[x] Adamantine Sealing Harpoon. This manifestation of her bloodline allows Karin great piercing power with her sealing chains.

[x] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.

I adore this story. Glad to see it back.
This is a blast from the past.
Welcome back @Tekomandor
What techniques did your teammates master before setting out on this voyage?
[x] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.
[x] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.

Karin is an Uzumaki, which means enhanced vitality, AND a healer.
Which means she is going to take reduced damage from the Gates tree of techniques, and recover faster to boot.
Besides, her Adamantine Chains already give her a medium range option for attack and restraint; she doesnt need a piercing option.

Hinata needs a ranged option to complement her close range prowess.
[X] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.
[X] Water Release: Water Clone. Hinata has mastered this jutsu, allowing her to summon several clones capable of using Jyuken strikes.
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What a happy surprise it was to see this again! Don't worry about taking too long, this is a hobby, not a job with deadlines (even if sometimes they are useful but very stressing).

Still, voting time:


[x] Adamantine Sealing Harpoon. This manifestation of her bloodline allows Karin great piercing power with her sealing chains.

[x] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.

While Inner Gate Opening is nice and would help Karin a lot, I think damage variety is very important, so I think some "GET OVER HERE!" for Karin would be useful.

For Hinata, while clone with Jyuken is nice, I think she needs some longer distance attacks.
[X] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.
[X] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.

The gates synergize really well with Karin's build and Hinata desperately needs a ranged option.
[x] Adamantine Sealing Harpoon. This manifestation of her bloodline allows Karin great piercing power with her sealing chains.

[x] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.
[X] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.
[X] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.
[X] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.
[X] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.
[x] Adamantine Sealing Harpoon. This manifestation of her bloodline allows Karin great piercing power with her sealing chains.

[x] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.
[X] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.
[X] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.
What the Heck!! I must be Precognitive ,
I just remembered this today and looked it up to start re-reading it and a few hours later it's been updated!
I think Inner gates is better to learn in a safer environment where it wouldn't have the chance to tire someone out before a death match. While the chains are more relevant to the situation at hand.

With you know the chakra armor being a bitch to get through.

Uzamaki or not, inner gates can be very harsh on the body and is mainly an all or nothing kinda thing. And the first gate wouldn't be that useful in this situation. It's just a secondary emergency boost basically.

3+ gates is when things get real.

Though it's not totally useless, otherwise there wouldn't be a point to the vote. I just think improving what's already there would be better than getting something new in the middle of the mission.
[x] Adamantine Sealing Harpoon. This manifestation of her bloodline allows Karin great piercing power with her sealing chains.

[x] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.

More piercing damage, and a ranged attack that will (Going by the wording) only improve? I wonder if we could get Hinata to learn chakra strings, and then try to combine the techniques. Long range Jyuken whips.
[X] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.
[X] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.
[x] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.
[x] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.

Woohoo. Welcome back. Looking forward to more shenanigans.
[X] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.
[X] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.
[X] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.
[x] Water Release: Water Clone. Hinata has mastered this jutsu, allowing her to summon several clones capable of using Jyuken strikes.

I'm gonna go against the general trend of the thread and vote Water Clone for Hinata. Any kind of solid clone technique is a massive force multiplier, and opens up all sorts of misdirection based strategies.
[x] Adamantine Sealing Harpoon. This manifestation of her bloodline allows Karin great piercing power with her sealing chains.
[x] Water Release: Water Clone. Hinata has mastered this jutsu, allowing her to summon several clones capable of using Jyuken strikes.

The clones would be more immediately useful I think considering that the gentle spear is only a slight extension right now.
[X] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.
[x] Water Release: Water Clone. Hinata has mastered this jutsu, allowing her to summon several clones capable of using Jyuken strikes.
[X] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.

[X] Water Release: Water Clone. Hinata has mastered this jutsu, allowing her to summon several clones capable of using Jyuken strikes.
Another high quality chapter. The imagery of Hisana fighting in mid air in this newer, grittier, cqc oriented style was a treat, and emphasised the fact that she has fully assimilated the warrior mindset. Plus, it's great to see her take charge and be blatantly valued for it; She has talent as a leader and it's nice to see it be put to work and rewarded. As a team, each member is visibly filling a unique role and cementing it as a group that's extremely effective and deadly to face.

As for the vote, Karin has the arsenal required for the gates to truly shine, and hinata has the precision necessary for the spear to become a lethal tool. Seeing Karin as a fast moving murder blender and hinata as a scary knife wielding assassin is imagery that I can't bear to miss out on.

[X] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.
[X] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.
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[x] Inner Gates Opening. This technique allows a ninja to unlock the body's natural limiters, allowing great power at a cost. Karin can now open the first gate.
[x] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.
[x] Adamantine Sealing Harpoon. This manifestation of her bloodline allows Karin great piercing power with her sealing chains.

Karin isn't a heavy cqc fighter so the gates doesn't help much here.

[x] Jyuken: Gentle Spear. This unique technique allows the user to project jyuken strikes a small distance from their hands, at its current level.

As much as having clones would be useful, being able to land a semi invisible blow when the enemy thinks they escape the hit is too useful