The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[X] Plan New Best Girl
-[] You are now a member of the Eighth Circle, and as such, your time is no longer your own. Elder Siani and his Caretakers require your service. (This action counts as 3 Actions. This action is mandatory.)
-[] The Archives of the Delving Heart also offer to connect disciples with tutors in their discipline for a cost. You will take advantage of the wisdom of your seniors.
--[] 7th Circle (3 Talents, Counts as 2 Actions, 1d3 training roll)
---[] How to ask someone out on a date.
-[] You've recently discovered the location of the Glorious Respite, or rather the Bathhouse as some of your seniors know it. You will head there and use it's refreshing springs to cleanse your mind of troubles. (Counts as Two Actions. Removes one box of mental stress. Up to two disciples may be invited on this trip, with a roll determining if they accept.)
--[] Ta Riou
-[] Mo Hanying has begun work on her grand competition and you are in charge of judging the charmcrafters. Six currently remain with one full week of work to go. They are currently all hard at work on their final projects. Perhaps you could drop in and visit one of the finalists to see what they are working on.
--[] Invite Ta Riou for a date during the Festival of the Tear-Drenched Moon.
@Surf Monkey , @Alectai - is there any particular reason you're not buying a couple of Grade 2 Wind Pills from Shouxi? We can get Plume integrated way faster than we otherwise can that way. Cloud's Breath just doesn't provide a lot of Wind anam, and it's gonna bottleneck our advancement.
[X] Plan working to Regalia with pig and Time Lord
-[] You are now a member of the Eighth Circle, and as such, your time is no longer your own. Elder Siani and his Caretakers require your service. (This action counts as 3 Actions. This action is mandatory.)
-[] The only true way to walk your path is to cycle the anam of the world. You will do so.
--[] The Steel Thicket
---[] Infusing Fractal View x4
-[] The only true way to walk your path is to cycle the anam of the world. You will do so.
--[] A Second of Eternity
---[] The Shattered Mirror
-[] You have recently begun searching for the Lord's Regalia, the crown jewels of the ancient Moloth people. If anything will have become a Natural Treasure of Royalty in the last several thousand years, it will be that. You have the location of the Jade Lord's Echo, a hall it was frequently used in. Perhaps you will find more clues there.
--[] Pursue forth the location of the Jade Lord's Echo, where the regalia was last seen and search for clues relating to the location of the regalia
---[] Seek out the pig with unusually strong spiritual senses and seek to bribe it with food from the freezer and bring it along in hopes of it perhaps finding further clues relating to the location of the regalia at the location of the cave.

Going with this plan. I really want regalia done so we cycle towards shadow of the prince on caretaker time and not have to buy wind pills. Just personal preference.

I want time powers, regalia, and FV done. and that's my plan to get some of the backlog of our backs.
[X] Plan: Backlog Intensifies Further

@Alectai any chance you could add offering mats to the pig in exchange for his help? We know it is interested in eating anam rich things. And we probably won't be crafting for a while after the axe. So just some smaller unused materials that it might find tasty. We can get better mats later in the shop or through hunting than some of our smallest mats.
@Surf Monkey , @Alectai - is there any particular reason you're not buying a couple of Grade 2 Wind Pills from Shouxi? We can get Plume integrated way faster than we otherwise can that way. Cloud's Breath just doesn't provide a lot of Wind anam, and it's gonna bottleneck our advancement.
We need 44 more Wind anam, so it'd be done in 7 weeks and CB will be with us if we're somehow sent out if the sect.

We need 100 more smoke anam, so the earliest we'd be able to integrate, would be in two weeks provided we nearly empty the wonder. We'd have to spend 3 actions each week and use three Grade 2 Wind Pills.

There's a middle ground there somewhere, but our overall advancement would still be gated behind integrating StM which we can't rush.

If there's any technique we should rush, if possible, it should be Shadow Prince for that extra con and all the benefits that'd bring. But that's likely to be bottlenecked by the Regalia. Maybe it's a 20 Anam Treasure though? That'd be nice.

Slow and steady seems to be the key words for integrating these techs.
We need 44 more Wind anam, so it'd be done in 7 weeks and CB will be with us if we're somehow sent out if the sect.

We need 100 more smoke anam, so the earliest we'd be able to integrate, would be in two weeks provided we nearly empty the wonder. We'd have to spend 3 actions each week and use three Grade 2 Wind Pills.

There's a middle ground there somewhere, but our overall advancement would still be gated behind integrating StM which we can't rush.

If there's any technique we should rush, if possible, it should be Shadow Prince for that extra con and all the benefits that'd bring. But that's likely to be bottlenecked by the Regalia. Maybe it's a 20 Anam Treasure though? That'd be nice.

Slow and steady seems to be the key words for integrating these techs.

We are allowed to use Caretaker actions to integrate Plume and Shadow of the Prince. That's where you get those three actions each week. There's no real point in using our free actions for that. I don't really consider that a worry.

Also, having Plume fully integrated means we'll have all the benefits of the technique available sooner rather than later. For combat. For use outside of combat. The integration benefits, which are likely to be really good since this technique is one that's already been advanced. There are also the benefits of extra DEX, which will up our Physical Talent to from 3 to 4. That will mean a higher anam capacity for our core, as well as making successes on rolls for physical talent easier to get.
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