Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Shan Yu isn't stupid. He wouldn't want to try and control/conquer a new region when the line of supply and chain of command can be so easily cut from his main holdings.
He might, however, perform the old routine of sending off generals that are dangerous to him... questionable loyalty or too much ambition mixed with either too much or a deficit of competence... off somewhere to waste their energy. That part is almost tradition.

And remember that the Mongols were known for fielding whole units of native Chinese forces before they even finished conquering China. The bulk of their consolidation will be paid for with Chinese lives. (It will probably be two generations before they rebrand themselves as a Yuan Dynasty analogue but that didn't really slow anyone down)

Still, you are probably correct that we have a handful of years or more. Its something on the horizon and not paramount for today.
As a fan of crack ships, I'd support it. Though Jasmine is likely to be what garners the most support for romance, and I don't exactly disagree.
She is a good match for many practical reasons in addition to RP ones. I was mostly arguing for if the courtship falls through for reasons outside of our control... which probably has a coinflip's chance of happening. The woman and her father have half of the middle east gunning for their heads for various reasons.
Turn 3
Tensions are high throughout the kingdom. The Mongols are practically at the gates now, and they must be dealt with before someone does something unfortunate and sparks a conflict. The rumors and news you've been hearing has also been disconcerting and ominous. So far finding William, Aladdin's continued romantic interactions with Jasmine, and the contact made with Xiang-Wu are the biggest bright spots.


City Funds: 28,000
City income per turn: 8,500 (Medicines, plants, rare animals, pelts and dyes, increased trade from housing expansion)
Current Upkeep costs: 0

- [][Martial] Let's Get Down to Business
Have Ahmed mobilize your forces and prepare to meet the incoming tribesmen in battle. Better to make a strong showing now and force their leadership to the negotiation table. Mutually exclusive with "A Hun in the Hand".
DC: 45
Cost: 2000 Gold

- [][Martial] Have the hunters look for warbeasts specifically
The menagerie is impressive. The War Beasts inside of it even more so, but after seeing Genie Aladdin knows that as impressive as an armor-clad rhinoceros is, there are tougher and more dangerous things out there. See if the hunters of Ababwa can find some to add to the War Stable.
DC: 70/80/90/100
Cost: 1000 gold

- [][Martial] Create a cadre of swordsmen
While archers and cavalry fighters are great for combat outside of cities, having soldiers specifically trained for fighting in more cramped quarters may come in handy. Order the creation of a platoon of soldiers to focus on their swordsmanship over their archery.
DC: 60
Cost: 1500 gold

- [][Martial] Cat's in the Cradle
This talk of Leopard Men coming from the south-west is disturbing. Perhaps it would be a good idea to train up a cadre of soldiers specializing in night-fighting and stealthy combat. If nothing else they would be a useful surprise against enemies thinking your men could only operate at their peak during the day.
DC: 65
Cost: 2,000 gold, 500 Gold upkeep for their specialized training facilities needed.

- [][Martial] Send a Scouting Party (East/West/North/South) to probe defenses.
--[] Write-in direction
Sometimes the best way to take out an enemy is to strike before they do. Send out a scouting party to see what the defenses of hostile territories in that direction are like.
DC: 35/50/65/90
Cost: 1000 gold

- [][Stewardship] (Prospect for new resources)
Genie set up Ababwa to be in an ideal spot, but just because the city is tapping into local resources doesn't mean that it's using all of the local resources available to their fullest potential. Have some people scout for untapped resources in the principality and protectorates.
DC: 65
Cost: 1500 gold

- [][Stewardship] Expand trade district
The trade district for Ababwa is decently sized, but there's room to expand, and the new room may also draw in new merchants looking to get in on this lucrative market. (Increase in income by 500 gold per turn)
DC: 15
Cost: 2000 gold

- [][Stewardship] Expand housing district
No one in Ababwa goes without a roof over their heads, that's one thing Genie made very sure of. But there are always people coming into the city; and some of them might wish to stay. Expand the housing district to make sure that there's room for all. (Allows for additional population within Ababwa; gain +500 in income per turn from increased trade and taxes)
DC: 15
Cost: 2500 gold

