To Live is to Suffer
[X] Goldfish
I was about to start making cheese puns, but I don't need that kind of bad karma on my soul.[X] Goldfish
Capture the hanging on MirrorVision, and as we hang the murderer, tell him "Say cheese."
We should hire this guy...Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.
Holy shit, that's an unusual murder weapon... 🤯
Flesh clone obviously! It's not hard to fake a man's death with our resources people, that kind of creativity should be rewarded!He is sadly too dead to take the offer... or will be soon in any case.
Ah, thanks for pointing that out. I've updated my plan then to have us provide a subsidy this time, but kept the part about involving the local Lords and possibly penalizing them if they don't help their small folk adjust.It should be noted that the winning vote will not be you speaking to every single lord and convincing them with your super charisma. You are going to get push-back from telling them they can't collect local taxes. For many of them particularly the poorer nobles those taxes are their main source of income.
[] Send the Steel Devils we have in our service to arrest the man, and deliver a clear message to the Vale
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.Minds of Steel
Twenty-First Day of the Seventh Month 294 AC
The decision to treat the latest outrage in the Vale by opening the realm's purse strings was not welcomed in the councils of His Majesty's Inquisition. Most loyal and quiet of all the Imperator's hands they may have been, but loyalty does not strip one of opinion.
Thus, it was a fact generally understood, though little spoken, especially among those inquisitors who had the misfortune of being assigned to the sister Duchies of Verdant Vales or Runestone, that the land might be better served with fewer priests and sacks of gold to salve the ills of the world and instead have the wound sutured cleanly, or even purified with a touch of flame. This the Legions had done in the face of brigandage in what had once been called the Disputed Lands, though they deserved the name no longer. The work of swords and judge's gavels, not kind words and sacks of gold had shown itself in the end.
Still, for good or for ill there were not so many inquisitors in the Vale as would be rebels might fear, though far more than might be hoped. Far more of the men and women, wearing the silver pin of book and sword could be found in the former beating heart of the realm, at King's Landing and in the west, in the newly renamed Greyport, their ears peeled for both the remains of old loyalties and worse, far worse, the touch of the sea and the things that crawled from the dark waters.
In that war they had a new tool, a strange tool and which perhaps no human hand free of the unseen threads of the Far Realm had ever wielded, the power of the mind unfettered through weaving of flesh and mutterings of cast off minds.
It was not an easy feat, even for the most dedicated, most strong-willed, or broad-minded to pass the tests that guarded this power. From a hundred aspirants, exceptional in knowing the possibility existed they had been whittled down to a dozen who had undergone the flesh-change and found themselves before the fearsome master of flesh, living and dead, one who it was whispered was both less and more than a man. After their first meeting there had been no more whispers, and in the stillness another eight potential candidates thought the better of lingering in Gogossos. No one questioned their reasons for leaving, nor their oaths to the throne, it was not that sort of assignment.
Twelve there were who left the southern shores by means hidden and arcane and of those twelve a full quarter found their way to Greyport, and grey it was under its blanket of rain churning down from storm clouds that had broken upon the height of the Rock that loomed over the city as ever it had done, uncaring it seemed to men and their banners.
Bring Imperial Law Greyport: 35 (Success)
"Looks peaceful enough," the eldest of the trio, a man with a long curling mustache and a head of grey said. "I doubt the fellows in grey need us here to untangle the nets."
At that the youngest of the three, at first glance a fresh faced boy with dark hair and sea green eyes that would not look the least out of place on the narrow bridge of Pyke, rolled his eyes with an air of exasperation. "Why are you talking in code? Can't you hear their minds droning on and on about the minutia of their lives. No one is listening in..."
"No one that we know of," the older man groused. "Listen here and listen good, boy. We've got a weapon no one in this city can match... no one who's on our side at least. To the enemy we aren't experts, we aren't masters of our own minds and bearers of secrets the Companions themselves fought and bled for. We are children fumbling in the dark, and if you don't think that's the case then why don't you go back to Gogossos an say that to Wisdom Qyburn's face." Seeming his companion blanch, he added with malice and aforethought. "Don't worry, I'll wait, I'm sure it'll be..."
"How is that any more useful?" The third of the travelers spoke the question with an air of quiet authority, almost of serenity, you might say, though of all of them she wore the least impressive guise. The widow's weeds almost seemed to melt into the shadows of the harbor, though not because the black was crisp and new, quite the opposite. She had the guise of the sort of widow who used grief to disguise for a time financial embarrassment and given the the higher classes of Greyport had most certainly suffered more than the lower, she certainly did not make for an not an unusual sight. "We all have much to learn yet, but we are not going to learn that either by being so brash as to run into peril, nor so cautious as to never reach out our hands in its direction..."
Judging from the silence, her companions did not take her admonishment too well, though they were at least briefly united in throwing dark looks towards her.
What sort of psions did the inquisition produce?
Choose Three (Information on the Disciplines here):
[] Seer (Clairsentience)
[] Shaper (Metacreativity)
[] Kineticist (Psychokinesis)
[] Egoist (Psychometabolism)
[] Nomad (Psychoportation)
[] Telepath (Telepathy)
OOC: I thought about giving you access to other classes, but at the end of the day it has been too little time to justify, especially with how few teachers you have. Also a chance to show inquisition investigators who are not all chums, they were selected for other criteria than personal comparability and that was made worse by having to deal with some very intense teaching. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.
Oh, so we're getting full on psionic classes? That's cool. I wasn't sure if it would be templates or classes.
Vote asks for three choices. I think the Clairvoyant and the Kineticist would be the next best two choices, personally. One for intelligence, one for battle.Of the various Disciplines, Telepathy seems like it would be the most generally useful for the Inquisition.
[X] Telepath (Telepathy)