[x] Let Hanyi perform with the current choreography. Make sure this Stream doesn't cause trouble personally. (100% Success, +1 Power Success, ??? consequences. Reduced Clergy Reputation.)
I trust Hanyi when she says she wasn't informed. Anyone seeing a live screwup is going to remember that more than they'll remember (or care) about "excuses" after the fact (if you could even explain to everyone in the audience...). First performance needs to not be botched and if we were to participate and botch it that'd be worse than Hanyi failing on her own. No time to investigate before showtime so go with what you've prepared and then patch in the background. To me a perfectly executed snub (~diva) gets more respect than a failed attempt to improvise because you were thrown off your game (~mousy child).
I trust Hanyi when she says she wasn't informed. Anyone seeing a live screwup is going to remember that more than they'll remember (or care) about "excuses" after the fact (if you could even explain to everyone in the audience...). First performance needs to not be botched and if we were to participate and botch it that'd be worse than Hanyi failing on her own. No time to investigate before showtime so go with what you've prepared and then patch in the background. To me a perfectly executed snub (~diva) gets more respect than a failed attempt to improvise because you were thrown off your game (~mousy child).