- [][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Agrabah independent of any marriage.
Even if things between the Princess and Aladdin fall through, Agrabah would be an important trading partner to have. Send some diplomats to set up a trade agreement independent of any marriage that may or may not occur. Improves income by 1000 gold per turn.
DC: 35
Cost: 2500 Gold

- [][Stewardship] Feeling Salty
The discovery of the salt lake is a great opportunity. Have your people set up a brine pools to begin harvesting the salt. But watch out for the strange white crabs that make their home in the lake. They seem to be rather adept at disguising themselves as rounded stones. Gain +3,000 Gold income per turn.
Cost: 2,500 gold, upkeep cost 1,000 Gold per turn

- [][Stewardship] Friends in Deed
Your envoys have returned with a prospective trade agreement from the independent kingdom of Xiang-Wu. Affirming this contract will take time and effort as your people go over it and haggle back and forth to turn it from a potential trade agreement into a contract between their kingdom and Ababwa. Improves income by 1,500 per turn.
DC: 45
Cost: 1,000 Gold

- [][Diplomacy]A Hun in the Hand
With the incoming Mongolian tribesmen, it would behoove you to extend out diplomatic feelers as quickly as you can. It's possible that you could head off what might potentially become your first bout of pitched combat and warfare. See if you can get them talking and keep everyone's blades in their sheaths. Mutually exclusive with "Let's Get Down to Business".
DC: 40
Cost: 1500 Gold

-[][Diplomacy] If you Give a Parrot a Job...
Iago's position right now in Agrabah seems to be uncertain. Send an official royal job offer to act as an interpreter not only for those humans whose languages Iago can speak, but to allow communication to animals as well.
DC: 55
Cost: 2,000 Gold

- [][Diplomacy] Establish a diplomatic embassy in Agrabah
Agrabah is a meeting point for many of the trade routes on the African continent; and as such not only does it receive a panoply of trade goods, it also collects information from the rest of Africa. Having a diplomatic office there means that not only will that information reach Ababwa faster, but your diplomats will be able to jump on opportunities as they arrive.
DC: 25
Cost: 1500 Gold

- [][Diplomacy] Send Envoys to the (East/West/North/South)
--[] East: According to the maps you have the Hunnic States and the Silk Road lie in that direction. A good chance for profit! And to perhaps head off raids.
--[] West: going in the opposite direction puts diplomats on the road to Agrabah, and beyond that, Egypt and Maldonia!
--[] North: Northwards lies the Turks, and across the Meditteranean is another land that could make for great trading partners!
--[] South: Headed southwards on the other hand takes the diplomats to the sea, and from there it's either engage the services of a ship, or follow the coast to the south-west, plunging into the heart of the African continent.
Sometimes the outstretched hand is the better leadoff than the clenched fist. See if you can make diplomatic connections with any of your neighbors that you don't have already.
DC: 35/50/65/90
Cost: 1000 gold

- [][Diplomacy] Attempt to bring in nearby satraps as protectorates
Friends help friends, but sometimes a friend needs more help than you can give them as a friend. But if they joined you as a vassal they'd probably be able to get the help they needed. Attempts to convince the leadership of a friendly satrap to join as a protectorate under Ababwa's banner. Sets up a trade office, a diplomatic outpost, inserts spies and scouts the place for any resources that they may not have realized. Gains variable income, resources and possibly Hero characters.
DC: 80
Cost: 5000 Gold

- [][Intrigue] Get the lay of the local underworld
Crime is going to exist wherever there are people. It's inevitable. A Prince will want to make sure that they have a good grasp of what's happening in the shadows. Chance of Hero units, unlocks rumor mill.
DC: 1/90
Cost: 1500 Gold

