@TalonofAnathrax, my bug problem with the Fey is that I expect him to be disruptive in the way he handles things. Either by offending people due to ignoring them or by overenginering stuff to the point it causes problems elsewhere.
[X] Shad Ibm Mal

I mean, it's not like the other 2 candidates can't work with the guy. Plus there are spells and items for translations of language.
@TalonofAnathrax, my bug problem with the Fey is that I expect him to be disruptive in the way he handles things. Either by offending people due to ignoring them or by overenginering stuff to the point it causes problems elsewhere.
That is probably a valid concern. And as I wrote out my concerns, you had me rethinking who's the worst choice.
Removed my vote for now, and I'll wait for DP's answer to see if I vote for the Fey or not.
Is it better to be rude because you dislike politics, or to make mistakes because you're a stranger to the society in question? Well the first one is less of an issue if you delegate a lot, and the second one is less of an issue in the medium term as he learns how various Imperial societies work.
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Heck, by all measures, the PoF is the closest we have in the Inner Planes, since it is similarly divided in solid continents and islands divided by shippable liquid.
He is from the PoE though, from the Vault.
They have Azers there too, propably quite a few that have never seen their plane of elemental origin.

[X] Nineteen of Three Hundred
Okay, I'm sold on the Fey again then. We can solve that sort of issue later, as long as the actual built stuff is built right. And I sort of want to see what kind of marvels a creative, Mythic builder can pull off...
[X] Nineteen of Three Hundred


And this after a giant bandwagon got rolling...
I just ran a tally, it's 13 to 9 right now. Not exactly a bandwagon just yet.
Okay, I'm sold on the Fey again then. We can solve that sort of issue later, as long as the actual built stuff is built right. And I sort of want to see what kind of marvels a creative, Mythic builder can pull off...
[X] Nineteen of Three Hundred

I just ran a tally, it's 13 to 9 right now. Not exactly a bandwagon just yet.
With an average total of votes between 10 and 20 that this quest has, the die is pretty much cast.

Also, you are ignoring that he will constantly have to interface with other Ministries for upkeep, funding, requirement gathering and so on and so forth. This will go badly in short order.

Ministerial posts are not for fickle artists.
Okay, no. Mythic Rank or no we can't have a minister who gets bored of working with other ministers.
What was it that Crake said? "Government should be boring?" Well of course it should! It's the government. If you're not bored by your coworkers they aren't doing their jobs!
[X] Shad Ibm Mal

i say we keep nineteen of three hundred in mind for when we need to build our next mega thing. like if we want to build a big fort/bridge/undrground layer or something
What was it that Crake said? "Government should be boring?" Well of course it should! It's the government. If you're not bored by your coworkers they aren't doing their jobs!
I'm a bit less sanguine about one of the ministers who needs to interface with others the most being bored by that. Public Works is a service ministry working largely for the others, so this is going to screw us.
i have to agree. Nineteen of Threehundred would be great as a project lead os some of our big projects but not as the minister of public works
i have to agree. Nineteen of Threehundred would be great as a project lead os some of our big projects but not as the minister of public works
For that he would be nice, but the ministry simply isn't concerned solely with big prestige projects.

We need to build roads and fill potholes over two continents.
We need to build public housing for a few million people.
We need to get rid of the waste of those few million people.
We need to build tens of thousands of offices, schools, orphanages, guard stations and so on and so forth.

None of this is very interesting, but it's the bread and butter of the job. And it all requires heavy interaction with other ministries.
yeah like i said good project lead bad minister
So keep him on retainer for designing and building megaprojects? Good news is doing those likely gives more Mythic XP than just doing general public works but at a slower rate since we don't do them that often.
[X] Nineteen of Three Hundred

So right now I'm curious, out of the two best ones, Shad and Fey. Which one is going to be better? Both could use assistants to shore up their deficiencies, but which one would objectively be better on their own?
[X] Nineteen of Three Hundred

So right now I'm curious, out of the two best ones, Shad and Fey. Which one is going to be better? Both could use assistants to shore up their deficiencies, but which one would objectively be better on their own?
Shad, becouse he can comminacate well with the other ministers which nineteen isn't great at that