A good a chance as any other to improve the general acceptance of our less savory industries.-[X] A fair where people can show off their inventions, both magical and mundane, with prizes being awarded by a jury. (engineering and enchanting, housed on the plaza around the Red Scales Holding compound)
--[X] The Imperial Armed Forces will have a small presence here, showing off the impressive exterior designs for the new cannon battery towers and recruiting people.
--[X] Also have one of the fleshcrafters have a small exhibit here, where people can see what fleshcrafting and necroplasty entail, including having a Black Knight whose armor can be opened to see what is beneath.
-[X] An art fair, similar to the invention fair, with the artists having the chance to auction off their pieces at the end. (various arts, housed in SD's town hall)
--[X] Encourage Elaheh (not that she will need much) to have her own exhibit there to foster more acceptance for fleshcrafting.
Would this also be a good time to invite brewmasters and vintners from around the realm to showcase their skills and crafts?Made two additions:
A good a chance as any other to improve the general acceptance of our less savory industries.
That's what the trade fair is for.Would this also be a good time to invite brewmasters and vintners from around the realm to showcase their skills and crafts?
Speaking of someone who lived in a place where yearly music festivals happened, you'd be surprised how much an area can cope...[X] Azel
This all sounds good, but I'm afraid of what could happen if we concentrate too many bards in one place.
"battle of the bands" takes on a whole new meaning when the artists can literally spit fire on each other, and our orphanages might not be able to handle the baby boom they'll leave in their wake.![]()
[X] Azel
Heh, might as well make our own version of Olympics too at some point! Just an excuse for people to run around half-naked and show off their bodies doing various physical feats for fun while also showing off.![]()
The Olympics were supposedly there to provide and outlet to the competitive nature of the city states involved so the wouldn't go to war with each other (which didn't really work obviously) but the impetus behind that wouldn't exist with the Valyrians and other city states since they viewed the rest of Essos as clients, and those outlying them as barbarians.Hmm, interesting thought. I do not think there would be an expy for the Olimpics in this world, since those were a religious celebration and our local Classical Greek equivalents were the Valyrians whose religion was less about sports and more about dragons.
The Imperial Games.[X] Azel
Heh, might as well make our own version of Olympics too at some point! Just an excuse for people to run around half-naked and show off their bodies doing various physical feats for fun while also showing off.![]()
I do like the Dance of Dragons, though in hindsight simply promoting the most talented new stars seems like a more sensible option than daring them to slaughter the old guard.And if it came to competing and having an outlet for frustrations / slaking the ambitious upstarts, there was a competition explicitly about murder-death-killing your way to the top already, so the Valyrians only cared about people not killing each other the rest of the year, not the one day where grudges could be settled or new blood could slay their way into the fold.
I do like the Dance of Dragons, though in hindsight simply promoting the most talented new stars seems like a more sensible option than daring them to slaughter the old guard.
Integrate the young talents into one of the Forty Families, rather than let them cast down a family and raise a new one?Keep in mind that there could only ever be the Forty, so if you did not kill the old guard what would then happen to them? They would just scheme year round to get their seat back.
That would require modelling them after the way Roman dynasties worked though instead of going by medieval dynasties where only blood mattered. And western fantasy is utterly obsessed with bloodlines.Integrate the young talents into one of the Forty Families, rather than let them cast down a family and raise a new one?
That would lead to inner-family intrigues, but better that brothers murder each other than entire extended families.
Ah, but in this case the blood does in fact still matter a lot, because fantasy.That would require modelling them after the way Roman dynasties worked though instead of going by medieval dynasties where only blood mattered. And western fantasy is utterly obsessed with bloodlines.