- [][Intrigue] Not a Stool Pigeon
Iago's experience as Jafar's right hand means that he's seen quite a lot of the underworld in action. Getting access to those contacts would give Haroud a major leg up, and allow Iago to keep a wing in on the darker side of politics.
DC: 130
Cost: 3,000 Gold

- [][Intrigue] Cast your net out further, begin expanding your intelligence network
There are far more things going on than any one kingdom could keep track of. But the Spymaster is doing their best. Gain more information about what's happening in the wider world, and possibly pick up rumors that could lead to opportunities.
DC: Variable
Cost: 2000 Gold

- [][Intrigue] Send spies to Agrabah to discreetly keep an eye on things
The Sultan and the Princess both seem determined to get things in Agrabah back on track, but it never hurts to have someone watching their backs, right? Send a few discreet agents to keep an eye on things and to report back if trouble is brewing.
DC: 55
Cost: 1500 Gold

- [][Intrigue] Plotting a Course
This talk of pirates is intriguing. Have Haroud send out his men to investigate the rumors of these corsairs and see how much is truth and how much is grog-induced fiction. Chance to make contact with one of the pirate crews.
DC: 80/130
Cost: 2000 Gold

- [][Learning]Assign Chiron to assist a Hero
--[]Which Hero?

- [][Learning] Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
Considering this is a magical kingdom literally wished into existence, you wouldn't put it past Genie to put some sort of fantastically intelligent individuals into it. See if anyone has put together any interesting bits and bobs, and made something convenient out of it (Invention roll, random chance)
DC: Variable
Cost: 0 Gold

- [][Learning] What's up Docs?
The doctors and scholars of the University are hailed as some of the best and brightest. Maybe see what they're working on as side projects? (Unlocks new Learning actions)
DC: 20/30/70/90
Cost: 0

- [][Learning] Over Hill and Dale
All Aladdin can recall is the streets of Agrabah and the desert around it. If needing to adventure through terrain he's unused to, he'd be at a distinct disadvantage. Study up and do a few practice hikes at the edges of the Great Forest to allow him to acclimate to other terrains. Mitigates maluses that may crop up while adventuring in forested or rural terrain.
DC: 40
Cost: 1500 Gold

-[][Learning] When you wish upon a Star
According to Chiron, ever since the Great Disturbance, the stars themselves don't even look right. He wants to request a royal commission to remap the stars and create new star charts for navigation and charting the seasons. Perhaps that will help explain why the African Savannahs seem to be drying out unnaturally fast as if beset by a great Dry Season.
DC: 80
Cost: 4,000

- [][Occult] Golden Afternoon
The Mage has requested the construction of a specialized form of building that can assist in the growing of plants no matter the weather, calling it a Green House. This structure will allow his acolytes to plant and grow a number of potent herbs and other reagents that are of use in the creation of magic potions and enchanted items.
DC: 60
Cost: 15,000 Gold, Upkeep Cost of 3,000 per turn afterwards

- [][Occult] Now you See Me
The example provided by Leah and Cabe of the potion of invisibility had left quite the impression. Even if they were short-lived they could make for a powerful tool in the hands of your army's scouts... or the agents of Haroud's network. Commission as large a batch of the potions to be made as possible. Reduces DCs for scouting and intelligence gathering actions.
DC: 75
Cost: 6,000 Gold, Upkeep cost of 2,500 Gold per turn to keep the potions stocked up.

- [][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
Scour the University library for any magical references. Even if there are no magicians or sorcerors in the kingdom, there may be references to them, or to artifacts of power that can be used for the good of the kingdom in the University library. Scour the shelves and try to find anything. May lead to relics, heroes or adventures.
DC: 65
Cost: 0 Gold

- [][Occult] Hidden Hollows and Gilded Glens
Find out if there are any local legends about magical creatures or beings.Even if Ababwa was spun up out of whole cloth, Genie wasn't one to just lay out everything in the open. No, he'd seed little surprises into the mix to keep things interesting. Such as integrating magical creatures or beings into the kingdom in some manner. See if there's any hint to them to be found.
DC: 60
Cost: 2000 Gold

