the layers of deceptions and false personalities were stripped from him layer after layer, until only the empty core remained, and his Law and Way shattered under the strain. Where she walks, their web burns.
My lord, the fear is gone, and the resentment and anger of millenia remains. If you have ever trusted my word, trust in this. It is not mere cynicism and power seeking that drives her supporters. Mayhap the ancients of the clans see it as such, but more likely they see that they would have to slay many of their own descendants to stop this. They are being pulled by this, not guiding it.
If you side with the Hui in this matter, it will be tremendously bloody, and the flower of Emerald Seas youth will lie dead in the fields, sending this place spiralling further into failure. That can be leveraged of course. The Bao may be nudged to complete their plot and join the Celestial Peaks, a rich boon for the Imperial seat. The Luo may consider the secret offers of the Guo, knowing that even their relatively poor lands are paradise compared to the grave. The Meng will huddle and hide in their swamps and perhaps one day be prodded to join Sun Shao's territories and provide a haven for those who cannot tolerate the jungle, thus further encircling the Bai.
But the Hui will not last. Their mystique is broken, and it will take many centuries before they will be able to govern on their own. You know that I predicted there would be rebellion here within the next few centuries. It is a dangerous thing to allow rebellion. However it is also an opportunity for us.
But, my emperor, I will admit some bias in this, and I may require some time in meditation to ensure that my mind has not been contaminated. I have seen her speak, and it reminds me of you at your best my lord. She inspires in a way that few who walk the path of the highest realm do. She seeks not any higher throne either, one of her nature would not be able to lie on that.
No, in this Cai Shenhua I think you will find a more reliable ally than the creatures of Hui. One way or another, the throne can no longer ignore the turmoil in the south.
-A ciphered report, delivered to the Emperor An at the behest of Minister of Integrity Sima Jiao