[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.

Our taijutsu governs our throwing weapons and mixing kicks in with our swordplay should open up a lot more options in combat. Physical contact, governed by taijutsu, is also currently necessary for chakra drain and placing seals.

[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.

Super move is super move.

[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.

I'm open to swapping this one for something else, but leveling sealing first should make working with the chakra armor easier and our current final hurricane seal seems to have enough chakra capacity for now, whereas we've had issues with the uptime for the lightning blood seal.
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[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.

Best to go ahead and get this up and running.

[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.

Yes please.

[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.

Yes please.

These two are pretty much our bread and butter, Lightning Blood especially should be improved whenever we get the chance.

Konoha R&D should be entirely capable of handling the chakra armor themselves- though it would be neat to try to work it in to our own chakra armor, so I could probably be argued around to dropping Talon for it.

I have pretty much zero interest in Taijutsu training for reasons that have been expanded upon at length many times. Mostly boils down to 'our dedicated melee skill is Kenjutsu instead'. Throwing weapons are... also just not terribly important, I think. Not for Hisana, anyways. Its also only 10 points off from B-rank, so its pretty easy to get there outside of a dedicated training action.
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You are mistaken.

Sage Mode is supposed to be instant if you've mastered it.
The first ninja sage Hashirama was instant. Jiraiya was explicitly stated to be using an imperfect version; when the Toad Elders were summoned at his fight with Pain, they exchange words to that effect IIRC. Naruto also was using an imperfect variant.

Staying still is supposed to be for training.
Not for someone who's actually mastered the technique.
Note that the Toad Elders were not still during Jiraiya's Pain fight; they talked, they made comment, they cast ninjutsu and genjutsu.
Your the one that is mistaken. Hashirama can instantly go into Sage mode because he's good enough to draw in crazy huge amounts of natural energy in a very short time but he still has to be perfectly still to do so. A Sage can increase the amount of natural energy they can gather in a given amount of time with practice, but they can't go against the fundamental rule to be still.

This was mentioned several times during Naruto's training, it's the reason all sages come up with a work around for combat. No one, not even Hashirama, can break that rule.

As for the toads, yeah, and when they weren't talking or using jutsu, they were being still. Like, this isn't rocket science here, to gather natural energy you have to be still, when you are moving you are stuck using only the amount(great or small) of natural energy that you previously gathered. Unless you have a workaround that lets you gather and fight at the same time.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.

[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.

[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.

BSVT is supposed to be Hisana's Rasengan/Chidori equvilant but right now it struggles to be useful outside fairly desperate situations. Fixing that should give a fairly major boost.

Hisana burns Chakra like water. While she didn't run out during Snow, like during the Konoha Crush, it did limit her a couple times. More Chakra means more everything.

I know Taijutsu isn't our specialty and we could probably get this up via omakes or the like. However Hisana's Taijutsu is notably lagging behind the rest of her skills. This was noted as an issue in the recent mission where we couldn't use Yoroi's Chakra Draining Technique because in high level combat Hisana just didn't have the skill to land a touch attack on the enemy.

For the other options; Chakra Armor has weakpoints that can be exploited lethally as seen with Hinata exploding that ninja. We also have three layers of defense: speed to dodge, chakra shields to block/parry, and explosive reactive armor as a last line of defense. As cool as it is I think Chakra Armor is most suitable for helping lower tier ninja remain relevant at higher tiers rather then for boosting high tier ninja.

Lighting Blood Seal is absolutely tempting given the benefits our last action spent working on it gave. For reference that was what let it go from a one off use to multiple times per battle. Still my vote already has us working on sealing with FHS and I don't like doubling down like that.
[] Wind Release: Chakra Shroud. This A-ranked ninjutsu allows the user to cover themselves in wind natured chakra to massively reduce wind resistance when moving at high speeds. This is merely the first use of such types of jutsu - others may be developed.
Yeah. I didn't believe me either switching.
gotta go fast.
edit woops that voting thing is for a new postlol. be right back.
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So we're just assuming that the Uchiha kept no medical records anywhere? That sounds extremely unlikely. Medical records aren't the kind of thing you keep through oral tradition.

I guess the Uchiha being the Uchiha technically could given the photographic memory of the Sharingan, but its still a really bad idea the presents failure points that don't need to be there.
Sasuke being oblivious to it tells us nothing- he might well have just not looked, given the circumstances.