- [][Personal] Bow Flex
Train with the bow. Aladdin feels at once familiar with a bow and like he's never really handled one in his life. Take some time to work on his archery skills and see how good he really is. Gain +1 Martial. Chance of gaining a trait.
DC: 1/95

- [][Personal] Visit Jasmine
While Jasmine wants to take things slow and do courtship by letter and correspondence, a bit of spontaneity is good for a relationship, right? Drop in on Carpet with a couple of Aladdin's personal guards. She may or may not be happy to see him though... Can affect relationship with Jasmine.
DC: 1

- [][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
Better to stick to how Jasmine wished to conduct things. Pen her a letter, tell her about Ababwa and what's been happening. Barring any state secrets of course... Can affect relationship with Jasmine.
DC: 1

- [][Personal] Cram Time
Study at the University. Aladdin's not dumb, but he never exactly got the chance for a real education. Time to remedy that! Gain +1 Learning. Chance of gaining a trait.
DC: 1/95

- [][Personal] Life's a Zoo
Visit the Menagerie (pick out a mount and/or just stress relief). The Menagerie is a great place to relax and watch the animals just live their lives. Though since Abu is no longer an elephant, Aladdin may need a new animal as a mount for when he can't take Carpet. See what animals the Menagerie has to offer that can be trained as mounts.
DC: 60

- [][Personal] A Cover is not the Book
Look into knowledge pertaining to People - You've a cheap sort of charm to you, but that's not going to cut it forever, especially now that you're in the big leagues. Try and figure out how to talk in high society, maybe the Sultan or Jasmine can help? Gain +1 Diplomacy. Chance of gaining a trait.
DC: 15/95

-[][Personal] Get to know a Hero better
This may give you greater insights into their past, provide clues in how to help them with their personal goals, and increase their personal loyalty to Aladdin.
--[] Write-in which Hero
DC: Variable

- [][Will Personal] Drop the Hammer
William has only recently set up his smithy but already is producing blades of fine quality. Work on commissions in order to spread his name.
Stewardship DC: 60

- [][Will Personal] Off the edge of the Map
William is determined to find his lady love, Elizabeth Swann. He is poring through the maps that are available to find out where he is in relation to where he was, just to have a reference point on how to start looking.
Learning DC: 70

- [][Will Personal] Tangled Tongue
William needs to learn the local language not only to get around by himself without needing an interpreter, but to allow him to start his research in-depth on how to track down his missing beau.
Learning DC: 80

- [][Will Personal] A Strong Back
Will is more than happy to assist his newfound friends with their tasks, though his communication skills aren't quite up to snuff. Will assists in a National task, communication trait procs.
--[] Write in which task

Available Heroes:
William Turner*

*William Turner currently suffers from communication issues. Will affect his performance in the field.

-[][On a Wing and a Prayer] Aladdin has found a reference to the legendary birds known as Rocs, and that there was once a nesting site in the mountains of what used to be Persia. Dispatch a team of heroes to investigate and try to retrieve any remaining feathers that may have been left in the nest; or any other treasures to be found there. Maximum of 4 heroes to a team
--[] Write-in which Hero
--[] Write-in which Hero
--[] Write-in which Hero
--[] Write-in which Hero

No equipment to be distributed.

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If we take both the Hun border options, do they support or sabotage each other?
Plan Makers, please keep track of the money. Some of the per turn costs are too expensive.

QM, can you include the economy stuff for Ababwa, like you did in turn 1 and turn 2?
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Sweet! Can't wait to put in a plan! In the meantime, here's a proposed plan. @TempestK, can Will be assigned to help with National Actions yet?

