The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[X] No, you should not. You should avoid any appearance of impropriety.

As cool an idea as it is, it ventures too close to bribe territory for my comfort.
[X] A charm such as this can only be put to the test by the best. Find Zhuan Kun!

I don't understand the fear mongering going on here. Sure, there are risks involved with going to Zhuan- but there are risks involved with just taking the Charm as well. Ves has been clear multiple times that there will be no trap options, so we stand to gain something in either case.

But for me, this is the more interesting route to take this plot thread, and thus reinforce the stereotypes of Zhi taking simple decisions and going waaaaay of course with them! As well. I think it fits well with his 'make Charms at 120%' ideology and sorta-bumbling but earnest way of changing directions on straightforward ideas at the speed of light.

I say relax a little, and let the train go where it may, awkward sparring interruptions ahead!
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[X] A charm such as this can only be put to the test by the best. Find Zhuan Kun!

I would prefer Nokai over Zhuan, but this is fine.
[X] Yes, you may as well. You want everyone to be able to put forward their best effort in this competition.
Just going to point out that this is a write-in, not a option given by Ves.
And as such it does not qualify to "no trap options" and can theoretically backfire horribly.

I refuse to believe that given that

a) no previous write-in has ever backfired worse than any given option could have given rolls and such
b) punishing write-ins like this is a good way to end up with no write-ins and a disgruntled playerbase.

Ves is better than that. I never said there are no risks, only that they won't be that much worse than the pre-prepared responses. I.E. yes, it could backfire horribly, but so could taking the Charm. There is no 'best' answer here, so vote according to your own preferences- but don't try to frame alternate votes as objectively inferior in some way.

And when the votes are tallied, may the most interesting plot-thread win!
[X] Yes, you may as well. You want everyone to be able to put forward their best effort in this competition.
but don't try to frame alternate votes as objectively inferior in some way.
I'm not.
I'm just saying that they are not subject to "no trap options" clause.
I have voted for the write in myself and Ion't believe this one will backfire. I'm just pointing up that if we do decide to vote on really terrible write in, it will have terrible consequences.
Not really a fan of this tbh.

Y'all are the ones holding office hours. You're the judge. Not Mo Hanying or anyone else.

Mo Hanying would totally turn around and say that she has full confidence in KZ's judgement here. The choice should be entirely his.
And she would be smug about it, while closely considering his decision.

It's not about passing off the role of judge onto someone else, it's about setting the narrative before anyone else can. We want to say yes to accepting the charm, the problem is that if we do so then, no matter how honest our intent, we run the likely risk of others seeing this as a bribe.

If that happens who knows how the consequences will work out, it's not just the blow to Kong's reputation but it's also the fact that it would sully the reputation of both the whole competition and Mo Hanying in particular as the organizer. I really doubt that we want to be responsible for her getting a black mark on her record.

So instead what we need to do is get ourselves some insurance. If we're open about it and speak to others then it's a lot harder to say we were bribed. If the others say yes, we get the charm with little to no blowback, if they think the risk is too high and say no we avoid any consequences (including any that result from us having to judge the effect of the charm second hand rather than in person) and if they pass the decision back to us then when others accuse us of impropriety we can point out how we were completely open about it and gave others a chance to object. After all, if it was a bribe you wouldn't draw attention to it.
I'm not.
I'm just saying that they are not subject to "no trap options" clause.
I have voted for the write in myself and Ion't believe this one will backfire. I'm just pointing up that if we do decide to vote on really terrible write in, it will have terrible consequences.

I see.

Well, there is a difference between a write-in with risk and outright self sabotage (that rightly should be slapped down). I think we both agree that this isn't one of those write-ins, so under these parameters I don't think that 'could be a trap option' is really applicable here. Does that make more sense?
Fan Zhao has been skimming off as much as possible from this competition. Mo Hanying isn't going to accuse KZ of taking a bribe, without it being a totally tongue-in-cheek tease.
But this isn't about Mo Hanying. Mo Hanying is more than capable of managing her own reputation.
This is about what the inexplicable crowd turning up for the finals will think. There is a risk that they will see a training charm tuned to function for the competition judge, and they might later see that the judge has kept it. The rumour mill will grind. Such grindings will not include any mention of KZ consulting others about what to do.
Mo Hanying would totally use KZ asking this as an opportunity to test how KZ works as well.
I don't understand the fear mongering going on here. Sure, there are risks involved with going to Zhuan- but there are risks involved with just taking the Charm as well. Ves has been clear multiple times that there will be no trap options, so we stand to gain something in either case.
Ves has been clear that he does not present trap options, not that he will stop the players from making their own trap options which from my view the Zhuan Kun option is.
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Alright, I'm rested and have had some time to think. Personally, I still think we should take the free charm and hope it works well.