And also that any of this will ever be relevant- so long as we don't fuck up enough for mangy eyes it shouldn't even matter, unless you're saying we should make Iryojutsu one of our primary skills just to save Itachi.

Kakashi shouldn't be a worry, I think? It doesn't seem like a pressing issue and apparently he solves it just fine in canon.

I'm just not seeing a compelling reason for Hisana, personally, to be the one who needs to fix this.
1) It's the Uchiha.

The people who thought the only place to keep a hard copy of information regarding the Mangekyo Sharingan besides oral tradition was a stone tablet that was left in an open area accessible to anyone who could walk in and alter the thing. Who did not leave any medical records on Sharingan activation conditions for Sasuke to read, meaning the first time he got the Talk was when he met Tobirama's zombie.

We already know they dont commit important information to paper.

2) All this is already relevant.
We are walking around with murder eyes of plot hax, and there are two three four factions interested in them, counting Orochimaru, Akatsuki/Black Zetsu and both transmigrants.

3) Kakashi was still collapsing due to Sharingan use in Shippuden.
Threat levels are not obliged to only ramp up as slow as they did in canon.
I'm announcing a bounty of 10 extra xp for an omake consisting of Hisana's entry in another nation's bingo book, and/or reactions to said entry, as you have now hit A-rank notoriety. Trait choice for that will be in the next update.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
Who did not leave any medical records on Sharingan activation conditions for Sasuke to read

This is the second time you've made this assertion. I don't suppose you have any actual proof of it?

The fact that Sasuke didn't read any doesn't mean there were none to read.

I don't see what medical skills have to do with a bunch of people wanting our eyes. That seems like a problem more easily solved with stabbing.

Kakashi has been dealing with that for over a decade, he can continue to do so.
[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.

[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.

I'd like to take some sealing practice, but Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon is almost done, we should start researching Chakra Armour as soon as possible since it is the kind of thing that will keep losses down for at least some time and I just want the comedy of Gai and Lee training.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.
Because Reverse engineering tech is always fun
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
Because Signature Super move is of vital importance

But most importantly...

[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.

[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.
Oh! Shiny!

[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.

We do need a finisher.

[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.

The weakness in this seal (limited duration) has been called out during a very public video. Let's fix it before someone competent takes advantage of it.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
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[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.
OK can someone do the omake @Tekomandor has put out?:

I'm announcing a bounty of 10 extra xp for an omake consisting of Hisana's entry in another nation's bingo book, and/or reactions to said entry, as you have now hit A-rank notoriety. Trait choice for that will be in the next update.

Cause I'm not in the right headspace for this one. And I haven't done an omake in this thread before.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.

[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.

[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
If you add in her sub-stats that drops down to 92.8pts
Are you counting her capped sub-stats (Exploding Seals, for instance)? Those will definitely and unavoidably drag her averages down if you include them. I'd ignore any capped stat which makes the averaging worse.
Edit: I get 96 as the average, with the tweak I suggested. Not a big difference, but still notable - and likely to get more-so with time.
If I had to choose order of progression?
I don't think you can improve a sub-stat above the base stat.

Thanks, @Tekomandor , for the chapter!!!
help the Land fo Fire
He was here for Naruto,"
Should be period instead of comma.
Should be "ordered," I think.
Needs a period.
Should be period instead of comma.
might find something,"
Should be period instead of comma.
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[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.

[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.

[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
Huh. That was quite a bit less yelling than I'd anticipated.

[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.

Better durability. Not getting hit as a main defense only goes so far, and if we can incorporate the chakra-absorption component that should help our stamina.

[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.

We've finally got a sword for it. We're also very close to leveling our ninjutsu.

[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.

As I said, unarmed techniques are part of swordfighting just as much as armed ones. Plus, better grappling equals more opportunities to drain Chakra to further extend our stamina, and training with those two should also boost our base speed. Third, we're very close to ranking up our taijutsu stats. Lastly, our currently known Taijutsu styles are pretty bad - total multipliers of 3 and 3.5, compared to multipliers of 4.5 and 4.75 of our kenjutsu styles. It'd be very good if could a better one.

And yes, I regret not taking the two direct seal actions, too. But we've already put so much work into them, missing one opportunity to won't be a critical issue. Besides, studying a different style should be the best way we have of improving our sealing knowledge, which will feed back into our seals in the future.
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