[] Plan: Catch My Breath
- [][Martial] Create a cadre of swordsmen
While archers and cavalry fighters are great for combat outside of cities, having soldiers specifically trained for fighting in more cramped quarters may come in handy. Order the creation of a platoon of soldiers to focus on their swordsmanship over their archery.
DC: 60 (+25 Aladdin and Ahmed bonuses)
Cost: 1500 gold
Let's patch a weakness in our military. If possible, I'd put Will on helping train swordsmen, but as it stands, he will do well enough just making swords for them.
- [][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Agrabah independent of any marriage.
Even if things between the Princess and Aladdin fall through, Agrabah would be an important trading partner to have. Send some diplomats to set up a trade agreement independent of any marriage that may or may not occur. Improves income by 1000 gold per turn.
DC: 35 (+26 Sinbad and Aladdin bonuses)
Cost: 2500 Gold
We need to boost our income, and this will hopefully improve our relationship with Agrabah at the same time.
- [][Diplomacy]A Hun in the Hand
With the incoming Mongolian tribesmen, it would behoove you to extend out diplomatic feelers as quickly as you can. It's possible that you could head off what might potentially become your first bout of pitched combat and warfare. See if you can get them talking and keep everyone's blades in their sheaths. Mutually exclusive with "Let's Get Down to Business".
DC: 40 (+42 Diplomacy, possible -20 DC if Scherezade's trait kicks in.)
Cost: 1500 Gold
I want to deal with this peacefully if possible; if not, then we have new soldiers to teach them the error of their ways.
- [][Intrigue] Get the lay of the local underworld
Crime is going to exist wherever there are people. It's inevitable. A Prince will want to make sure that they have a good grasp of what's happening in the shadows. Chance of Hero units, unlocks rumor mill.
DC: 1/90 (+47 Haroud and Aladdin bonuses, possibly +67 if Haroud's trait activates.)
Cost: 1500 Gold
Fix the home front first, then expand outwards. Strong core, then strong arms.
- [][Learning]Assign Chiron to assist a Hero
--[]Will Turner
Will needs help, and this is the best way to offset his language problem. (+70 Chiron bonus, should stack with Will's +17 Learning for +87 altogether)
- [][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
Scour the University library for any magical references. Even if there are no magicians or sorcerors in the kingdom, there may be references to them, or to artifacts of power that can be used for the good of the kingdom in the University library. Scour the shelves and try to find anything. May lead to relics, heroes or adventures.
DC: 65 (+42 Aladdin and Mage bonuses)
Cost: 0 Gold
Doesn't cost anything, and could be useful.
- [][Personal] Visit Jasmine
While Jasmine wants to take things slow and do courtship by letter and correspondence, a bit of spontaneity is good for a relationship, right? Drop in on Carpet with a couple of Aladdin's personal guards. She may or may not be happy to see him though... Can affect relationship with Jasmine.
DC: 1

- [][Personal] A Cover is not the Book
Look into knowledge pertaining to People - You've a cheap sort of charm to you, but that's not going to cut it forever, especially now that you're in the big leagues. Try and figure out how to talk in high society, maybe the Sultan or Jasmine can help? Gain +1 Diplomacy. Chance of gaining a trait.
DC: 15/95
Hoping that going to Agrabah for the trading treaty will synchronize well with Aladdin's personals.
- [][Will Personal] Tangled Tongue
William needs to learn the local language not only to get around by himself without needing an interpreter, but to allow him to start his research in-depth on how to track down his missing beau.
Learning DC: 80
Should synchronize well with making a cadre of swordsmen (Edit: replaced with Will's language action to offset his language problem ASAP)

Total cost: 7000 gold.
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I'm thinking of taking the Diplo action for the huns, but on the other hand, using the martial action opens up diplomacy to get Iago...

Steward is Friend in Deed.

Intrigue... Lay of the underworld, probably.

Learning... What's up Docs?

Occult... I kind of want to go for HH&GG

Personal... think Jasmine would understand if we miss a correspondence because of the huns at the door?