Now, as far as the Zhuan Kun option goes...
1. I don't think it will backfire horribly on us. There's not really much reason for it to.
2. I don't think it will provide many benefits to us, personally. I don't believe Zhuan Kun would take much note that we were the ones who referred Boli to him, unless we started sending lots of such good opportunities his way and it became a pattern. If we really want to get in good with Zhuan Kun, we are going to have to invest many actions into doing so. There is no easy path into his good graces, so you have to consider whether we're actually going to be willing to invest the time into that kind of thing when we barely have time for our existing friends and obligations.
3. It might be a good opportunity for Boli. If Zhuan Kun agrees to have the charm calibrated to him, and it works well, then he'd probably end up paying Boli to maintain it and maybe build more training charms. Zhuan Kun might also be able to ask questions about it that we can't due to said questions helping Boli, which could improve the final result. This might improve Boli's impression of us more than it otherwise would, though if that's worth a free charm or not who can say? And this of course depends on Boli's ability to actually make the charm work well.
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[X] A charm such as this can only be put to the test by the best. Find Zhuan Kun!

Zhuan Kun would be a great tester for this charm because of his ability to evaluate his opponents. He has assessed the combat ability of every member of the year, and his list seems to be accurate. If this charm makes a truly equal opponent, he is the best person who can verify this fact.

Also, some people are bringing up the fact that he might have seen something like this before. If he has, that makes him a better tester and does not take away from the charm's worth. In addition, I doubt something like this has been crafted by someone with as much experience as Boli. If his charm works, it show that he can make charms similar to crafters with years more experience. It would be a huge compliment to Boli.
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[X] Yes, you may as well. You want everyone to be able to put forward their best effort in this competition.

Perfect training aid for our physical techniques
Having a lot of friends in the care business, stuff Shouxi does in the hospital pretty much sums up the usual of what they have to go through. Boli though...

Anyways on the matter of the vote:

To those voting no because it gives....
1.)Sense of Bribery- honestly we're the sole judge and though its understandable people will think on us unfavorably, this only becomes true if we don't do our job as a judge. How can it be unfair when the charm being judged requires a specific target to work- and that's only from someone who Boli has set before hand prior to completing his charm. Can you say to Boli he's exploiting the system if said judge was called to test his charm?

Yes, but only becuase it is within bounds of this charmcrafter's competition. It will be on Kong Zhi's to judge the rest of the creations along with Boli's to come through as fair and honorable. Frankly, at this state its more biased towards the function part though. He'll need to refine on the form/facade of his creation at the moment. Impressive nontheless.

2.) Because Zhuan Kun is a stranger and probably on bad terms to Mo- there is no mention nor rumor (at least as far as I know) that the Zhuans are not in good terms with the Mos. Being a rival and having a slight against Zhuan Kun are two different conditions. We could actually be on the good graces of both Zhuan Kun and Mo Hanying if we play this right.

From all the rumors and from what our first interaction we have with Zhuan Kun, we know that aside from his duties, the man's obssessed with being the best in terms of beating the ever living heavens out of people. He's somewhat like us except that instead of crafting all he does is training. What better way to earn his good graces than having recommended him to a charm that requires his absolute best and even beyond! As the saying goes, you can't beat your enemy if you can't beat yourself at the game.

As for Mo Hanying, she's here for the fame and support of the local charmcrafters. She's probably inspired from her own bad luck with the defective Jin charm. What's one more happy noble gracing her event? The message and prestige she'll get from even having a Zhuan there would do wonders to her already high social prestige and massively counterbalance whatever the Geng has in store for her. With Zhi as a judge it takes no brains to figure said advantages will also flow down to include us.


[X] A charm such as this can only be put to the test by the best. Find Zhuan Kun!

Also the calibrations will not work once we use the Fractal View charm. The alterations to our form will invalidate the previous work that Boli put into it.

As Boli said

"Wait, you said the charm must be tailored. If I serve as the calibrating force for it, can you then reset it for another?"

Boli Guozao pauses for a moment. "Um, no?" he answers after a second's thought. Then he repeats himself more calmly. "No, I do not think I will be able to. I cannot un-carve the runes, after all."

Unless we pester him to edit his charm afterwards (can this be done?/terribly inefficient use of our time), make a new one or Kong Zhi maintaining his form/scrap the Fractal View, this charm is ultimately not for Zhi.

Tempering/using another crafter's charm would also be heressy for Zhi...
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