Have Will Drop the Hammer for a sword. Do we (Aladdin) know how to use a sword?
Is there no Option for Will to learn Arabic?
What are you talking about! It's always been there! See! *sweats nervously*
Have Will Drop the Hammer for a sword. Do we (Aladdin) know how to use a sword?
Aladdin does know how to use a sword, though his "style" is mostly self-taught. Not an issue at the moment due to Ababwa preferring mounted archers.
@TempestK, can Will be assigned to help with National Actions yet?
Yes, he can, editing that in now too. I will note that his Communications issue trait also procs for national actions he assists with as they can get quite involved.
my tentative turn plans, while voting may not yet be an option, are as follows:

Martial: cats in the cradle. The Leopards are probably not an imminent threat, but a stealth platoon could be of great use for ore intrigue-based actions, and I expect Aladdin would have a better head for commando-type actions than pitched battle
Stewardship: Friends in Deed. Low DC and cost, high return on investment, and likely brings us closer to a potential ally
Diplomacy: A Hun in the Hand. There are a few I want to do but let's be honest, none are as time-sensitive as this.
Intrigue: Get the Lay of the Local Underworld.
Learning: Tinker, Tailor, Engineer
Occult: Hidden Hollows and Gilded Glens
Aladdin: Bow Flex, Life's a Zoo
Will: Drop the Hammer

I'd love to hear any disagreement or other ideas!
I'd love to hear any disagreement or other ideas!
All right then. :D

Martial, I would like to try the Swordsman cadre first. Apart from the scouting expedition, it's the lowest Martial DC option we have and doesn't come with an upkeep cost. I'd prefer to do both with Will's help, but he need to fix his language barrier first before he can become fully operational.
Stewardship: Good one, but Agrabah is lower DC. I'd be happy if this won though, and I fully intend to do Friends in Deed next turn if Agrabah wins this turn.
Diplomacy: Agreed, time-sensitive and critical.
Intrigue: Also agreed, fix the home front before reaching out. Would be great if we could unlock an Intrigue hero on par with Will's martial expertise.
Learning: I'd rather put Chiron on helping Will learn Arabic, but this is a good action too.
Occult: A good option.
Aladdin: Was hoping that Visiting Jasmine and the Diplo learning action would synchronize, since we'll be in Agrabah already to negotiate the trade deal, but these are good options as well.
Will: I'd rather put him on learning Arabic for now, help him get settled in before expanding his other ventures.

All in all, not entirely what I would have suggested, but a good alternative.

Have Will Drop the Hammer for a sword. Do we (Aladdin) know how to use a sword?
In the movies, Aladdin showed decent proficiency with both sword and dagger, but I'm not sure how he'd do in an actual swordfight as opposed to fighting a giant snake. (Knife comes out at 36 seconds)
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Right then, initial thoughts:
[] Plan to meet the huns
-[][Martial] Create a cadre of swordsmen

-[][Stewardship] Friends in Deed
- [][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Agrabah independent of any marriage.

-[][Diplomacy]A Hun in the Hand

-[][Intrigue] Get the lay of the local underworld
-[][Intrigue] Send spies to Agrabah to discreetly keep an eye on things

-[][Learning] Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
-[][Learning]Assign Chiron to assist a Hero
-[][Occult] Hidden Hollows and Gilded Glens
-[][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
-[][Personal] Get to know a Hero better
-[][Will Personal] Tangled Tongue

Total cost: 5500 (7000)
Income change: 1500 (1000)

The commandos are useful but now that we have a good blacksmith, might as well get some swordmen to help protect our archers etc.
The Agrabah deal would net us brownie points (and has a lower DC) but costs more and doesn't improve income as much. But if the Agrabah action is chosen, I'd have Aladdin visit personally as part of it.
For the Mongolians, there are enough of them I don't want to throw down and our diplo donuses are better than martial. Heck Storyteller Supreme (-20 to our opponents rolls) might even activate here.
Intrigue I'm torn. On one hand, shoring up the hom front is important but something seems to be happening in Agrabah.
I picked TTE since Chiron is busy helping William learn the language.
Occult, let's see if we have any shinies in the neighborhood.
Aladdin meets the new hero and then either writes to Jasmine or visits.
William needs to learn the language in order to effectively search for clues.
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Voting is open!

[X] Plan: Catch My Breath
- [X][Martial] Create a cadre of swordsmen
While archers and cavalry fighters are great for combat outside of cities, having soldiers specifically trained for fighting in more cramped quarters may come in handy. Order the creation of a platoon of soldiers to focus on their swordsmanship over their archery.
DC: 60 (+25 Aladdin and Ahmed bonuses)
Cost: 1500 gold
Let's patch a weakness in our military. If possible, I'd put Will on helping train swordsmen, but as it stands, he will do well enough just making swords for them.
- [X][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Agrabah independent of any marriage.
Even if things between the Princess and Aladdin fall through, Agrabah would be an important trading partner to have. Send some diplomats to set up a trade agreement independent of any marriage that may or may not occur. Improves income by 1000 gold per turn.
DC: 35 (+26 Sinbad and Aladdin bonuses)
Cost: 2500 Gold
We need to boost our income, and this will hopefully improve our relationship with Agrabah at the same time.
- [X][Diplomacy]A Hun in the Hand
With the incoming Mongolian tribesmen, it would behoove you to extend out diplomatic feelers as quickly as you can. It's possible that you could head off what might potentially become your first bout of pitched combat and warfare. See if you can get them talking and keep everyone's blades in their sheaths. Mutually exclusive with "Let's Get Down to Business".
DC: 40 (+42 Diplomacy, possible -20 DC if Scherezade's trait kicks in.)
Cost: 1500 Gold
I want to deal with this peacefully if possible; if not, then we have new soldiers to teach them the error of their ways.
- [X][Intrigue] Get the lay of the local underworld
Crime is going to exist wherever there are people. It's inevitable. A Prince will want to make sure that they have a good grasp of what's happening in the shadows. Chance of Hero units, unlocks rumor mill.
DC: 1/90 (+47 Haroud and Aladdin bonuses, possibly +67 if Haroud's trait activates.)
Cost: 1500 Gold
Fix the home front first, then expand outwards. Strong core, then strong arms.
- [X][Learning] What's up Docs?
The doctors and scholars of the University are hailed as some of the best and brightest. Maybe see what they're working on as side projects? (Unlocks new Learning actions)
DC: 20/30/70/90 (+10 Aladdin bonus)
Cost: 0
- [X][Learning]Assign Chiron to assist a Hero
--[X]Will Turner
Will needs help, and this is the best way to offset his language problem. (+70 Chiron bonus, should stack with Will's +17 Learning for +87 altogether)
- [X][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
Scour the University library for any magical references. Even if there are no magicians or sorcerors in the kingdom, there may be references to them, or to artifacts of power that can be used for the good of the kingdom in the University library. Scour the shelves and try to find anything. May lead to relics, heroes or adventures.
DC: 65 (+42 Aladdin and Mage bonuses)
Cost: 0 Gold
Doesn't cost anything, and could be useful.
- [X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
Better to stick to how Jasmine wished to conduct things. Pen her a letter, tell her about Ababwa and what's been happening. Barring any state secrets of course... Can affect relationship with Jasmine.
DC: 1
-[X][Personal] Get to know a Hero better
- [X][Will Personal] Tangled Tongue
William needs to learn the local language not only to get around by himself without needing an interpreter, but to allow him to start his research in-depth on how to track down his missing beau.
Learning DC: 80
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[X] Plan: Catch My Breath

I'd honestly prefer to do Friend in Deed, but this is mostly what I'm looking for.
Regarding Will, I suspect we have a questline here that will end in reuniting him with Elizabeth. And if we do well enough, we might even be able to recruit and keep the both of them as heroes! That would be great. And imagine if we snagged Jack or Norrington as well!
You know, not only the bouncing hidden makes me think the Mage is the gummi bears. The thing the mage wants is a greenhouse. While they do have direct magic, lots of their things comes from having access to gummi berry juice. The greenhouse is likely to get access to that bush.